Everything Dies – Even Transhumanists and Digital Twins

Everything Dies – Even Transhumanists and Digital Twins

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/13/2022

Everyone realizes that they die at some point in their life. It’s a sad affair. It’s not what I like to see or to be faced with. Even less pleasant is facing our own deaths. We all know that we will die, and we will only die once. We don’t get extra lives. What counts is what we do with the time we do have. Billions of people put off facing this fact daily and go on about their days as if there will never come a day to die. And then there exist a growing number of people who have decided that they can live forever. Of course, this is a lie; however, these people believe the lie – and the evil which underwrites the lie.

The idea of eternal life has been around since human beings have started dying. Once Eve ate that fruit and Adam joined her, death was a sure thing for everything on earth. Death, oddly, gives our lives purpose and, at times, urgency. To live forever would greatly reduce any urgency to live uprightly. It would also destroy any urgency. These; however, are philosophical questions to be answered which would require several hundred pages. The fact of the matter is that satanically inclined individuals are attempting to convince the public that it is possible and desirable to live forever.

Take Virtual Reality as an example. The idea of virtual reality is appealing to the military for training their soldiers in a safe environment and in gaming communities because of the enhanced immersion into the game. People put the headsets on (sometimes inside of a chamber to simulate other sensations such as tilt) and are ‘in’ a virtual world they can see and hear and sometimes interact with through voice, thought, and, movement if gloves, suits, or shoes are being worn. But that doesn’t go far enough for some. The Metaverse is being marketed as a future residence for people now.

On March 28, 2022, The Mirror reported:

“Dmitry Itskov is a Russian billionaire and part of the '2045 initiative', a non-profit organisation that aims to increase lifespan, as the Daily Star reports.

“The project argues that artificial bodies will appear by 2045 which will allow people to move out of their old bodies and into new ones with the help of the Internet.

“He said that thanks to new AI and metaverse technologies, people will one day be able to live forever by uploading their minds to the web.”

Itskov is not alone. The United Nations, World Economic Forum, many non-profit organizations, and the majority of the most powerful nation on earth are in lockstep with this idea. A lot of these groups see it as a way to reduce carbon upon the earth and seek to convince, coerce, or force living, carbon-based human beings into a digital world forever. People like Klaus Schwab of the WEF and his ‘brain’ Yuval Noah Harari see a physical world devoid of humanity where all of us ‘live’ and ‘work’ and ‘play’ exclusively in the metaverse. It’s The Matrix, literally.

In order to pull this lie off, people need to be convinced that their digital version will be just like their real-life version but without their body which is prone to die. That, of course, is impossible. A man named Richard Dixon wrote to The Conversation wondering if he is likely to live long enough to have his brain transferred to a computer. The answer Dixon received was no. The brain holds too much memory, allows for the processing of sensory input and analysis, and allows humans to think, dream, and have emotions, among other limitations which silicon has not yet been configured to simulate.

The satanists still claim that eternal ‘life’ is possible; however. In order to make that claim everything except for our intelligence is seen as useless in a digital version of our brains. Even this claim is not accurate; however, because only some of our intelligence will be applicable in the fantasy world a digital replica will exist. Climate change, economic obliteration, starvation, pandemics and every other malady which can cause humans to suffer will be non-existent in the metaverse. For one, humans will not be able to feel the emotions related to suffering. For another, it is highly unlikely that these events in a metaverse would even be coded in the first place. The only way that it could happen would be for a digital logic entity (those who upload ‘themselves’) to develop a rage or anger in which other digital entities are to be deprived of their happiness to bring about the angry entity’s satisfaction. All of these, anger, rage, misery, happiness, and satisfaction are emotional responses – something which will not exist in a completely digital world.

