Palestine Is Israel’s

Palestine Is Israel’s

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/31/2023

The people calling themselves Palestinians and the nation of Israel are again having problems resulting in bloodshed. Israel doesn’t want their people getting shot at, murdered, and harassed and the Palestinians don’t want their people to stop shooting at who they claim to be ‘occupiers’ of their land. Well, there is no Palestine, there is only Israel. If Palestinians want different rules to live by they should befriend one of the dozens of Islamic sh-tholes in the region and go there. Israel should do everything in it’s power to convince them to make this decision or to convert to Judaism and assimilate.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on since the moment Israel became a state on May 14, 1948. The rift actually goes back further in time than 1948 to the 1880’s when the Russians and Eastern European nations conducted pogroms against the Jews. The vast majority of the Jews who were being persecuted headed to the United States. Some of the Jews had different idea about where they should relocate and they went to Palestine to recreate a Jewish nation – the idea is called Zionism. In 1880 there were between 20,000 to 25,000 Jews in Palestine. By 1903 there were at least double that number. As the pogroms continued, and World War I and World War II took tolls on Jewish populations, more Jews opted to be Zionists. By the time 1948 rolled around about 650,000 Jews were living in Palestine.

Fighting between the British, who controlled Palestine after the Ottoman Empire collapsed at the end of World War I, Jews, and Arabs commenced. The Arabs were dead set against any Jewish state. The Jews thought that the British had forgotten about the Balfour Declaration which declared the British government’s desire to create a Jewish state in Palestine and fought against the British and their immigration controls placed on Jews. All three entities fought against one another.

In 1947 the United Nations voted to create a Jewish state and on May 14, 1948 the British allowed their mandate to rule Palestine to lapse. As soon as the UN voted to split Palestine hostilities against the Jews in Palestine commenced in earnest yet the Jews managed to gain control over all the lands partitioned by the UN. When the British left and ended their mandate the Nation of Israel was proclaimed and recognized by various nations, especially the United States of America. The brand new Jewish state which was created only hours before was immediately attacked by five nations which left Israel with more territory. In 1967 Israel expanded again after the 6 day war was waged against it by six neighboring nations.

Yet, even before the 1880’s there was strife in Israel. The situation really started in all the back in Genesis 16 when Sarai had Avram marry Hagar and produce Ishmael, “‘a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen.’”

Now, this isn’t conventional, but this is what the Bible states – Hagar conceived Ishmael with Avram and God created a great number of people from this wild donkey of a man at odds with everyone – these are most of the Arabs and the Muslims we know today. Because Ishmael was fathered by Avram, not Avraham (he was not Avraham until after the birth of Ishmael, Genesis 17), Islam is not an Avrahamic religion. Nor is Christianity because this religion was born at the Council of Nicea which erased the Jewish aspects of Yeshua and replaced them with pagan rituals – representing a break from the Avrahamic roots of the religious teachings of Yeshua and the creation of a brand new covenant which excludes all of the covenants made by God including the covenant made with Avraham.

I don’t write this to anger anyone, I write this because Christians need to recognize that there is no new covenant, only the teachings of Yeshua which were completely based on the Torah, the ‘Jewish; part of the Bible that Christianity demands be ignored. The Islamic world claims Mohammad to be descended from Ishmael who was fathered by Avram, not Avraham. While Ishmael was blessed, he was not counted. So, there is one Avrahamic religion and it is Judaism as well as Yeshua’s coming as well as His promised return. I am literally saying that almost everyone is wrong…. Before any one attempts to chop my head off, stone me to death, or expound on a covenant which simply does not exist in the Bible, please think about what I have written here and research, pray, and discern for yourself….

As for the point I am trying to get across, the holy sites in Israel are all Jewish. There are no Christian holy sites in Israel nor are there any Islamic holy sites in Israel – there are only Jewish holy sites in Israel. These holy sites include Bethlehem where Yeshua was born, the Temple Mount (not that gaudy monstrosity which the descendants of the wild donkey of a man built), the Mount of Olives and others. The people of Palestine and their Islamic faith should have no say over any of these sites because they are not Avrahamic in the first place. Jews should be overseeing all of the Jewish holy sites.

This idea, of course presents two problems. One, Israel refuses to be a theocracy and has staunchly espoused a secular government with many progressive agendas. Israel will be a theocracy once more – of that I have no doubt – but that is an event for the future. The other problem is that Muslims really believe that Mohammad was telling the truth and will not give up their invalid claims to Jewish holy sites.

