FDA War on Supplements

FDA (Forcing Death on All) – the War on Supplements

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/23/2022

Every single person at the FDA who helped to approve any COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ needs to be put on trial for murder and summarily executed if they are found guilty in a fair proceeding. The jackwagons who work at the FDA who have kept baby formula plants closed should also be tried for fraud and abuse of government offices and thrown in prison for 20 years per offense if they are found guilty.

The entire FDA has consistently come out and stated that COVID-19 ‘vaccinations’ are, indeed vaccines (which they are not), they are safe (they most certainly are not), they are effective (again, a swing and a miss), and have approved them for use at 6 months old and up. When infant corpses start stacking up because of the FDA’s murderous campaign, they very well may have to skip the whole due process part of my suggestion because mobs don’t operate on due process – they operate on collective rage.

The FDA is also the same organization which has determined RU-486 (mifeprex) as safe and effective. The drug is used to terminate pregnancies, what I call murdering children. And the drug is not even safe for the murderous mothers who kill their babies.

Instead of justice being done in the world, however; the FDA is waging a war on dietary supplements. That war is summed up in a webpage called ‘Supplement Your Knowledge.’ I have yet to see any actual endorsement of supplements, even though the FDA mentions that supplements may assist overall health. Every time they mention it; however, they strongly caution against using supplements. They frequently state that people thinking about using supplements should always consult a doctor first.

For instance, the FDA’s ‘Understanding Dietary Supplements’ online flyer includes sections about what dietary supplements are, how are dietary supplements regulated, how are dietary supplements labeled, what the benefits of supplementation is, risks of supplementation, how to report adverse reactions to supplements, and how to be informed as a consumer.

The FDA flyer defines dietary supplements as “products that are ingested and are intended to add to or “supplement” the diet.” Then they list some common supplements. No problems so far.

The next section is where the problem sets in. The FDA is not permitted to regulate supplements as anything other than a special category of food. Their FDA’s main problem with this fact is “FDA does not have the authority to approve dietary supplements or their labeling before they are sold to the public.” Thank God for that – we will look into why in a bit.

Labels on dietary products must include a “Supplement Facts label that lists the serving size, the number of servings per container, each dietary ingredient in the product, and the amount of certain ingredients per serving,” as well as identifying the product as a supplement.

The fourth section regards the benefits of taking supplements:

“Dietary supplements can help you improve or maintain your overall health, and some supplements can also help you meet your daily requirements of essential nutrients. For example, calcium and vitamin D can help build strong bones. Even though dietary supplements can be beneficial, they should not take the place of the variety of foods that are important for a healthy diet.”

The fifth section discusses the risks of taking supplements. The main causes of problems with supplements are listed as taking too much, combining supplements, using supplements with any medication, and substituting supplements for medications. The possible outcomes listed by the FDA resulting from taking supplements are “rash, fatigue, severe and persistent vomiting or diarrhea, difficulty urinating, severe joint and muscle pain, chest pain, or stroke.”

Inside of a colored box, used for emphasis in the flyer, is the way to report supplements which cause adverse events to the FDA.

And here is the best part in order for consumers to be informed the FDA stated:

“Read product labels, be cautious, and always talk to your healthcare professional—doctor, nurse, registered dietitian, or pharmacist— before purchasing or taking any dietary supplement. They can help you decide which supplements, if any, might be right for you.” [emphasis theirs]

If I decide I want some extra energy, I can eat an orange or take some vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) or I can take a vitamin C tablet, or I can eat an orange. I will never start calling a doctor to ask if it is okay for me to eat an orange. The same goes for anything I decide to eat. And the same goes for any supplement I decide to take. I’ll decide if it right for me to take, the FDA can leave supplements alone – they are in the business of taking kickbacks to rubber-stamp pharmaceutical products and actually green-lit the entire introduction of GMO and nanotech microplastics into our food supply. The FDA is in the business of death and pretending to be in the business of health.

