Red Flag Gun Bill

Red-Flags, Juvenile Records, and the Rest of the Dumpster Fire

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/22/2022

The Senators responsible for writing the pile of garbage bill to disarm America also includes a host of other issues riding on the back of gun reform (I’ll cover the gun control as well).


The first section expands Medicaid’s involvement with monitoring mental health through grants to states.

The second section is about expanding Medicaid. Bill Gates and the WHO should be proud, there are clauses to provide expanded telemedicine services to Medicaid recipients including inside of schools.

Section three describes the expansion of mental health services in schools, especially through Medicaid. $8 million is allotted for creating a ‘technical assistance center.’ In addition to that, there is $50 million available to help expand Medicaid within schools as long as it is not used to “provide medical assistance, child health assistance, or other health services.”

The fourth section delves into mental health surveillance through Medicaid, particularly in school settings.

The final section deals with pediatric mental health services. It allows for developmental-behavioral pediatricians to be eligible for ‘awards’ from the federal government. This section also places an emphasis on telehealth services. It also allocates $31 million a year from 2023-2027 to be awarded to the human intelligence collectors formerly known as doctors. That is an increase of $22 million a year over the current allotments for grants, which this section sets out to define as awards.


The first section permits the current universal background check system, called NICS, to access the juvenile records, including juvenile mental health records, of any one younger than 21 trying to purchase a firearm. It seems to also allow the federal government to impose a 3-day-waiting-period upon anyone under 21. The bill makes it very clear that it is very simple to end up being restricted but difficult to have the restrictions removed.

The second section would add a brand new definition of who a terrorist is into federal law that every single Congress member should vote against. It permits for politically motivated violence to be treated in two different ways, depending upon whether the attack is on, for example, a birth center (no terrorism charges) or a Planned Parenthood (terrorism charges):

“(22) The term ‘to predominantly earn a profit’ means that the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining pecuniary gain, as opposed to other intents, such as improving or liquidating a personal firearms collection: Provided, That proof of profit shall not be required as to a person who engages in the regular and repetitive purchase and disposition of firearms for criminal purposes or terrorism. For purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘terrorism’ means activity, directed against United States persons, which—

“(A) is committed by an individual who is not a national or permanent resident alien of the United States;

“(B) involves violent acts or acts dangerous to human life which would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States; and

“(C) is intended—

‘‘(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

“(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion or

‘‘(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping.”

The next section extends federal monies to State civil cases. Taking these monies would implement in each State, mental health courts, drug courts, veterans courts, and extreme risk-protection order programs. These ‘extreme risk-protection orders’ are commonly referred to as red-flag gun laws. In this draft of the proposal to the Senate, it states that they are trying to seize guns, violating the 2nd, and 4th Amendments. At the same time the bill states that the Bill of Rights shall be preserved. It also notes, specifically, that the 5th and 14th Amendment needs to be adhered to. The caveat is that the would-be law relies upon State courts, federal courts, and the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Bill of Rights, 5th Amendment, and 14th Amendment, but none of them can read what has been written. Even better, is the caveat that the government will not spend any monies on representing the soon-to-be firearm-dispossessed, meaning that council may not actually be provided – a clear violation of the 2nd, 4th, and 6th Amendments. These clauses also violate the 8th Amendment, the 9th Amendment, and the 10th Amendment. This bill shreds the Bill of Rights, serves to appease the United Nations, and offers no protections to gun owners, especially those who lack the funds to privately hire council, in the United States.

The fourth section deals with ‘straw purchases’ and will give the seller of a firearm, given to another person who commits acts of terrorism, drug trafficking, or felony, up to 25 in prison. Those recipients who do not commit those acts will find the giver of that weapon receiving up to 15 years in prison.

The Senate’s bill is also planning on taking any assets derived from an owner of a firearm ‘illegally’ procured. Employers and potential employers would be permitted to run firearm possession background checks. It allows for gun dealers to be privy to stolen gun records. The bill also restricts civil cases from being levied against the individuals operating as an “importer, manufacturer, or dealer of firearms.” Note, this does not protect the business entity. The bill then tosses an additional $4 million to the murderers at the ATF to combat straw purchases.

Truly laughable is the following:

k) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section, or an amendment made by this section, shall be construed to allow the establishment of a Federal system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or dispositions.

