NATO Started a War and Refuses to End it

NATO Started a War and Refuses to End it

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/8/2022

When the USSR decided to place nuclear missiles in Cuba the United States kind of freaked out. The situation was deescalated when the USSR decided it probably best to not keep nuclear missiles aimed at the USA in Cuba. Three decades later the USSR dissolved and the Cold War ended in reality. For those in NATO and in certain defense agencies the Cold War is still raging. NATO should have immediately been dissolved but it wasn’t. It still exists apparently for the sole purpose of dreaming up new ways to justify it’s existence. When Russia ‘invaded’ Ukraine the perfect pretext arose for NATO to justify their continued existence. In reality, the real world, where the Cold War is over, NATO is useless, expensive, and downright dangerous – raising the possibility of nuclear war to new highs by the day.

A clock called doomsday was unveiled in 1947 to determine how close humanity is to annihilating itself. It started off at 7 minutes to midnight. Between 1953 and 1959 the clock read two minutes due to the creation and testing of thermonuclear devices by the USSR as well as the USA. 1984 – 1987 saw the clock set to 4 minutes due to their relationship deteriorating. In 1991 the Cold War was over because the USSR ceased to exist and the clock sat at 17 minutes. Since the end of the Cold War, the clock has moved progressively closer to midnight with the exception of 2010 and 2011 when it went from 5 minutes to 6 minutes. In the 31 years since the end of the Cold War, the clock went from 17 minutes to 100 seconds due to nuclear threats, Covid-19, and climate hoax threats.

All kinds of important global events have occurred over those 31 years. For those who never stopped fighting the Cold War, like NATO, most of those changes didn’t matter to them. All they had to worry about was who was paying them and that, no matter what, Russia is always the bad guy. The United States, Germany, UK, France, and the rest of NATO’s funding sources can do no wrong even when they are the ones who violate international laws.

Lets lay some groundwork for a bit. Ukraine is not a member of the EU nor is it a member of NATO. Ukraine was overthrown by Western powers in 2014. The government of Ukraine is more akin to a money laundering operation than it is to a responsible government of a sovereign nation. NATO and member nations of NATO – the US in particular – have used Ukraine as a societal testing grounds for a number of programs. Some recent declarations Ukraine has made are to ban Orthodox Christianity, outlaw all rival political parties, flatly refuse to negotiate peace with Russia, legitimize entire neo-Nazi military units, demand billions of dollars and military technology from ‘rich’ countries to fight the newest proxy skirmish in the ever extending Cold War, and to fully accommodate the Fourth Industrial Revolution. SARS-CoV-2 was released upon the earth in November 2019. The current iteration of the Slavic civil war between Ukraine and Russia started in 2014 and the full frontal assault initiated by Russia was launched in February 2022.

It begs the question, why did Russia enter Ukraine. Their main reason, as noted by Russian leadership, was to alleviate the issues Russian-speaking people were having with Ukrainian authorities. Those authorities, it turns out, were neo-Nazi units operating in the Ukrainian military running murder and intimidation campaigns against Russian speaking people in Ukraine. Another reason that Russia went guns blazing into Ukraine is more ominous.

Nuclear war is bad. Global thermonuclear war promises billions of human deaths, a real ecological catastrophe, nuclear winter, and great hardships for the survivors. Several seconds after a nuclear missile is launched, the world knows, and there are defenses in place to not allow the intended detonation to occur. As we were all reminded, biological materials capable of causing disease and death cannot be seen. It seems the recent Covid-19 reminder of disease spread was designed in a Wuhan, China ‘research’ lab funded, in part, by the United States. Disease can kill even more people, more efficiently than nuclear blasts.