I take an iodine supplement daily. According to the NIH, the daily intake for iodine is 150 micrograms. A healthy adult has between 15 and 20 milligrams of iodine in their system. Iodine assists in proper hormone production and helps regulate the thyroid. The NIH also notes:

“Iodine deficiency has multiple adverse effects on growth and development, and is the most common cause of preventable intellectual disability in the world. Iodine deficiency disorders result from inadequate thyroid hormone production secondary to insufficient iodine. During pregnancy and early infancy, iodine deficiency can cause irreversible effects.” [emphasis mine]

I take iodine because I rarely eat bread or fish products and while I do drink and eat dairy products, I do not eat nearly enough of them to constitute 150 micrograms a day. I also take it because it can reverse the calcification of the pineal gland. A lot of bread is produced using bromide and iodine supplements replace bromide in the body as well. Iodine can also help prevent radiation poisoning and the world in which we live is saturated with different radiation sources including radioactive particles and 5G and 6G waves.

I also take a selenium supplement. I take this supplement to help regulate my thyroid and because I, again, do not eat all that much seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, breads, cereals, or other products. According to the NIH, I need 55 micrograms of selenium daily.

Also, among my supplement regime, I take krill oil. I’m supposed to be getting 1.1 grams of Omega-3s fatty acids according to the NIH. The krill oil I take also contains Omega-6 fatty acids. Again, I do not consume all that much fish. These acids promote the health of many different systems within my body.

I also take several other supplements. My supplement regime constitutes what the FDA would consider taking too much and combining supplements. And I really don’t care what the FDA has to tell me about it. As a matter of fact, I care so little about the FDA’s recommendations that the number of times I have ever consulted a doctor before taking any supplement is zero. I have a profound mistrust of doctors and the medical system they ascribe to for anything outside of trauma. I increasingly have issues with trusting doctors at all because trauma patients keep ending up as COVID patients. But I absolutely detest the FDA.

I used to keep a supply of colloidal silver on hand for ingestion and for topical applications, as well as an ingredient in my toothpaste. I bought my colloidal silver from Infowars. They no longer sell any colloidal silver product because the FDA claimed Infowars made claims about what colloidal silver does. Ingesting colloidal silver can come with problems. What it does is sterilize things. It is claimed that colloidal silver is an antimicrobial. Of course, the NIH ‘tested’ the idea by conducting an in house experiment with apparently no peer review to find that colloidal silver provides no antimicrobial effects. How would that Neo-nazi scumbag Fauci get kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies if the best antibiotic turned out to be colloidal silver? He wouldn’t have. Thus the FDA ends the colloidal silver businesses of anyone making the claim because Fauci wants to get rich at the expense of the health of everyone.

Now, this next part is a disclaimer of sorts – I would never personally take colloidal silver as a supplement. When I am sick, however, and get tired of the crap I have not going away, I have ingested colloidal silver and the crap did go away. I have also applied colloidal silver to multiple cuts and scrapes without incident and they seem to heal without infection after I do that.

Independent studies (those not relying upon funds from that murdering scumbag Fauci, may God judge him today) have found that colloidal silver will, in fact kill microbes. As a matter of fact, hospitals use colloidal silver to treat wounds, burns, cuts, staph infections(?), ulcers(?), bed sores, and MRSA(?). Those issues followed by a question mark are sure curious – without getting colloidal silver into a persons body, where those infections live, how is the treatment given? Especially interesting is the fact that modern medicine created MRSA and now they demand that God’s cure be strictly avoided at all costs.

Silver has been around for a very long time. Actually, nobles used to eat off of silver plates with silver utensils. They did not turn blue. The silver discouraged the growth of microbes. Eating off of silver with silver utensils actually allowed the nobles to live longer because the microbes they would have otherwise been exposed to were no longer present upon their dishes.

Should people be careful with colloidal silver – absolutely. Should the FDA even be opening its stupid murderous mouth about colloidal silver? Absolutely not.

The FDA, in case anyone was wondering, gets their lead from the FAO and WTO Codex Alimentarius which constitutes what foods can be traded internationally depending upon a variety of factors.

To wrap this up, The FDA is in the business of making money off of royalties and kickbacks. The entire agency is completely corrupted to it’s core. It’s job is to make sure that people have safe drugs and safe food. Instead it has routinely allowed hazardous products including GMO’s, microplastics, mRNA technology, chemotherapy drugs, AZT, remdesivir, and RU-486 onto the market to be sold when they know these technologies and drugs will produce a reduction in health and potential maim or kill a person. That knowledge makes them 1st degree murderers.

Defund the FDA. Let’s have some criminal charges and some punishments meted out against these murdering freaks at the FDA, and while we are at it, round up Gates, Birx, Murthy, and Fauci too.


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