Your New God – Man-Made Climate Change Mitigation

Your New God – Man-Made Climate Change Mitigation

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/14/2022

It’s your fault, you know. It’s your fault that there were two hurricanes in Florida in 2022. It’s your fault that Pakistan experienced flooding. It’s your fault that there are typhoons, heatwaves, and snowstorms. Covid-19 and other disease outbreaks are your fault. Food shortages are your fault. Water drying up is your fault. At least that is what the global elite meeting at COP27 would have us believe. Those of us that don’t see it as our fault, of course, are being targeted for extinction ourselves because we have the ‘wrong’ ideas in our heads and the courage to say the science is not only not settled but not even accurate in the first place. Man-made climate change is a belief and the murdering bastards who are demanding all of us have nothing in order to mitigate their non-existent problem have legitimately turned it into a religion.

In 2015 CNN reported about the Anti-Pope Francis (the man is evil through and through). The article is about the 10 Commandments on Climate Change. At the least this is sacrilegious if not outright blasphemous. Think of future generations, embrace alternative energy sources, consider pollution’s effect on the poor, take the bus, be humble, don’t become a slave to your phone, don’t trade online relationships for real ones, turn off the lights, recycle and don’t waste food, educate yourself, and believe you can make a difference. It is not surprising that Anti-Pope Francis decided to instruct the world in this manner being as though I have serious doubts about his fidelity to God and think he may actually worship Satan. His narcissism is unsurpassed as he continues upon his quest to destroy the Bible and contort it to fit worldly affairs, as he did here.

The precedent of climate change actually being a religion was set with Anti-Pope Francis’ decree in 2015. In the United States, government funds are not permitted to be used to support religious institutions nor is the federal government permitted to establish a religion. Climate change, being a religion in it’s own right, should have no support whatsoever from the federal government. The establishment of this religion; however, has not ceased – Joe Biden’s regime has committed trillions of dollars to combating economic success through the weapon of established religion in the United States.

If one could question the religiosity of climate change in 2015, they can no longer do so. COP27 destroyed any possibility of the religion of Gaia and it’s climate change mitigation commandments. In 2020 two rabbis-in-name-only, Yonatan Neril and Leo Dee published the first of two books titled Eco Bible. The second volume was published in 2021. These two apostates took the Torah (Genesis and Exodus in volume one and Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in the second) and applied ecology to it. Morons who have left reviews on Amazon for these books fail to recognize that they are being sold a lie first told to Eve by the serpent. The whole point of climate change mitigation is to rid the earth of carbon, something these deceitful ‘rabbis’ certainly forgot to mention. The carbon the ‘rabbis’ speak of eliminating are the same idiots praising the Eco Bible without ever stopping to think that they are the carbon. The UN Environmental Programme and UNESCO were designed to murder people, something else the authors undoubtedly failed to mention that these reviewers surely missed as well.

Both ‘rabbis’ work at the The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development. First of all interfaith means perversion of the truth. The two ‘rabbis’ proved their willingness to pervert the Bible to fit their own worldly endeavors. Instead of attempting to bring those of other faiths to the truth of the Bible, these two have decided to not only rewrite the Torah along the lines of ecology, but the Gospels and the Koran as well. The religion they practice is climate change. Climate change mitigation is death. They are in a death cult and actively participate in recruiting members into their cult. Their Mission Statement reads as much – never once mentioning anything about faith in God, no, all faith mentioned is faith in ecology:

“ICSD’s work focuses on The Seminary Faith and Ecology Project. We are also continuing with The Faith Inspired Renewable Energy Project. ICSD also provides thought-leadership to faith-based communities and beyond through our writing, speaking, teaching and advocacy. Our collection of reports, articles, course and syllabus collections, blog, and other resources provide a unique access point for leaders and followers of faith-based communities alike to explore the connections between their tradition and contemporary environmental issues.”

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development isn’t just full of death cultists pretending to be rabbis, it includes Christians who are working to murder people too. Reverend Martin Zimmann and Reverend Viktor Markari are both involved with the World Council of Churches – an organization which seeks to absolutely destroy any Biblical fact to make faith match the world. There are thousands of churches around the world affiliated with this demonic entity because they receive benefits from the satanists at the WCC (please visit the site to see if the religious institution you attend is listed and, if it is, please leave it immediately – the leaders of these places will not hesitate to slaughter their entire congregations).

The homepage of WCC is all about COP27. They issued a statement on November 12, 2022 demanding governments in rich countries to destroy the economy by signing onto bad treaties like The Paris Agreement so they can drain their treasuries into UN coffers, give even more money and technology to developing nations to mitigate climate change, finance a loss-and-damage fund for poorer nations, and ban as many so-called fossil fuels as possible. In this same statement, WCC also included the following paragraph, confirming their allegiance to Satan:

“We join together in prayer, both for the present and future victims of this human-made catastrophe, and for our sisters and brothers at COP 27 who continue to witness for collective international solidarity and urgent action to confront this common existential threat and for climate justice.”

