Avatars in the Metaverse

The Metaverse Is Not Going To Be Just Your Avatar.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/13/2022

Synergy is broadly defined as: “combined action or operation,” by Merriam Webster Online. If you are not aware of what the Internet of Things (IoT) is, I suggest you visit this page on the CPH Website. To put it basically, IoT is putting everything online. If you have never heard of the metaverse, it is a digital world accessed, most commonly, through virtual reality. The synergy of IoT, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the metaverse is expected to be realized by 2032 according to the BBC.

Offering no cautions, Jane Wakefield authored “Why you may have a thinking digital twin within a decade” on June 12, 2022 for the BBC.

“A digital twin is an exact replica of something in the physical world, but with a unique mission - to help improve, or in some other way provide feedback to, the real-life version.”

And the BBC is looking forward to humans creating their own digital twins. You may write this off as an avatar; however, the BBC, and the monsters making this technology, are not describing an avatar of you. They are describing a digital entity of you that not only looks like you, but acts, talks, walks, interacts, and thinks like you. Avatars were meant to get people used to the idea of digital people, digital twins represent a digital you – in all ways.

BBC quoted Rob Enderle, a technology analyst:

“‘The emergence of these [digital twins] will need a huge amount of thought and ethical consideration, because a thinking replica of ourselves could be incredibly useful to employers,’ he says.”

“‘What happens if your company creates a digital twin of you, and says 'hey, you've got this digital twin who we pay no salary to, so why are we still employing you?'?”

“Mr Enderle thinks that ownership of such digital twins will become one of the defining questions of the impending metaverse era.”

I completely agree with Enderle’s concerns, but I do not think he carried the thought far enough. If everyone is ‘twinned’ in the digital world, then why would the physical species need to be here at all? Why would the owners of the digital twin not just push forward with an elimination plan for the real deal? If the technology works, the digital (silicon) version of a person will produce the exact same output of thoughts of the real human (carbon).

I’m sure that you are protesting, just like I am, claiming ‘well, what about all the physical things I do!?’ What would 500 million people left on earth need? Some electricity, some food, some water, some shelter, and some technicians to make sure the robots producing those things keep working – that’s what ‘smart’ technology is all about, exterminating 6-7 billion carbon-based humans. If you are wary of that claim – do your own research. Start with this site. And know that youtube.com pulled the videos Gates talked about this topic during his TED Talks, but it can still be found here. Watch the first 10 minutes at least. The equation appears at 4:00 minutes into the video. The number I chose comes from the Georgia Guidestones.

Once the desired population level of the earth is reached, as determined by those who are exterminating carbon (are ‘zero-carbon’ initiatives starting to make sense now?), will you be a robot technician?? An engineer to make better robots? An AI engineer dedicated to achieving the Singularity? Or will you be dead? Probably dead. This isn’t hyperbolic rhetoric, it is the stated goal of these demons. The technological and medical ‘cures’ to death are not meant for anyone outside of this 500 million people (or less) circle.

It’s not about work, it’s about initiating, implementing, enacting, and conducting an extermination campaign. There are all kinds of way these demons are doing this, my article only focuses on the synergy represented by digital twins which is but one way.

Once people are convinced to create a digital twin, the twin is 100% reliant on whoever controls the electricity to keep them ‘alive.’ Once enough humans sign up for this lie, and enough humans are exterminated, can anyone credibly believe they will continue ‘living’ in the digital space. Beware – this is exactly the scam those controlling everything will present to humanity, that you can live forever if you’ll just create a digital twin.

What of the soul and the spirit of humanity? In a digital twin – there is none. After you die from the very real extermination plan emulating itself upon earth, your soul is sent to where God judges, Heaven or Hell. Willingly thinking that a digital twin (clone) will allow an individual to live forever is most likely not going to cut it by God’s Laws. Keep that in mind as well. And, do your own research about that issue.

Back to the BBC article, there are those, like Oxford University’s Sandra Watcher, who note the shortcomings of AI preventing the synergy needed to create true digital twins:

“However, she explains, AI is not yet good at predicting these ‘single social events, due to their inherent complexity. And so, we have a long ways to go until we can understand and model a person's life from beginning to end, assuming that is ever possible.’”

Watcher’s idea should chill everyone to the core. She is suggesting that a digital twin be created at birth so the AI can fully ‘understand’ everything a human does. A child’s birth, firsts steps, first words, first day of school, first loose tooth, first haircut, first kiss, all the way to the last haircut and kiss and everything in between is what she is really suggesting a digital twin be linked to and fed into an AI hundred of thousands, if not millions or tens of millions, of times so the AI can ‘learn.’ Given a million first kisses, a million marriages, a million death-of-a-parent events and an AI will have enough data to inform the digital twin of the way it should act, on average, in relation to the event. Singular events won’t prevent digital twins from learning how to react to singular events, the data to input just hasn’t been input into the AIs yet.

And if you are still skeptical of this data being able to be collected, Apple has new apps to track our heart’s rhythm, sleep cycles, and medication usage. Why wouldn’t the freaks trying to get cradle to grave data into their AI’s offer incentives to new parents to keep a watch on their child’s wrist, or a chip implanted into the baby while still in the womb, to get their data?

The watch, of course, would only have limited biometrics, heart rate being the most important. A chip, or even nanobots, being injected into still-womb-bound baby able to track, say, estrogen, testosterone, and serotonin levels, blood flow, iron, zinc, and selenium absorption, as well as heart rate would provide an incredible amount of data to an AI. Offer new parents about $15,000 and the AI-engineering monsters will get their data. I call that a bribe. That bribe will assist in depopulating the earth for the ‘elites.’