Russia, watching the leaders of Ukraine closely, noted that not only was the Ukrainian government murdering and intimidating Russian-speaking people in Ukraine, they were also allowing US-funded ‘research’ labs to operate in the kleptocracy. Interestingly, the sites of these research labs are the same areas which were struck by Russian offensives very early on. There is a 2005 Treaty on the State Department’s website which includes information of ‘research’ labs existing in Kyiv, Lviv, and Odessa. More references to the existence of these labs in Ukraine (and in other nations) are mentioned in Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories: Summary of a Workshop. It should be noted that with gene editing and other technological ‘advances’ in genetic sciences, individual, haplotype, and race specific biological weapongs are able to be developed. NATO, with great influence in Ukraine were aware of this, and since Russia and Russians are always bad guess what they were researching in these labs? They were researching ways to kill huge numbers of Russians through biological warfare. Seeing the way that the SARS-CoV-2 biological weapon was going, Russia decided enough was enough and entered Ukraine.

In July 2020 NATO was busy combating ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ from Russia. Russian suggestions that the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen may have originated from a lab in Ukraine, Latvia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, or Georgia (all of which host US bioweapons labs) were thwarted by NATO according to their website. It also includes the following passage:

“There is no single solution to disinformation. NATO cannot act alone. From international organisations and national and local governments, to private companies, civil society and a free and independent media, all actors – including NATO – have a part to play.

“Citizens must be confident that the information they receive is correct. Working together, we are fighting the disease, protecting our citizens and beating disinformation.”

NATO is not only in the business of killing people on a battlefield, they are also involved in creating their own globalist-approved propaganda. Since propaganda creation and dissemination is a prominent aspect of all military operations, I believe nothing NATO has to say because everything they relate to the public is propaganda. Russia (and all other nations) also engage in propaganda; however, nations have leaders who can be overthrown or voted out of office. Nations have to be a bit more truthful when engaging in propaganda – NATO has no such concerns. NATO sits in a unique position in that regard and become absolute monsters for having control over the narrative. People actually believe them despite the fact that NATO should not have existed since 1991 and is basically a legitimized version of ISIS.

The fact that US biological weapons labs even exist in those nations raised Russian suspicions. If Russia had a string of research labs set up near the borders of the United States, the US would have responded much the same towards Russia. The idea that those bases exist represents for Russia what the Cuban missile crisis represented to the United States.

The Russian invasion was, obviously, a trap. Every nation and entity seeking to establish a universal global order immediately condemned Russia, especially NATO. Sanctions followed and are continuing and growing in scope and severity. Billions of dollars have poured into the kleptocracy of Ukraine with virtually no traceability. NATO has armed and supplied the Ukraine government and military. And they have created narratives for the rest of us to believe in since the initial invasion.

Since the invasion, Russian leaders have repeatedly reminded the world that they have nuclear weapons and reiterated that they are prepared to defend themselves with any necessary means. Leaders in the United States and other nations have demanded that a nuclear war just cannot be allowed. It was certain leaders from a Godless democrat party in the United States that seriously proposed launching preemptive nuclear strikes against Russia to protect Ukraine. There are certain Russians who have also suggested preemptive strikes on Western targets including Paris, London, New York City, and Washington DC in response to NATO’s material and personnel aid to the Ukrainian defense.

Despite Ukraine’s claims to not having long-range missile capabilities, somehow they launched missiles hundreds of miles into Russia over the past few days. The first strikes occurred at Russian air force facilities housing nuclear-capable bombers. A third base was struck the day after. CBS ‘News’ is claiming that all three strikes were accomplished by drones which may, or may not, be the case. Even Russia has stated that the attacks up to 372 miles from the Ukrainian border were caused by Soviet-era drones. The drones reportedly used were Tu-141 surveillance drones loaded with explosives, turning them into missiles. And yet, the bloodthirsty Prime Minister of Lithuania, seeking to really start a nuclear war said, “It’s well past time for the United States or a European country to give Ukraine long-range missiles, Lithuanian Prime Minister INGRIDA ŠIMONYTĖ told NatSec Daily in a Tuesday interview.” She said this the same day the third airport was struck on Russian soil. This is no longer a defensive war, so I guess the warmongering, bloodthirsty leaders supporting Ukraine are getting their way.

