Why We Don’t Trust Experts

Why We Don’t Trust Experts

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/9/2022

Institutions thrive on trust. Trust is built by institutions by being longstanding and reaffirming their stated values. If the values institutions hold are not valid or are unneeded then the institution holding them will not be all that longstanding. When trust is gained it is a great responsibility to maintain that trust through honesty and integrity. Many once cherished institutions have fallen from grace for violating these basic ideas. Many of them have told wild lies over the course of the last three years (and some for the last three decades or even longer) and lost our trust. Most of these untrustworthy institutions are still spewing the same lies. Now these same institutions are scrambling to rebuild that trust through a variety of means – none of which are built on truth. They are built on deeming whatever information, and even underlying data, revealing their lies as misinformation, conspiracy theory, or disinformation. So how are they going to get our trust back? They aren’t.

First of all, misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theory, and propaganda are all communications intelligence phrases. When people follow the establishment narrative about coronavirus, climate change, baby murder, and a host of other issues those labels are not applied to them even when the narrative is demonstrably false. What we have witnessed is a psychological campaign waged on information sources by the institutions which created and, now, enforce the ‘official’ narrative. This information war has already claimed millions of lives with tens or hundreds of millions more, living on borrowed time. The once trusted institutions are pushing lies as truth and labeling truth as a punishable act.

China is the globalist playground – the more global-government aligned and minded the leader of a territory, the harsher, longer, and more draconian the ‘pandemic’ mitigation efforts. No where was worse than China. Already employing a social credit score and coupling that score with vaccine status, the Chinese surveillance system is repressive, to say the least. China’s Zero-COVID response was to lock people in their homes in entire cities of millions when case loads grew to a very small number. The QR code, the interface the Chinese social credit score operates on, could be green, meaning everything is a-ok. It could be yellow meaning do not move, don’t go anywhere, just stay stationary and the government will be with you shortly. If it is red it means go straight to jail (quarantine camp), do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Others they welded into their homes. Others yet, were ordered to not have anyone leave a residence for up to 120 days – not even to the grocery store. ‘Medical professionals’ or, more likely, thugs, clad in white Tyvek suits taped closed, some with batons, others with machine guns, beat the living snot out of anyone violating their lock down order. People were jumping out of their sky rise windows to avoid starving to death.

A fire occurred at a locked up building – likely chained closed so that no one could come out – and firefighters were unable to enter the structure to quench the flames. Ten people died in the fire. Finally the oppressed people took to the streets in multiple cities. The Chinese government called in tanks and machine gun toting ‘medical professionals’ as well as an army of drones to disperse the crowds who destroyed COVID barriers and fought with the ‘authorities.’ As a result the Chinese government has chosen to take a less internationally damning course of action by deciding to relax their Zero-COVID schedule and go after the offenders of the governments murderous dictates more quietly.

One of my absolute least favorite publications is Nature. I loathe this publication because every chance they get they seem to promote a nonhuman future. Either we are all dead, converted by technology into something ‘more’ than human, or completely and universally enslaved. Thus, they have never stopped calling for vaccine mandates and lock downs for diseases and emergency declarations, rationing, carbon credits and lock downs for humans to live under.

Today they published a piece titled, China is relaxing its zero-COVID policy — here’s what scientists think. This piece goes a long way towards explaining why we don’t trust ‘experts’ as well as adding to the justifications for my argument that Nature is a pile of crap. Here is how it starts out, “The Chinese government issued new guidelines easing some of its strict zero-COVID policies on Wednesday. Testing requirements and travel restrictions have been relaxed, and people infected with SARS-CoV-2 who have mild or no symptoms are for the first time allowed to isolate at home instead of in centrally managed facilities. But researchers worry the changes will lead to a rise in infections that risk overwhelming hospitals.”