Their ‘sisters and brothers’ at this conference are through and through doing their level best to establish global agencies more penetrating into every human life. Aligned with an already established world government, these satanic entities are merely beginning to unveil their creation – the beast system spoken of in several locations of the Bible. The climate justice (communist redistribution scheme) the WCC speaks of is nothing except a huge money sucking scheme which would have made Lenin and Mao blush due to its audacity and scope.

Prior to their very recent demands to governments, the WCC released a statement about climate at their eleventh assembly on September 2, 2022. There, they demanded fossil fuels be eradicated as quickly as possible starting now, nothing can negatively impact ‘indigenous peoples’ and alternative energy sourcing cannot be continued, recognition of rights for a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, a UN climate security council, a non-proliferation treaty regarding fossil fuels, recognizing the rights of nature, recognizing and codifying ecocide laws, creating climate crimes courts, establishing the UN’s International Criminal Court as the final arbiter over human rights as well as climate change, creating a global wealth redistribution architecture to pay reparations for climate injustices, wealth and carbon taxation schemes, and complete and total disarmament with the intent to end all war. If people stopped going to the WCC churches they wouldn’t have all of these satanists calling for these things.

The WCC is outdone however. The ICSD released their own statement which reads:

“We, religious clergy and members of faith communities based in Israel, gathered here at the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem on November 3, 2022, hereby make the following declaration to people of faith across the Earth, and to the governments, UN entities, civil society, and all stakeholders of COP 27 now opening at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

“The impacts of climate change are being increasingly felt in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, with more days of extreme heat than any time in the recorded past. Drought has been seen as a cause of war in our region, while wildfires, storms and flooding have intensified. 

“Inspired by the values and principles of our belief systems, faith, values, and ethics, we recognize that the climate crisis is caused by unrestrained human activity. We have failed to protect Earth’s capacity to support life, impacting especially the poor and marginalized. As people of faith, we must with humility challenge greed, instant self-gratification, and short-term thinking. Abusing and degrading God’s creation for current and future generations is sinful behavior. We must urgently adopt a new development paradigm that integrates our common moral and spiritual values towards a new one of sustainable well-being.

“We affirm the power of religion to lead an essential transformation in human society, action, and behavior. We call upon our faithful to act in accord with our shared beliefs:

“The one living God created Earth as one interdependent life-supporting whole. All of us are called to care for, love, protect and glory in God’s creation. We shall not worship idols of greed, consumption, and consumerism and shall make time for sacred rest, to gratefully embrace in joyous awe all of creation. 

“Humankind shall act with justice and awareness, using and allocating Earth’s resources wisely and equitably.  At this crucial moment, we must responsibly protect the purity of air, soil, and water as sources of human life and flourishing. 

“Respect Earth’s capacity for sustainable growth, living in ecological harmony and balance. We call upon humanity to safeguard, respect and bless all life, as human and non-human biodiversity are sacred. You shall not steal from others and future generations. Honor, cherish and respect ancestors, the entire human family, all species, and future generations.

“We call upon all religions, governments, UN entities, civil society, as well as our own constituencies to act urgently to address the root causes of the climate crises, to repair our world based on our common spiritual and cultural values of justice and ethics. 

“We commit ourselves to lead by example, to act and practice what we preach, and to become protectors of this earth, to strive to live in balance, harmony, and sustainability, through our daily lives and actions.”

Their god is Gaia and Gaia demands that billions of people must die for the environment. They plan on allotting licenses to use air, soil, and water. This is technocracy. Anything which requires air, soil, or water is to be regulated, tallied up, and divvied up and meted out as these technocrats see fit. Sustainable growth means everyone will be equally poor because the idea is Marxism on a global scale. While these Satan worshipers rob all of us blind they demand the rest of us do what they say, not what they do. I will honor, cherish, and respect those with the seal of God, my blood, and absolutely not these Satan-loving murderers. Religions, governments, UN entities, civil society, and those they deem fit to be included are the stakeholders in this operation meant to corrupt all religious belief by incorporating all religious beliefs under their climate change religion, aka the beast system.

Newsweek wrote a blasphemous article in August 2022 which contained 11 climate commandments. They read, with their descriptions (due to the fact that Newsweeks blasphemy is not even a little bit in question):

“Acknowledge a Higher Power

Like in Alcoholics Anonymous, the first commandment is to acknowledge, with humility, that we are partners with and subservient to the Creator.

Vote Climate

James Sternlicht, from the non-governmental organization The Peace Department, teaches that we have to hold governments and corporations accountable, since they are the ones desecrating our common home with each new drilling license and pipeline. In sun-rich Israel, for example, Prime Ministers Yair Lapid, Naftali Bennet and Binyamin Netanyahu all allowed the gas companies to lock-in an expensive and polluting monopoly for at least another generation, putting the People of the Book on the wrong side of climate history.


