New Meat

New ‘Meat’ is Not Meat.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/7/2022

Impossible Foods, a California-based meat-creation company, was founded in 2011 and put its first product on the market in 2016. Impossible Foods’ mission statement reads,

“Our mission is to restore biodiversity and reduce the impact of climate change by transforming the global food system. To do this, we’re making delicious, nutritious, affordable and sustainable meat, fish and dairy from plants.” 

They are doing this because they claim:

“Animal meat production uses nearly half of the world’s land, is responsible for at least 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consumes 25% of the world’s freshwater. We make meat from plants using a small fraction of the land, water and energy — so people can keep eating the foods they love, without harming the planet they love.”

The problem with this is Impossible Foods is lying to all of us. Impossible Foods is selling bunch of plants and chemical compounds they concocted to pretend it is meat. The concoction these eco-terrorists have created has zero cholesterol, increased iron content over real 80/20 beef, over five times the sodium of real 80/20 beef, and includes zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, and 2350% of the daily intake of thiamin. The daily intake of thiamin varies between ages, men and women, and whether women are pregnant or lactating. According to Harvard School of Public Health, males over 19 are recommended to take 1.2 mg, women 19 and over 1.1 mg, and pregnant or lactating women 1.4mg. Those recommendations steeply fall as age decreases. The amount of thiamin in an Impossible Burger would fall between 25.85mg and 32.9 mg/4 oz serving.

I don’t know what any of these vitamins are bound by; however, despite National Institutes of Health assurances regarding high-level doses of thiamin, there was a paper written in 1948 titled A Comparison of the Acute Toxicity of Two Forms of Thiamine which gives rise to questions about the NIH’s toxicity assurances. The paper detailed the toxicity of thiamine hydrochloride and thiamine mononitrate and noted there are similar lethal doses for both substances. Impossible Foods uses thiamine hydrochloride for the thiamin content in their fake beef. If a consumer decides to eat a pound of this a day, they are taking in more thiamine mononitrate than most medications use and run an icreased risk for heart attacks.

Another unhealthy aspect of this ‘food’ is that it contains no cholesterol at all. Human brains are made out of cholesterol. Getting no cholesterol will result in types of dementia including Alzheimer's disease.

The complete ingredient list is:

“Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Natural Flavors, 2% Or Less Of: Potato Protein, Methylcellulose, Yeast Extract, Cultured Dextrose, Food Starch Modified, Soy Leghemoglobin, Salt, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant), Soy Protein Isolate, Vitamins and Minerals (Zinc Gluconate, Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), Niacin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin B12).”

Most of this concoction is made of water and soy. There are quite a few studies noting the impact of eating large amounts of soy and fertility in both males and females. The reason for this is there is an estrogen content within soy. High levels of soy intake can interfere with reproductive health in women and in men. This means less children for people. I will give my opinion that the real goal behind Impossible Foods is to reduce the population of the earth.

They claim this is sustainable food. I claim this is part of the depopulation agenda. I also claim Impossible Foods is targeting children. They want to serve this crap in schools to our children. In addition, they retail their estrogen-mimicking, overdose-possible fake food at Jamba, White Castle, Johnny Rockets, Target, and Sprouts Farmers Market and others. The Impossible Burger from Burger King is made of this trash.

Impossible Foods is not the only company trying to force feed us their climate change agenda by creating garbage for people to eat. Soy is bad enough as a meat substitute. How about fungus being used as the protein in fake meat, as is done by Nature’s Fynd and Quorn. $158 million has been raised by Nature’s Fynd in part due to donations from Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Al Gore. As if Malthus was helping write their website, Nature’s Fynd is creating fungal-based fake meat products because:

“Feeding 8 billion people is putting a strain on our planet that it simply can't keep up with. Today over 50% of ice-free land on earth and 50% of the water in the U.S. is used to support livestock. By 2040 global demand for dairy is expected to increase by 50% and meat by 60%. This is not sustainable. Together we can stop the cycle of supply and demand with food choices that nourish people and nurture the planet.”

I’ll pass on anything Gates thinks I need to do to, or put into, my body and the same thing goes for Bezos and Kerry. I’m willing to bet none of donors to this company would eat this crap on a regular basis with the three mentioned probably never seeing a need to ingest it.

