“I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore!”

“I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore!”

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/1/2022

I keep hearing psychopaths on the left saying things that they are never going to do. They like to say things about Hunter Biden’s laptop like investigate it and if he did something wrong arrest him when they know full well democrats will never start the investigation in the first place. They say things like let the rail-workers strike without putting their two brain cells together to realize they are condoning thousands of starvation and exposure deaths. They lie in every publication and on every network news channel they control. They say things like democrats will hold their own accountable. They don’t do any of this and there is definitive proof with Hunter Biden’s laptop. Even more than Hunter Biden’s are two news stories which show exactly how none of this is true – Balenciaga and Sam Bankman-Fried.

The fawning media is silent about Balenciaga’s doings. Belenciaga is an overpriced clothing outlet selling mens and women’s clothes and, frankly, their clothes are hideously ugly. Their Summer 2023 line features models with scowls on their faces walking through the mud. Here is how the company describes their Summer 23 “mud show”:

“I hate boxes and I hate labels and I hate being labeled and placed in a box. Society, the internet, and the world in general loves doing that, because it feels safe this way.

“One needs to have courage and persistence to truly assume their identity and who they really are. Every day becomes a battlefield to defend this unique identity. And the more you try to be yourself the more you get punched in your face. But how great it is to be different from one another.

“The challenge is to get up and keep walking towards your true self after you have been beaten up and knocked down.

“Fashion loves boxes and labels more than anything. Luxury, not luxury, street, couture, good, bad, buzz, viral, all the same, who cares. Putting luxury fashion into the box of polished, exclusive, and visually expensive is limited and pretty old school. Individualism in fashion is downgraded to pseudotrends dictated by a post in stories of some celebrity of the moment.

“I’ve decided to no longer explain my collections and verbalize my designs, but to express a state of mind. Fashion is a visual art and all we need is for it to be seen through someone’s eyes. Fashion in its best case scenario should not need a story to be sold to someone. You either like it or not.

“The set of this show is a metaphor for digging for truth and being down to earth. Let us let everyone be anyone and make love not war.”

One of the shots in this shoot is of a male wearing all black, with a baby sling on his chest. In his hand is a bright pink women’s bag with what appears to be a towel of some sort and a teddy bear inside. On his feet is a pair of baby blue slipper shoes with bow ties on them. The jeans are incredibly ripped and the coat he is donning is over-sized. Of the 12 photos in the link above, none of the clothes fit the people wearing them correctly. Also, of the 12 photos, five of them contain ‘bags’ shaped like teddy bears in bondage gear.

They put together a ‘holiday’ collection with some of their products. I won’t show you the pictures, however, if you are curious you can go see the pictures for yourself. If adults are into kinky things in the bedroom and are consenting, whatever, I really don’t care. Belenciaga claims that it did not know that it’s collection contained images of young children holding these teddy bears in bondage in their holiday collection.

According to ‘fashion’ website High Snobriety, Belenciaga not only claimed they were unaware of the photos, including one which depicted another of their lines – overpriced Adidas garbage – placed on top of a Supreme Court ruling printout, United States v Williams, where the Court upheld the Constitutionality of the PROTECT Act. The PROTECT Act includes language which prohibits, “knowingly advertising, promoting, presenting, distributing, or soliciting through the mails or in commerce, including by computer, any material that is or contains an obscene visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct or a visual depiction of an actual minor engaging in such conduct.” High Snobriety described the photos as merely “misguided.”

There can be a debate about whether these photos of children constitutes an ‘obscene visual depiction’ as prohibited by the PROTECT Act. I would argue that it is obscene because Belenciaga has plenty of bags which are not made out of teddy bears in bondage which the child could have held. Also, normal teddy bears readily available. Basically, it promotes and advertises children ready to be sex trafficked. The follow-up photo with the printout and the Adidas bag seems to me to be either an invitation to investigate Belenciaga for child sexual abuse or that Belenciaga sees itself as being above the law. I am leaning towards the second interpretation because of Belenciaga’s overt commitment to the UN’s SDGs – a satanically inspired effort to exterminate 95% of humanity.

Belenciaga violated the PROTECT Act. The photographer violated the PROTECT Act. The set’s designer violated the PROTECT Act. Belenciaga, to try to force people to believe their claims of, well, we didn’t know, has apparently filed suit against North Six and Nicolas Des Jardains for $25 million. What should happen is that Balenciaga should be getting raided by the FBI like three days ago, their files seized, their assets frozen, and the same should happen to any and all collaborators on the project which produced photos of children holding bondage bears.