There are witnesses to what the Chinese government is about to do to it’s people. They can’t have witnesses when they come and grab any of the millions of protesters. Quarantine camps, mislabeled as centrally planned isolation facilities by Nature, have thousands of people locked inside of them. People would talk if a few hundred people were suddenly removed from the camp before they were supposed to be released. Nowhere in the opening does the suggestion occur that people will no longer be forced to stay in their homes without access to food for months at a time.

Nature interviewed several people for their article. Yanzhong Huang of the Council on Foreign Relations – a globalist mouthpiece demanding the people of the globe accept all things global government – is quoted as having said, “‘It is a clear sign that China is moving away from zero COVID,’” followed by “‘These measures will very likely lead to a messy and hasty transition process where local governments ditch all the zero-COVID measures without investing seriously in preparing for the transition.’” Nature claims the globalist monster, Huang, wants to see a phased approach towards reopening.

Adam Chen of the University of Georgia in Athens thinks China’s easing of it’s zero-COVID policies is a positive. Nature wrote, “They try to balance the need to protect the most vulnerable people from infection, while also reducing the economic and social harms of lockdowns, he says.”

Under the heading of “home isolation,” Nature wrote that there will no longer be mass testing in cities. Lock downs will not be city wide and only apply to “high-risk communities, buildings and households.” Travel will no longer be contingent on negative tests. Finally, a massive drive to get the elderly population up-to-date on their murder jabs is going to be undertaken in China.

The researchers said that the guidelines are too ambiguous and localities may differ in their approaches. Basically the researchers are demanding that China continue to centralize all decisions and use a one-size fits all approach for all 1.4 billion people in China. Ben Cowling of Hong Kong University pointed out that international travel will not have testing and quarantine measures changed. Ben Cowling must not understand that China’s government has absolutely no intention of ending it’s zero-COVID policy, only the implementation of the program. He is quoted by Nature as having told them, that not changing the response tactics for international travel “‘doesn’t have a rationale if the objective is no longer zero COVID.’”

“Hasty reopening” is the next heading Nature used. George Liu of La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia suggested that allowing people to quarantine in home will increase transmission and lead to overflowing hospitals. Xi Chen of Yale noted the upcoming Lunar New Year and spring festival which will get the people of China traveling around the country and that it is flu season and hospitals will already be seeing more people in his complaint of the Chinese government’s timing of relaxing their zero-COVID policy. Nature then pivots to the issue of China lacking primary care capacity and general doctors by citing complaints lodged by both Chen’s, already introduced. Nature then drops this bomb on the reader, “‘Without additional support, the eased restrictions might not help businesses to recover from protracted lockdowns or remove the social stigma attached to COVID-19, says Joy Zhang, a sociologist at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. “I’m afraid that the health and socio-economic risk will be passed on to individuals.’” They wrap up the section with Cowling suggesting that during surges (which he does not define) mask mandates, business and school closures, and mass testing be resumed.

The final heading is “vaccine drive.” After stating the transition period is too “hasty” to get vaccines in elderly arms and the vaccine rates of the elderly – 60+ at about 70% and 80+ at about 40% - Nature added, “‘There is “serious vaccine hesitancy”, among older people, and a general lack of trust in medical professionals, says Liu. Many older people live in rural and remote areas so it will take time to vaccinate them, says Xi Chen.” The changes in Chinese policy include “mobile clinics” and “training medical staff to address people’s safety concerns to boost vaccination.” But that doesn’t go far enough, for Nature who, using Huang as their mouthpiece, encourages the Chinese Communist Party to issue vaccine mandates and/or “strong incentives for local governments to increase their vaccination rates.” Nature finishes their article off with warnings of a Chinese apocalypse, “Whether the inevitable rise in infections will lead to a spike in deaths remains to be seen. “The full impact remains to be unfolded,” he [Huang] says.

