Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/29/2022

In 32 days it will be 2023. The year will be pivotal for the human race. At the end of this particular year, the shape of several decades will be set in motion. Already, near the end of 2022, after three years of civilization-wide social experimentation, dictatorship, global government, exposures of massive corruption, fraud, and criminal activities, and huge awakenings to the intent and direction those implementing and executing these plans (hereafter called ‘globalists’), people are still not understanding the danger the human race is in. Either we will wake up or we will be systematically exterminated – the survivors completely enslaved.

Many are of the belief that the vaccine was not created for the virus, but the virus for the vaccine. Records and patents indicate that the vaccine existed before the first person got sick with covid-19. Having read these documents I am in agreement with this assessment. Since early 2021 a new, unproven, and inherently dangerous and injurious technology was released into the world. This technology has claimed millions of lives with tens of millions of casualties. If the generations which have been nullified through this technology’s sterilization characteristics are added in, the entities who created, advertised, advocated for, and administered it can pat themselves on the back for reducing human populations by billions. Many are demanding Nuremberg Trials be recommenced to hold those responsible accountable. Those responsible are either doubling down or asking for amnesty. How this impasse is rendered will define the future of humanity more than any other singular issue.

If those responsible for these technologies (and I mean all of them) are not held accountable they will have carte blanche over human medical choices. What was once the choice of an individual will be a choice made by the World Health Organization (WHO) and enforced by the national public health administrations of each nation on earth. They will have humans chipped and tracked as well as every other biological life form on earth – even the man made ones. We will be forced to undergo procedures we do not want nor need – many of which are designed to cause great harm, including death, to the recipient. Who wants to have the health tracker on their cell phones and watches inserted into their bodies by nanotechnology infusions? Either we will have these trials or we will be forced into this reality through coercion and force – globalists plan to medically rape the non-compliant.

Globalists are completely invested in the idea of creating a human which is more than human. Called transhumanism (as well as H+ and humanity 2.0), the previous three years have been a civilization-wide experiment to see if people were on board with being more human than human. It turns out that if fear of some unseen enemy is propagandized and weaponized about 2/3 of the human race will succumb to the globalist ruse. The deaths and the maimings which have become horrifically apparent and are widely documented were not necessarily a detriment to the transhumanist’s crusade – it was a beta test to see what these technologies do as well as to thin the herd of humanity. Again, either we will have these trials or we will be forced into this reality through coercion and force – globalists plan to medically rape the non-compliant. Already the flu shots are including this technology and there are dozens of applications using the same technology in the pipeline, including so-called AIDS shots, designed not to heal but to beta test how to turn humans into something more akin to genetically modified organisms – unable to reproduce, impervious to bugs and diseases, and yielding a better harvest (in this case efficiency and productivity). The transhumanism and the ‘live forever’ promises being made by globalists is not for any of us – as soon as our usefulness is used up humans will be composted and turned into a slurry used to make other goods like coffee cups, food additives, and fertilizer. Social Security is not so important given that backdrop.

In order to achieve all of this there will need to be various forms of dictatorship. The WHO has positioned itself as the arbiter of all medical decisions throughout the pandemic. All of the elections which are being contested for being rigged are an outcropping of this. With thousands of elections having taken place in the past three years, the world is already being forced to accept the dictatorship of the WHO. The idea is to strip all individuals of any pretense of informed consent and bodily autonomy. Any who are elected to any office must be willing to accede to the likes of WHO’s designs of a universal and absolute medical dictatorship. Not waking up to the connections between these fraudulent elections and ushering in this dictatorship over all of our healthcare systems will be another battle which will be definitively determined in 2023.

Globalist’s designs do not stop at medical dictatorships, however. Their designs are total, meaning all spheres and aspects of our lives. For the last three years these globalists have used the fear and propaganda of a man-made disease to convince humans to believe their lies about the man-made ‘remedy’ they created to destroy us. Globalists played their hand, however, when they divided us into essential and non-essential segments of society, forced us to live by prison rules by maintaining six foot halos, canceled our vacation and travel plans for us, forced us to undergo unnecessary testing and genetic material collection to attend events like work and grocery store runs, and demanded that we dehumanize ourselves by mandating masks. This was not only part of the psychological conditioning the globalists weaponized to use against human beings (most of who fell for it) – it showed the totalitarian nature of their designs.

