Living Infinitely?

Living Infinitely?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/30/2023

There is a lot of talk about a research article which appeared in Cell on January 19, 2023. The article is titled Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging. It discusses the idea that aging is a loss of information and the information being lost is in the pattern maker which exists in our bodies – the epigenome. The Cell article details how to ‘fix’ aging without really understanding what they are doing, just that aging can be ‘cured.’

Time explains the Cell article with rose-colored glasses. Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging describes the process by comparing human beings to computers. Every once in a while a computer will start doing weird things and we reboot it. Over time our human operating system, the epigenome, needs to be rebooted as well claims Time and Dr. David Sinclair whom they quote profusely throughout the article. The article points out Sinclair’s work has focused on mice but that trials are beginning in primates and testing is taking place on human cells. Sinclair suggested in the Time article that this camel will get its nose under the tent through conditions affecting the human eye:

“In 2020, Sinclair reported that in mice, the process restored vision in older animals; the current results show that the system can apply to not just one tissue or organ, but the entire animal. He anticipates eye diseases will be the first condition used to test this aging reversal in people, since the gene therapy can be injected directly into the eye area.”

The link in the original article points to a piece in Nature which makes the case that aging is a disease that should be ‘cured.’ Also brought to light through this quote is the fact that Sinclair is developing a gene therapy which can be injected directly into the eyeballs of human beings. It’s like these ‘people’ are incapable of understanding the inherent risks involved with messing around with any part of the genetic code. COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are actually gene therapies and have contributed to tens of millions of injuries, sterilizations, and deaths. Don’t pay heed to those facts though, Sinclair’s gene therapy will be completely curative according to the research article’s authors and Time. You would literally need to be brain-dead to believe that because this gene therapy is also capable of speeding up aging.

Sinclair, too, sees aging as a disease and, at the same time, admits that they have no idea what they are actually doing. Time quotes Sinclair as saying, “We don’t understand how rejuvenation really works, but we know it works,” he says. “We can use it to rejuvenate parts of the body and hopefully make medicines that will be revolutionary. Now, when I see an older person, I don’t look at them as old, I just look at them as someone whose system needs to be rebooted. It’s no longer a question of if rejuvenation is possible, but a question of when.”

And Time, one of the mouthpieces for Satan himself, doesn’t care about how the gene therapy works, nor the fact that the procedure will manipulate human DNA unnaturally, nor any of the ethical considerations of the procedure. Instead, they wrote, “Beyond that, the implications of being able to age and rejuvenate tissues, organs, or even entire animals or people are mind-bending. Sinclair has rejuvenated the eye nerves multiple times, which raises the more existential question for bioethicists and society of considering what it would mean to continually rewind the clock on aging.”

Bioethicits are going to look at what can be done and decide it should be done. They will produce volumes of anti-God and anti-human rhetoric and ‘rationality’ to convince everyone the right thing to do is to trust the science and the intentions of those behind the science. Society is pretty much oblivious to anything Time was writing about, I have been warning about, and visionaries like Steve Quayle and Alex Jones have been alerting people to for decades. Is it that they don’t care? Do they lack the capacity to understand what this actually is? Or are they so complacent and biased in that complacency that they are willing to accept anything the ‘experts’ tell them to maintain their complacent existences? I don’t know what it is but we have one foot on this earth and the other dangerously close to stepping straight into Hell, so I hope society wakes up really really quickly.

Scott Raines wrote an opinion piece on the Cell article’s findings which appeared in DeseretNews on January 28, 2023. He is much kinder about what Sinclair and Time are suggesting than I am going to be in his article, Perspective: A future for me and not for thee — the hubris of transhumanism. Raines compared Sinclair’s discovery, and the transhuman potential it represents, to the fictional account of Dorian Gray as written of by Oscar Wilde to show the hubris. He also placed the blame upon the proper culprits of the hubris:

“Billionaires Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Peter Thiel all seem convinced, if you follow the money, that you can even buy eternal life — or rather, a never-ending mortal existence.. They are reportedly investing in startups that are trying to slow or stop aging and disease. And their money is starting to produce results.”

While noting that Elon Musk is developing Neuralink, a neural network implant which will allow AI to direct human thoughts and allow the human mind direct communication back to the AI, Raines noted that Musk claimed he didn’t want to live forever. Raines also notes that cryonics – the freezing of biological humans (or parts of them) with the intention of being ‘cured’ of whatever malady has caused them to die in the first place at some point in the future – are being used to by wealthy elites to reappear on earth at a later date.

Raines lets all of these psychopaths off far too easy in my opinion. He stated an important truth which could easily be overlooked, “But we cannot buy eternal life, and we should never want to buy eternal mortality.” Both phrases are absolutely Biblical. The New Testament of the Bible especially details how worthless our earthly riches are in heaven. To extend our lives through such transhumanist technologies (which are also the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies so loved by Yuval Noah Harari. Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab) knowing that eventually we will still die is something that Raines, and I, hope readers will contemplate seriously because these technologies are being developed. They are being protected by the largest police states ever known to man. And they will likely end up becoming mandated.

Who is doing all of the funding for the push to define aging as a disease? Who is funding procedures and processes with the goal of radical life extension? It is a bunch of people who hate God and hate what God has made. Those who love God don’t make the claim that God ‘messed up’ and Satan-inspired human sciences can ‘fix’ human-beings’ ‘shortcomings’ and limitations. God-hating scumbags make those claims. The God-hating scumbags, coincidentally, also have all the money in the world and they are using it to ‘fix’ all of us.

