My Vantage Point in Slavelandia

My Vantage Point in Slavelandia

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/15/2023

Slavery is a wretched state to be in. As soon as the term is mentioned, visions of chains, kidnapping, slave blocks, and beatings leap into our mind. This happened (and still happens) under chattel slavery. Chattel means an article of movable property by itself. The word slavery added after the word chattel denotes a person who is owned as movable property by another person. This is what often befell the survivors, especially the males, in the conflicts of old. If the adults were not killed during or after combat they were held in bondage as prisoners intended to live the rest of their lives as servants of a master. The slavery of Slavelandia is neither of these versions of slavery, however.

The slavery of Slavelandia is rooted in the reasons people went into bondage in the Bible. The slavery of the Bible is not the chattel slavery of the fifteenth and sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The slavery of the Bible isn’t about the human spoils of war. The people who hate God and pretend God condones slavery don’t understand the concept about which they are speaking about. The slaves mentioned in the Bible are people whose land did not bear fruit – their ability to generate income from their own means of production failed. They indentured themselves to another person based on their own free will in order to survive. They worked another person’s land, tended their flocks, ran their errands for them in return for sustenance and shelter. In other words, Biblical slavery in modern times is getting a job.

Almost everyone has found employment in someone else’s operation. Even entrepreneurs fall into this category as their businesses are often interdependent upon other producers. Biblical slavery is what all of this is. With the exception of people who work the land with the intention of being completely self-sustaining, all of us are bound by slavery as mentioned in the Bible. The way to fix living in Slavelandia is to return to the land, grow our own food, raise our own animals, and manufacture the items we need in our own workshops. Every day that goes by the ability to purchase land becomes more and more expensive, heirloom seeds become scarcer, and zoning laws and ‘climate change’ mitigation efforts become more infringing on anyone’s ability to raise animals. It’s a possibility but, my situation makes it a very remote possibility. Billions of people are in the same situation I find myself in.

99% of humanity live in service to someone else. I’d say about 95% of humanity are heavily integrated into this version of slavery. The reason is that there is a global government and absurdly rich and powerful owners of virtually everything on the planet. This tiny contingent of slave owners controls the entire world through the central banks, organizations like the United Nations, and multinational businesses. Through the central banks and the banks they lend to all financial solvency is controlled.

If Apple went against the wishes of their controllers, their stock would quickly go towards zero as BlackRock, Vanguard, and Berkshire Hathaway (the three largest institutional stockholders) sold their holdings as quickly as possible. In the process, pension funds, individual shareholders (not the ones with the largest individual holdings like Tim Cook), and various other institutions which hold Apple stock would collapse.

Apple produces nothing necessary for sustaining life. Seven of the top eight multinational companies on the planet produce nothing which sustains life. Aramco, the third largest company on earth, produces oil which does sustain life indirectly. Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, NVIDIA, Meta Platforms, and Tesla produce nothing which is essential to life. Believe it or not, human beings can live without cell phones, online vendors, social media, the metaverse, and electric vehicles. Oil is used in the Haber process which creates ammonia nitrate – a key component in fertilizers which are used on about 50% of the world’s fields to grow food. Without oil, fertilizer will get even more scarce. Without fertilizer about half of the world’s population will starve to death. This wouldn’t matter nearly as much if we tended to our own fields.

We live in Slavelandia though and our masters are withholding food from their servant class. The big three in food are Nestle, Pepsi, and Coke. Cargill, Archer-Daniels-Midland, Unilever, Tyson, Mars, Kraft/Heinz, and Smithfield are also massive companies controlling huge amounts of the food we consume. All of these companies are ultimately owned by Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and Berkshire Hathaway in different proportions.

This ownership structure of food producers, in combination with their views about the masses they control, have resulted in mass poisoning of huge numbers of the population. Bread, a food staple around the world, contains potassium bromate in many nations. When is the last time you checked to see if this carcinogen is in your favorite bread? Not only will it cause cancers, it also inhibits vitamin uptake. Why is it not listed on the packaging on products? Because it is a flour additive. At my local grocery store I found no products containing bromate. The FDA has encouraged manufacturers to not use it but refuses to ban it. As another ‘benefit’ from a murderers perspective, bromide in the body will not allow iodine to be absorbed. There is a global iodine deficiency which manifests in cognitive impairment along with a myriad of other conditions.

