Hey Minnesota: This is Why You Shouldn’t Elect Murderers

Hey Minnesota: This is Why You Shouldn’t Elect Murderers

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/1/2023

Criminals in Minnesota don’t seem to get prosecuted and put in prison. Murderers in Minnesota know that the state cannot sanction their death through execution. But woe to those children in the womb of a whore who sees baby murder as a contraceptive. Tim Walz enshrined the idea in the laws of Minnesota on January 29, 2021 by signing the PRO Act.

I lived in the state until Walz decided to suspend all common sense over the coronavirus in March 2020 and, again, in May and June 2020 over that junkie George Floyd. The city of St. Paul, the capitol where that demonic Walz government operates out of ended up having it’s own autonomous zone for the junkie. Rioters burnt the city of Minneapolis down in a really interesting pattern indicating that the real idea was to sell the land those businesses used to be on to foreign investors. There are murals of the ugly junkie all over the place in Minneapolis and I’m pretty sure there is even a square celebrating his life of attempting to murder people, robbing people, passing counterfeit bills, and getting high on anything and everything (38 and Chicago is the location of the Floyd temple, a good place to go to get shot, which has already happened).

What was Tim Walz doing while this ‘peaceful’ riot – featuring arson, murder, rape, assault, and looting – was taking place? He was licking his lips over the amount of control he had under his coronavirus emergency. He was sending sick people to nursing homes. He was demanding that there is a non-essential and essential division in society. He shut businesses down, bankrupted people, demanded churches be abandoned, and mandated masks, social distancing, and travel restrictions. After 8 pm Apple Valley, Burnsville, Shakopee, and Prior Lake (all just south of the metro in Minnesota) were ghost towns. ‘Official’ Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were set up to scare people into believing what ‘king’ Walz decreed. He had all the churches shut down so any practical guidance was noticeably absent and most of Minnesota just went along with whatever Walz had to say. He couldn’t wait until he could murder even more Minnesotan’s with his demands that the COVID-19 injection was safe, effective, and free.

Walz and his political party, the DFL, along with some republicans in the state hate the idea that there are law breakers murdering and raping and assaulting people who end up dying in prison cells after their convictions. And they hate anyone who loves a moral life. And they hate anyone having anything nice. They hate normal people. They hate the law abiding because they are a cabal of murderers who will gladly accept your vote (or rig the machines to pretend as if you voted for them) but will refuse to represent the people. Minnesota murdered people during their COVID-19 lockdowns, during the George Floyd riots, when the ‘vaccine’ came out (they are still encouraging people to commit suicide through gene-therapy right now), and have now decided they will make themselves a baby-murderer’s vacation spot. Hey pregnant women, come murder your baby here and then go drop some money at the Mall of America, Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel, or watch a professional sports team in a stadium built by the taxpayers! Maybe, if you are lucky, one of the deranged scumbags from Lake Street or St. Cloud can throw you over the balcony at the Mall of America. Security is pretty good at Mystic Lake because they have a compact with the state making it legal for the 400 tribal members to steal their visitor’s paychecks. Be careful at the sports venues, the roving gangs like to pick marks at those venues and beat the crap out of people. This isn’t a concern for Walz because he identifies with murderers and thieves, arsonists and violent criminal gangs. It’s normal people he hates. Not the criminal elements.

Planned Parenthood must be the most successful lobbying group on the planet. Nothing they do is legitimate. They get massive welfare from the state to rent and buy buildings at a steep discount as low as $1. They murder babies which is technically fraud as their name includes the word parenthood implying that there is a living child and living parent involved (there isn’t). The company takes money from people and posts profits, despite it’s claims to be a non-profit. Members of Planned Parenthood were caught on camera talking about how cool their new Lamborghini was going to be after they managed to sell a few more murdered baby parts and faced no criminal charges – the journalist, David Daleiden had the entire baby-murder for profit industry try to sue him, silence him, and imprison him for his actions. They serve on illegitimate purpose – to murder as many babies as they can – and Tim Walz loves them because Tim Walz is a cold-blooded murderer drenched with thousands of gallons of blood. He revels in that fact and is always on the lookout for more.

