Yuval Harari Hates You

Yuval Noah Harari, Why Do You Despise Humanity So Much?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/6/2022

Yuval Noah Harari has positioned himself as one of the most influential thinkers of our time. He is Jewish, lives in Israel, and lectures at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the History Department. He has written several books and has published over a dozen papers. Harari and his husband, Itzik Yahav, founded a company called Sapienship, “a social impact company with projects in the fields of entertainment and education, whose main goal is to focus the public conversation on the most important global challenges facing the world today.”

He has appeared at Davos, Switzerland at least two times and gave keynote speeches each time. What he brings to the table for the Davos crowd is his excoriation of any faith-based belief system, especially ones based upon the Bible, and his transhumanist aspirations.

I will share several quotes from his website. I offer these as irrefutable evidence of his evil intentions for the rest of humanity. All of these quotes are from his book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and can be found on his website:

“Until recently, you would not have heard scientists, or anyone else, speak so bluntly. “Defeat death?! What nonsense! We are only trying to cure cancer, tuberculosis, and Alzheimer’s disease,” they insisted. People avoided the issue of death because the goal seemed too elusive. Why create unreasonable expectations? We’re now at a point, however, where we can be frank about it. The leading project of the Scientific Revolution is to give humankind eternal life. Even if killing death seems a distant goal, we have already achieved things that were inconceivable a few centuries ago.”

There was a character in Genesis 6, dubbed the serpent, who made the same promise to Eve in Genesis 6:3 verse 4. The results of that interaction and eating of the fruit led, indeed, to death. Harari is making the same claim as Lucifer did based upon science, instead of faith, and expounds on his previous quote by stating:

“Biological engineering is deliberate human intervention on the biological level (e.g. implanting a gene) aimed at modifying an organism’s shape, capabilities, needs, or desires, in order to realize some preconceived cultural idea.”

This is an accurate explanation of what mRNA based vaccines do. Biological engineering isn’t only existent in mRNA; however, different frequencies or wavelengths (radio, cellphone, 5G, and 6G), additives in the water like fluoride, and efforts like stratospheric aerosolized injections can also effect cellular-level changes resulting from damaged or degraded DNA – doctors usually refer to these types of instances as cancer.

Harari’s company’s name, Sapienship, really says it all – he wants global citizens without borders. The company has donated millions to UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and businesses which are involved with creating food products like cultured meat and lab-grown milk. The company’s main focal points seem to be on three topics – technological disruption from, mostly, AI, infotech, and bio-engineering; ecological collapse; and global war. Interestingly, no mention of any of the lead-ups to any of these issues is addressed, most notably a global financial collapse.

Sapienship also states, “All people in all countries should take part in the conversation about humanity’s global problems, and the search for solutions should take into account diverse viewpoints and interests.” The fact that humanity is currently being slaughtered, wholesale, as thoroughly and quietly as possible through psychological war, chemical sterilization, biochemical manipulation, and technological obsolescence is why I created the Center for the Preservation of Humanity in the first place. How valuable do you think Harari and his partner and his business would find my arguments? My guess is if any of them ever read this, they will demonize their piece, and me, as their enemy.

In 2020, Harari spoke at Davos. A large portion of that speech, reads:

“B x C x D = AHH!

“Which means? Biological knowledge multiplied by computing power multiplied by data equals the ability to hack humans, ahh.

“If you know enough biology and have enough computing power and data, you can hack my body and my brain and my life, and you can understand me better than I understand myself. You can know my personality type, my political views, my sexual preferences, my mental weaknesses, my deepest fears and hopes. You know more about me than I know about myself. And you can do that not just to me, but to everyone.

“A system that understands us better than we understand ourselves can predict our feelings and decisions, can manipulate our feelings and decisions, and can ultimately make decisions for us.

“Now in the past, many governments and tyrants wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people. We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls – we are now hackable animals. That's what we are.

“The power to hack humans can be used for good purposes – like providing much better healthcare. But if this power falls into the hands of a twenty-first-century Stalin, the result will be the worst totalitarian regime in human history. And we already have a number of applicants for the job of twenty-first-century century Stalin.

“Just imagine North Korea in twenty years, when everybody has to wear a biometric bracelet which constantly monitors your blood pressure, your heart rate, your brain activity twenty-four hours a day. You listen to a speech on the radio by the great leader and they know what you actually feel. You can clap your hands and smile, but if you're angry, they know, you'll be in the gulag tomorrow.

“And if we allow the emergence of such total surveillance regimes, don’t think that the rich and powerful in places like Davos will be safe, just ask Jeff Bezos. In Stalin’s USSR, the state monitored members of the communist elite more than anyone else. The same will be true of future total surveillance regimes. The higher you are in the hierarchy – the more closely you’ll be watched.

“Do you want your CEO or your president to know what you really think about them?

“So it is in the interest of all humans, including the elites, to prevent the rise of such digital dictatorships. And in the meantime, if you get a suspicious WhatsApp message, from some Prince, don't open it.

“Now if we indeed prevent the establishment of digital dictatorships, the ability to hack humans might still undermine the very meaning of human freedom. Because as humans will rely on AI to make more and more decisions for us, authority will shift from humans to algorithms and this is already happening.