Food production is dependent upon soil quality. Our soils are being sprayed with all kinds of chemicals and toxins. Chief among these are aluminum. Aluminum acts as a salt which inhibits crop production and is taken into plants. Aluminum in the human body is a disaster. Coincidentally, aluminum and strontium can bond, aluminum and bromine have a love affair going on, and it also bonds with sulfur. What’s weird about this is that is generally the largest concentrations of aerosols being sprayed into the stratosphere. Graphene and aluminum also have interesting properties when mixed and graphene is beginning to be sprayed upon the earth as well. The soil is being destroyed on purpose with the intention of making food more scarce.

What we put into our bodies affects our health. This, too, is instructive of Slavelandia’s customs. We are conditioned to trust the experts, and the science, and to follow orders from those sources. Anyone who is still said to be an expert told the entire world the COVID-19 shots were safe, effective, and should be universal. They were known to be anything but safe, had nearly zero efficacy, were not tested, and are actually gene therapies. The experts knew this then and they still know it now. What is telling about life in Slavelandia is what they absolutely refused to advise people to take – ivermectin, corticosteroids, vitamins A, D, C, and hydroxychloroquine. These experts of Slavelandia decided to murder as many of their slaves as they could through withholding known safe treatment options and using blatantly deadly drugs, end-of-life pain regimens, and ventilators. Because they did this they are responsible for millions of deaths.

The rulers of Slavlandia, from my lowly position relative to theirs on the totem pole they have designed, have my attention. They are telling us that they are going to force to no longer be able to use cash. We will have to use their digitized social credit score based digital currencies. They are telling us that we cannot eat steak, hamburger, and chicken and have demanded that we eat insect protein instead. They are demanding that abortion be on demand and extend past birth. The global cabal of Slavelandia supports all of the woke garbage, the ‘gender-affirming’ surgeries, and sexualizing our children. They have no issues with Canada burning down – the arsonists who lit it on fire are undoubtedly linked to these same people. Their rules about shots and receiving medical treatment, educational services, and a wide range of social endeavors are not over, they are merely on hold.

This article started off by paralleling wage labor with Biblical slavery as defined in the Bible, not an illiterate woke libtard who hates God. We have already been pushed from the Biblical version of slavery where there is a choice to be made into the chattel version where there are only orders to be followed. Far too many people who arrive at this conclusion start demanding Slavlandia grow in it’s scope through UBI, universal healthcare, and public transportation. The rulers of Slavelandia and tens of millions of American’s will not see eye to eye on that. The inhabitants of Slavelandia may well revolt. The leaders know that there are hills we will die on. We will literally die fighting to stop their agendas from advancing. But, we don’t need to die that way – we need to go become self-sufficient once again. We need to go back to the land.

It’s not glamorous, but we wouldn’t have to go to the grocery stores nearly as often. It’s a lot of work but you’d be working completely for yourself. Slavelandia would have a runaway on their hands. They could deal with a few thousand of these types of people working truly for themselves. Slavelandia would completely collapse if a couple hundred million of us decided to do this and decided to get along with one another. What would it look like if the United States, population about 325 million had 40 million people working the land, manufacturing their own goods, and operating in an economy which has no use for the one Slavlandia focuses on? To me, it sounds great.

As I work at my job I think about this all the time. I think about how great if my efforts were for my benefit. The federal government would have a far more difficult time extorting funds based on my labor. Whatever they would extort would be trivial compared to what they are extorting now. My goal would be to have the best produce, the highest quality goods, the most reliable power source. And I would choose who I would do business with. I would choose my neighbors doing the same thing as I hope to do soon. I would do everything to support the runaways from Slavelandia. Runaways from the Alphabet mafia, the baby murderers, the murderers in doctor’s and nurse’s costumes, the AI-lovers…. Any interaction I would have with Slavelandia would be by my choice, on my terms, and the only reason that I would interact would be to find more runaways so I and others can help them escape Slavelandia.

I will keep working towards this goal daily. I’ll get up, work my butt off, earn my wages, and save as much as I can to achieve these goals. And throughout it all, I know that, unless God wills it to be so, nothing will come of these hopes. So, while I am still existing fully in Slavelandia, my mind is not captured by the animals running their global plantations – a mind which is always searching for God and those who have chosen to look for God’s face as well….

Bless God and God bless.


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