Do Not Murder

Since we know that millions of people—usually the poorest and indigenous—will die and suffer from the effects of extreme heat and cold, wild-fires, rising sea levels, and super-charged storms, why doesn't the business-as-usual approach of most leaders make them accessories to murder?

Do Not Steal

"Climate change is robbing our future," says Gili Berkovitz, 16, of Strike4Future in Tel Aviv. "We are also robbing nature of her ability to regenerate."

Do Not Bear False Witness

There are sins of omission—politicians not telling the truth about the real and immediate dangers of climate change; and there are sins of commission—the same leaders at the annual world climate conference, COP 27, who are approving new drilling and pipeline licenses. Together, says the writer David Hazony, these distortions of truth and policy lead to the sin of increased emissions.

Keep the Sabbath

Emissions are down 30 percent over the sabbath every week in Israel and are almost zeroed out on Yom Kippur (the Jewish Day of Atonement, the holiest of the year). A global weekly non-carbon day of rest could reduce emissions of the world by a seventh, and can be observed by different faith communities on different days.

You Shall Innovate

Last month I was hiking up Mount Sinai at 3 am and coincidently—is that even a thing on Mount Sinai?—ran into my friend Avi Jorisch, author of the book by the name of this commandment. Technology can accelerate decarbonization; collaboration can accelerate implementation.

Honor Mother Earth

Kristina Greer, 15, from California says that climate change is a form of arson against the very home that nurtures our lives and that of all living creatures.

You Need Not Covet

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn teaches, "Dayenu. We have enough. And we have the science and technology we need to build a world in which all people can have enough. We just need to achieve the political will."

Do Not Continue to be Hoodwinked

Oil and gas companies and disingenuous leaders want you to believe that reducing your carbon footprint through individual action is the key. Yet Alan Divack teaches we must not place the burden of solving climate change on individual action. Fossil fuel companies and governmental leaders together gamed the system to favor long-term burning of fossil fuels for energy, industry, and transportation no matter what individual action you take.”

The Jerusalem Post published an article on November 11, 2022. It is unfathomable for me to understand the absolute stupidity required to believe in this new faith, but here’s the Jerusalem Post proclaiming the great benefits of a new 10 commandments being inspired by ‘god’ and given to men worshiping Satan. “The UN Climate Change Conference, in proximity to Mount Sinai, could be the prime time for the force of religion to speak climate truth to dirty power. For the world, and especially Israel!,” reads the articles byline. See what they did there – they suggest that men walk up Mount Sinai in Egypt (which I do not think is the correct mountain) and ask God for a new set of commandments for humanity to follow. Now, if this truly was a mountain in which God was sitting upon all of these climbers would die. Moses was far, far more holy than any of these demons. Also, the Bible will stand as the Bible is. God promised that and Yeshua (Jesus) confirmed that. All these scumbags are doing is trying to convince religions and adherents to worship Gaia, Satan, and evil – not God, Yeshua, nor holiness. That this is in the Jerusalem Post is highly disturbing because Jews are supposed to follow the Torah, not the world, and they are given ample examples of the fruits of their efforts when they follow along with the world around them.

Global Justice Now, an eco-terrorist climate-change religious organization, organized marches on November 12, 2022 to demand their religious practices be adopted by England, in this case. Working under the premise of Build Back Better, these particular UK satanists claim: “We are a democratic social justice organisation working as part of a global movement to challenge the powerful and create a more just and equal world. We mobilise people in the UK for change, and act in solidarity with those fighting injustice, particularly in the global south.” They are attempting to murder everyone who rejects their lies – that climate change is man-made and we must all suffer from their mitigation efforts.

Global Justice Now works as a branch of a larger network stuffed full of retarded Marxists calling themselves ATTAC. ATTAC is a violent Marxist entity which appeared at the WTO meetings in Seattle, Washington in 1999. They want a global tax scheme to be erected and a complete collapse of anything even pretending to be capitalist. The taxes would go for climate justice and global public goods. The WCC and ICSD, Newsweek, and the Jerusalem Post may raise an eyebrow at their overt use and encourangment of violence; however, since they are all on the same team, ATTAC is protected from punishment for their violence while those speaking against them are threatened with lawsuits and death threats.

