Nuclear Climate Change Mitigation

Nuclear Climate Change Mitigation

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/25/2022

Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and the false alarm incident in 1983 has the world stood in awe of the stupidity of world powers and their threats of using nuclear weapons upon their enemies populations. Those players are NATO and the United States versus Russia and to a lesser extent China. Ecoterrorists (the climate change is man-made believers) have found it prudent to suggest that a nuclear war would be beneficial to mitigate climate change. Blow up enough nuclear bombs in the atmosphere, cause a nuclear winter, lower the temperature of the globe is their thought. What would happen during and after that plan should it come to fruition?

Nature (a facade publication poorly hiding it’s tranhumanist intentions) wrote an article about the climate benefits of a nuclear war in March 2020 titled, How a small nuclear war would transform the entire planet. This article does not pretend that any nuclear war would be good. The article speculates about a potential nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India. Immediately, tens of millions would die, the temperature would drop by about 1-degree Celsius, and massive amounts of soot would enter the atmosphere. The researchers suggested that an Indian Pakistani war would generate about 50 tonnes of soot which could affect global temperatures by dropping them up to 10-degrees Celsius, reducing food production to the point where over a billion people starve to death, and significantly raise the pH levels of the oceans over several years. All of that is bad for human beings and bad for the environment.

The idea that nuclear war could be good for lowering rising temperatures was espoused by the World of Engineering on Twitter. The full Tweet, the first part liked over 1,200 times, came in six parts:

“How a small nuclear war would transform the entire planet: Smoke from the incinerated cities rises high into the atmosphere, wrapping the planet in a blanket of soot that blocks the Sun’s rays. Lower global temperatures 2.25°F (1.26°C) for 2-3 years following war. In more tropical areas temperatures could fall from 5.4 to 7.2°F (3 to 4°C) Rainfall decreasing between 10% and 30% globally. That’s worldwide famine for a decade. Harm to the ozone layer, allowing more ultraviolet rays to reach Earth. Alter the chemistry of the oceans, and probably decimate coral reefs and other marine ecosystems. Thousands or even millions of people die in the blasts.”

Because it came in six pieces, the lead tweet was basically the featured point. The first sentence (the first part of the tweet) does suggest that a nuclear war would lower global temperatures. All of the other parts of the tweet combined have not garnered more than 1,000 likes. Because Donald Trump Jr. mentioned the idea, Newsweek picked it up and fact checked this tweet.

In their fact checking piece, Newsweek demands their readers to believe the term global warming is no longer apt to be used and everyone must use the current terminology – climate change. The scientism believers, Newsweek included, really are in a cult. Newsweek determined that the claim is false:

“While it is true that even a small nuclear war could have a global cooling effect, it is not correct to say that this would solve the climate crisis.

“This is partly because the cooling effects would be temporary, and partly because a nuclear winter would be a climate crisis in and of itself, causing global food shortages and potentially billions of deaths.”

World of Engineering was most likely attempting to cover the Nature piece. Newsweek decided the Tweet’s intent was to ‘solve’ climate change (the warming part of climate change precisely). By doing so, Newsweek themselves are suggesting the idea especially with their synopsis as to why the claim is false – it doesn’t last long enough. In the coming weeks – watch for Newsweek to support the idea that detonating 50-100 nuclear bombs (or TNT equivalency) every 3 to 5 years to make the effects permanent is, legitimately, a good idea. Maybe Newsweek, in a rare moment of journalistic integrity, will suggest that the aluminum, boron, and sulfur being intentionally sprayed into the stratosphere should be supplemented with tonnes of soot (like black carbon). This type of geoengineering is already occurring and is called stratospheric aerosolized injections (SAI) – Newsweek should cover that story. Most of us call the projects chemtrails (included with SAI is SRM – Solar Radiation Management).

Transatlantic Today, another ecoterrorist publication, came to the same conclusions Newsweeks fact check did. Their article on the subject claims that if all nuclear weapons were detonated the climate impact would only last two years. Using 0.5% of the world’s nuclear arsenal (75 warheads) would result in up to 2 billion dead, $60 trillion in damages, radioactive food and water, and the likely collapse of human civilization according to the article. Thus, the article concludes, “For these reasons, it is hard to imagine any scenario in which nuclear war could be considered a desirable solution to the problem of climate change. Even if it were effective in cooling the planet, the cost would be far too high.” Maybe lowering the human deaths to 500 million and dmage to $10 trillion would meet the threshold for Transatlantic? At some point, the benefit will exceed the risk for Transatlantic Today.

NASA has studied the ‘benefits’ of a nuclear war and the black carbon it would put in the atmosphere. In 2011 NASA posted an article about the research which found, based on models, global temperatures fell by 1-degree Celsius for three years. Notably missing from the NASA article is the amount of destruction and human lives lost if nuclear bombs were detonated for this purpose. Their article wraps up with:

“A primary goal of this work is to get the information revealed by our study into the hands of decision makers as well as to get other groups interested in this problem and to be aware of the potential impacts. Before we did this study, we didn't know what the climate anomalies would be or how long they would last. This is critical information that needs to be known in advance along with knowledge that the consequences of such a scenario would be global.”

The death and damage threshold has, obviously, not only been met, but completely dismissed by NASA. They wanted their study to end up in the hands to suggest that catastrophic nuclear war wouldn’t necessarily be all bad.

