Abortion At Home

Defund the World Health Organization Now.

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/20/2022

There is a law called the Helms Amendment that was first passed in 1961 which does not allow foreign aid to fund abortions or to fund any organization directing people to get abortions. For fiscal year 2022 that passage read:

“That none of the funds made available under this Act may be used to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions:    “Provided further, That nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to alter any existing statutory prohibitions against abortion under section 104 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961” (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 Division K, Title III Section 8).   What this law is referencing is foreign aid.  The WHO is one of the foreign aid recipients of funds through USAID, which is forbidden to donate this money.  The US Department of State is not permitted to give money to organizations promoting abortive services either.    Similar US laws exist which also prohibits aid going to foreign entities which promote or perform abortions and/or forced sterilizations.  These include the Peace Corps, the Biden Amendment, Siljander Amendment, DeConcini Amendment, an Additional Provision on Involuntary Sterilization and Abortion, Kemp Kastin Amendment, Livingston Amendment, and the Tiahart Amendment.    Patrick Leahy’s Amendment defined the term ‘motivate.’  Leahy’s Amendment reads:    “[F]or purposes of this or any other Act authorizing or appropriating funds for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs, the term ‘‘motivate,’’ as it relates to family planning assistance, shall not be construed to prohibit the provision, consistent with local law, of information or counseling about all pregnancy options." 
The way Leahy, a friend of baby murderers, defined ‘motivate’ is a violation of the Helm’s Amendment. The Helms Amendment is extremely clear and Leahy’s interpretation of it is murderous, stupid, unneeded, and violates the intent of the Helms Amendment completely, making Leahy’s Amendment null and void as well.    The WHO published a press release on June 14, 2022, titled Introducing telemedicine medical abortion in Germany.  Within that release, a similar project was revealed, “In 2020, the United Kingdom introduced telemedicine medical abortion, enabling women to terminate pregnancies in the comfort of their homes.”  Germany, seeing the ‘success’ of the UK program, implemented their own project called Schwangerschaftsabbruch-zuhause.  Translated, this means Abortion at home.  The focus of the article is on a Berlin ‘family-planning’ center named BALANCE.  

“At BALANCE in Berlin, 56% of those seeking advice on medical abortion opted for the telemedicine service, 83% indicated that they would opt for it again, and 93.5% said that they would like the service to continue beyond the pandemic.

While the project was originally intended to address access challenges posed by the pandemic, it soon became clear that the demand for telemedicine services reflects a general shortage of abortion care in the country. 

The demand for services remains higher than the current capacity of the project. ‘Currently the project can cover 5 women per week. However, we estimate that 500 women require support every week. Additional funding and support from the Ministry of Health can help us address this gap in provision and increase capacity to deliver these much-needed services,’ explains Dr Jana Maeffert, who led the project alongside 3 other colleagues.”

The conclusion to the WHO press release reads:   “WHO/Europe has been supporting countries across the Region to mitigate the disruption of maternal and child health services. As part of a larger project that includes 20 countries globally, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has supported WHO’s work in Romania and Tajikistan, facilitating the exchange of experience between them and between other countries in the Region, including on telemedicine medical abortion in Germany. WHO/Europe is looking forward to presenting more country experiences and examples of quality care and telemedicine soon.”  Who, in conjunction with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are funding foreign abortions with US dollars.  That’s illegal.  And it’s more than enough evidence of why the WHO needs to be completely defunded.  It’s even more disgusting when one considers that the four leaders of the Abortion at home project, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and WHO, plan on expanding their home-based baby murdering project from about 260 children a year to about 26,000 children a year.    Yesterday I wrote about how to stop these baby-murdering freaks.  Defunding the WHO is a no-brainer as a step towards ending abortions.  

Red Flag Gun Laws


Ending Abortion