Maybe Global Justice Now and the rest of these beast system religious believers can go to the real Mount Sinai and ask God to give them commandments. I hope He strikes every single one of them down on the spot. But they are climbing the Mount Sinai in Egypt, not Saudi Arabia, so they probably will not have that occur; nonetheless, articles have been appearing with headlines such as, RELIGIOUS LEADERS TO MEET ON MT. SINAI FOR ‘PROPHETIC CALL FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE’ AND ‘CEREMONY OF REPENTANCE’. This article reads in part, “Bringing together representatives from Christianity, Progressive Christian Mysticism, Judaism, and Islam, there is no world in which these interfaith prayer events are anything but blasphemous petitions to a Holy God.” To be fair, those of the Jewish faith still paying heed to the Torah are not included. Another headline reads Returning to Mt. Sinai” — A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance which links to the ICSD. Another reads COP 27 events showcase Green spirituality, new Ten Commandments which serves to demonize capitalism, embrace green Marxism, and reinforce the idea that climate change is a religion.

According to the Times of Israel, on November 13, 2022, a group of Satan-worshiping ‘religious’ terrorists ascended Egypt’s Mt. Sinai. “An initiative to mobilize faith leaders worldwide to push governments to do more about climate change kicked off Sunday morning with an Israeli environmental activist smashing mock tablets of stone atop an Egyptian peak believed by many to be Mount Sinai, to symbolize the world’s failure to protect the planet.” The article continues on, “After the group read from a new draft list of “Ten Principles for Climate Repentance,” formulated by dozens of multifaith leaders meeting in London over the past few days, Abramowitz smashed two tablets on the ground.” May God judge them today.

The Ten Principles for Climate Repentance read:

“1. We are stewards of this world

2. Creation manifests divinity

3. Everything in life is interconnected

4. Do no harm

5. Look after tomorrow

6. Rise above ego for our world

7. Change our inner climate

8. Repent and return

9. Every action matters

10. Use mind, open heart”

I really do pray that all of these scumbags are taken for judgment today, right now. They are seeking to annihilate God’s creation by claiming to seek to protect it. In the process those made in the image of God – human beings – are being commanded by these demonic entities to forget God altogether and follow their ‘new’ way – the way of the beast. Climate change is a religion. Climate change is also a government, a currency, and a surveillance/control mechanism. This is made absolutely clear by the Jewish News, “Speaking beforehand, [Organiser Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein] he said: “In order to cope with climate change we need to be transformed. We need to not simply make political decisions, we need to change our hearts, and to change our hearts, that’s the business of religion.””

Goshen-Gottstein isn’t a rabbi, he is a high priest of Satan. As a rabbi, Goshen-Gottstein should recognize the absolute blasphemy he committed. He should also recognize the truth of the Torah he is supposed to be teaching. One of those truths is Moses climbing the real Mt. Sinai and the finger of God etching the real Ten Commandments into stone. That Goshen-Gottstein led a group to the summit of a mountain called Sinai and smashed his version of the stone tablets God gave to Moses is blasphemy and that he condoned their rewriting is repulsively blasphemous. Again, I pray God takes him for judgment today, right now. The God-fearing understand the Ten Commandments given to Moses in Exodus 20:

Then God said all these words:

א 2 “I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the abode of slavery.

ב 3 “You are to have no other gods before me. 4 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline. 5 You are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot.

ג 7 “You are not to use lightly the name of Adonai your God, because Adonai will not leave unpunished someone who uses his name lightly.

ד 8 “Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God. 9 You have six days to labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Shabbat for Adonai your God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work — not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property. 11 For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. This is why Adonai blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself.

ה 12 “Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land which Adonai your God is giving you.

ו 13 “Do not murder.

ז (14) “Do not commit adultery.

ח (15) “Do not steal.

ט (16) “Do not give false evidence against your neighbor.

י 14 (17) “Do not covet your neighbor’s house; do not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

These are the commandments summed up out of the 613 Laws. This is how we are to be holy. Those thinking they are not under these laws do things like rewrite them through the lens of ecology. Ecology has been used since Darwin’s contributions to the field to murder well over 200 million people. Ecology itself is a science used to justify mass-murder campaigns and genocides because it completely rejects God altogether. It claims that, because humanity was just pond scum at it’s evolutionary inception, we are not important, and can be seen as useless eaters by those who have decided they are the important ones in an effort to save the earth. Justifying the eradication of pond scum is easy. Gaia theory itself was inspired by ecology. That there are religious leaders of any type aspiring to adapt their faith to the moral depravity of ecological sciences is absolutely disgusting. In a perverse way it is also the reason why so many have been led so astray. When this garbage comes from the speakers and leaders of faith-based institutions including temples, churches, synagogues, and mosques no wonder there are so many people who claim to be religious but also love the world and hate God.

The moral is read the Bible – a real one, not the Eco Bible or a ‘green’ Bible, something like the KJB or CJB – and learn it. If this is the end times we are entering, which I believe we are, it will be these satanists coming to murder those of us who still speak of God, worship God, love and fear God, love and recognize the Son of Man as the Messiah, and love the Son of Man as well. Read it now – the time to do so is running out.

Bless God and God bless, may he judge all of these satanic blasphemers today.


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