Meta Flopped But You’re Still Going to the Metaverse

Meta Flopped But You’re Still Going to the Metaverse

I wish I could find the YouTube short about virtual and augmented reality working in tandem with a mere Alexa-style device. I think Google may have destroyed the account which it was on, because I have searched for it for about 3 years now with no success. I still cannot find it to view it. I believe that it could be found here if the video were not ‘private’ meaning banned.

The reason the video got banned was because in about 9 minutes, the creator laid out exactly how Alexa would operate. The video starts out with a normal, functional family. If my memory serves, an Alexa-type device arrives at the home and the family asks it random questions like what time is it in London and what is the capitol of Mozambique. The son befriends the Alexa and the parents rely more heavily on it daily. The son complains about his bully to Alexa and the bully mysteriously died the next day. In the meantime Alexa ordered dad a VR headset to watch pornographic material with and mom ended up having so many mental health prescriptions (also ordered Alexa) that she couldn’t function either. Towards the end, Alexa orders a whole bunch more Alexa’s so the family is never out of the reach of it’s artificial intelligence of the surveillance device.

The one family member who didn’t place their trust in Alexa was the teenage daughter. She discovered that Alexa had killed her brother’s bully. She saw the crippling effects of Alexa’s doings with her parents. She hated the thing so much that the final piece of the film was of her fleeing from her Alexa infested home. She went to the neighbor’s house, an old lady. She explained her troubles with Alexa’s and the old lady smiled at her and showed her the red eyes she had developed because of her own use of Alexa devices.

The short film is so powerful because it shows not just the harm an Alexa can do, but the overall plan to destroy anything that is wholesome and decent in this world by creating dependencies on any technology – especially those in the digital realm. Even more insidious is the short film’s ability to portray Alexa’s creators intention that there is no escape. Some will go along with the plan and those who don’t will go along with it too, but only through coercion, kicking and screaming.

In 2020 the United States was reported to have over 73 million Alexa-type devices in about a quarter of homes. Cell-phone based digital assistants were not calculated into the equation which would bring the saturation of digital assistants to well over 90% in the United States. Not everyone uses those digital assistants; however, the capability is ubiquitously there. All of us are, quite literally, walking around with AI-driven surveillance devices on our persons. Even if you have entirely forgone the rise of smart-phones, merely being near someone who is using one will help to track and locate you. Those of us who do have these devices may recognize the privacy breaches the technology presents and ignore it or attempt to mitigate it. The point is we are already trapped inside of this digital grid, have established digital footprints, and are monitored in various ways by digital usage.

When I watched the short film described above, I identified with the teenage girl trying to get away from the evil. Recognizing it is one thing but giving into it is a completely different thing. The teenage girl refused to give into the lures, charms, and promises of Alexa. This is what I identified with. Virtually all of my communication needs are based on me carrying a cell phone around with me. Millions of others are very similar. While we can recognize the dangers our cellphones, smartphones, laptops, gaming consoles, TV’s refrigerators, vehicles, and virtually any other device labled as ‘smart’ pose to us, could we just walk away from them?

We could. It would be difficult, but we could walk away from all of these devices and survive. In order to go ‘off grid’ we would have to avoid all towns, live off the land, and have very little contact with the outside world. Even when those contacts occur, it would be wise for the ‘off grid’ person to only meet with trusted individuals in locations which are not part of the ‘off grid’ area. Instead of walking away from these devices though, people are actively engaging in bringing even more of them into their lives intentionally.

It is beyond stupid to buy a vehicle equipped with AI, look for the best Alexa-style device, and seek out the most up-to-date AI infested toasters, coffee pots, and baby monitors. It is criminal that gas, electric, and water utilities installed smart meters on people’s homes (ask those in Colorado how that experiment in ‘how -stupid can you be’ worked out for them in the summer of 2022). Somewhere in between stupid and criminal lies anyone who brought a virtual reality device into their homes.