In Numbers 33 God tells Moshe to drive out all of the inhabitants of Kana’an. If he doesn’t God promises those people which remain will be “like thorns in your eyes and stings in your sides — they will harass you in the land where you are living.” The descendants of this people too, constitute a portion of the inhabitants of present day Israel. Indeed, they are a thorn in the side of Israel. At the same time, Israel, clinging to it’s secular ways, refuses to fully acknowledge their God by refusing to rule by the Bible, choosing instead to allow Babylon to corrupt and destroy them. I really do believe this is why these people are still a thorn in the eyes and stings in the side of the nation of Israel. God literally states that the people inhabiting the land God has granted the Israelite's must be completely driven out (Numbers 33), that the sons of Israel failed to do so (Judges 1), and that even in modern history we see His warning playing out. The Jews living in Israel today are suffering from the same problems their ancestors suffered from all because these people were not driven from the land.

God never advised an Israeli state side-by-side with these peoples. God never suggested a so-called solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem in the form of a two-state solution. Men did. The solution has not materialized nor have the passions cooled. The violence between the Palestinians and Israelis persists. Palestinians hate the nation of Israel and want it to vanish. Israel wants to be left alone to do it’s own (highly secularized and progressive) thing surrounded by neighbors hostile to it’s existence. If you see it differently, then we will have to agree to disagree.

Recently the violence between these two peoples has increased. With the specter of World War III intensifying, hostilities towards Israel have not appeared nearly as prominently as they once did. The Palestinians know this, and so do the Iranians. As a result Palestinians have resumed having their young men commit violence against what they see as Jewish occupiers of their lands. When Israeli forces go into Palestinian areas to get the perpetrators of the violence, the Palestinian Authority (terrorists with a leadership position) claims that Israel committed crimes. It’s the same tired, deceitful argument Palestinians have made time and time again. They have their militant jihadists go to a hospital or school to launch their rockets into Israel and then claim that Israel targeted the sick, infirm, and children when they retaliate in kind.

The New York Times, always reporting the degenerate actions of Palestinian murderers in as positive a light as possible, and Israeli activities as negatively as possible, noted that over 30 Palestinians have been killed during “military raids aimed at quelling a growing insurgency and arresting Palestinian gunmen.” The most recent event occurred when Israeli forces went to arrest gunmen and took fire from Palestinian jihadists which left 10 Palestinian jihadists dead (the article doesn’t mention the defensive aspects of the Israeli military, but this one does). The leader of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has decided that he will no longer coordinate such raids with the Israeli military which will lead to increased violence.

The day after the Israeli raid which ended 10 jihadist’s lives, two gunmen, one 13 the other 21, went into the Jewish areas of Jerusalem and shot a father and son and murdered seven, respectively. The 13 year old was shot by a bystander and arrested, the 21 year old was killed after leaving the crime scene and shooting at Israeli officers. USSA News reported on the way the Palestinian Authority TV News and Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida reported the incidents:

Official PA TV newsreader: “The occupation forces closed off the town (sic., neighborhood) of Silwan in occupied Jerusalem and prevented the civilians and journalists from approaching the site, after they said that two settlers were wounded in a shooting operation in the area (refers to attack by terrorist Muhammad Aliwat, 2 wounded -Ed.). The occupation forces arrested 13-year-old youth [Aliwat] on the pretext that he was the one who carried out the shooting operation.” [emphasis added]

“[Official PA TV News, Jan. 28, 2023]”

“At least seven settlers were killed in a shooting that took place yesterday evening, Friday [Jan. 27, 2023], outside of a synagogue in a settlement neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, which was carried out by an armed man [Khairy Alqam] who died as a Martyr, according to the occupation police.

The operation [i.e., terror attack] came a day after the massacre committed by the occupation forces in Jenin and its refugee camp, which led to the deaths as Martyrs of 9 civilians [sic., refers to Palestinian terrorists shooting at Israeli soldiers during a counter-terror operation]. [emphasis added]

“[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 28, 2023]”

On the January 30, two days after officially sanctioning the murder of Israeli’s by Palestinian ‘heroes’, Abbas demanded the US, “pressure Israel to stop its "unilateral" measures against Palestinians and abide by bilateral agreements,” according to MEMO. The two-state solution, release of Palestinian Terrorists in Isreali custody, and a cessation of Israeli construction in settlements is basically demanded in the article as well. Memo is an anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian NGO acting as propagandists for Palestine. Their About page reads, “Here at MEMO, we recognise that official policy is often informed and defined by the nature of media coverage. As such, we regularly interface with politicians, editors, lobby groups and various other stakeholders to facilitate a better understanding and appreciation of the Palestine issue.”