And just in case fungal meat isn’t creepy enough, the next time you find a meal worm in your cupboard or some maggots, go ahead and hold onto it. It’s meat according to Aspire Food Group, Entocycle, and Flying Spark. All of these companies are involved in using various insects as a meat substitute.

Aspire’s attitude statement reads:

"We refuse to live in a world where food and nutrition insecurity abound, and we have the Audacity, Skill, Passion, Ingenuity, Rebelliousness and Commitment to Excellence to do something about it.”

Their vision mimics the arrogance of their arrogant attitude statement: “Pioneering Sustainable Insect Agriculture for the Good of All.” Oh they know better than any of us what we should eat! The company boasts about using AI, Internet of Things, and robots to raise their insects, harvest those insects, and create their fake-meat protein.

Entocycle’s mission and vision statements read:

“Our mission is to accelerate a global transition to sustainable protein.

“Our vision is to restore the natural world by revolutionising the way we feed animals.”

It will only be a matter of time for Entocycle to realize a market selling their insect-derived proteins directly for use in human foods. The main reason they have decided to make feed for animals is because soy production takes too much land too, according to the company. If they can’t make people eat it directly, they will feed it to us by feeding it to our food.

Flying Spark has been on my radar before and I have done a piece on the company. They use fruit fly maggots to create protein powders for human and animal consumption. Their About Us section reads:

“Flying Spark is a FoodTech company, active in the field of insect-based alternative proteins. 

“Flying Spark focuses on R&D and production of high quality and sustainable alternative protein powder and other ingredients manufactured from the fruit fly larvae. 

“Sustainability is a core value of the company, therefore, our technology facilitates both efficient and reproducible cultivation and processing of the larvae. To achieve this,  biological traits of the larvae are engaged into the process, allowing optimal environmental conditions for their growth and reproduction.

“Flying Spark products are incorporated in aquaculture, pet food and human food  industries, as well as in the cosmetic industry.”

It’s all about the environment for all of these companies. They get gobs of money from people that will never have to eat fake anything. Gates’ proteins wont come from maggots or cockroaches. Jeff Bezos wont be dining on fungus-based chicken. Al Gore won’t suffer a meal created from Good Meat technology. But they also will not stop giving millions to these types of companies and flying around in their private jets to demand the rest of us accept that we are destroying the planet and have to eat this crap either.

Good Meat creates meat products from cells cultivated from cows and chickens and uses different mediums to ‘grow’ their meat. Their process is exactly the same process explained by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. Believing in a philosophy of One Earth, they claim there are no individual choices which do not affect the whole world, thus, we must eat non-traditionally raised meats. This company is channeling the sentiments of Paul Ehrlich, who absolutely wants to extinct humanity, by declaring there are too many people and we will run out of food to eat. It will only take the right dollar amount and this company, in particular, will start making human meat for human consumption.

Finally there are 3D printers owned by companies which print meat out of protein powders. The reason this approach is being employed is because fake meat has the wrong texture and humans can detect that it is not real.

If anyone still read the Bible, Leviticus 11 spells out exactly what God approves for human consumption. This applies to Christians as well as Jews. Jesus Christ did not abolish these dietary restrictions, He abolished the sacrifices to His Father. The Bible makes this really, really simple. All but one of these companies is violating God’s Law – Aspire seems to use locusts to create their protein. If that truly is the case, and they are using locusts, beetles, and grasshoppers, those are able to be eaten by humans because they are not unclean.

The vast majority of these companies are not following the Law given to Moses. Completely aware of this, these are the companies which are receiving the approval of the demonically-inspired monsters which run this world. Some of those people are Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, Klaus Schwab, and Ursula van der Leyen, the Rothschild's and the Vanderbilt's. Others are more shadowy and actually hold the strings. These types of people will do absolutely anything to get humanity to give up it’s God-given birthright. That takes our willingness to give it up. All of us need to be aware this occurring, and the reason is an often quoted Bible verse – Hosea 4:6 which reads “ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

It is something to seriously consider – we are all being lied to by the sorts of powers of this earth we were also warned about. The purpose is to steal what belongs to God. Go read your Bible and encourage others to do the same – this is but one front in a multi-front war to destroy humanity based on a spiritual war which is increasingly manifesting itself upon this world.

God bless you and keep you.


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