OU Cale Gundy’s Departure Crippling?

Cale Gundy’s Departure From OU Football Program Crippling?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/9/2022

I have no idea if OU football will have a good year or not. And frankly, I really don’t care. What I do care about is how woke all of these sports have gotten.

Watching a football game used to be pretty fun, especially the college version. I stopped watching after a bunch of retards at Missouri decided that the school’s president needed to resign because most of the football team didn’t think he was taking appropriate action to combat racism. That was in 2015. The incident being discussed involved a swastika drawn on a dorm wall in poop which. It is highly suspicious that no one thought to take a picture of it, nor was there any evidence collected. The only thing it did for me was to convince me that NCAA football is something I do not need to pay attention to at all.

The NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL are all too woke for me to stomach anymore. I absolutely love the sport of hockey, so the NHL going woke, even though they are nowhere near as woke as the NFL and NBA, kind of bums me out. If the NY Rangers or Minnesota Wild ever get to play for the Stanley Cup, maybe I’ll make an effort to watch it, but it won’t be a priority. And it’s sad that sports have done this to themselves. Diversions from the evil of the powers-that-be are nice sometimes. The evil powers have infiltrated these businesses and made them woke – to the point that they are no longer worth my time.

ESPN, the sports reporting media of record, is also woke. I largely can’t stand sports commentary to begin with but ESPN goes over the top. ESPN seems to know no bounds in forcing their reporters to stay within their standards. Kneeling for the national anthem is good, homosexual football players are good, Colin Kapernick is a hero, and Tim Tebow kneeling is bad are some of the lessons that ESPN has tried to teach all of us. So I detest ESPN, too.

All of these contact sports are fun to watch. Well, they used to be fun to watch. These are the United States’ circuses. They are designed to captivate an audience and to distract from the real world. Some of these players make tens of millions of dollars a year to play their sport. They can only make that much money if those teams have the money to spend on them. Those teams get that money from you (not me) buying tickets, food, souvenirs, beer, programs and jerseys at their games, buying team licensed merchandise in stores, cable television packages, and tax subsidies. If we expect them to change their woke ways, we would have to stop using our dollars to support the team.

But, just when I started thinking, oh maybe it would be okay to watch the Nebraska Cornhuskers (my favorite team) a few times this year, I saw a story coming out of Oklahoma. Now, as a side note – I have hated the Big Ten my whole life and I still do even though Nebraska is now a member, so that was one reason I haven’t watched a Nebraska game in years. But I was thinking, maybe…. Then Oklahoma made the news on August 7, 2022 and I started thinking all over again why waste my time on NCAA circuses? And where are we at as a society?

According to ESPN, Cale Gundy quit his assistant head coaching job for the Oklahoma Sooners on August 7. He worked in the Oklahoma football program for at least 23 years. Why?

“Gundy announced his resignation Sunday night, saying he noticed that a player, who was supposed to be taking notes during a film session, was distracted and so he picked up the player's iPad and read the words on the screen, including the unspecified term.

“‘The unfortunate reality is that someone in my position can cause harm without ever meaning to do so,’ Gundy wrote in a statement posted to his Twitter account. ‘In that circumstance, a man of character accepts accountability. I take responsibility for this mistake. I apologize.’”

Rational people do not act this way. Sorry OU fans, I’m calling your now formed assistant head coach irrational, and I will tell you why. First off, Gundy did not type the offensive words into the iPad. Gundy was not the one screwing off in class either. So what was the offensive word? Your guess is as good as mine, and probably the same as mine, too. Nonetheless, it is being reported Gundy said the word aloud multiple times as he read from the player’s iPad.

Here is a question for responsible college instructors and coaches – why is it permissible for a player to use such language in the first place? Why was it only wrong for Gundy to say it out loud, not for that player to type it multiple times? Wouldn’t that make the player the guilty party in this incident? Apparently not. Of course, ESPN, nor any other news outlet I’ve seen has stated the offending player’s name. However, only a white guy saying the word out loud was offensive – apparently the player typing it in the first place was just fine. Draw your own conclusions, I’ve already drawn mine.

Here is a suggestion though, Oklahoma University – kick this kid out of your football program. If the kid has an athletic scholarship, rip it up. Growing up is all about learning how to be accountable for your actions – just like Gundy said. And another thing, OU, start screening your players to see if they have the moral decency to not use such language in the first place.

The real problem is that Gundy stepped down. Should he have read an unspeakable-for-certain-races-to-speak word out loud in front of everyone present? Probably not. Should he have stepped down? Absolutely NOT – not in a million years. Gundy is not only irrational, he is ‘woke.’ That’s where the real problem is. Gundy is so woke that instead of apologizing for having uttered the word and leaving it at that, he also quit a job he had worked at for 23 years. He did this because the NCAA is woke. The NCAA is woke because all of sports is woke, with very few exceptions. Instead of actually facing the consequences, Gundy stepped down from his position to avoid the consequences of the woke mob, which he is a part of, coming after him.

Maybe Gundy was worried about the team refusing to play if Gundy continued coaching. Maybe he was concerned with having the woke mob show up at his house. Maybe Gundy wanted to avoid being fired or demoted. Whatever Gundy’s reason(s) behind his stepping down, it all boils down to an attempt at appeasing of the woke mob. What a terrible idea, Gundy, shame on you. Now that you have all this time off; however, maybe go read up on your British history – specifically the time period in which that useless limp noodle of a prime minister Neville Chamberlain was in charge. The really interesting thing is the woke mob which forced you to run scared, Gundy, holds the same ideas as the Nazi’s and Bolsheviks did in Chamberlain’s time and neither now, nor then, was appeasement an actual option. Literally, you failed the whole country by not saying enough is enough and holding the author responsible.

There are too many Gundy’s out there. There is a severe lack of Andrew Tate’s – whether he says something I disagree with or not. Gundy’s are cowards, caving to the mob’s desires. The Tate’s say what is on their mind and will explain why – if the listener doesn’t like it – too bad. At the same time, the Tate’s will entertain discussions with those who disagree with his positions.

The United States needs to break this woke psychological hold and start trying to peek ten minutes into the future. The woke mob wants everyone to engage in and to celebrate anything which will further destroy individuality, actual responsibility and the consequences arising from real responsibility, reproductive capability, and independent rational thought. We don’t need any more Gundy’s, we need more evil-hating speakers with platforms like Alex Jones, Doug Hagmann, and Steve Quayle. Tune out of ESPN and start tuning into alternative news – and then start doing your own research and drawing your own conclusions. It is actually pretty fun to wake people up.

Before you start though, read your Bible and ask God to direct your feet and your tongue.


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