Sooner or later the likes of Newsweek and Transatlantic Today and World of Engineers are going to come to a conclusion similar to NASA’s. The destruction and, especially, the human death toll will be found to be not only acceptable but desired. Zero carbon initiatives – a full frontal war on humanity itself – will be fully embraced because not only will the soot lower temperatures immediately, it will remove about a quarter of the most prolific carbon producers on the planet – humans. Like Mark Warner (US Senator from Virginia), these publications, all of which left the door open for the possibility of nuclear war being used to fight the war on MAN made climate change, they will, in unison, demand preemptive nuclear strikes against whoever they deem a threat to their delusions of creating utopia. These types of people are waging a war on God Himself and that has always been a losing proposition.

All of this ties into transhumanism. These ecoterrorists calling for nuclear war and man made climate change mitigation are, at the end of the day, creating scenarios in which transhumanism will be the only way to survive on the world they plan on destroying. It’s a matter of getting the technology to catch up with their dreams.

In a piece appearing this morning, Machine Design published an article about a new material able to be dynamically altered by Artificial Intelligence. “The material consists of tunable beams that can dynamically adjust its behavior to suit changes in its environment, including “rising levels of internal damage, varying fixturing scenarios and fluctuating external loads,” according to a paper published in Science Robotics.” The creators, UCLA engineers, foresee future uses for the material in buildings, aeronautics, imaging technologies, and shockwave deflection. At the moment the invention is the size of a microwave. These researchers “plan to simplify the MNN [mechanical neural networks] design so that thousands of the networks can be manufactured on the micro scale within 3D lattices for practical material applications.”

Want to survive in a world which detonates 20 nuclear bombs on purpose to combat climate change – take your MNN boosters. At the micrometer scale this dynamic AI controlled technology would be able to be inserted into the body. Red blood cells, x-chromosomes, and sperm are all in this scale. It becomes even more problematic when considering what is actually being found in these covid shots – electromagnetically charged metal fragments, graphene oxide, and hydrogels. Graphene oxide, in particular, is more than capable of being arranged into a lattice. MNN, at the proper scale, will be able to be placed into the lattices created by the graphene oxide in the shots. All kinds of applications could be found useful for a transhumanist.

Why do some consider the climate change activists to be depopulation focused death cultists? Their mitigation efforts are designed to depopulate humanity through slow death mechanisms. Nuclear bombs achieve huge numbers of dead in a very short time. If these ecoterrorists cannot exterminate the 7.5 billion of us they find no use for slowly, they will do it quickly. Those permitted to exist by these murderers will be killed in their own way – transhumanism will alter them so they will be unable to die. In order for that to happen they will in no way be created in the image of God – they will be more human than human. The ecoterrorism being promoted today will be the bioterrorism of tomorrow.

This piece isn’t my opinion. This is Biblical prophesy growing more and more relevant in all of our lives.

“The first one sounded his shofar; and there came hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was thrown down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.

“The second angel sounded his shofar, and what looked like an enormous blazing mountain was hurled into the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

“The third angel sounded his shofar; and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky onto a third of the rivers and onto the springs of water. The name of the star was “Bitterness,” and a third of the water became bitter, and many people died from the water that had been turned bitter.

“The fourth angel sounded his shofar; and a third of the sun was struck, also a third of the moon and a third of the stars; so that a third of them were darkened, the day had a third less light, and the night likewise.

“Then I looked, and I heard a lone eagle give a loud cry, as it flew in mid-heaven, “Woe! Woe! Woe to the people living on earth, because of the remaining blasts from the three angels who have yet to sound their shofars!”

“The fifth angel sounded his shofar; and I saw a star that had fallen out of heaven onto the earth, and he was given the key to the shaft leading down to the Abyss. He opened the shaft of the Abyss, and there went up smoke from the shaft like the smoke of a huge furnace; the sun was darkened, and the sky too, by the smoke from the shaft. Then out of the smoke onto the earth came locusts, and they were given power like the power scorpions have on earth. They were instructed not to harm the grass on the earth, any green plant or any tree, but only the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. The locusts were not allowed to kill them, only to inflict pain on them for five months; and the pain they caused was like the pain of a scorpion sting. In those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.” - Revelation 8:7-13 – 9:1-6

How is humanity going to allow the creation of such events to take place in this very real sense? Through the promotion and implementation of transhumanism disguised and pushed through allkinds of demands and events. The ecoterrorists, transhumanists, social credit score crowd, banks, governments, scientists, engineers, ethicists and others have created an environment devoid of Biblical morality. This was intentional. As a result all of these abominations will befall the earth and the humans upon it. These types of technological developments and implementations will give rise to this seal being opened. I believe the idea of these evil men and women is to have these events occur by 2030 and no later than 2050.

What really matters and what all of us can do to fight back is living a holy life, seeking the face of God, and living and seeking to emulate Jesus Christ. I do not think God would be pleased with His people standing down or shying away from manifestly evil designs such as these. I do not think that Jesus would allow them to carry on with their plans if He was still upon the earth. As humanity becomes more and more reprobate, evil will grow stronger and stronger in a feedback loop. Salvation is available to all of us through the sacrifice of Jesus. The truth is in the Bible. Read it for what it says, not what people think is in there, nor what you want it to say.

Bless God and God bless.


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