What kind of monsters suggest that China’s zero-COVID strategy is the best mitigation of COVID-19? Just weld the doors shut and lock the building down until they starve to death or burn to death or get so depressed and hungry they throw themselves from a thirty-second story window. The CCP doesn’t care about COVID, they care about control. Nature doesn’t care about COVID and neither do the people they interviewed for this article, with, possibly, the exception of Adam Chen. They all want control. Their soon-to-be World Health Organization-dictated and globalized medical system will give them control over the medical decisions of the Chinese and everyone else on the planet. China deciding to ease the restrictions upon it’s subjects represents a threat to the global public health systems potential for control. The WHO demanding the CCP follow their orders is a whole lot easier than the WHO trying to convince all 1.4 billion Chinese to follow their edicts.

Personally, I have no idea why anyone blindly trusts anyone claiming they are an expert in something. Maybe it is because too many people have rejected any higher power over human beings yet still have a desire to worship something, so they chose an expert. Almost all so-called health experts have spent the last 3 years playing mind games and lying to ever human on earth about the origins of the virus, the legality of the virus, the necessity of destroying the economy to stop the virus, lying about effective treatment options while murdering us with their ‘approved’ techniques, and forcing billions to play Russian roulette by having a slurry of death injected into our bodies which has been proven to be neither safe nor effective. Every single one of these efforts eroded the more and more people’s trust in these health institutions because as time went on all of the conspiracy theories and misinformation came true.

How can the health institutions fix their image. They cannot do it legitimately. There are too many people taking their children with brand new heart problems to the hospitals. There are too many people who have had to be buried after taking these bastard’s shots. People are getting COVID for the fourth, fifth, sixth time and yet, these same institutions craving our long-lost trust are calling for us to get our third, fourth, fifth, and sixth round of booster shots. For me, anyone even suggesting, especially over any kind of broadcast, that anyone take any mRNA shot is playing really fast and loose with the Nuremberg Code. If they want my trust, we will all be able to watch these demonically inspired murderers tried at a gigantic Nuremberg Trial on a live stream and television – in other words, no amnesty, accountability. The author of this Nature article, Smriti Mallapaty, is a complete monster who should not be immune from prosecution at this Nuremberg Trial – he knows damn well what is happening and instead of raising the alarm is demanding the whole world experience the pleasures of living under China’s murderous zero-COVID policy.

Health institutions are not the only institutions which have become lacking of people’s trust. National, state, and local governments have lost a lot of trust. Many businesses have lost the public’s trust. What trust there was in the UN, WHO, World Bank and other global institutions is waning. People are waking up. None of them are going to gain that trust back unless they immediately stop with all of plans designed to enslave, rob, and murder us. As more people wake up to these facts, less trust will be found and the harder it will be for these institutions to ever gain our trust again.

The reason is that they refuse to hold themselves accountable. The lack of accountability will never allow these institutions to gain our trust again.

The Bible tells us not to judge. The non-religious love to note those Bible passages to silence anyone of Biblical-faith from giving them any critique of their own lifestyle. Well, when Adam and Eve ate that fruit human beings gained the knowledge of good and evil. So while we are commanded by God not to judge, what is that judgment we are not to give? As I read the Bible that judgment is whether one goes to Heaven or to Hell. Apart from that, we are to use discernment, our knowledge of good and evil, to judge the fruits of others, and reprove them when they stray from trying to do good. Unfortunately many have decided to be reprobate – unredeemable – even after being instructed what their actions will bring upon their spirit or soul.

Also in the Bible are the passages leading to the end of the age of Satan being able to rule over men. After this time there will be no reprobates until Satan is permitted to, for a short time, return to the earth to again try to tempt mankind to commit wicked acts and develop evil intentions. If these people are never held accountable the end is growing of the present age of Satan is nearing its end with the coming of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) once more. Until His return, however, the people on earth will be forced into a system of global governance featuring the worship of a false Messiah linked to a person’s ability to survive under the totalitarian beast system. If they are held accountable, the end is further off than a great many of us thought. This is all in God’s time, not men’s time. As for me, I expect these monsters to get away with the crimes they have already committed and commit even more horrific assaults and crimes against humanity until they are directly targeting the prey most dangerous to them – the Remnant.

Bless God and God bless.


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