What’s Bad For Poland is Good in the US? Yessir! Unless it’s About Killing Russian’s.

What’s Bad For Poland is Good in the US? Yessir! Unless it’s About Killing Russian’s.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/14/2023

I am not a fan of Poland. I’m not a fan of Russia. I’m not a fan of the US government under Joe-Joe the Circus Clown either. But, Poland just passed legislation which all of the liberals are angry about. They passed a law which permits the government to investigate elected officials and political candidates for holding Russian sympathies. If the person(s) being investigated are found to be aligned with Russian interests in Poland, they are to be barred from holding any office for 10 years.

I’m not a fan of the Polish law because it targets those with sympathies towards Russia instead of the global government. NPR and the US State Department are not fans of the law because it was passed by Poland’s ‘right wing’ government. Perhaps they are jealous that a similar law hasn’t been passed in the United States which has dove headlong into USSR-style political persecution and imprisonment. Maybe the State Department just wants Poland to pay attention to the criminal actions the US government has committed to in persecuting all sorts of people from Alex Jones, to the Proud Boys, to Donald Trump. Maybe they are mad because it wasn’t a progressive government seeking to crush all things Christian, traditional, or moral.

NPR reported on the story today. There are two primary political parties in Poland – Law and Justice Party, described as ‘right-wing’ and currently in power; and Civic Platform which is claiming that this law will prevent them from winning elections. NPR is a leftist rag so it’s bias towards the baby-murdering, gender-affirming Civic Platform is obvious. A member of Civic Platform, Marcin Bosacki, is quoted, claiming the law will permit Law and Justice to “steal” elections – an act of speech now criminalized in the United States. They go on to quote Bosacki, “"It's pure politics, and its only aim is to get rid of Donald Tusk," Bosacki says of the legislation and his party's leader. "If it were intended to really discover some secret ties between Polish politics and business and Russian interests, why didn't they do this in the past eight years they were in power?"”

Donald Tusk is Civic Platform’s champion and main candidate to oppose the current leadership in Poland. He is also the one being targeted for his alleged Russian sympathies according to the NPR article. That article also notes the European Union’s legal filings, “accusing Poland of breaching EU rules with legislation that could interfere with the democratic process and violate citizens' rights.” This is wildly hysterical because the EU is not elected, but appointed, into power.

The State Department’s Matthew Miller also appears in the NPR article to give his dire assessment of Poland’s new law. They wrote, “"We share the concerns expressed by many observers that this law to create a commission to investigate Russian influence could be used to block the candidacy of opposition politicians without due process," U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said last month.” All Miller is really stating here is that Poland can block whoever they want from running as long as a sham-trial is set up first.

The US State Department, headed by Antony Blinken, a devoted Marxist, released a statement on May 29, 2023 about Poland’s law. “The U.S. Government is concerned by the Polish government’s passage of new legislation that could be misused to interfere with Poland’s free and fair elections. We share the concerns expressed by many observers that this law to create a commission to investigate Russian influence could be used to block the candidacy of opposition politicians without due process. We call on the government of Poland to ensure this law does not preempt voters’ ability to vote for candidate of their choice and that it not be invoked or abused in ways that could affect the perceived legitimacy of elections.” The US State Department doesn’t care one bit about fair elections, they care about picking the people who align with their interests (not necessarily even the interests of the United States) and making sure they ‘win’ whatever race they are running. They care about the illusion of free and fair elections, the perception of election integrity, and the control of the narrative so that they can enhance their power and their wealth at everyone else’s expense.

NPR, for their part, are very excited about the persecution and indictments Donald Trump has been treated to by the Marxist coup figure head, Joe Biden. The latest indictment offers Trump death in a prison cell because the crimes he was illegally charged with carry over 200 years of jail time. What is stunning is that none of the O’Biden regime’s illegal actions against US citizens has ever been questioned let alone criticized by NPR. The reason for this is simple – they are on the same team, the team that can do whatever it wants with impunity as long as it harms the political opposition. It is not out of their reach to murder whistle-blowers, hide shockingly graphic evidence of capitol felonies being committed, and rig elections. It’s not about the law being equal for all – it’s about cracking eggs to get global government. NPR is onboard with that. So is the State Department.

