Here They Come

Here They Come

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/8/2022

Anything that Chuck Schumer has ever done has been unholy and has screwed the citizens of the United States over. When the demonic House of Representatives votes to pass the Senate’s version of the Build Back Better bill, renamed the Inflation Reduction Act by the Senate, the United States will officially be over with.

It’s tough to pick a spot to point at to begin. There have been increasing hostility towards constitutionally-minded individuals and Biblically-minded individuals for quite a while in the United States and around the world. I guess we should look at a few documents produced in Missouri in 2008 and 2009. The November 2008 identifies different Anarchist groups. One of those groups is the “Christian-Anarchist” group which operates on the idea, “that there is only one source of authority to which Christians are ultimately answerable, the authority of God as embodied in the teachings of Jesus. Christian Anarchists feel that “earthly” authority such as government, or the established church do not and should not have power over them.”

In the 2009 report, detailing The Modern Militia Movement, which identifies members with other “right-wing movements” such as:

“Christian Identity: Religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the “Lost Tribes of Israel.” Many consider Jews to be the satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are “mud people” created before Adam and Eve.

“White Nationalist: Many white supremacists, National Socialists “Neo-Nazis”, and skinheads are drawn to the movement and its anti government, Semitic, and anti-immigration rhetoric.

“Sovereign Citizen: Individuals that see themselves as Sovereign Citizens question the legitimacy of the federal government. They argue that the government has gotten away from the intent of the Constitution and is thus not valid. These groups are strong states rights advocates, but see the County Sheriff as the highest position of authority. These groups and individuals are well known for failure to register vehicles and driving without valid licenses. Sovereign Citizens have been known to issue their own license plates and drivers licenses and to issues summons to appear in “Common Law” courts.

“Militant Abortion: Anti Abortionists have been known to take up arms in support of their beliefs. Eric Rudolph who was responsible for the Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing and abortion clinics was an anti abortionist.

“Tax Resistors: This movement is strongly in opposition to the collection of federal income taxes. Individuals in this movement generally believe that income taxes are invalid or the tax laws do not apply to them.

“Anti-Immigration: Some militia organizations have been formed solely for the purpose of countering the threat of illegal immigration. Extremists will argue that immigrants are taking the jobs of U.S. Citizens during times of high unemployment. Additionally, illegal immigrants are seen as sucking up government resources without paying taxes. Some militia units patrol the border in order to safeguard against drug smugglers, gangs, or violent immigrants.”

Project Veritas was presented with an FBI document very similar to these MIAC reports. The FBI document was presented on August 2, 2022 and targets anyone with a Gadsdon symbol, a ‘come and take it’ symbol, ‘III’ or 3% symbol, a Betsy Ross symbol, warrior culture logo, anarcho-capitalism colors (yellow and black), and anyone that supports the 2nd Amendment, among others.

The Department of Justice is headed by a hardened Communist named Merrick Garland. The DOJ is the head of several important, and highly corrupted, agencies including the FBI, DEA, and ATF. Garland has placed a great deal of focus on keeping parents away from school board meetings by threatening those parents engaging in ‘wrong-speech’ with visits from the FBI. His prior claims to fame were his completely botched handling of the Oklahoma City bombing prosecution and the prosecution of Ted Kaczynski. In neither case did any truth come to light. Of course, Garland is also famous for being passed over when Barack Hussein Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court in late 2016.

Garland has a big problem with what he calls domestic violent extremists (DVE’s). In June 2021 DOJ released a 35 page document called National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.

“The Intelligence Community (IC) assesses that domestic violent extremists (DVEs) who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2021. Enduring DVE motivations pertaining to biases against minority populations and perceived government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive DVE radicalization and mobilization to violence. Newer sociopolitical developments–such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID–19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence–will almost certainly spur some DVEs to try to engage in violence this year.”

Reading further through this document, it states many interesting tidbits. DOJ is seeking to aggressively destroy anyone who fits their profile of what a DVE is. Part of the DVE definition includes those same groups listed in the MIAC reports and the leaked FBI documents. The DOJ’s document alludes to going after militia members, Christians, Believers in Christ in general, gun owners, 2nd Amendment supporters, in addition to those who reject any narrative the government spews out. So, deciding that inflation is two consecutive quarters of negative growth could potentially get a US citizen deemed as a DVE. Imagine if you happen to do that while you are a straight, white. Christian, male who doesn’t trust the government, and has already denounced the COVID-19 scam, the jabs, the Jan 6 legal debauchery, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Tuskegee experiments, globalism, man made climate change, the Oklahoma City bombing, and many other official stories the government demands its subjects accept and not question.

Well, that person is Alex Jones. Jones is not alone in doing this; however, he is the one who was just sued for 45 million dollars. The FBI was heavily involved in his ‘prosecution.’ The FBI was also heavily involved in the ‘kidnapping plot’ of that witch Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. The FBI murdered Vicki Weaver and paid the family millions. The FBI lost the front door to the compound they lit on fire in Waco. They straight up murdered LaVoy Finnicum – there is video of it. And now this same FBI is expanding its definition and scope of DVE’s thanks to criminal elements in the US government.

As I mentioned above, the legal system is not functioning on laws, but on feelings rooted in wokism. The legislature is full of corrupt, criminal, and Communist elements. The executive branch has been usurped through corrupted elections. There is no more United States. There is only the will of the criminal contingent residing within what was once the United States and this is only going to get much, much worse.

The Internal Revenue Service is set to be doubled in size. This bill will have the IRS hire 87,000 additional, gun toting, agents. The US Senate passed the Senate’s version of the Build Back Better bill passed earlier by the House on Sunday, August 8, 2022. The Senate Version is being called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The House will pass it because their majority is composed of corrupted Communists who hate this nation. Obama’s puppet president, Joe Biden, will sign the thing. Guess what happens then?

The IRS will start sending out agents to harass anyone they identify as a nationalist, a Christian, a believer in Jesus or Yeshua, anyone who rejects any of their asinine narratives, and especially, anyone who dares to ask questions about those narratives in an attempt to ascertain the truth. Obama did the same thing during his demonic reign over the United States. The IRS refused to allow conservative groups to gain 501(c)3 status. Democrats had no problems with achieving tax exemptions.

What is going to happen with the renamed Build Back Better bill is going to be a disaster. It will drive inflation through the roof. The IRS will act just as the tax collectors of olden days. Energy will become even more scarce and expensive. And if anyone speaks out about this or anything else the government of the former United States of America does or against what it tells you to believe then we will be sued. We will be criminally prosecuted. We will be shot on sight depending on our threat assessments when they come and try to detain us.

While it seems counterintuitive, the only way to beat this is to stand up to these monsters. And the only way to do that is to be inspired by God. I suggest that we support Alex Jones and the others the prosecutors are about to come after (which is literally everyone with a name who speaks even 1% of the truth). The goal is to take guys like me out. Their goal is to stamp out ANY dissent, including yours. The most dangerous thing to the false narratives being forced upon us is to ask questions. The most dangerous thing to the globalists themselves is to follow God’s Laws, love the Messiah (Jesus, Yeshua) He sent for us, and eagerly await His return AND ask those questions. Satan will not defeat God. No matter how evil these pricks are, how much they persecute those seeking and believing in Truth, and how many of us doing so are eliminated by these satan-loving ghouls – God still wins. The point is to fight the evil here as God calls you to. You have to have some understanding of God first. Read your Bible – it’s about to be outlawed.

Only God will determine whether or not to allow a restoration of the United States. That means we need to draw close to God as a nation.

May God be with you, may He bless you, may He inspire you, and may He allow us to crush this evil being thrust onto us.


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