In another article, to display without any shadow of any doubt the echo chamber Western media operates in, MEMO reported about Thomas Friedman, a liberal Jew (meaning he has no faith in God, but Jewish blood which he uses to shield himself from any type of criticism by casting any adversary, right or wrong, as anti-Semitic) who writes for The NYT. Nasim Ahmed, the author of the MEMO article found Friedman's comments to be very interesting surely because Ahmed loves the idea of destroying the Jewish state which is exactly what liberal Friedman states. Ahmed closed his article with, “Thomas Friedman has demonstrated that liberal Jews have no reason left to defend Israel.” Friedman is the problem, and he knows it, because his back is to God and he doesn’t want that Judgment Day to come and, deep down, he knows that, too.

A pair of authors at The New York Times, parroting Friedman and MEMO, published an article this morning suggesting the recent uptick in violence between Palestinians and Israelis will be solved by United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The pair of authors lambasted the Biden administration for not being more proactive in the conflict, framed Abbas as a champion of peace, and crucified Israeli military operations. Of Abbas they wrote of his desires to have Blinken “announce a new approach to ending the Israeli occupation of the West Bank.” In support of the destruction of the Jewish state, the authors quoted Blinken, “Speaking in Jerusalem on Monday, Mr. Blinken said that he would tell Mr. Abbas, as he had Mr. Netanyahu, that it was “incumbent on all parties to take urgent steps to de-escalate tension and establish conditions for the security and stability that both Israelis and Palestinians deserve.”

I write ‘destruction of the Jewish state’ because The NYT authors also noted that Abbas is weak and has all but lost control over areas where Israeli raids are occurring most frequently in response to jihadist activity. The article then goes on to criticize the Biden administration for not rolling back all of Donald Trump’s measures against the Palestinians. For The New York Times it’s not good enough that idiot Biden turned the cash flow back on from the US to Palestine, he also needs to declare Jewish settlers in Palestinian-infested Israel illegitimate, allow Palestinians into the US embassy in Jerusalem, and reopen the Palestinian Mission in Washington according to these two ‘journalists.’ The pair suggests as well that Biden’s regime is incorrect in advising Abbas to take his fake case of massacre (the one where Israeli’s defended their lives from jihadi’s trying to murder them) to the International Criminal Court to be investigated.

I’ll be honest, I want to see a theocratic (peaceful, but theocratic nonetheless) Israel. Not only do I think Israel has a right to exist, I think it should encompass it’s borders described in the Bible and be ruled according to the Torah as taught by Yeshua. I know that this will not happen until Yeshua returns but I can still push for that. The borders of Israel are nowhere near the borders set by God. Any expansion will be by conquest it seems, although the conquests pursued against Israel since 1948 left it larger than it was prior to the warring parties hostilities. Israel will revert back to the Torah and be guided by it but also by the rest of the rules which are not included in the Torah but are still held as valid. Some of the rules are the same rules which Yeshua, the living embodiment of the Torah in the flesh, found himself in so much trouble for preaching against. It saddens me that there are so many ‘liberal’ Jews in Israel and around the world. That will change over time as more and more people, Jews included, come to the realization that there is the way of God and salvation and the ways of the world and eternal separation.

There is a solution to the mess; however, in today’s progressively-oriented woke bs culture, the solution is absolutely rejected. The author of the solution, God, Himself, is rejected by the world. The solution is, of course, to remove the Palestinians from the land. Ask them to convert to Judaism and begin learning to achieve that. If they refuse, drop them off in an Islamo-fascist-friendly nation like Iran or Somalia, and be done with all of this. Its been 50 years of hearing about a two-state solution to the situation. The man-made solution isn’t going to come and if it does it will cause the complete destruction of the Jewish state. Israel knows this and so do the Palestinians. So there will be no two-state solution, there will only be stupid men and women refusing what God has already stated – get these people out of Israel. Biblically, when that happens, it will be done through the brutal extermination of anyone who fails to bow to the Adversary who will sit upon the throne of the Third Temple followed by the utter destruction Yeshua will bring upon His return. Then those who are not supposed to be in Israel will truly no longer be in Israel. Until then I will keep stating that Israel needs to tell Palestinians to get out because the God of Avraham and Moses gave the land to the children of Israel, not the children of Ishmael. Take all of this to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


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