Elon Musk and Sustainable Development Goals

Elon Musk and Sustainable Development Goals

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/20/2022

Elon Musk owns Starlink and Starlink wants to put everyone online using broadband satellites. Musk’s Starlink is in the news because, in order for Starlink to operate globally, exemptions to sanctions will need to be secured in the case of Iran. So lets take a look at some facts, connect the dots, and figure out what is really happening with this Starlink news.

We will start in 2015. That is the year the UN’s Millennial Goals utterly failed to materialize and the Sustainable Development Goals started. I have written a great deal about these goals and the targets the UN designed to fulfill the goals in detail elsewhere on the site but there is one, in particular. which Elon Musk is helping the United Nations to meet. That would be SDG 9 (“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”) target C (“Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020”). The United Nations wants to get every individual on earth on the internet as quickly as possible.

In 2020, Starlink was awarded a $149 million grant to, in part, build satellites capable of tracking missiles for the Department of Defense. In August 2022, Starlink satellites were purchased for $1.9 million by the Air Force although the total cost of the contract was redacted. Starlink was used to assist Ukraine with Starlink satellites – something the Russian’s are not very pleased about and have suggested destroying Musk’s network. There are a lot of other contracts which Musk holds with the Department of Defense and other government agencies. In 2015, the LA Times put the number at $4.9 billion. That number has only grown by billions of dollars since 2015. It has grown so much that Kash Patel (former Chief of Staff at DoD) noted, “the DoD’s biggest like contractor is Elon Musk.”

CNET, reporting on Starlink, wrote in August 2022, “Eventually, Starlink hopes to blanket the entire planet in a usable, high-speed Wi-Fi signal, including for moving vehicles and in-flight Wi-Fi.” That means that the internet will be everywhere all the time. It also means that every person on earth will be affected by Wi-Fi signals all the time. It also means that there will be no more cell-phone free zones unless you set out to purposefully build one. It would also satisfy the UN’s vision under SDG 9c to connect all of the people on the planet to the internet.

Why is this important? The US government is running a fascist scheme here, something the UN must really enjoy seeing. The US government is paying Musk with tax dollars to develop extremely destructive technologies which will not benefit us. They will enslave us. And Elon Musk, sitting on top of mounds cash from government contracts and government grants (i.e. OUR money), knows this.

It’s not that I want people to have no access to the internet if they want it – I just think that there are better ways to do it than to cover the entire earth in Wi-Fi radiation. And I have a good reason. Starlink, as I have already shown, is in a fascist relationship with the US government. The unavoidable truth is in the military contracts and combat assistance Starlink has provided to US protectorates, such as Ukraine. For as much as I despise all of these stupid Communist dumpster fires running around, I equally despise the fascists sucking the money out of our pockets using the coercion only government’s are afforded in order to further unconstitutional and, frankly, murderously dangerous public private partnerships. Elon Musk is not alone in this fascist model. Facebook, Twitter, Moderna, and many others have also colluded with various government agencies to effect certain outcomes desired by the US government (censorship, robbery, terrorism, imprisonment, enslavement, and death, apparently).

Having everything on the entire globe online all the time is just the technology the United Nations was hoping for in order to achieve SDG 9c. The UN (and all intelligence services in the world) want to be able to track every single person and every single thing. Starlink IS the Internet of Things. People are things too, and that is what the IoT really is, an open air prison where everything is rationed. And by everything – I mean everything – water, food, leisure time, what you are permitted to do during your leisure time, medical services, carbon, transportation options, travel destinations – EVERYTHING is going to be monitored, all the time. The benefit, for the global elite wishing to inflict grave losses of liberty, freedom, autonomy, health, and life upon all of humanity, is that a permanent Wi-Fi field will allow them to track anything that moves in real time without a chip. Your house will still need smart water and electrical meters, but you, your dog, bullets, cars, boats and airplanes won’t. If it moves it can be detected through Wi-Fi fields because those fields will be disrupted by the movement. It’s an open air prison for every single non-plant life form on earth.

Elon Musk’s Starlink, at the behest of the Department of Defense and their mission to facilitate the utter insanity of the UN’s SDG goals, are literally building a prison around the entire globe.

It doesn’t scare me that this is happening – it disgusts me. Here we are being bombarded by twinks and gender dysphoria in our elementary schools, Joe Biden calling half of the US terrorists because of the way they voted, the male soap opera formerly known as the National Football League, baby murderers demanding some kind of right to murder their babies, and 700,000 funerals (I’m exaggerating, 10 days of funerals is far too many) for one person across the pond while we are being enslaved, imprisoned, and murdered.

I think it’s time to start getting real. Let’s say that there really are 15% of humanity that understands even 5% of what is going on. That would be 1.5 billion people getting it at 5%. That’s a good start but that’s not going to get these demons to stop doing what they are doing. Either those 1.5 billion people need to get about 90% of the plan and act in unison or we need about 5 billion people to get 10% of the plan, unify, and say, in a loud voice – NO MORE. The Great Awakening is happening to an extent; however, it is not happening on a large enough scale. The voice saying NO MORE is being drowned out by censorship, distractions, and too many people with a false sense of security placed in their government and those who want the destruction of humanity to occur. With every person who opens their eyes to even one small sliver of what the globalist plan entails, we get closer and closer to preventing it’s implementation. We are all playing a game of tug of war – the idea is to get people woken up from their slumber and to defect from the globalist’s ranks because they are trying to send humanity as a whole over a cliff.

As always, God Bless you. May you seek His guidance and wisdom.


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