Manmade Scarcity – Unions.

Manmade Scarcity – Unions.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/15/2022

Lets completely ban unions and arrest those solely employed by a union for treason against the United States of America, robbery, fraud, and racketeering. I’m not kidding. There are 12 unions representing railroad workers which have threatened to go on strike if a deal is not agreed to by tomorrow, Friday September 15, 2022. If the current ‘tentative agreement’ is rejected and these unions force their workers onto strike, every last one of the strikers should be arrested and tried for manslaughter.

The railroad unions are not alone. The 15,000 ‘nurses’ in Minnesota need to be rounded up and offered manslaughter charges or a swift return to work, their choice. Their Communist union leadership needs to be arrested for treason, robbery, fraud, and racketeering as well. While the railroads have not yet decided to strike, the nurses in Minnesota have been on strike for several days. There are thousands of these morons in front of their workplaces holding signs – some reading “Patients before Profits.” These nurses are demanding higher pay for themselves while neglecting all of the patients inside of the hospital. Typical of Marxists, the nurses’ unions came up with a blatantly hypocritical slogan and are proud of it while demanding that the cost to the patients rises.

The nurses are depriving their patients of care. The railroads, should they strike, will deprive the entire nation of supplies vital for life – including medical equipment, food, water, oil, gas, and a wide array of consumer goods. Business will have to shut down due to lack of product. Restaurants will run out of food. Grocery store shelves will be even more bare. The prices of everything would skyrocket immediately. The prices of everything will go up no matter what even if the deal holds.

The railroad unions have claimed that the entire problem is with point-based attendance policies. When a worker cannot be at work they are given a point. If the worker accumulates too many points within a certain time period (at which time a point falls off) the company will take action against the employee. The idea is be at work and use those days only when absolutely necessary. As one very disingenuous union leader said (surely as reported by one very amoral dues-paying crybaby)

“‘All we’re asking is folks to be able to go to routine doctor’s visits without pay, but they have refused to accept our proposals,’ Dennis Pierce, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) said before the deal was struck. ‘The average American would not know that we get fired for going to the doctor. This one thing has our members most enraged. We have guys who were punished for taking time off for a heart attack and covid. It’s inhumane.’”

Now, I would like to question the veracity of Pierce’s claims. I’d also like to ask what useful purpose Dennis serves in what is supposed to be a capitalist society. He is paid off of the labor of others. He makes up stories so the Washington Post can quote him (without asking any questions of their own, apparently). And then he threatens the entire supply chain of the United States because of this? Dennis Pierce is a menace to free society. He’s not threatening the company on the worker’s behalf as much as he is threatening every United States citizen.

But what about the worker’s freedom in a free society. In a free society people should be able to fail. This includes railroad workers and union members. If it doesn’t work out, well then, it doesn’t work out. Maybe Dennis Pierce’s union-member’s story would resonate more with my sympathies if ALL of the member’s missed days were due to a doctor’s appointment. I’m sure that was not the case. I’m equally sure that a negotiation could have taken place where in the event of an unforeseen emergency attendance points were not given out. Nope, instead Dennis and his retarded mob-boss-mentality peers decided to threaten the entire United States with $2 billion in economic disruptions a day by suggesting a railroad strike. The worker was, at any time, able to bring these concerns up to the union and the company – but he didn’t and, for the union’s and the worker’s lack of foresight, it appears that the worker was fired. The worker’s freedom is intact – the worker was free to fail, and it appears they achieved this failure completely by not only getting fired over it but attempting to shut one-third of the United States’ economy down. Thanks assholes – go crawl back into the hole you came out from under.

A tentative deal was struck with most of the unions involved early this morning. The issue of leave policies is reported to have been addressed in the tentative deal. AP reported that there may be one extra paid leave day a year. Echoing that worthless scumbag from BLET, “‘This round of bargaining is not about [wages],’ said Jared Cassity, a conductor and the national legislative director at SMART Transportation Division, one of the unions that reached a tentative deal. ‘It’s about absentee policies and the ability of folks to receive preventive care without retribution. People are getting fired for going to the doctor, even with documentation from doctors.’” Hey jackass Jared – the deal gives a 13.5% pay raise immediately, a 24% pay raise between 2020 and 2024, a yearly $1,000 bonus, and an average of $11,000 to every union member overall immediately. Add extortion into the mix of charges these scumbags should be charged with.

None of this was good enough for the IAM union. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) voted to reject the pay raises, the extra time off, and everything else in the tentative agreement. Why did they do this? The only possible explanation is that IAM want to shut the US down. Their reasons are:

“Approximately 4,900 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District 19 have voted to reject the Tentative Agreement with the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC).

“IAM District 19 released the following statement:

“‘The Tentative Agreement has been rejected and the strike authorization vote was approved by IAM District 19 members. Out of respect for other unions in the ratification process, an extension has been agreed to until Sept. 29, 2022 at 12 p.m. ET. This extension will allow us to continue to negotiate changes with the NCCC in the hopes of achieving an agreement our membership would ratify.’

