Core Principles of Transhumanism

How Committed Are These People to the Core Principles of Transhumanism?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/9/2022

In May 2021 The House of Representatives was introduced with H.R. 3542 – Human-Animal Chimera Prohibition Act of 2021. It failed in the house vote and was sent to the House Judiciary Committee where it will likely never leave. A sister bill in the Senate – S. 1800, Human-Animal Chimera Prohibition Act of 2021 – suffered a similar fate and will likely remain in the Senate Judiciary Committee until it expires.

We have a congress that refuses to forbid the mixing of human and animal DNA. In my opinion these bills do not go far enough, however, they are something substantive which would prevent most chimeric traits from being passed to future generations.

The only reason that anyone wants to do this is to support the idea that humans should never die. Death can be defeated if treated as an illness itself instead of a final consequence of disease or old age according to transhumanists.

The people who head the Judiciary Committee’s in the House and Senate are Jerry Nadler and Dick Durbin. These two share a lot of positions. In the increasingly depraved world in which we live, these two have yet to say, ‘hold up, this makes no sense.’

Since late 2019, the US has suffered from COVID-19, massive unemployment spikes, a massive universal basic income trial, lethal, untested, and dangerous (if not deadly) vaccines, and an unmitigated denial of basic Constitutional and human rights throughout the nation. After the COVID-19 terror campaign started winding down the fear-mongering windbags started cranking out the environmental scare tactics. This was usurped by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to be in the news, the US has been slammed with huge increases in consumer-good prices and force fed narratives to take a transmutagenic death jab, stand with Ukraine, support Roe v. Wade, and allow gun confiscation. Nadler, Durbin, and many others, love all of this because they think they know better than you do how to live your life and these ideas give them more control over forcing us to live as they see fit.

So we have the idea from our lawmakers and media that no one will die from disease if we follow a bunch of advice from murderous ‘doctors’ in public health. This was followed with the idea that war for territory is contemptible and every death resulting from it is completely unnecessary, and, honestly, those deaths are unnecessary; however, NATO was not going to stop poking Russia through peaceful means. The supporters of Roe v. Wade have literally taken to the streets to demand babies be murdered in the womb, which has nothing to do with women’s rights nor women’s bodily autonomy. Gun confiscation legislation is being drafted and passed (at least in the House) under the guise of saving children – by the same people who demand babies continue to be murdered under Roe v. Wade.

But it really all stems from the transhumanist idea that people should not be allowed to die because all death is preventable. It’s not preventable; however, and it is inevitable for each and every living thing upon the earth. Until we stop breathing and enter into the afterlife, is humanity going to allow itself to be murdered by government-sponsored terrorists using psychological warfare tactics? Are we going to be led around by the nose and told how we are to live our lives including where we are able to work, who we can associate with, and what god we are able to worship (if any)? Are we going to accept carbon credit as money, the social-credit system being increasingly employed around the world, and quotas on water, food, energy, and income? I’m not. I’m asking all readers of this to share it.

This article in particular is in response to the recent House passage of H.R. 7910, the so-called Protecting Our Kids Act. Jerry Nadler proposed this bill with the idea that no one should die of anything ever, especially because of violence. His ‘logic’ is to take firearms out of the hands of responsible citizens who don’t commit crimes in order to prevent psychopaths from committing horrific crimes. 222 others agreed with Nadler’s logic in order to pass the bill. Generally issues regarding the Second Amendment in the United States is very partisan with republicans usually voting to keep or expand access to firearms while democrats try to confiscate firearms without calling it confiscation. Two democrats (Golden-ME, Schrader-OR) and five republicans (Fitzpatrick-PA, Gonzalez-OH, Jacobs-NY, Kinzinger -IL, Upton-MI) voted against the rest of their parties.

Nadler’s confiscation plan will likely (hopefully) not pass the Senate according to NPR. The reason is that in the Senate the bill requires 60 votes to pass, requiring at least 10 republicans to vote against the oath they took. ABC is more positive in their prospects of negotiations in the Senate which would not reflect the House-passed bill but would still radically alter gun rights. Another way some democrats want to remedy this is to just get rid of the filibuster altogether. The filibuster basically forces 60 or more votes to end debate about a bill, making the vote threshold for a bill to go to an actual vote higher than the 51 needed to pass it.

Wisconsin’s Lieutenant Governor, Mandela Barnes, who is running for US Senate, is quoted as saying:

“I will never let archaic Senate procedure stand in the way of our basic human rights, whether it’s the right to live free from gun violence, abortion access or the right to vote[. …] People are motivated, they want leaders that will do everything possible, and that means getting rid of the filibuster. … it has to go.”

Several other contenders for US Senate have also stated their intentions to get rid of the filibuster:

“Before the recent mass shootings, several Democratic candidates, including Rep. Val Demings, who is trying to unseat Republican Sen. Marco Rubio in Florida, and Rep. Tim Ryan, who is running for the seat in Ohio left open by GOP Sen. Rob Portman’s retirement, were calling for an end to the filibuster to get major legislation on voting rights and other issues through Congress.”

Gun-grabbers are coalescing around the idea of ending the filibuster:

“Kris Brown, president of Brady: United Against Gun Violence, said Democrats should call a vote now on gun legislation, and when it fails, Biden ‘needs to say right then and there that we need to end the filibuster.’

“‘I do think it’s a now-or-never moment. This is very much on people’s minds, they are devastated, and it’s not the America they want,’ Brown said. ‘It’s on the lawmakers, but it’s also on the president. I would like him to say that this is a ‘top priority for this Senate,’ and I’d like him to say that ‘the filibuster is killing us.’ ’ ”

The ghouls at Microsoft News fully support all of the attacks upon the filibuster because it is their party doing it. MSN was not so hot on the idea when Mitch McConnell actually did it. McConnell did it to start getting nominees into positions which needed filled because democrats refused to cooperate with even voting for Trump’s nominees. When Warnock-GA tried to end the filibuster, his intentions were to destroy voting integrity in the United States.

“He asserted in his first Senate floor speech earlier this month advocating for passage of the For The People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, Warnock asserted that the legislation is ‘bigger than the filibuster.’”

NPR has several quotes from some of the illogical freaks which have infested the halls of Congress:

“‘We can't save every life, but my God, shouldn't we try? America we hear you and today in the House we are taking the action you are demanding,’ said Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas. ‘Take note of who is with you and who is not.’”

Escobar went a long way towards proving my point. These legislators subscribe to transhumanism and that’s not enough for them – they are saying we ALL need to be transhumanists and they will pass the bills to make sure we are. This trend will continue and will evolve into more and more bipartisan support.

Transhumanists have no platform or statement made outright by it’s leaders indicating a stance on guns. Some of the Transhumanist Party members have weighed in; however, and among those responding a consensus has been reached which demands restricting access to firearms through increased background checks, psychological evaluations, and mandated training. That is exactly what Nadler’s bill encompasses and even expands upon.

We should no longer be voting for republicans or democrats. We need to start demanding answers from all of our elected leaders whether or not they support humanity as it has existed throughout history or if they share transhumanists’ aspirations. I see no reason to EVER give an AI or cyborg rights. I see no reason to continue developing these things either. Transhumanists do, however, and so do many of our elected leaders. These people have been deceived by the ancient and potent lie: “Surely you will not die.”

It’s past the right time to start demanding these types of answers from our leaders, but we have to start sometime. Let’s start today.


Ali Alexander


New Meat