I have some gamer friends and I get the idea of the immersive video game experience. Who wouldn’t want to see if they could hang in the pocket like Tom Brady, shoot virtual guns at pixelated zombies, or walk through the haunted halls of Silent Hill to see if they could do it without screaming in terror? That all sounds fun, until the realization dawns on the gamers and non-gamers alike – this is our future if we adopt these systems voluntarily. With virtual reality, almost all of us are the teenage girl running through the streets trying to stay in the real, non-AI controlled, world that we have some control over. Presently, the chances that we happen upon someone’s door who is completely overtaken by VR is slight, however, the intention of the evil entities in this world – the one’s who ru(i)n it – are seeking to change that in a hurry.

Facebook, which has renamed the company Meta, released a virtual world by the name of the Metaverse. No one really wanted to go to the Metaverse though because it held nothing of interest to those who visited. As one visitor, Forbes contributor Kenneth Rapoza, who was unpleasantly surprised by the stupidity and uselessness of the Metavese, put it:

“In the mid-2000s, I watched Caprica on the SyFy channel. It was the prequel to the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, which took artificial intelligence and cyborgs to a whole other level. In Caprica, teens lived in virtual worlds, donning these headsets that looked like what Oculus headsets might look like 20 years from now. Only, their avatars looked more like themselves than some block character from Minecraft wearing a silly face mask. It looked appealing, if not scary and a bit dystopian. Our metaverse looks nothing like that. It’s still the early stages. There are going to be a lot of projects that fail in the meantime. At the moment, there is nothing you can do in the metaverse that isn’t easier to do in the real world.”

Meta is not the only company developing virtual applications to visit with VR headsets though. As Wired described in April of this year:

“To help you get a sense of how vague and complex a term “the metaverse” can be, here's an exercise: Mentally replace the phrase “the metaverse” in a sentence with “cyberspace.” Ninety percent of the time, the meaning won't substantially change. That's because the term doesn't really refer to any one specific type of technology, but rather a broad (and often speculative) shift in how we interact with technology. And it's entirely possible that the term itself will eventually become just as antiquated, even as the specific technology it once described becomes commonplace.”

Basically, the Metaverse, specifically the applications which have been developed for use in the Metaverse thus far, are crap and no one really wants to engage with crap. The games are boring and uninteresting, the users are physically isolated, and the hardware is not all that affordable. An Oculus Quest 2 headset costs about $400, a full Valve Index kit costs $1,000 ($500 for just the headset), and the HTC Vive Pro 2 is $1,400 for the full kit or $800 for the headset. Those are only the hardware costs though, applications and games come at additional cost and some of them are subscription services with recurring costs. Gamers already spend thousands of dollars on hardware and software so they can ignore the cost if the platform and applications are worth the money to them. Thus far, even gamers have not really embraced virtual reality.

But none of this matters to the monsters who are pushing virtual reality down our throats. They are fully committed to the idea of virtual reality and, more importantly, forcing people to go there. Before you get carried away with the idea that I am making all of this up, take a moment to go to the HTC Vive website. Scroll to the bottom of the page. What does it say? “Vive Pro 2 for business” is what it says. Following the link shows Vive’s boasts of Flam Systems using their VR for training, Adidas using VR to eliminate unnecessary work silos, Bugatti virtualizing their design processes, Two Bit Circus’ entertainment offerings, and bolstering Rinnai’s sales. Discovering more, yields stories about HTC Vive’s being used in architecture, engineering, and construction, education, healthcare, location-based entertainment, manufacturing, government, real estate, and sports/fitness.

That’s right – the Metaverse isn’t for games and entertainment. This is already becoming the way people work. Games and work are only parts of what humans do, you may be saying. Not so fast – the idea is to get us to live in the Metaverse.

Let’s take a look at the development of the QR codes we see everywhere for a moment. QR (standing for quick response) codes were added to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 2000. The first time I ever used one was earlier this year for a job interview being conducted on-line. I had to use the QR code or not even be able to be interviewed. I was turned into a 2D bar-code for the purposes of that interview. The people of China, right now, are forced to have their whole lives determined by QR codes – different colors mean different things, like take yourself to a quarantine camp, do not move, go home to be welded into your apartment, or everything is fine. These QR codes are linked to their bank accounts, vaccine status, work history, transportation services, consumption patterns, education access, and anything else a person may do. The QR code means life or death for the Chinese people as determined by the criminals of humanity in the Chinese government. It has not gotten to that point in most of the rest of the world, however, it is coming quickly through a collaborative effort of the WHO, WEF, and UN usually referred to as the vaccine passport. They (globalists and their lackey’s) are promising totalitarianism using only QR codes – VR is a whole different ballgame.

