Mad Science Will Be Defeated By Faith

Mad Science Will Be Defeated By Faith

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/7/2023

Ever since Watson and Crick discovered DNA, there has been a race to see how many chimeras scientists can create in the lab. As soon as applications were found to make the science profitable everything was been targeted for a chimeric transformation. If it is alive, human beings with no moral compass whatsoever have sought to pervert the life form. These chimeras are ubiquitous. They are the food we eat. They are in the air we breathe. They are in the soil beneath our feet. They are in the fish of the seas and rivers. Entire industries have been built based on DNA combinations and recombinations, some plucked from other organisms, some synthetic. Because of the overly permissive ethical justifications for these chimeric applications all of life is being turned into a science experiment. It ends with the eradication of all life.

Just to show how absolutely repulsive medical ethics are, on January 6, 2023 the United States Food and Drug Administration permitted a new drug to be sold on the market. Leqembi, made by Switzerland’s Biogen and Japanese partner Eisei, was fast tracked by the FDA to treat Alheimer’s patients. A large amount of amyloid plaque is observed in Alzheimer’s patient’s brains and the drug is designed to reduce the amount. In Biogen and Eisai’s clinical trial, the drug reduced the speed of the progression of the plaque building up by 27%. This is a modest improvement over those who did not receive the drug.

The modest improvement in cognitive function comes with substantial risks of side effects. WebMD reported that 14% of the participants in the Leqembi trials developed brain swelling and bleeding compared to 11% in the control group. CNBC did a better job reporting the safety concerns – brain swelling was noted in nearly 13% taking the treatment compared to 2% in the control group; brain bleeding was reported in about 17% of treatment candidates while it was noted in 9% of the control group. WebMD also noted that Leqembi is implicated in helping kill three Alheimer’s patients during the trials.

To me the risks versus the benefits would not result in my approval. The ethically bankrupt FDA; however, had absolutely no qualms with approving the drug. The FDA press release reads in part, “Leqembi was approved using the Accelerated Approval pathway, under which the FDA may approve drugs for serious conditions where there is an unmet medical need and a drug is shown to have an effect on a surrogate endpoint that is reasonably likely to predict a clinical benefit to patients.”

The FDA admits to not knowing what the causes of Alzheimer’s are in their press release. They don’t know what the causes are because they can’t get kickbacks from the chimera-creating pharmaceutical manufacturers from recommending high-cholesterol foods. In fact, they recommend cholesterol destroying pharmaceuticals as well as low-cholesterol diets. There is no money to be made suggesting those at risk of Alzheimer’s eat cholesterol-rich foods. Psychology Today actually summed it up very well:

“Although the brain represents only 2% of total body weight, it contains 20% of the body’s cholesterol. What is all that cholesterol doing up there? Synapses— the magical areas where communication between brain cells takes place—are lined by cholesterol-rich membranes responsible for passing neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, and dopamine back and forth. Myelin, the white matter that insulates brain circuits, is made from tightly-wound membranes containing 75% of the brain’s cholesterol. Cholesterol also helps guide developing nerve endings to their destinations on “lipid rafts”. If the brain is too low in cholesterol, its membranes, synapses, myelin and lipid rafts can’t form or function properly, bringing all brain activity—including mood regulation, learning, and memory— to a screeching halt.”

At $26,500 a year for the treatment, it is not cost effective. WebMD and CNBC both spend a good deal of time on how Leqembi needs to be fully approved so the tab can be picked up by Medicaid. Until then those getting the treatment will have to pay out of pocket.

The mad scientist part comes in their disregarding the fact that the brain requires cholesterol and that eggs and cheese provide healthy sources of cholesterol. Let’s not worry about the why it’s happening, let’s made billions of dollars through genetic experiments. Leqembi is a monoclonal antibody. We have all heard a lot about these monoclonal antibodies because of Donald Trump’s promotion of them during the COVID-19 stupidity.

The simplest way to understand what monoclonal antibodies really are is that they are a genetic experiment found to have potential beneficial uses. ProSpec Protein Specialists note:

“Tumor cells that are able to replicate endlessly are fused with mammalian cells that produce a specific antibody which result in fusion called hybridoma that continuously produce antibodies. Those antibodies are named monoclonal because they come from only 1 type of cell, which is the hybridoma cell. Antibodies that are produced by conventional methods and derived from preparations containing many kinds of cells are called polyclonal Antibodies.

“Monoclonal antibodies are artificially produced against a specific antigen in order to bind to their target antigens. Laboratory production of monoclonal antibodies is produced from clones of only 1 cell which means that every monoclonal antibody produced by the cell is the same.”