So lets put this in perspective. There is a method for radically accelerating and reversing aging. The God-hating, anti-human wing of ‘humanity’ hold the technologies. They will decide to life these fantastically longer-lives themselves. The rest of us, who they see as useless eaters at best, parasites wasting their resources waiting to be exterminated in the most efficient way possible at worst, will not be reversing our aging process. We will be exterminated, in part, by having it sped up for us. And, oh my, how easy will that tactic be? You won’t even know that it is happening to you and the likes of Jeff Bezos. Bill Gates, and that ugly Nazi Klaus Schwab prefer it that way.

The Time article has this nifty quip included in it, “The researchers are attaching a biological switch that would allow them to turn the clock on and off by tying the activation of the reprogramming genes to an antibiotic, doxycycline. Giving the animals doxycycline would start reversing the clock, and stopping the drug would halt the process. Sinclair is currently lab-testing the system with human neurons, skin, and fibroblast cells, which contribute to connective tissue.”

A switch means on or off, yes, meaning it is binary. Sinclair and his team of Satan-worshipers are using a modified antibiotic to activate the switch to either the on or off position. In the context Time presents it in, when the switch is on, aging is reversed – radical life extension achieved. What happens when the switches are permanently shut off through, say, a common food additive or staple? We die much more quickly from aging.

These sick freaks are already growing foods with all kinds of garbage in them. To ‘get’ the ‘vaccine’ hesitant (I consider myself to be vaccine militant, but I am intended to be gotten as well) spinach and lettuce are being grown with the mRNA gene therapies in the plants themselves. Livestock animals are being given mRNA-based gene therapies to prevent diseases – can that transfer to our food, let’s not do any studies on that so the question won’t be answered until masses of people start dying. Corn has long been used to grow all sorts of pathogens, particularly HIV/AIDS (the causation of AIDS is NOT, I repeat, NOT, HIV – many non-Anthony-Fauci-funded studies have concluded this), to find a ‘vaccine’ for the syndrome. The FDA and USDA have flatly refused to regulate nanotechnology in food and the USDA actually promotes their use, meaning we are eating nanotechnology.

We have debauched what God has given us to the point where we threaten the security of food and have been forced to give up on the idea of food safety if we are not producing the food on our own. I live in an apartment and would love to know how, exactly, I am supposed to ensure my own food safety by raising my own cattle, chickens, corn, or rice. I can grow some smaller herbs and vegetables, but I would have a tough time sustaining myself properly from the produce. Even those in the suburbs would have a difficult time because of zoning laws and HOA’s demanding that food not be raised in their neighborhoods. If you are curious about why eggs are so incredibly expensive it is because major manufacturers of chicken feed decided to change ther formula and the chickens stopped laying eggs. The fate of the chickens with the altered feed is the plan for the human race – Sinclair’s discovery makes that appallingly clear, to me at least.

The last three years have reminded me of a story I read as an adolescent. It is a Steven King short story titled “The End of the Whole Mess” and is included in Nightmares & Dreamscapes. The short story is about a writer and his genius brother. They are both bothered by violence and the genius brother sets out to ‘cure’ violence. He didn’t do any research into how this affects any other human capacity, just that there has to be something in the water to pacify people. Long story short, he finds the water which pacifies people and, instead of trying to ensure the safety, decides to dose the whole world with it. Everyone is very passive, singing kumbaya for several years as the entirety of humanity develops and succumbs to Alzheimer's. This another fictional account of the hubris Time is applauding, Sinclair is researching, and transhumanists are salivating over. What they are doing in reality is exactly what happened in King’s story – let’s ‘fix’ this unfixable aspect of human beings and cause what should have been a foreseeable problem so severe that everyone dies….

God made us perfectly in His image. We are not some derivative of pond scum or bacteria or single-celled amoeba. We were made by God and God is still completely real. Don’t take my word for it if you don’t believe that – reach out to Him and ask Him yourself. Lucifer or Satan, the Adversary, has always sought to destroy what God has created because the Adversary wants to be God himself. What better way, what better plan, could Satan have designed than to convince mortal human beings to decide that God doesn’t exist, Satan doesn’t exist and that human, themselves, are gods in their own right. The idea that aging is a disease comes directly from the Adversary’s plan. The ‘people’ promoting the idea, doing research into ‘fixing’ aging, and anyone who is of the idea that man-made science will somehow save humanity from death are all followers of a Satanic agenda meant to destroy our relationship with God.

THAT death, the death of the possibility of a relationship with God, is the death to be feared. When the transhumanists figure out how to ‘cure’ death itself, they will still be subjected to death of their flesh and they will be separated from God for eternity as well. I don’t think the death of my flesh will be a pleasant experience; however, being separated from God by playing around with His design of the human body seems far more unpleasant. Knowing the types of evil men and women which will have access to age-reversing technologies only makes me that much more against it. They will force anyone receiving their ‘treatments’ to be obedient to them and the moment an individual is not, these elite scumbags will just kill the entity anyway. They will have stolen the ‘treated’ entity’s birthright and killed their flesh…. The idea that these treatments are going to be performed on us against our will is too much.

To fight we must create an alternative system based on the recognition of God. If we do not do this there will be an enslaved post-human world featuring entities which may have been human at one time but are no longer human at all. Our DNA will be corrupted. Our brains will be Neuralinked or otherwise chipped. Our thoughts will be the thoughts of something else. Our actions will be coerced. Most of us will be dead. That elite mentioned above; however, will retain their humanity as much as possible and strive to live forever. So, seriously, ask yourself, are you willing to be separated from God forever to live for a while longer in this Satanically-inspired dystopia, or are you going to pray to God for relief, discernment, and repent of having followed the lies of the world instead of the Laws of God? The choice is still yours to make, but the time to make it is growing very short.

Bless God and God bless.


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