They showed their intentions to not only control who can leave their home but where they are permitted to go. They mandated requirements to be able to actual go to work or pick up dinner for the night. Even those who were not permitted to leave their homes were controlled. Those inside of the home were instructed to stay away from one another, wear masks, how to ‘quarantine’ properly, and had their speech censored should their speech become critical of the prison terms which were meted out to entire nations. Some businesses will never reopen. Schools are still unsure about how to proceed and forcing children to undergo dehumanizing and destructive measures in order to attend. Globalists are totalitarian in nature. It is a global, universal, totalitarianism they practice.

Children, the future of humanity, are being taught how to be properly enslaved. They are being taught to not live a life conductive to reproduction. They are being taught that there is no God. Their masters while attending school are their demonically inspired teachers. At home it is still their demonically inspired teachers who hold sway because anyone with a human-positive message is banned and censored from normal channels of entertainment and communication channels. Parents teaching their children about God, the Bible, Biblical morals, and encouraging biologically sound gender orientations have been demonized not only by unhinged reprobates but also through legal and criminal actions taken against them through the national governments (taking their cue from globalist’s edicts). The idea is to get as many adults on board through globalist social controls while instructing our children to be complaint dullards unable to question the terms of their enslavement and control.

2023 will be a huge show of popular uprisings staunchly opposed to any further deconstruction of our societies. There will be global uprisings and massive protests against globalism wrapped in issues such as school curricula . The globalist’s responses will showcase their obvious disregard for popular opinion and human life at the same time. They will become increasingly aggressive, repressive, guarded, and censorship-happy towards the masses of humanity telling them to cease and desist. While these shows of a pro-human future are necessary, without effective action to dismantle these plans, namely through sending globalists to prison for the crimes they have already committed (not to mention the crimes they are engaging in under definitions of criminal conspiracy), nothing will come of them. Globalists will continue turning a blind eye to anything pro-human, protests against them, and merely continue to carry on with heir depopulation plans. Either 2023 will see humanity take effective legal action against these murderous transhuman scumbags or we will continue to watch our civilizations collapse.

2023 will determine how we live our lives in 2026 and beyond. Either justice will prevail or all of humanity will be corrupted through the plans laid out by globalists. Understanding that humans commit unimaginable acts of brutality when food supplies dwindle, globalists have not only planned the collapse of food availability, they have hoarded the means to produce food to act as the saviors to our hunger. Hunger is most applicable to food, however, it can apply to many different aspects of our lives. All human activity is being targeted by globalists in order to control us. Work, school, transportation, reproduction, food (or course), housing, water, currency, judicial proceedings, communications, self-defense, and even religious beliefs are all being targeted to be either intentionally made scarce, perverted into something globalists want it to be, or completely obliterated. We, as humanity will either fight the globalist’s intentions by understanding them and not complying or we will all be forced into this beast system.

There are millions of people awakening to the fact that things are not okay. Once that revelation occurs the fight has only just begun though. What are people doing when they recognize the horrific dystopian 2026 we are hurtling towards? Some are writing about it. Some are out in the streets denouncing it. Some are actually filing lawsuits seeking judicial remedies for crimes committed. Others are speaking brilliantly in front of school boards and city councils. We don’t need changes – we need to stop the changes globalism is attempting to establish, implement, and legitimize. We, humanity in general, should continue in these efforts in even larger numbers as part of winning the war we are in on all fronts. It is frustrating attempting to get people out of their ‘everything is fine’ mentality but it is very necessary because the war will not be won (or lost) until every mind is made up and every heart is sealed.

When humanity gained the knowledge of good and evil, all of us gained that knowledge. We wrestle against principalities and powers not of this earth – the evil elements have not destroyed this knowledge but corrupted and perverted it to get those working evil to claim it is good. The issues we see festering upon the earth are inspired by this corruption. Globalists will preach all day about the need for all to abandon all supernatural faiths while, at the same time, absolutely knowing that all of their actions are directed by the evil elements of the war being waged in the spiritual realm. While everyone on earth should understand that fact, too many do not. The easiest way to win all of these battles and the overall war is to start seeking God and His mercy through prayer and reading the Bible.

Those against the totalitarian government globalists are forcing us to live under more fully day by day are not all aligned with God. That is, perhaps, the saddest part of the whole situation but it does not mean that all hope is lost. It means that everyone who is against these globalist’s plans need to get together for the common purpose of opposing these designs effectively, unequivocally, and peacefully. Through the efforts expended during these battles, those God chooses to open the eyes and ears of will grow to fully understand God’s use of them. It is this contingent of humanity, those who refuse to fear God but have not decided to fully commit to evil, who have yet to make a decision about their course of action, and, thus the future of humanity. They are the ones who will cry the loudest and suffer the most in 2026 should they choose the wrong course of action in 2023.