So, on the January 31, 2023, Tim Walz found a new source of blood to bathe in and signed it into law. The so-called Protect Reproductive Options Act was signed yesterday by that demonic pile of garbage Walz and today it is law. Walz and the blood-bathing DFL haven’t quite managed to make themselves as murderous as California because there are still provisions in Minnesota stating clearly that live babies who survived an attempted murderer perpetrated by their mother must be recognized as a human being and care must be rendered to them (look for this scumbag state to repeal it in the near future). Despite this, Minnesota still chose to include language suggesting that pregnancy is not limited to females much like several other states. Health 145.409 Section 1. Subdivision 3. (b) reads “Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about how to exercise this fundamental right.”

That section is the second of three places where this law uses the term ‘fundamental right’ in relationship to murdering a child. Subdivision 3. (a) reads, “(a) Every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual's own reproductive health, including the
fundamental right to use or refuse reproductive health care.” But what is a fundamental right? It is something which God has given to us which the state has recognized. God demands in multiple locations of the Bible not to pass children through the fire and not to worship Molech. After been torn apart in the womb by a baby murdering doctor, most of these children are dumped into a medical waste bag and sent off to the incinerator. Some are used for medical experimentation. Others, if they are developed enough, have their limbs and organs harvested and sold to the highest bidder. Some are played with as if they are action figures. Tim Walz, by signing this bill, condoned all of those actions and transactions, decided the entire state of Minnesota should worship Molech, and spit directly at God’s face. I hope God repays Walz’s insult with a meteor the size of a school bus slamming into the capitol building in St. Paul while Walz is present and both chambers of Minnesota’s government are in session.

What is different about the Minnesota legislation from the other 16 baby-murdering states is the usage of the term fundamental right. The Minnesota House passed their demand that all of Minnesota recognize murdering babies as a fundamental right on January 19, 2023. It was introduced on January 4, 2023 and was subsequently fast-tracked through the legislative process. It was authored by 35 of the Minnesota House members and passed 69-65 – one DFL member broke ranks. In the Senate, an author was also listed – Jennifer A McEwen – where it passed along party lines 34-33.

McEwen is cited by Mother Jones as the legislation’s lead author. Mother Jones, a radical left-wing rag who has openly embraced all sorts of nice things like destroying republicans, killing yourself through mRNA assisted suicide, and silencing all dissenters, quotes McEwen as having said “These are our values. […] This is what we believe.” The quote appears in the byline of the Mother Jones article. All sorts of other mainstream media death cultists also jumped at the opportunity to praise Molech and the child sacrifices Minnesota has decided to view as a fundamental right. NBC, CBS Minnesota, yahoo news, MPR, Minnesota Reformer, and Axios Twin Cities all praise Walz and his recognition of fake rights intended to murder babies. Even the local affiliate of FOX News had nothing negative to say about the bill other than what is also quoted by other outlets, ““Today we are not just codifying Roe v. Wade or Doe v. Gomez,” Senate GOP Leader Mark Johnson of East Grand Forks said during the Senate's debate last week. “We are enacting the most extreme bill in the country.””

And they did. Minnesotan’s ‘rights’ to murder their babies is found not in law but in a Minnesota Supreme Court case, Doe v. Gomez (1995). Fearing it be overturned these baby-murdering scumbags passed the law at hand. The Star Tribune quoted baby-murder Walz during the ceremony these sick scumbags held to commemorate spitting at God, ““The message that we're sending to Minnesota today is very clear: Your rights are protected in this state,” Walz said, surrounded by legislators and supporters. “You have the right to make your own decisions about your health, your family and your life.”