“Already today billions of people trust the Facebook algorithm to tell us what is new, the Google algorithm tells us what is true, Netflix tells us what to watch, and the Amazon and Alibaba algorithms tell us what to buy.

“In the not-so-distant future, similar algorithms might tell us where to work and who to marry, and also decide whether to hire us for a job, whether to give us a loan, and whether the central bank should raise the interest rate.

“And if you ask why you were not given a loan, and why you the bank didn't raise the interest rate the answer will always be the same – because the computer says no. And since the limited human brain lacks sufficient biological knowledge, computing power and data – humans will simply not be able to understand the computer’s decisions.

“So even in supposedly free countries, humans are likely to lose control over our own lives and also lose the ability to understand public policy.

“Already now how many humans understand the financial system? Maybe one percent to be very generous. In a couple of decades, the number of humans capable of understanding the financial system will be exactly zero.

“Now we humans are used to thinking about life as a drama of decision-making. What will be the meaning of human life, when most decisions are taken by algorithms? We don’t even have philosophical models to understand such an exsistence.”

Shortly after this, Harari said:

“The twin revolutions of infotech and biotech are now giving politicians the means to create heaven or hell, but the philosophers are having trouble conceptualizing what the new heaven and the new hell will look like. And that’s a very dangerous situation.

“If we fail to conceptualize the new heaven quickly enough, we might be easily misled by naïve utopias. And if we fail to conceptualize the new hell quickly enough, we might find ourselves entrapped there with no way out.”

Harari then states that this will end up creating a newly evolved human-based entities infused with robotic parts as well as AI. Denying God as the Creator of the universe, Harari said:

“In the coming decades, AI and biotechnology will give us godlike abilities to reengineer life, and even to create completely new life-forms. After four billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection, we are about to enter a new era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design.”

This is the reason I have no respect for Harari. He is a God-denying Jew. Not only does he deny God, he denies any intelligent design despite any and all evidence pointing to it in the first place. This is why any fact checker promoting Harari is wrong. This is why I have no trust nor respect for the organizations he supports. In the past I would wager Harari was a humanist. When he started researching the crazy post-German Nazism science which began to boast claims of beating the death God commanded, I’m sure that polarized him and he has been hooked ever since.

Harari finishes up his debauchery-laden speech by demanding that anyone who enjoys the god-awful game of soccer’s World Cup already ascribes to globalism. He redefines peace as, “‘Peace’ no longer means just the temporary absence of war. Peace now means the implausibility of war.” Harari, in this quote, is pointing a middle finger to prophesy within the Bible, yet, he knows as well as I do there will be war and it will be horrible.

“Yes, our species has evolved in that jungle [war around every corner] and lived and even prospered there for thousands of years, but if we return there now, with the powerful new technologies of the twenty-first century, our species will probably annihilate itself.

“Of course, even if we disappear, it will not be the end of the world. Something will survive us. Perhaps the rats will eventually take over and rebuild civilization. Perhaps, then, the rats will learn from our mistakes.

“But I very much hope we can rely on the leaders assembled here, and not on the rats.”

The leaders Harari refers to are human beings who have decided to initiate the Book of Revelations, whether ordained by the God of Abraham, Isaac, Daniel, and David or not. These types of people actually believe they can kill God and take His throne. War will not, and never has, disappeared from the earth. Nor have the masses of human beings changed their individual desires to survive and procreate, ie. human nature has not changed. Harari is seeking to change human nature. For that he is a genocidal monster because it cannot be done.

Harari is one of the major brains behind the World Economic Forum’s founder, a demonic monster called Klaus Schwab. Klaus, humbly, announced in the opening speech of Davos 2022, that no one can survive on their own, specifically referencing governments, business, and civil societies. “We need collaborative efforts,” Schwab said, followed shortly after by:

“We of contributing to make this a better world is to look at all those issues in a holistic way. Political, economic/social, and ecological, dimensions of the every issue today are intertwined. So here we are, and you may ask, why do we have 400 sessions – it is to deal with all the aspects of our global system. And finally, when I looked at the short video, I was thinking, should we have an atmosphere of optimism or pessimism? I think we should be joyful and grateful [Klaus get very animated here] that we can meet again here in person, it’s so important, because confidence can only be built by personal contact. But, let’s also be clear, the future is not just happening, THE FUTURE IS BUILT BY US! By a powerful community as you here in this room, WE have the means to improve the state of the world.” [emphasis mine]

Harari’s influence is very clear in Klaus’ speech. It’s the WEF who thinks they have made the world better. If the world isn’t better, then it is up to the WEF to make it better.

What Harari wants is an end of humanity as it is understood today. No more flesh and blood. No more God-created DNA. He wants what the transhumanists want – a mutated and deceived human population constantly looking forward to new technology to continuously keep them alive on this through implants, modifications, and gene splicing.

The end of Harari’s arguments is a humanity enslaved and imprisoned in an AI dictated digital gulag based on informatics and biological destruction of the human species.

If Harari and his minions, as well as his peers, feel this way about humanity, they should show the rest of us how well all of their transhumanist ideas end up working out. It’s death. It’s the end of humanity. It’s the end of history. Harari, himself, should go try it out first since he is such a believer.

Again, I ask Harari, ‘why are you so zealous about murdering all of the rest of us?’


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