The Hill reported on Russia’s leader most current comments about his nuclear arsenal on December 7. They wrote:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin said his reminders about Russia’s supply of nuclear weapons are a “factor of deterrence” in the war with Ukraine, not one of escalation.

“Putin told members of the Kremlin’s presidential human rights council that Russia would not be able to use nuclear weapons at all if it agreed to not use them first and then come under a nuclear attack. 

““If it doesn’t use it first under any circumstances, it means that it won’t be the second to use it either, because the possibility of using it in case of a nuclear strike on our territory will be sharply limited,” he said. 

“He said Russian officials are “fully aware” of what nuclear weapons can do and haven’t “gone mad,” but added that the Kremlin’s weapons are “more advanced and state-of-the-art” than what any other nuclear power has.”

This Hill piece is confusing. First The Hill reported that Putin will only use his nuclear weapons as deterrents. Then The Hill turns the story 180 to the insinuating that Russia would have to strike first or wouldn’t be able to use them at all. Once a power launches a nuclear weapon the power being attacked will have between 90 seconds to 5 minutes to launch it’s own arsenal, retaliation would need to occur in that time frame. I think The Hill obfuscated that on purpose in order to assist NATO and NATO nations with their desire to overtly enter into war on the behalf of Ukraine.

Germany’s idiotic and criminal leader was quoted by the BBC in an article titled “Risk of Russia using nuclear weapons has lessened, says Germany's Scholz” published today. The quote reads, “"Russia has stopped threatening to use nuclear weapons in response to the international community marking a red line," Mr Scholz said.” Russia has yet to change it’s stance on using nuclear weapons but super idiot globalist Shultz decided to take the latest Putin mentions of the subject as an opportunity to pound his own chest as well as NATO’s portended effects. He also said, “"The priority now is for Russia to end the war immediately and withdraw its troops," he said, adding that "of course we are ready to talk with Russia about arms control in Europe. We offered this before the war, and this position has not changed."” Well, Shultz, Russia isn’t going to withdraw it’s troops. And apparently, no one is going to actually even get Russia to the negotiation table because it is Ukraine which refuses to go. They refuse to go because idiots in the United States, NATO, Germany, and other nations have decided to send the money they have extorted from their working citizens to Ukraine’s war effort in cash and military personnel and armaments.

In a Financial Times interview of Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s commander, was asked about negotiations. His answer is revealing:

“It has to be Ukraine that decides when and the conditions for negotiations. And of course, they are also concerned about these attempts by Russia to try to have a kind of short break or a short freeze of the conflict so Russia can recover their troops, regroup and then launch a bigger offensive later on because now Ukraine has the momentum.

“Most wars, and most likely also this war, will end at the negotiating table. But we know that what happens around that table is absolutely dependent on the situation on the battlefield. So if you want an outcome of those negotiations, which ensures that Ukraine prevails as a sovereign, independent nation, we need to provide military support to Ukraine. And the only lasting peace has to be a just peace. If the aggressor wins, that will not give us a lasting peace. So the paradox is that the more we want a peaceful negotiated solution ensuring that Ukraine prevails, the more urgent it is that we provide military support for Ukraine to create the conditions for a just, lasting peace in Ukraine.”

First Jens says that it is up to Ukraine to dictate the negotiation of peace before the non-nuclear nation draws the entire globe into a nuclear holocaust. Then he goes on to state that the only reason Ukraine exists at all right now is because of NATO and Western interventions. And then he tops it all off with a justification for the existence of NATO in the first place.

Also during this interview, Stoltenberg stated that it is Russia who refuses to go to the negotiation table. He makes this claim based on demands which Russia is not going to accept. “The conditions are not there now because Russia has shown no sign of engaging in negotiations which are respecting the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine.” Stoltenberg has never taken Russia’s reasons for the invasion seriously because they know, at the end of the day, NATO, more than any other faction on earth, prodded Russia into the invasion in the first place. Likewise, Stoltenberg shows just how detached from reality he has gotten thinking that Russia will just pick up it’s arms, withdraw the troops, and leave Ukraine with it’s pre-invasion borders intact. It just isn’t going to happen. Hypocritically, Jens says that it is up to Ukraine to come to the negotiation table but the globalist-approved terms of those negotiations, as set by NATO, must include a pre-invasion boundary in Ukraine which they damn well know isn’t going to happen.