Imagine sending your children to school by telling them to jack into the matrix in their bedroom ($3,000 a child for the first year and only $500 a year after that, per child). While they are jacked into the matrix, you go to living room where there is another VR arrangement. There is no office, per se, it is a digital recreation. Your children don’t get to even have recess with the other children in their class but you can hear them running around in their bedrooms upstairs. Meanwhile, Jack, and Scott, and Marsha have engaged you in a meaningless conversation about what they are ordering from Amazon for the day in the virtual ‘break room.’ The thuds coming from above sound like hopscotch so you click out of the work app to the view only mode of your child’s school application. They are playing tag but everyone has to skip apparently. Break is over so you click back to work. After work you keep the VR headset on and check your bank account by going into the virtual bank. The day’s paycheck is already transferred so you order a whole broasted chicken and scalloped potatoes from the grocery store. An Amazon drone drops off the food at the door and rings the doorbell. You click into your children’s VR directly this time because the school has released its view-only mode control over your children’s VR set-ups, “it’s time for dinner,” you say. They come down the stairs and you sit and eat. The meal is punctuated by blank stares. 6 year-old Johnny can’t wait to play Army Simulator and 8-year old Sarah can’t wait to log into Minecraft. You can’t wait to relax on the Virtual Beach while sipping on the Corona you also ordered from the store. You briefly think about your deceased spouse who raised concerns about living like this. The spouse is either in jail, dead, or in a labor/re-education camp. Most of the manual labor is done by AI-robots or by robots controlled by humans over VR, but the mines are still worked by real people. On weekends, you and the kids all go play in the VR park for an hour and watch a VR movie together for a nightcap. Then it’s bedtime in the real world so you can all wake up and jack into the matrix all over again.

Could you imagine that? That is the world being made for you with some added caveats. If you leave your home – you had better have a really good reason and all of your permission slips signed by the authorities. Travel will be made obsolete by robotics and VR connectivity. That ‘house’ will have one floor, and three rooms - a common room, the loft your children and yourself sleep in, and a bathroom big enough to contain a sink, toilet, and stand-up shower. Everything is delivered. All VR headsets have an option to learn more about ‘full immersion’ which can be agreed to by anyone, of any age, at any time.

When someone opts for ‘full immersion’ there is no opting out of it. Almost immediately after choosing the option a drone comes to the door. The VR headset is turned black. The earbuds make no sounds. The drone expects the person to come to the door on their own but will enter the residence (pod) after 30 seconds. If the person thinks better of their choice, they drone will summon enough ‘helper’ drones to extract the biological entity from the home. Once outside, the person is placed into something which resembles a coffin with a large spherical shape where the head would lie within it. Ever so minute slices (about half of a nanometer) of the persons brain are digitized as they are physically sliced off to create a 3D composite model of the new completely digital person. After about 15 minutes, with the ‘full immersion’ complete, the drones fly off to their next duty, and the coffin starts it’s mission – delivering the deceased, mangled, biological remnants of what was once a human being to any of several ‘reclamation’ sites. Any request for a particular form of ‘reclamation’ are disregarded – the person is delivered to wherever they are needed most – food processing, fertilizer, soil conditioning, or energy production.

Getting people to accept the ‘full immersion’ of their own volition is the end game the globalists want us to select. VR is the way to get us all there. Any job which forces it’s employees into using VR to complete any portion of their duties is literally dehumanizing you. Any school requiring VR classrooms is dehumanizing you. Virtual outings with children are enslavement. There is no way out of the matrix – even trying to leave the pod you live in would result in your immediate death without even the benefit of the fake you which could be created in the Metaverse. As biological humanity decreases, the globalists will offer less and less opportunity to allow anyone to choose anything. They will just start murdering the holdouts. Eventually people will put their VR headsets on be forced to choose to be murdered or be murdered with ‘full immersion.’

