Want to See Terror? CSRQ-SM

Want to See Terror? CSRQ-SM

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/16/2022

The entire world just went through a depopulation campaign (and is still going through it) that has resulted in a 40% increase in all-cause death since the roll out of the murder jabs. Well, it seems that most people just to fell right back to sleep as soon as the mandates were lifted. Some opened their eyes a bit. Very few really grasp the how hot this pot of water really is.

There is reported to be a software tool which will be the user interface for a global digital credit system. This is the same global digital credit system which was rumored since Bill Gates first mentioned his involvement in the creation of the COVID-19 jabs (thanks Billy, you helped murder my dad). Oddly, Microsoft has a patent on such biometric technologies (WO 2020/060606) so the rumors are not baseless. The World Economic Forum’s member have talked a lot about it as well. This is the elite’s solution for the problem of the other 7.5 billion people on earth.

Now, before we really get started with what this is and how bad it is, I would like to point out that the website this is sourced to no longer exists. If it does exist I have absolutely no access to it. For the sake of giving the original source, as claimed by dozens of articles, I will provided it here.

The entire thing is kind of sketchy, I have to admit. But bear with this because the ideas are salient and important to understand. There are two users claiming to be whistle-blowers who have conversations with one another. In the conversations there is a Bill Sweet and a Gideon. What they discuss is a social credit software management system. While the source is sketchy, (if they ever asked me for a cent I wouldn’t give it to them) it is still worth taking a look at what they had to say. It’s worth looking at because whether or not this exact plan is real or not, something very similar is real. The proof is that it already operates in a nation of 1.4 billion people.

The C stands for Common, the S for Sovereign, the R for Restricted, and the Q for Quarantined. Everyone falls into one of these classifications. They basically represent a two class society – the Sovereign and the Commoner. The screenshots which are included in the articles reporting on this show what those designations mean.

Commoners, 95% of the humans on earth, will be required to have their Covid-19 shots, at least two booster shots, have no more than $5,000 in net worth at any time, $1,000 or less in their bank account, and have a carbon score between 1 and 500 – the higher the score the less food and more travel restrictions.

Sovereigns (the elite of the elite) will not have to take any shots, and will have no caps on the assets they can control nor a carbon score.

The Restricted and Quarantine designations are for those who are non-compliant. Restricted people represent about 250 million people (the same number the deagle report stated would die in the United States of America by 2025). The Restricted will need Covid-19 shots, at least three boosters, and not be able to be worth more than $1,000 with $500 being the maximum in their bank account. Restricted people will also be subject to a carbon score.

Quarantine designations are defined as reductions in status depending on which class one is in. Sovereigns can literally do whatever they want. A Restricted person who jay-walks will face fines and reductions in their travel possibilities and food availability.

If you go to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and search for digital currencies, CBDC, blockchain and a host of other related topics, you will find a heap of central bankers who have written papers about the need to digitize currencies. The BIS is the central bankers’ central bank. Obviously, if the social credit system is to come into force, cash and barter will need to be completely outlawed. The idea is to destroy the currencies of the world (which is happening). Once properly devalued (ie, made as worthless as tolerable without massive riots resulting in central bankers’ deaths) cash and barter will be banned and the digital currencies will be rolled out. All of the CBDC’s will be tied together creating a de facto global currency. What CSRQ really desribes is the backend of this system – not the one people will use – the one that those implementing this system, or one similar to it, will use to enslave us.

Normally I would skip using this type of information. This; however, whether a scam to get people to buy into the Sovereign class, or an actual program developed by an actual software firm, has enough examples of how the social credit system will operate once it goes live. There are already prototypes with social credit scores which will tell people how ‘good’ of a person we are. MyLife.com is an example – pop in your name and it will rate you based on several criteria including your online presence. The social credit score the BIS will use doesn’t really care what any of us do as long as we follow their decrees and stop using carbon.

When money crashes and economies are dead and dying trade suffers, shortages follow, and the general public starts to get pissed off. That unrest in the air now. We have a third world war brewing between Russia and China (and their allies like Syria and Iran) and NATO nations, including Ukraine, a non-NATO nation. One international trade is disrupted enough (it is very near to that point now) the name of the game will shift from economic sanctions and economic and financial war to a kinetic war featuring every single nuclear power (US, Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Japan, India, Pakistan, Israel, and probably North Korea, and Iran as well). With dozens of nuclear warheads pointed at every major population center, infrastructure hub, and key military installments, the backdrop will be set to get the citizens of the nations of the world to accept this global currency and the social credit scores and carbon credits the global currency will feature.

The war will still happen. It will be in the middle of this war that the great man of ‘peace’ will be introduced. And there will be peace for a time; however, after that time anyone not bowing down and worshiping this ‘leader,’ global government, and it’s beast system (which is represented by the global digital currency). People of faith in the Bible call these events the rise of the Antichrist or the rise of the Adversary. If you happen to not be a person of faith in the Biblical prophecies of this time – it will be you coming after people like me.

Is there a way to stop this? There is. It’s called disconnect yourself from everything this system is and to peacefully confront those who are orchestrating this. That is happening. Around the world there are leaders who seek a human future featuring freedom. To the globalist this idea is heresy. The most poignant example of this is the rage and lunacy being displayed by the residents of Martha’s Vineyard because there are illegal aliens being purposefully sent there by Florida governor Ron DeSantis. There are at least 2 million illegals who have entered the United States in 2022 and Martha’s Vineyard residents are absolutely losing their minds over being sent 50 of them. This is how you fight.

Getting off of the system is far more difficult. It means very limited cell phone use, restricting your time on the internet, being able to obtain your own food and water, creating your own shelter, creating your own defense system, withdrawing from the banking and financial systems entirely. This isn’t for everyone. I, for example, completely lack the funds to do any of this and trying to get a loan for doing something like that would be self-defeating. At a bare minimum people need food, water, shelter, defense, and first aid. I would suggest we all start there, if anyone reading this has yet to prepare.

Of course, if you want to get a really good grasp of how the near future is going to play out – it’s all in the Bible. I absolutely believe that we are in the birth pangs Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) described. Whether you believe that or not, you have to realize that there is no normal and there is about to be a sharp curtailing of choice. Ending up in a FEMA food distribution line is not where I want anyone to be and the only way to prevent that fate is to prepare.

God Bless.


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