Hey, republicans! What is NICS! Stupid lying bastards don’t think we should see through that clause? We have already been put into a national gun register, idiots. The US government already knows the name and address at the time of purchase of every gunner owner, idiots. Hey, John Cornyn, don’t get used to sitting in your seat, you are hated. And you should be hated, you are a disgrace for even trying to pacify the US populace by getting this clause admitted into the bill.

The fifth section ends the ‘boyfriend loophole’ by revoking the 2nd Amendment to all persons convicted of misdemeanors of domestic assault charges for 5 years. The document goes on to state that that there is no restoration of rights for a “current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim, a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, a person who is cohabitating or who has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian, or a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim.”

The matter of the bill then shifts to TITLE III—OTHER MATTERS.

The first subtitle allows for kickbacks for prescription drugs.

The second allows for $5 million in additional funds to flow into Medicaid.

The third subsection, third section, creates a clearinghouse (abolish it) for school safety (which will undoubtedly result in schools being less safe), which will force ‘expert,’ ‘evidence-based’ opinions to be taken as actionable fact by the Department of Education (abolish it), Department of Homeland Security (abolish it), and Department of Health and Human Services (abolish that, too).

The fourth section of subtitle 3 allows the clearinghouse created in the prior section to review the grants that they have made.

The fifth section of Subtitle C prohibits any alteration of federally mandated curriculum by the States. The federal curriculum includes critical theory, critical race theory, gender dysphoria, evolution theory, transhumanism, humanism, or, basically, the extinction of the US population.

Subtitle D—Amendment on ESEA Funding”

ESEA means Elementary and Secondary Education. To the prohibitions listed in 20 U.S.C 7906, which this bill would add to, is any ability to gain whatever the United States government considers a dangerous weapon. The prohibitions in 20 U.S.C 7906 already include distributing sexually explicit material, encouraging any sexual activity, teaching sex-education and/or HIV-prevention without also teaching abstinence, and passing out contraceptives in schools. All of the already established prohibitions have been breached. The schools will invariably teach their young, indoctrinated, Marxists to carry and use weapons to eliminate those who disagree with them. It will be no different than the pedophilic teachers teaching their class about alternative lifestyles and the sexual encounters involved in those lifestyles, the sexually explicit books available at some of these children’s library’s, teachers deciding to skip the abstinence lessons in sex-ed, and passing out condoms and birth control. This plan will actually encourage the trained Marxists to obtain weapons at a very young age and go into their communities and enforce their ideology.

Meanwhile, normal citizens who said “Joe Biden is a travesty,” will have their weapons stripped away, through red-flag gun laws. Are you following me yet?

The last portion of this bill is under Division II, Appropriations. NICS gets $100 million in additional appropriations. The Officer of Justice Programs will get $1.4 billion to send to state and local law enforcement agencies to implement this bill. Community-oriented policing services will be divvying up $100 million depending upon their willingness to adhere to the STOP School Violence Act of 2018.

Title II describes an $800 million allotment to the Department of Health and Human Services for health surveillance. The Public Health and Social Services Fund is slated to get an additional $190 million to train those participating in pediatric services how to get money by declaring toddlers mentally unfit. A billion bucks is being given to mental health services provided in schools.

Over $3 billion will be spent on this gun regulation/confiscation bill. That alone should cause pause and apprehension in every member of Congress, as well as the House. But it won’t. The gun-grabbing and restricting measures in this bill will overwhelm their sensibilities and their oaths to the Constitution. All because of their ‘feelings’ about ‘atrocities.’ 70 million murdered children and you won’t hear a peep from the people trying to take our firearms without due process – they will turn around and demand post-trimester abortions. Yes, you read that right – live babies out of the womb being murdered.

This dumpster fire bill will get passed. Mark my words. It’s always about politics and getting votes for the scumbags who represent us, with very few exceptions; it’s never about the Constitution, the oath they took, or the people they represent.

Two things can change this – massive pressure upon the elected leader and voting. Step one is to call, e-mail, and hand-write letters to these representative to demand they vote against this. Step two is to encourage everyone you know to follow suit. Step three is to just vote the Constitutionally-challenged dumpster fires out of office and support candidates who will relentlessly pursue nullifying this dumpster-fire legislation.

And, do it today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


FDA War on Supplements


Red Flag Gun Laws