America is Dead – Now What?

America is Dead – Now What?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/10/2022

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide” – Abraham Lincoln

He was right, and, unfortunately it has happened. The United States is going to fall completely, but for all intents and purposes, it has already stopped functioning. Very little in the body of the Constitution of the United States of America is being upheld. The Bill of Rights are being infringed daily. The federal government continuously violates states rights. The courts in this nation are a joke. This nation, which was once great, is no longer functioning at all.

How did wee get here? We got here because our government is directed by a contingent of bureaucrats in stay-behind networks and administration infiltrators. We did fall through our own actions. We allowed too many children to hate freedom. We allowed too many people to forget the way this nation was supposed to operate. The vocal minority who have issued warnings about the fall of the US for the last 30 years is being snuffed out through censorship, old age, and threats to themselves and their loved ones.

If you are pissed off at me, I apologize reader. Recognizing the times is extremely important; nothing positive can possibly rise from the ashes of what was once the US if we cannot accept the truth – America is dead.

So, where do we go? First we need to band together to demand the states get together to declare a Constitutional Convention. If the states refuse, then people with freedom and responsibility in mind need to come together to draw up our own government’s Constitution.

At this Convention, the members need to basically copy the US Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and most of the other Amendments, with several changes. There will be no 16th nor 17th Amendment. Language needs to be included stating that Congress is not permitted to outsource any of their enumerated powers. Term limits (for as much as I hate them) need to be placed on all candidates for federal office – 4 terms maximum for Senators, 12 for House members. The states will appoint Senators. House members will be able to be recalled based upon 65% of the constituents voting to oust them – if this occurs, the member is immediately removed and a special election will take place within the next 30 days. Only US citizens will be permitted to vote – new, legal, immigrants must wait at least two election cycles in order to vote. No one in federal government will be permitted to remain in any position, military included, for more than 20 years. A new currency would be used and central banks would be specifically outlawed and those seeking to effect a central bank would be subjected to prosecution on par with treason and espionage.

That would be a good start.

What would happen to all of those scumbags who destroyed the United States? We try them for treason and espionage. If they are found guilty we either execute them or exile them to someplace incredibly hostile to the them. Prison terms for these purveyors of evil, should it be decided to mete them out, should be no less than life sentences with no opportunity for parole.

That would be a good start too – it’s what we should have been doing in the first place.

We need to set up our own schools with no federal nor state anything. The focus in education should be to teach children to read, write, and do math. Anything additional to this should be decided upon by the parents of the children in the school.

We need cheap power that we can operate on our own if need be. Solar panels can be used individually. Newer technologies such as Low Energy Nuclear Reaction plants could be built and operated by those familiar with the technology in a far cheaper and less resource-dependent manner. Water powered engines could be used for our cars. We could all have desalination plants of our own to procure clean drinking water. We don’t need the government to do this.

For security, our newly drafted country could be defended by staying out of foreign entanglements. This means decoupling ourselves from the security concerns of Europe, Southeast Asia, and other regions. No longer would the nation play world cop just to get crapped on by the nations we provide that security for. In this vein, any involvement with ANY international organization will be immediately stopped, including the UN, WHO, WTF, IMF, World Bank, and others. We won’t have a standing army – instead we will train every person 12 years old and up on how to shoot, communicate, and follow orders. For those showing aptitude in military operations, at the age of 18, they will be trained to operate advanced weapons systems such as aircraft, helicopters, tanks, and nuclear weapons among others. These young men and women will serve as a backstop to the militias which will be trained. The militias will train by area code, with their neighbors, for at least one week a year.

All federal welfare programs will be immediately ended. Any welfare which a government collects and doles out to recipients will be administered by the individual states. The people of those states need to be able to have direct control over these programs – thus, to begin or end any welfare program, 70% of the individuals in the state will need to vote in approval after the legislation was drafted and the governor signed it. The same will hold true for any state, county, or local tax increases.

As for immigration, we will deport anyone entering the country illegally. Legal immigrants will need to show some evidence of the benefit that they bring with them before being admitted. Evidence can include skills, willingness to work, willingness to learn new skills while engaged in menial work, etc….

Business subsidies will be completely banned. Anyone engaging in them will serve no less than 20 years in prison should they be convicted. Businesses in the United States must be at least 50.1% owned by US citizens – if it is not, they can enjoy a fine of 100% of their net worth daily, 90% of which is payable to the citizens of the nation, until they comply. No foreign individual, government, business nor any other entity will be permitted to own nor control the usage of any land, body of water, waterway, nor infrastructure within the newly formed country.

All trials, civil and criminal, will be by jury. Jurors will be instructed by the court on the idea of jury nullification. Inanimate objects cannot be charged with a crime. Anyone trying to charge an inanimate object with a crime will be tried for humanizing non-human objects and subjected to a fine 10 times the value of the inanimate object in question and/or 5 years in prison.

People will be encouraged to grow a garden and, if they have the land, to keep livestock and poultry. People will be encouraged to collect rainwater for drinking. We need to be able to eat and have access to water. There is no reason to make ourselves vulnerable to supply chain disruptions nor completely dependent upon the 1%-2% of us that are farmers. There is plenty of arable land in the US, lets use it for our benefit as individuals.

I think these provisions would serve as a really good starting point.

We need to do this, in my estimation, by September 1, 2022.

Call up your governor’s office and start asking them about their willingness to effect, especially, a Constitutional Convention. It’s a risky move because of some of the amoral whackjob governors currently ‘leading’ their states into hell. But it is far better than the alternative – intersectional civil war with the promise of invasion from the east and the west. Let’s skip the globalists plans (the wars and strife and death) and declare our own ideas – restore the United States to what it SHOULD BE, without the central bank, the deep state, and a bunch of leaders uniting us with globalist kowtowing morons.

Now, when this doesn’t gain support, I suggest the states which are in support, decide to secede from the United States of America and form their own union. If the powers that currently be wish to come after about half the states, let them – at that point its not on us, its on them.

In all of this – God will deliver the righteous and deal out His wrath to the wicked. We have seen the wickedness of this administration and those in the everlasting bureaucracy seeking to utterly turn ever citizen into a slave. The wickedness is making their move. It’s time to stop merely calling out their wicked endeavors and to take PEACEFUL action against them. It’s not the time for violence – yet. Let’s see if we can pull all of this off without the violence.


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