The State Department apparently saw nothing odd about the 2020 Presidential Elections. Actually, in response to the 2020 elections, the only issue they could come up with was their problem with citizens asking questions about elections. Namely, the State Department decided that Proud Boys members are actually “neofascist” white-identity terrorists because they asked those questions in person. Many of the members of the group are currently in prison on illegal seditious conspiracy charges for asking those questions. The State Department also responded to the fraudulent 2020 election by doubling down on making elections completely unintelligible in the United States for 2022.

All of these groups are after a greater goal; however. The Polish Government, Blinken and the State Department, Biden’s regime, NPR and their trash-media friends all want everyone else dead. And all of these groups are pushing as hard as they can to make that happen as quickly as possible. Putin has stated that his stance on depleted uranium rounds being sent to Ukraine would result in a Russian response. On March 21, 2023, BBC published an article downplaying what depleted uranium tank ammunition actually does to the long-term effects on resident’s health as well as the environmental impact. According to the article, the UK did the right thing by sending the shells. The article notes that the United States was, at the time, not going to send depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine.

Today, the United States is set to send the kleptocracy in Kiev depleted uranium ammunition. The same is true for other forms of assistance for Ukraine such as tanks and F-16’s. Anyone who thinks that’s a great development, secure the latch on your microwave so it will operate without the door, rip the door off, and stand in front of it while it is on for an hour. YOU get the radiation poisoning and death which you are pushing for through nuclear war. The rest of us don’t want nuclear war.

Newsweek reported on this yesterday. In typical state-sponsored media style (Stalinesque), the United States media wrote the story to instill fear into the US population while at the same time trying to make themselves look like the good guys and demonize the actions of Russia. The article starts off, “A Russian state TV host has warned that if the Ukraine war escalates to a "nuclear phase," the Kremlin will strike the U.S. with nuclear weapons as it is "in the crosshairs."” The Russian’s are being somewhat honest about their reactions. The United States, NATO, and other Western Powers are doing everything they can to get Russia to push the button. Russia may do a false flag to justify their actions. The United States or Ukraine or NATO – maybe even Poland – may decide to pull a false flag on themselves to get a Western Power to use nuclear weapons first. This latter suggestion was tried with the bombing of Nordstream I and II.

What strikes me as odd is how a right-wing Polish government is completely on board with the war efforts of the Alphabet mafia sponsoring nations of the world. It’s not about parties, it’s about murdering as many people as possible on behalf of the global government. Nuclear war is is a top three preference for depopulating the earth for them. While Newsweek reported that NATO is about to overtly engage Russia in Ukraine, the UK hung thousands of pride flags in place of the Union Jack, and the White House openly celebrated transsexuals. It really isn’t about politics, it’s about extermination of billions of people and enslaving whoever is left.

The Polish government is absolutely with the literal Nazi’s running the Ukrainian war against Russia and recently vowed to send troops from their own nation into combat. Sending in troops of their own is Poland’s way of demanding that more war is needed in Ukraine because the vow was an ultimatum to the West – send even more aid to Ukraine or we will offer them the blood of our service members. If Poland, or any other NATO member, does this unilaterally, the chance of nuclear war will shorten from two seconds to hundredths of milliseconds. NATO may invoke Article 5 which would involve military responses from all NATO members in the organization which would lead to immediate reprisals from Russia. Russia would likely decide to take out several European and US cities with nuclear strikes which would be the end of the world as we know it in under two hours….

Get right with God, folks! Read your Bibles!

Bless God and God bless.


My Vantage Point in Slavelandia


Matthew 24:3-12