Again, to go back to the BBC article, digital twins are already being used by two Formula One racing teams and by DHL. Multiple cities are using digital twins to model their cities including Singapore and Shanghai, China, as well as many cities being constructed in the Middle East. Shampoo bottles, jetpacks, motorcycles, and flying cars are being designed using digital twin technology.

The BBC article then drops the bomb I’ve been suggesting, healthcare:

“Dassault Systemes' Living Heart project has created an accurate virtual model of the a human heart that can be tested and analysed, allowing surgeons to play out a series of ‘what if’ scenarios for the organ, using various procedures and medical devices.

“The project was founded by Dr Steve Levin, who had personal reasons to want to create a digital twin. His daughter was born with congenital heart disease, and a few year's back, when she was in her late 20s and at high risk of heart failure, he decided to recreate her heart in virtual reality.

“Boston Children's Hospital is now using this technology to map out real patient heart conditions, while at Great Ormond Street hospital in London, a team of engineers is working with clinicians to test devices that may help children with rare and difficult-to-treat heart conditions.

“Experimenting on a digital heart also has the knock-on effect of cutting down on the need to test on animals - one of the more controversial aspects of scientific research, says Severine Trouillet, global affairs director at Dessault Systemes.

“The firm now plans more digital organ twins, including the eye and even the brain.

“‘At some point we will all have a digital twin, so that you can go to the doctor, and we can increasingly make preventative medicine, and make sure that every treatment is personalised,’ says Ms Trouillet.”

Digital hearts are a fact today. Think about where your Apple watch could get to if it’s surveillance were used to create YOUR digital heart. Not only would the data indicate how to help you, it would indicate how to kill you.

Media always wants to use a sob story. Levin’s daughter serves the purpose. Few ask ‘why are these conditions present, how do they happen, how do we prevent them?’. Instead, guys like Levin, have decided that the pain of losing their child to a known disease outweighs understanding the why it happens and prevent that. Levin has decided to demonize his daughter’s heart and digitize it.

I’ll get a lot of hate over that, but what I hate is the digitization of human beings and their parts. The cure is worse than the disease. Major hospital systems in the US and England have adopted the digitized heart model. Eventually the whole world will do the same. The dictators will want real time data. Any living human will be mandated to have a digital twin of their heart so the dictators over a sector can determine who is, and is not, onboard with their decrees, demands, and instructions. Those not onboard will be ‘disappeared.’ THAT is why I unabashedly detest Levin’s efforts. I feel bad for your kids, but worse for my grandkids, who would be subjected to this surveillance.

Severine Trouille is even worse that Levin. Levin has a loved one suffering from congenital heart issues. Trouille cannot make that claim according to the article. But….

Even Levin cannot even make a personal claim that eye and brain digital twins are something to be necessary to be created. Eye and brain digital twins could only conceivably be used for authentication purposes. Levin and his global affairs ‘expert.’ Trouille, can both go straight to Hell, as they have decided to move from therapeutic and curative digital twins into surveillance authenticating digital surveillance.

And this is my whole problem with doing any of this in the first place. In order to ‘fix’ an eye, to ‘fix’ a brain, 1,000 ways to break it are discovered. You want to break a heart without a lost love? Go ahead and experiment on how to GIVE additional arrhythmia's. That is all they are doing. They are modeling how to fix a heart, eye, or brain but coming up with multiple brand new ways to damage those organs in general for all of humanity.

But health is not the last stop. Some of these monsters want to model the entire earth and make a digital earth:

“In March this year, the European Commission, in conjunction with the European Space Agency among others, announced its own plans to make a digital twin of the planet, dubbed Destination Earth.

“By the end of 2024, it hopes to have enough data from real-time observations and simulations to have a digital twin that will focus on floods, drought and heatwaves, alongside natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, and provide countries with concrete plans to save lives in the face of these growing challenges.”

These monsters won’t save a single life because of their digital twin project. The monsters will use it to promote the idea of MAN-MADE climate change being the cause of anything they ‘see’ in their models. Heat-wave? Kill carbon. Cold-spell? Kill carbon. Hurricane? Kill carbon. Flood? Kill carbon. Drought? Kill carbon. Volcanic activity? Kill carbon. Tsunami? Kill carbon. The end answer to any of these quandaries for theses asses is ‘kill carbon.’ Cows, chickens, electricity production, humans, sheep, goats – kill those, they MAKE carbon and ‘we can do something about that’ is their idea.

My idea is to allow for MORE humans. Cows, chickens, goats, and sheep to exist because CO2 is not a bad thing. It makes plants grow faster, meaning that animals and others eating plants grow faster, meaning that, overall there is more food for everything to eat, which helps species in danger of going extinct, as well as dispels the Mathusian idea of humanity going extinct because of lack of food.

I will never be a digital anything. The BBC is demanding, by this article, as well as multiple other articles, that humanity cease producing carbon dioxide. Well, that’s not possible as long as humanity exists. It’s not possible as long as people have food to eat – both animals and plant.

This article is promoting a very Satanic idea. The BBC and others are promoting humans to go digital to reduce their footprint. While authors like Jane Wakefield and the BBC promote a footprint-less existence, they fail to recognize what that actually means. They also fail to explain how humanity gets to a reality with a footprint-less existence.

Dehumanization, depopulation, enslavement, and giga-death is what these entities are promoting. Be wary.


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