Most of this interview revolves around the idea of a continued existence of NATO. They actually make the world more unstable and provide a fals sense of security to member nations, but Jens Stoltenberg isn’t really worried about that. They aren’t really interested in actual threats around the world either. They only seem to be interested in situations in which they cause the problem in the first place, find the need to escalate and prolong the conflict, and find new ways to demonize Russia. In effect, NATO is one of the biggest threats to stability and peace on earth. Not only do they cause trouble, they ignore real threats, as Jens Stoltenberg states when asked about China:

“Yes, and we have been able to do that, too. So you're right, that previously China was not on the NATO agenda at all. The first time we addressed China as NATO Alliance was back in 2019. But in our new Strategic Concept, which we agreed in June this year, we actually address China extensively in agreed terms. In our most important document, the Strategic Concept, where we say clearly that China is not an adversary, we need to continue to engage with China. I recently met with the Chinese foreign minister, we need to engage with them on issues like climate change and many other … arms control.

But at the same time, we need to take into account that the rise of China might destroy our security. They are investing heavily in new modern new tech capabilities. They're cracking down on democratic rights as we saw in Hong Kong, the minorities in China, but you also see their coercive behaviour against neighbours. And then China is coming closer to us.

“And I think that one of the lessons we have learned from the war in Ukraine is that it's dangerous to be too depend on authoritarian regimes for essential commodities like Russian gas. Of course, we don’t the same mistake I made too dependent on critical commodities coming from China.”

I would like to remind the reader that Canada’s leader, a Sinophile Muslim, has decided to allow thousands of Chinese military personnel to be stationed in Canada. Canada and the United States share a border of 5,525 miles – the longest on the planet by over 1,200 miles. And there are Chinese troops camped out just to the United State’s north. In late 2020 there was a story about a Wisconsin Air National Guard jet crashing over Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The investigation conducted by USAF determined that the pilot was distracted. The ‘conspiracy version’ of this story is the place was chopped in half while in the air by a laser being directed from Canada. An international incident which doesn’t include Russia being the bad guy is not a narrative supported by globalists pushing for a new world order through the Great Reset.

And why would NATO not even discuss China until 2019? The answer is because China is the new world order testing ground. Because NATO needs to support those setting up and sponsoring global government to continue getting paid and existing, NATO couldn’t even mention China prior to 2019. In the document Stoltenberg referenced, NATO 2022 Strategic Concept, China’s lack of transparency, erosion of maritime navigation, endeavors in advanced nuclear weapons creation, and their rhetoric and disinformation used to drive wedges between NATO Allies are the main issues. Even in the discussion of China, Russia makes an appearance. Russia is always the bad guy.

In summary, NATO set the table to methodically and progressively poke the Russian bear. When Russia reacted NATO cried foul on Russia, forgetting that everything they did was to evoke this response in the first place. The entire international community jumped at the chance to waste riches and blood in a useless cause to prevent Russia from ending the threats on their borders. NATO has bent over backwards to ensure nuclear threats would proliferate and garunteeing no negotiated peace will ever take place. And all of this is in an effort to weave the narrative useless and dangerous NATO should not only continue to exist but to expand as well. Remember – Russia bad all the time, neo-Nazi’s like that lunatic murdering his own people in Ukraine good.

What kind of world are we going to end up in? If NATO gets its way one in which God no longer exists, a few billion people are exterminated within the space of two hours, huge swaths of the land and sea are uninhabitable and irradiated, the air itself is toxic, and all of the survivors are immediately placed under subjugation or outright murdered for noncompliance. No thanks NATO; your future for humanity sounds super crappy. When NATO tells me to bow and take their digital ID to eat, I’ll choose to bow to God and pray to meet Him face to face in the next 10 seconds.

Bless God and God bless.


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