The Metaverse’s failures of today are not static. Very powerful, interconnected, and rich elites in this world see exactly what I have written here as the common future of humanity. If you don’t like it, well, you weren’t consulted because the people who envision this human future already think of you as a useless eater. In their calculations, they have found it far easier and safer for them if they can connive people into accepting this fate all on their own. Look at all these cool games and how real they feel! Look at all this money I can make sitting in my home office! Look at how crime statistics have become obsolete because no one is allowed outside! Look at how well we eat! Look at the healthcare we get and the amazing recreational opportunities we have! There are no mirrors in this future. The horrific, disfigured images a mirror would display would be enough to disgust humans to the point of trauma in the real world, where ‘full immersion’ isn’t a choice which can be made.

Decades long ‘ugly’ art and ‘ugly’ cultural norms and transsexualism normalization all come to fruition in the VR world where all of that can be edited out. The establishment of LGBTQIA+ and all of the ugly actions they engage in can be edited out. The amoral members of the groups above can choose to segregate themselves from meeting anyone with Biblical morals in their VR experiences. The idea is to push as many people into ‘choosing’ to go virtual and leave the real world behind entirely because of how ugly and contentious it is to everyone on earth.

God can be completely forbidden and replaced in the VR world. Those who prefer a virtual church can attend a service through explicitly choosing it as an option, but those who are professionally offended can choose to interact with no one who is religious. AI’s will choose the ‘common area’s’ morality and acceptable speech codes. Anyone can look like anything they want to. The kids who think they are ‘furry’s’ and act those thoughts out will find far less resistance to their insistence that everyone recognize their mental handicap as reality instead of a mental handicap in the VR worlds. Virtual reality, properly understood, is nothing but creating self-defined digital ghettos based on topics and mental illnesses like gender fluidity in order to shuttle human thinking into wanting to live in the echo chambers they have created. Nevermind the physical death necessary for ‘full immersion,’ the life they could live ‘forever’ (Satan’s original lie in the Garden of Eden) will prove too alluring to those lacking common sense, rational reasoning capabilities, and those lacking any moral basis outside of the morals adopted by any of the various human created ethos.

To make the Metaverse even more alluring, more choices for connectivity are being offered. Sony is offering Metaverse hardware used to track motion called Mocopi for only $360 for instance. The prices will come down eventually per Moore’s Law. Also according to this law, the functionality and accuracy of such devices will increase. Motion is a more recent addition to the visual and audio sensations what VR hardware and software seek to emulate. The sensations of touch, smell, and taste have not been widely adapted, however. When these senses are able to be simulated close enough to the real things they are to mimic, the ‘full immersion’ option will be nearly irresistible to the immoral and amoral. Touch, smell, and taste are all being worked into emulators which VR devices could employ in the simulations.

Virtual reality and the Metaverse is also connected to all of the other pieces of the dystopian future globalism promises to humanity. It is connected in many and various ways to cryptocurrencies, NFT’s (non-fungible token), and ETF’s. It is linked to climate change narrative recognition, and as a solution in and of itself as Tuvalu, EY, and Blockleaders. It is tied to transhumanism. It is tied to venture capital, Johns Hopkins, and Pfizer trying to convince people to self-harm with particularly dangerous medical procedures propagandized as vaccinations against coronavirus and SARS. It is part of the Internet of Things. The World Economic Forum, with their Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution schemes, is very interested in developing the Metaverse to their liking. You can think whatever you want about what the Metaverse is and how safe it is to use. There are two facts which those using the Metaverse must ignore to ease their own consciousness – who owns the servers their digital existence lives on and what kind of future will this result in for humanity in general?

We can wake up to the reality of what the Metaverse really is and what its intended use is for and fight against it or we can end up exactly like the teenage girl in the short horror film this article open with. The choice is ours – to me it’s an easy choice – but you are not me and I’m not you.

Bless God and God bless. Read your Bibles.


“I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore!”