CBS News, as well as other murdering mainstream news outlets celebrating expanded baby murder in Minnesota, mentions Minnesota’s Planned Parenthood. The article notes, “Planned Parenthood North Central States, which is the state's largest abortion provider, has seen a 13% increase in out-of-state patients and a 40% increase in second trimester abortions.” The same article also points out that the states bordering Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin are not baby-murdering states and frames Minnesota as some kind of hero for performing baby murders within it’s borders. The article also mentions that every Republican Amendment to the demonic DFL legislation was rejected.

At least 32 Amendments were rejected. The DFL refused to not allow 14 year-olds and under to get sterilized, banning abortions at 36 weeks and later, removing the word fundamental, and allowing mothers to have anesthesia used while murdering their babies who can feel pain. Alpha News, where these rejections are focused on, also details the fact that Walz blatantly lied to voters while campaigning to keep his seat in 2022. Walz claimed he did not support legislation permitting abortions at the point of birth but he sighed a bill allowing abortions to be performed at the point of birth. His party actually rejected a ban on abortions after 36 weeks – a month before a pregnancy is considered full term and he still signed the bill.

Murderers are not honest individuals – never forget that – Walz lied to over 4 million people’s faces in order to murder as many Minnesotan’s as possible. But, because Minnesotan’s do exist that have sense, he is also inviting residents from other states to come to Minnesota to murder their babies.

This is exactly why mass-murderers make for bad representatives. If you support Walz you can hem and haw about how you don’t think he’s a mass-murder all you want but at the end of the day all you will accomplish is further supporting a mass-murderer. That makes anyone engaging in supporting Tim Walz over this legislation (or COVID-19 ‘mitigation’ efforts or the peaceful riots over George Floyd) accomplices to mass-murder. That, too, is a crime against humanity and a crime against God. I would love to see a prosecutor in a red county in Minnesota, and there are quite a few, take Planned Parenthood and Tim Walz to court over this travesty. I would love to see Tim Walz be sent to prison for murder and conspiracy to commit murder over this legislative abortion as well as his actions related to COVID-19 and thrown in jail. I would really like to see Planned Parenthood and the rest of the ‘abortion’ industry tried for the millions of murders they have conducted.

Millions of people should be toting their Bibles, going to the Minnesota capitol and demanding a repeal of this ‘fundamental right’. That won’t happen either. Most of us have bills to pay and children to feed. These entities do not – they only want to murder people, murder truth, murder logic, and keep right on believing they can murder God. A protest of a million people in front of Walz mansion just may change his mind and get other governors to think twice. Let me know when it is, I will try to attend.

Bless God and God bless.

I will close this article with the text of the bill Walz signed.

1.1 A bill for an act

1.2 relating to health; establishing a fundamental right to reproductive health; proposing

1.3 coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 145.


1.5 Section 1. [145.409] REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH RIGHTS.

1.6 Subdivision 1. Short title. This section may be cited as the "Protect Reproductive Options

1.7 Act."

1.8 Subd. 2. Definition. For purposes of this section, "reproductive health care" means

1.9 health care offered, arranged, or furnished for the purpose of preventing pregnancy,

1.10 terminating a pregnancy, managing pregnancy loss, or improving maternal health and birth

1.11 outcomes. Reproductive health care includes, but is not limited to, contraception; sterilization;

1.12 preconception care; maternity care; abortion care; family planning and fertility services;

1.13 and counseling regarding reproductive health care.

1.14 Subd. 3. Reproductive freedom. (a) Every individual has a fundamental right to make

1.15 autonomous decisions about the individual's own reproductive health, including the

1.16 fundamental right to use or refuse reproductive health care.

1.17 (b) Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the

1.18 pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about

1.19 how to exercise this fundamental right.

1.20 Subd. 4. Right to reproductive freedom recognized. The Minnesota Constitution

1.21 establishes the principles of individual liberty, personal privacy, and equality. Such principles

1.22 ensure the fundamental right to reproductive freedom.

2.1 Subd. 5. Local unit of government limitation. A local unit of government may not

2.2 regulate an individual's ability to freely exercise the fundamental rights set forth in this

2.3 section in a manner that is more restrictive than that set forth in this section.

2.4 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day following final enactment.


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