So what will the world be like in 2026? All of this is speculation and contingent upon all of the choices we make in upcoming months. Scenario one will come if there is no justice meted our to the butchers of humanity – any hope of a human future is going to be dashed to pieces. If there is justice, the battles and overall war will continue with those replacing the sanctioned globalists is scenario two. To get a really good idea about what 2026 will be like without justice graft Orwell’s 1984 into the broader Huxley work titled Brave New World. Basically we will be forced to undergo medical procedures, medical tests, documentation surveillance, and real-time surveillance to leave our homes. Our homes will be assigned, not chosen. Our modes of transportation, our jobs, and our reproductive ability will all be assigned, not chosen as well. Somewhere upwards of one-quarter of human beings will no longer be alive. Censorship will be universal and absolute. Billions will be suffering in re-education and detainment facilities. Those not living in prisons will be living in open air prisons. Food, water, and energy will all be rationed. ‘Money’ will be earned daily and deposited into reprogrammable, biologically verified, digital currency accounts based on a person’s social credit score which is based on carbon footprints. All resources will be tallied and controlled. Humanity will largely be relegated to the servicing of robots and lured by the temptation to become increasingly less human through optional medical procedures and the inclusion of machinery into their bodies. This is what Build Back Better, The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, and International Health Regulations really are getting at – bringing UNESCO’s Brave New World coupled with the NSA’s Orwellian Big Brother to reality.

Oppositely, 2026 could be very reminiscent of 2019. Millions more people would need to wake up to the idea that the world is not okay. The monsters who convinced 60% - 70% of humanity to become willing participants in a societal science experiment will be in prison or otherwise dispossessed of their positions and powers. The WHO will have been dissolved entirely or have had a sever reduction in the scope of their activities. The UN buildings around the world will be unoccupied, unstaffed, and unfunded – most of the criminals employed by the UN will also be in prison. Countries will be sovereign. The idea of individual liberty will be paramount in the minds of human beings around the world. The likes of Zelenski, Xi, and Biden will be in prison for violently perpetrating democide and crimes against humanity. There will be no more sustainability goals to meet, there will be no more ESG com pliancy, and digital currency and its inherent control mechanisms will be an idea which will be dumped in the trash. We will, individually decide where we work, how many children to have, where to live, when to move, what car we want to buy. It would be like 2019 all over again but without troubling, weaponized news emanating out of a backwater, third-rate city, depicting people dying of a ‘new’ man-made contagious disease because all of those who would have the inclination to commit such barbarous acts would be in prison or dead.

How humanity responds to 2023 will dictate the lives we will be living in 2026. The UN and WEF have decided that their goals need to be accomplished by 2030 at the very latest and have decided that accelerating their operations are called for. That is why the world is in such turmoil and so many people are waking up – globalists are ramming their plan down our throats all at once. In response we should be accelerating our efforts to arouse the suspicions and critical thinking capabilities of all of humanity to realize the danger we are in and to take peaceful action. Imagine the response that Portland, Oregon residents would be forced into if 50 pro-human speakers appeared, one after the other, to demand that the city of Portland immediately withdraw all funds, personnel, materials support, and cancel all meetings with the Metro Regional Government (MRG). After three or four meeting of all speakers denouncing the MRG’s relationship with the city of Portland, the council would have to decide whether or not to allow public comment or possibly whether they should just hold the meeting privately, indefinitely. Everyone in Portland would be concerned by that decision. Secrecy is the natural enemy of trust.

Will justice prevail? Everyone has not yet made the choice. While acting against global intentions, we also need to be aware of this fact. I encourage everyone to read their Bible and discern the times we live in – even those who are not aligned with God’s intentions for them. Parts of the Bible are already being rendered criminal to speak out loud because of the permanently ‘offended’ status of confirmed satan-worshiping alphabet individuals. The time grows short to read. In my opinion I see scenario one playing out – but while I live and breathe I will strive to make scenario two a reality. In the end, I know for a fact, because it is the truth, that God and only God will decide the way we live in 2026. Turning our faces towards God and living as He wants us to live is the only viable escape route from the evil designs globalists have already set in place.

Bless God and God bless.


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