North Six is a democrat front company which consists of a collection of collectivized content creators. I label them as a democrat front company because of their involvement with a vomit-inducing organization called Swing Left which, if I were a betting man, I would place money that if the group and it’s volunteers were investigated for voter fraud there would be much criminal activity revealed. Both groups promote all of the anti-racism (hate anything white, male, christian, non LGBTQ-aligned), ‘alternative’ lifestyles, and democrat politicians. Belenciaga does the same. Nicolas Des Jardains organized the court document shot.

The photographer who took the photos of children holding lewd Balenciaga merchandise is named Gabriele Galimberti. Galimberti, having decided to go ahead and take the obscene photos, has decided to publicly state that he had nothing to do with anything he was taking pictures of and just did what he was paid to do – focus and shoot. Add Galimberti to the list of places the FBI should have raided days ago.

A stylist which Balenciaga claims to have had no association with since 2017 is a confirmed satanist. Lotta Volkova seems to have a predilection to mutilate children as images on her Instagram account purportedly displays. One of these images is reported to contain a child with their guts spilling from their abdomen. While Balenciaga claims no affiliation with Volkova since 2017, I don’t believe them and I also don’t know if they are even aware who, exactly, worked to produce these photos. For all any of us know Balenciaga is still working with Volkova directly. Interestingly, regardless of her current status with Balenciaga, Volkova is into satanism, cannibalism, and child abuse, and is said to be dating a child predator.

Meanwhile California just released 1,000’s of convicted child predators from prison. Belenciaga was the first ‘major’ brand to ‘leave’ Twitter after Elon Musk took over and right before he started cleaning house targeting, specifically, child pornography traders.

So, where are the democrats covering this? They aren’t. They are covering for them. They know that Belenciaga has it’s hands dirtied by the same crimes they and their democrat masters are involved with. Let’s see the Epstein logs and play 6 degrees of separation – except we wouldn’t need 6 degrees of separation, at most we would need one. The New York Times reported the Belenciaga endorsement of child sexual abuse and pedophilia by demanding doublespeak applies:

“His photographs featured six children clutching destroyed teddy bear handbags, which had first been seen in the brand’s spring 2023 runway show in Paris. The fluffy bears had black eyes, fishnet tops and leather harnesses; wine glasses and other gift items were displayed around them. According to Mr. Galimberti, the objects as well as the children and the location chosen for the shoot had all been selected by Balenciaga, with numerous staff members present during the two days of photography.

“Not long after the Gift Shop campaign was posted online, a groundswell of outrage began against the images that juxtaposed children and what looked like bondage paraphernalia.”

First the NYT’s describe the bears as wearing “leather harnesses” which is a euphemism for the bondage devices they are clad in. Then they claim that it only looks like a bondage device. The photo they use for the article is not of the photo shoot of the children holding the bears, which are definitely depictions of bondage gear.

It makes me mad that media outlets are covering for this garbage by writing such narratives. It makes me angry enough to demand the FBI charge these scumbags at the NYT’s with accessory to the commission of crimes violating the PROTECT Act. That won’t happen, no, instead these piles of garbage at places like the NYT’s will call people like me a terrorists who don’t deserve the free speech the narrative purveyors deserve because we are calling them out for their negligence and propaganda.

And the same is true of that asswipe piece of dirt thief Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). This guy makes the ponzi scheme that landed Bernie Madoff in prison look like child’s play. SBF knew exactly what he was doing, donated heavily to the democratic party and certain RINO’s, and ran a money laundering operation through Ukraine and right back into democrat politician’s pockets. This guy is still not under arrest because he took himself to Bermuda.

Thirty-year-old SBF is trying to pretend he is a child who got caught smoking a joint according to Gizmodo. FTX, the crypto-based ponzi scheme SBF ran with several accomplices and major backing from democrat profiteers, failed and cost people their entire life-savings in some cases. He lost $32 billion in customer’s investments. He didn’t crap his pants in school, get into a fight on the school bus, or spill a gallon of milk on the floor – he willingly stole money from customers so he could invest it in his ponzi scheme in order to line the pockets of globalist politicians.

Instead of facing time for his criminal activities, Bankman-Fried is giving interviews from Bermuda beach houses. The Gizmodo piece specifically articulates the disgust in SBF’s recent interview with Andrew Ross Sorkin of the New York Times and CNBC. Gizmodo sums the interview up well:

“And that conciliatory tone was part of a constant refrain that, in truth, landed like a weaponized apology. SBF would take responsibility, or at least look like he was taking responsibility, and say that he simply messed up by not managing risks properly. And it all came across as something we could empathize with. Sorkin would then go on to ask about SBF’s parents, both law professors at Stanford.”

First, SBF isn’t sorry for anything. He’s scared that Killary or one of her friends will send a hit team for him so the beans aren’t spilled. And why is this Sorkin twit allowing SBF to get away with that? It’s because the ‘media’ outlets he works for – the democrat propaganda machines they are – want to paint SBF as a child who tried his best and messed up really bad. And why would they want to do this – because the democrat party is a gigantic money laundering machine.