“‘IAM freight rail members are skilled professionals who have worked in difficult conditions through a pandemic to make sure essential products get to their destinations. We look forward to continuing that vital work with a fair contract that ensures our members and their families are treated with the respect they deserve for keeping America’s goods and resources moving through the pandemic. The IAM is grateful for the support of those working toward a solution as our members and freight rail workers seek equitable agreements.’

“IAM District 19 represents Locomotive Machinists, Track Equipment Mechanics and Facility Maintenance Personnel at NCCC freight rail carriers.”

So what will be the results of this tentative deal, should it be accepted by the membership of the unions involved? Everyone gets to pay even more on anything they buy. When transportation costs rise, so does the price of whatever it is people buy.

The unions are murderers too. They are helping the federal government to murder the middle class. These unions, especially that terrorist organization IAM (I honestly mean that too), are creating a situation in which the only way to be in the middle class one must belong to a union. These union members do not realize that they will end up being the kapos in the tenements.

Every union deal, every concession to these union members, makes everything more expensive for everyone else, including themselves, and it ends up eroding and destroying monetary systems. While these members make themselves fat off of their union contracts, it causes labor costs to rise, which causes the prices of goods to rise. Those who are poor aren’t going to end up with more money to buy these goods, they are going to be forced to live even worse off. Inequities (to use a term the commies came up with) are increased. The stupidity of federal and international efforts demanding that everyone join a union to decrease inequity is boundless. The overall effect is the free market is held hostage by a bunch of people who are too stupid or willfully ignorant that they are Communists. And because of their stupidity, greed, and lies, we all have to pay more for everything until none of us have anything left to pay with. That’s the fourth industrial revolution’s plan, Agenda 2030’s plan, the Biden regime’s plan, and all international organization’s plan. It’s easier to control one Communistic union than it is to control hundreds of millions of people.

I don’t want to end this piece before I mention the businesses themselves. The people in them are greedy, evil, bastards too. If we want to really stop corporate power we need to throw out the Citizen’s United decision and treat companies as legal fictions containing individual people instead of treating businesses as people. It, too, is a stupid idea which has caused vast amounts of needless suffering.

As it stands, corporations are greedy. Most of the people heading up the corporations are greedy. The nurse’s and their unions are greedy. The railroaders are greedy. The railroad unions are greedy. People are greedy. I’d love to get sent $11,000 because I worked through the scamdemic but it’s not going to happen – I’m greedy. We are all greedy. I’m willing to work for what I get. I’m willing to make my own decisions. I’m not willing to concede to business interests nor to the interests of the current US regime, the labor unions, nor the medical tyranny businesses, government and unions are ushering in. Every single one of these strikers and potential strikers are greedy Communists being led around by even greedier, more murderous, Communists.

Let’s do two things to start fixing labor in this nation. Let’s empower individuals to negotiate their own labor prices. Let’s ban unions and their stupid, economic-destroying, activities. That doesn’t even mean that unions couldn’t exist – it would mean that unions would have to offer a viable product to the people who voluntarily join them. The word voluntary is the key word. Especially in government unions – if, in order to work as a government employee, a worker must join a union, the government is directly destroying the First Amendment by annulling the right to freedom of association. I would argue the same for any law in any jurisdiction which allows unions compulsory membership for the workers at any given place. Not only are these types of laws repugnant, they are actually unconstitutional.

At the same time let’s let corporations represent the individuals who form them and treat corporations as the legal fictions, as they should be. The next time Wells Fargo employees ‘lose’ a deposit, lets hold those people accountable for ‘losing’ the deposit. When Moderna rolls out it’s next murder jab, let’s go arrest everyone who works at Moderna responsible for safety, efficacy, and sales and all of the people who decided to regulate with a rubber stamp of approval. The examples are endless so I will offer just one more – Alan Greenspan (and all of the rest of the assholes who pulled off the Great Recession of 2009) should be in prison for the rest of his life for fraud, misrepresentation, and 300 million-plus counts of conspiracy to commit fraud. While the Federal Reserve (a private conglomerate of overseas banks) should have it’s charter ripped up and be completely and forever dismantled, Alan Greenspan himself knew what he was doing – it only cost US taxpayers $3 trillion or so.

We need to get away from all of this collectivization of everything. We need to start doing our own thinking. We need to be willing to say no to evil (in this case unions, businesses, and governments). If you need to be a part of something, be a part of a church or synagogue based on the WHOLE BIBLE. Don’t submit to these unions. Don’t submit to the evil your government wants us to go along with. Don’t work for evil institutions. The Bible holds truth. Unions, most businesses, and governments create fictions which destroy truth and, presently, all of them are based on their greed of more money and/or more power. Don’t be deceived.

God Bless you.


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