Germany Punches Klaus Schwab’s ‘Silence All Dissidents’ Accelerator to the Floor

Germany Punches Klaus Schwab’s ‘Silence All Dissidents’ Accelerator to the Floor

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/7/2022

Germany started WWI in 1914 by declaring war on Serbia. Germany started WWII by invading Poland. After World War II Germany was split in two and rebuilt by the western Allies in the west and the USSR in the east. At the end of WWII there was no longer a German government to speak of so no peace treaty was ever signed – the country was, literally, occupied and basically annexed. This gave rise to another war – a Cold War – which some think of of as WWIII. This war pitted the Communists of the USSR against the Western ‘democracies’ led by the United States. In 1990, East Germany and West Germany were reunited into one nation under West German control.

Obviously I left a lot of history out of the opening paragraph of this piece. To include a bit more, It was not until 1871. Prior to that, attempts had been made to create a unified Germany out of the 39 counties which were German speaking. Prior to the first unification of Germany into a state it was largely what was called the Holy Roman Empire and consisted of settlements here and there. A 1648 map shows this well. A map of 979 shows a much larger Holy Roman Empire with a German Kingdom. During the days of Rome it was German barbarians who fought against, and eventually brought down, the empire.

The point of all of this is to state that Germany has never really been stable. Barbarian tribes would vie with other tribes in brutal battles – the victor taking whatever the defeated tribe had that they wanted including women and slaves. Gradually the barbarians settled down into towns and were ruled by the Vatican. They formed states ruled by an aristocracy and later a monarchy. This situation did not end until 1918. Even then the German state was not really stable as the unified nation embroiled the entire world in war twice.

The German state, since the end of WWII, has seen one of the most stable times of it’s entire history. Part of the reason is it’s alliances with the Western nations. And, as a part of this alliance in today’s world, adherence to the liberal global order’s guidelines are required. United Nation’s representation and activity, environmentally-based wars on carbon, and adherence to World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank regulations are some of the key features of inclusion into the liberal world order. Having a democratic form of governance is not a requirement for inclusion into the liberal world order but it help because then, no matter how sinister your geopolitical designs, the world will view the nation with more respect.

Germany under the Treaty of Versailles was not a pleasant place to be. They owed huge sums of money to pay for the damage they caused in WWI. The country was broke, the people were hungry and pissed off, and the Wiemar Republic decided that the solution to their problems were to just keep printing money. Inflation skyrocketed – diners seeking a meal at a restaurant would pay when they ordered their meal because if they waited until after they finished eating the price would have gone up significantly. The debt burden, inflation, and general misery imposed by the Treaty of Versailles is not the only reason why Hitler was able to rise to power; however, it was a major cause.

Hitler had grand dreams of unifying all of Europe under German control. Of course, this did not happen. At the height of Hitler’s expansion Nazi Germany had almost all of Europe under it’s control save for Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Great Britain, and Ireland. While they nearly conquered all of Europe, they also conquered territories in North Africa. And while Hitler was defeated, thankfully, his ideas have never died. The liberal world order is punctuated by Malthusianism (overpopulation), eugenics (the form of baby-murder and child sacrifice titled abortion and euthanasia), and a far more subtly adopted and agreed to version of unification of Europe which has created the European Union (the lessons drawn from that unification are being duplicated to more firmly establish the NWO – a feat already accomplished but still shadowy, seeking credibility and recognition from world leaders while using subterfuge and plausible deniability on the common people to deny it’s existence). I am not the alone in believing that the victors of WWII were not the Allies, but actually the ideas of the Nazi’s. Look at the policies of the Nazi’s and look at the policies of the world government.

Making headlines all over Europe and the United States today is a story about the character of this New World Order. The liberal world order has dropped the pretext of liberal and decided to adopt the term new. And one of the front runners in this new world order is the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab. While most people who hear of, understand, and then really learn about the intricacies of Schwab’s designs for the whole world reject those designs, enough are lured in to think they can be part of that great new Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset and Great Narrative needed to bring it about. Unfortunately for most of humanity (about 95% of us), the entities who see merit in Schwab’s Hitlarian plans are in positions of power to effect that revolution. Thus, the UN, most national governments, a multitude of Non-Governmental Organizations, and most of academia have opted to see Schwab’s designs come to fruition. If you had any questions about global events which have taken place over the last three years well, Schwab’s plan doesn’t allow for those questions so you need to be shut down and shut up. Since national (as well as sub-national governments and entities) are on-board with these monstrous ideas for the future of humanity they are merely going to drag those of us disagreeing along for the ride, kicking and screaming, censored and imprisoned, if need be.