Basically, the promise is to take a human being and turn them into a unique artificial intelligence. In 2018 a Mountain View, California company named Nectome was in the news for their claims of being able to ‘upload’ a human into the digital realm. The catch is that the person trying to make themselves digital (in this case in order to download the digital person into a robot or cyborg at a later date) must die. In 2018 there was a waiting list of 25 people. MIT Technology Review writes, “McIntyre, a computer scientist, and his cofounder Michael McCanna have been following the tech entrepreneur’s handbook with ghoulish alacrity. ‘The user experience will be identical to physician-assisted suicide,’ he says. ‘Product-market fit is people believing that it works.’” What is truly disgusting is that the company had raised $1,000,000 in funding in addition to being awarded a grant from the US Institute of Mental Health for $960,000. Whether you love the idea or hate the idea – you are paying for it if you live in the United States.

In order for any of this to work, data about the brain is needed. The way this used to be done was when someone was ill and needed an electroencephalogram (EEG). With the rise of convergent technologies (blockchain, AI, big data, biomedical surveillance) the metaverse is now a possibility. A brain-computer interface is needed for the metaverese to become fully immersive and really take off; however. To accomplish this, Neuralink wants to have willing participants implant wires directly into their brains to be controlled by an AI. Neurable develops wearable gadgets to track brain activity and actually had people drive a virtual car with just the data received from their surveillance tools. Emotiv has created EEG capturing devices which they claim are applicable to all sorts of human activities. “The original goal of Kernel was to develop a way to store memories outside of the brain, and upload new memories to the hippocampus, the brain’s memory center.  In 2017, their founder and CEO Bryan Johnson talked about boosting human intelligence using neural chip implants.  Like Neuralink, Kernel has also been recruiting academic researchers who can contribute their expertise to accelerate the pace of innovation.” NextMind uses EEG data to create an AI version of people (called a digital twin). MELTIN MMI has created brain-controlled robotic hands and are now working on robotic vision. Bitbrain also collects EEG data in order to control other bodies through a software interface.

All of these efforts circumvent the methods requiring death for the uploader. Instead, a digital twin can be created based on the data gathered from people who use this garbage. Digital twins are also purported to be capable of living forever; however, because we can create a digital twin and still exist in the real world the idea that the digital twin is actually us is shattered. Digital twins will be no better than a robot or cyborg with a dead human’s ‘brain’ loaded into it. They will be data with no ability to feel emotion, have a spiritual awakening, nor procreate.

Sadly, we must all die. Even these evil proponents of the lies they are peddling will die. Sooner rather than later, in my opinion, the electricity will go out, the generators will fail and run out of gas. Where will the AI’s be then? Where will the digital versions of humans go? What will happen to the cryogenically frozen heads? AI’s and digitized humans will blink out of existence and the severed heads will rot in their freezers. Converting a biological human into a digital entity in the fashion Nectome offers requires death. Cryogenics requires death. Remember – we only die once – those people are dead already. Digital twins are not people – they are piss-poor imitations. Robots, cyborgs, and AI is not human; however, that is the future being prepared for all of us.

If we somehow manage to survive as a species through the existential threats being forced upon all of humanity by a tiny minority of humans on purpose (global civil war, nuclear war, biological attacks, DNA mutations, censorship, global government, economic destruction, cannibalism, and sterilization, to name some of the fronts) we will be forced to be slaves with implants – literal cogs in an AI-controlled machine built to benefit that tiny minority of humans. This small and extremely evil group of humanity will be forced to halt their evil intentions should we derail any of their ideas about how to protect themselves from what they intend for us. We outnumber them millions to one; however, they have the hearts and minds of many humans in their pocket because they believe in the lies they tell and have grand delusions of enjoying the non-human utopian future along with their overlords. It is the followers who still have a slight chance of still being capable of having a change of heart.

That time is short. All of our decisions are about to be made for us – either by God, the Creator of the Universe or by the Adversary. I pray you see the truth, realize that living for evil is non-profitable in this life nor the next, and carry the Word of God and the blood of Christ to every person on earth. It’s not our job to change hearts – it’s our job to let people know they can change their hearts. The fact that we all die means that our time here on earth is inherently short.

God Bless.


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