According to the article George Stephanopoulos’ interview of SBF is airing on ABC’s Good Morning America today. SBF denied any claims made against him, including rampant drug use, orgies, and, of course criminal activity regarding what he claims was a miscalculation of ‘risk’ which, to anyone else constitutes theft. The Gizmodo article goes on to show the absolute and complete stupidity of democrat supporters. In doing so, these democrat scumbags are demanding that all of the rest of us follow their lead:

“The interview even ended with a round of applause for SBF from the audience—people who reportedly paid over $2,000 a head for the chance to attend the conference in New York. It was a very weird moment from the audience, perhaps only exceeded when they all laughed at SBF saying he “had a bad month,” as though it was a line from a sitcom.

“Maybe it was all best summed up by Kevin O’Leary, a former paid spokesman for FTX who also lost money during the implosion of FTX. O’Leary quote-tweeted Bill Ackman on Wednesday, who said he believed SBF after watching the interview, suggesting perhaps that it was all a bunch of honest mistakes.

““I lost millions as an investor in @FTX and got sandblasted as a paid spokesperson for the firm but after listening to that interview I’m in the @BillAckman camp about the kid!” O’Leary tweeted.”

Bill Ackman, a billionaire, activist, and hedge fund manager posted a tweet on November 10, 2022 which he almost immediately deleted reading, “You have to give @SBF_FTX credit for his accountability here. I don’t know any of the facts, but I have never before seen a CEO take responsibility as he does here. It reflects well on him and the possibility of a more favorable outcome for @FTX_Official.” Ackman, the crowd of $2,000 a plate attendees, and O’Leary can all shut their stupid mouths, hold their applause, and stop with the charade. SBF tweeting “1) I’m sorry. That’s the biggest thing. I fucked up, and should have done better.” is not an apology, not accepting responsibility for anything, and deserves criminal charges. Nope the charade is meant to protect the globalist’s involvement in FTX from coming to light.

The scariest part of this entire FTX/SBF story is that SBF is one of two interests who have met with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Gary Gensler. Gensler is tasked with regulating cryptocurrencies. In modern terms, SBF represented a stakeholder Gensler took into account while deciding how to regulate cryptocurrencies. While SBF belongs in prison forever, so does Gensler for his role in facilitating the money laundering scheme SBF was operating. By no means whatsoever should Gensler ever – not now nor a million years from now – get a single suggestion in about how to regulate cryptocurrencies.

So where are the democrats demanding SBF’s arrest and trial? They are cheering for him and buying the “oops, better luck next time” sob story he is selling them. Tom Emmer isn’t buying the charade. In a tweet, Emmer wrote, “Interesting. @GaryGensler runs to the media while reports to my office allege he was helping SBF and FTX work on legal loopholes to obtain a regulatory monopoly. We're looking into this.” Please do Emmer, and please indict both of these pricks immediately following.

In the meantime three CEO’s of other cryptocurrency companies have died. MSN reported Tiantian Kullander, 30, died in his sleep, Nikolai Mushegian, 29, drowned, and Vyacheslav Taran, 53, died in a helicopter crash. It’s highly improbable that this is all coincidence. It’s more probable that it is crypt-magnates turn to suffer a culling like biochemists and holistic healers have suffered. Kullander was CEO of the Amber Group, recently valued at $3 billion. Mushegian co-founded Maker DAO and was concerned about being framed by Mossad and CIA agents involving child pornography being planted on a laptop. Taran co-founded Libertex. Odd. I hope Emmer investigates this really ‘coincidental’ pattern of crypto CEO’s dying in ‘accidents’ as well.

Democrats hold no one accountable for anything they do. They take their justice from the Communist Manifesto. They make up charges and persecute any who happen to stand in their way. They claim they seek justice by laboring to destroy justice. What we are left with is injustice and iniquity, unaccountability and the destruction of responsibility, ideological purity trumping common sense and decency. We end up watching sniveling little bitches like Sammy Bankman-Fried and convicted pedophiles walking around free while political prisoners are held captive and tortured for peaceful demonstrations of ideological differences and the seeking of justice for crimes committed.

I’m mad as hell about a lot of things – I write about them often. I even make weekly videos about things that bother me. I’m not going to take it anymore. God demands that none of us take it. Exposing and seeking justice for the evildoers of this earth would be much easier to accomplish if anyone in a position of power believed in legal justice – let alone Biblical justice. When justice is gone, the time for trouble is just beginning. All of these events, in my opinion, are Biblical. Read your Bible and seek God’s face, mercy, and protection – I think His wrath is soon to flow forth, in earnest, upon the earth.

Bless God and God bless.


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