Germany, never a bastion of freedom nor even able to be described as a stable nation, has shown their allegiance to the global government in a most impressive fashion. They arrested 25 people yesterday suspected of plotting to overthrow the German government. DW (Deutsche Welle, ‘Dutch Wave,’ the CNN of Germany) reported that the 25 members belonging to a loosely-knit group called the Reichsbürger Movement were arrested. The German government has been keeping a pretty close eye on those affiliated with the group which numbers somewhere around 20,000.

According to the DW article, the 25 arrested were only a portion of the individuals suspected of plotting to overthrow the government with 27 more are still being sought. 130 raids were carried out in connection to the German’s ‘investigation’ of this plot. They opened their article with:

“In a nationwide raid, 25 suspected members and supporters of a terrorist organization were arrested early Wednesday.”

“Officials said the network, part of a wider right-wing movement, was already well established with a concrete plan to overthrow the German state by force and install a new government.”

Nowhere can I find this group listed as a terrorist group. A member who identified with the group, which has been labeled as far-right, was arrested in connection with a 2016 murder of a police officer, prompting the close eye of German authorities. DW and German authorities have a huge issue with the armaments those identifying with the movement possess and their ideology.

The German Justice Minister took to Twitter to say of the raids and arrests, “Democracy is well defended: Since this morning, a major anti-terror operation has been taking place. The Federal Public Prosecutor is investigating a suspected terrorist network from the Reich citizen milieu. There is a suspicion that an armed attack on constitutional bodies was planned.”

DW quoted:

“German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said the case revealed the threat posed by the Reichsbürger movement.

“"The investigations provide a glimpse into the abyss of a terrorist threat from the Reichsbürger scene," Faeser said in a statement. "We know how to defend ourselves with all our might against the enemies of democracy," she added.”

The ‘defense of democracy’ is the common thread here. And we have heard over the course of the last six months that it is democracy which should be defended with our lives, wealth, and honor. Klaus Schwab loves the idea because under democracy all kinds of nefarious and evil plans can hatch, be implemented, and the minority in those situations can be victimized, subjugated, and tyrannized by the majority. His German acolytes must be very pleasing to him right now because they are busying themselves with silencing anyone opposing their designs.

But, what are these common beliefs shared by the Reichsbürger Movement that make them so dangerous? According to the German version of the United States’ Anti-Defemation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, European Eye on Radicalization (EER), it is because they reject the German state. The various splinter groups adhering to this policy rightly identify the Germany they live in as having never agreed to any peace with anyone. As the EER puts it:

“A large part of their ideological foundation revolves around the narrative that the Federal Republic of Germany does not exist and is not an actual state. To them, the German Reich did not perish in 1945 and remains the legitimate German authority, while the Federal Republic as an illegitimate creature of foreign occupation and exploitation. They believe that because there has never been an official peace treaty, the occupation continues until this day, with the Federal Republic an instrument of the Allied powers that allows Germans the illusion of independence and democracy. According to the Reichsbürger, Merkel, her cabinet, as well as parliament, the judiciary, and the security agencies are all puppets installed and controlled by foreigners.”

Of course the EER, in an effort to convince their readers that it is primarily neo-Nazi’s who comprise the vast majority of those identifying with Reichsbürger Movement, says not all of them are actually neo-Nazi’s. No, according to EER they are worse than neo-Nazi’s. “The website of another self-proclaimed government-in-exile attests to the fact that while anti-immigration, antisemitic, and extremist narratives exist, the Reichsbürger worldview is more complex than that. It is based on the wish to display patriotism overtly and the feeling that Germans are still disadvantaged due to their history of national-socialist rule. There are elements of anti-Americanism and a corresponding fear of the forces of globalization on both the economy and culture. The latter also features prominently in the anti-EU sentiments the group postulates and the corresponding feeling of being left-behind or left-out by the economic, political and social integration of the European countries or, as Reichsbürger classify it, of the ‘European dictatorship’”

There are many of these splinter groups which share the idea that Germany isn’t really a state. In reality it cannot be a state because it absolutely is still occupied by the forces which ousted Reich established by Hitler and is thus, still at war with the Allied powers. Astute political leaders in Germany would have sought to settle this matter long ago; however, it is still an issue and is now causing problems. So Germany, over the centuries, really hasn’t changed all that much – the elites still see barbarians who have the potential to overturn their order. EER continues:

“The refusal to accept any form of state authority automatically puts Reichsbürger in conflict with the law and mainstream society. Several splinter groups have taken it even further, moving from disobedience to creating their own parallel, competing pseudo-state organizational structures. For instance, Alexander Schlowak, the self-proclaimed head of the ‘legitimate’ government-in-exile of the German Reich, and his supporters adhere to laws from 1867 or 1913 and issue “Reichspässe”, an alternative passport. Other Reichsbürger groups ‘found’ their own kingdoms or governments and issue their own money, such as the “Engelgeld” (Angel money) from the “King of Germany” Peter Fitzek.”

The EER concludes, “As long as the Reichsbürger movement remains split into various groups, which are sometimes in competition with one another, the organizational threat beyond lone actors remains low. Without clear structures, hierarchy and a shared strategy, and with the current focus on jamming bureaucratic structures, coordinated attacks and actions requiring large-scale cooperation will remain unlikely. Nevertheless, the potential for violence exists and conflict with authority is innate in the movement’s ideology. For this reason, Reichsbürger will remain a phenomenon that needs to be closely monitored by authorities and researched by experts in order to understand and adequately counter their behavior.”

The Reichsbürger Movement is viewed by German officials in almost identical fashion as the way the United States government views its MAGA citizens. To me, this sounds a lot like the whole fake plot to kidnap the wicked witch of the north Gretchen Whitmer. Time will tell; however, the due process in Germany is going to be tested to see if the truth does come out and whether or not there indeed was a plot to overthrow the government of Germany. Due process rights in Germany are even weaker than they are in the United States so the truth may never surface in this matter.

This is a global plan. Much like the so-called Jan 6. protesters, the anti-German-state Reichsbürger Movement is being demonized and arrested on pre-crime charges. The likes of Klaus Schwab can’t handle these dissent movements. Recent protests in China against COVID-19 restrictions, the Canadian truckers protest, the United States’ Make America Great Again movement, Brazil’s protests, and now Germany’s Reichsbürger Movement are all being targeted for persecution because they all represent a hindrance to Klaus Schwab’s plans.

Like the plan to accelerate the Great Reset through accelerating the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Klaus Schwab is stepping on the peddle to make sure his infiltrated governments crack down on potential roadblocks.

When I was younger I thought about how cool it would be to have a global government which was the United States Constitution over the whole world. I saw absolutely no issues arising from that idea. As I started learning about history; however, I realized that it is crap like this – randomly arresting anyone even remotely perceived as a threat to the power of the global state – that would happen. The world was to be ruled as China was under Mao or the USSR under Stalin. Then I decided that it wasn’t such a good idea. The arrest of the 25 so-called terrorists in Germany is a display of the solidarity the West is slipping into an allegiance with. That allegiance is to a global government which sees China’s Communist government as the ideal model for them to emulate. We should all be taking notes on this because the arm of the occupation residing in Berlin is occupying many other nations such as France, the UK, the US, Canada, and Ukraine. All of those arms are connected to the world government, the NWO, which is heavily influenced by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his cronies.

My fighting back is to get people to acknowledge the threats and be ready to refuse being forced to live in such a world. Others take activist roles holding protests, speaking at rallies, and denouncing governmental bodies trodding all over our rights with impunity. I do believe these are the days which are written of in the Bible. I do think that in the relatively near future the ‘authorities’ on earth will destroy any ability to read the Bible, pray, or to speak about any truth outside of the ‘authorities’ approved truth. The truth of the Word of God and of Jesus Christ is a huge roadblock to Schwab’s plans and globalists are universally terrified of those who believe. I think things will get to be much worse than they are in all ways. As such, I encourage anyone reading this to go learn the Word of God – the truth – by reading the Bible, turning away from sin, and praying for reversals.

At the same time I encourage whoever reads this to be peaceful (not passive, peaceful) in their dissenting, supply yourself with food, water, and gear like ammo, generators, and other survival tools, and to make a plan. I encourage people to develop systems outside of the one we currently live in – outside of the world order systems already established. Such non-aligned systems have already been created.

One such system was founded well before God even created the first man. That system is seeking the face of God, the Creator of the Universe. It’s what God had in mind for us and it is something we should probably consider a whole lot more and a whole lot more seriously. Start by reading the Bible and praying for discernment and strength.

Bless God and God bless.


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