A human creates a DNA strand, introduces that DNA sequence to a chimeric tumor to make them multiply as quickly as possible, and then harvests the clones. This is what is going into our bodies when monoclonal antibodies are used.

To help the monoclonal process work even better, chimeric animals have been created. Psychopathic biology butchers under the name Biocytogen in China announced the introduction of RenNano on December 30, 2022. They have at least three lines of genetically engineered mice, RenNano being their latest mutilation of God’s creation. “Together, Biocytogen’s three RenMiceTM platforms allow for the streamlined discovery and development of fully human monoclonal antibodies, bispecific/multispecific antibodies and single-domain antibodies (sdAbs, or nanobodies).” Humanized mice is what they are talking about. I’m sure it will sell like hotcakes too:

“While nanobodies have its unique advantages, animals that naturally produce HCAbs, such as camels, are difficult to be widely used for the preparation of monoclonal antibodies because they are large, having a long breeding cycle and generate few offspring. Meanwhile, humanization is required to develop camelid antibody sequences into drugs, which further increases the complexity and time of drug development.

“To overcome these challenges, Biocytogen engineered the RenNano® mouse by modifying the constant region of the fully human RenMabTM model to allow for HCAb production. Compared with other existing HCAb platforms, the in situ replacement of the mouse genes with the complete human heavy chain variable genes makes the RenNano® mouse one of the most comprehensive fully human antibody platforms in the world. SdAb sequences generated from RenNano® mice have the highest possible diversity, and do not require antibody humanization, which saves time and cost, and reduces risk of failure during later stages of drug development. Additionally, compared with camelids or other natural HCAb-producing species, mice are easier to breed and immunize. Immunization of RenNano® mice can generate HCAbs with diverse CDR3 sequences that recognize a variety of epitopes. These HCAbs can recognize antigens with nM-level affinity independent of light chains. Moreover, antibodies derived from RenNano® mice are capable of exerting biological functions both in vitro and in vivo. They are highly hydrophilic and have favorable developability characteristics.”

Where were the ethicists before this started taking place? They were looking up the definition of abomination, writing tracts and recommendations condoning abominations, and declaring themselves the reprobates they are. The idea of humanized (pick your animal or cells) is a chimera by definition and an abomination, period.

Harvard School of Engineering published “Biohybrid fish made from human cardiac cells swims like the heart beats” on February 10, 2022. The Harvard degenerates, along with degenerates from Emory University, “have developed the first fully autonomous biohybrid fish from human stem-cell derived cardiac muscle cells. The artificial fish swims by recreating the muscle contractions of a pumping heart, bringing researchers one step closer to developing a more complex artificial muscular pump and providing a platform to study heart disease like arrhythmia.”

According to London Imperial College, “Stem cell derived cardiomyocytes – This can be either by stimulating the small number of cells which naturally regenerate the adult heart or by driving stem cells made outside the heart to become cardiomyocytes.   The external stem cells can come from human embryonic stem cell lines or can be made by reprogramming ordinary cells, such as skin, to become stem cells.  These stem cells are then driven to become cardiomyocytes by mimicking natural development processes.  They produce beating muscle layers in the culture dish and can be engineered into 3D muscle strips.” 

Here is exactly why Planned Parenthood is still open. The mad scientists chopped up a baby so they can turn human cells into human created ‘fish.’ Need ‘fresh’ lines of cells – call Planned Parenthood up, I’m sure they will arrange to get you what you need. Brains? Hearts? Stem cells? Planned Parenthood and the baby murder industry has these mad scientists covered. Medical research has become nothing but layer upon layer of atrocities and abominations.

There was another story that came out very recently in this vein. On January 1, 2023 The Guardian published an article glorifying the development of vaccines for honey bees. The vaccine was approved for combating American foulbrood disease by the US Department of Agriculture (which has prioritized advancing racial justice, equity, and opportunity; addressing climate change; tackling food and nutritional insecurity; and more, better, and new market opportunities). The disease, according the The Guardian, affects up to one-quarter of hives.

The developer of the vaccine, Dalan Animal Health, claims that no adverse effects presented in the queen bees after they ingested their candy. They also claim that the honey produced in the hives is unaffected. Their method is to place dead bacteria into the queen’s food so as to vaccinate new bees against the deadly illness. There are three more such vaccines in the works; European foulbrood, dual European and American foulbrood, and a fungal infection called chalkbrood. Chris Gates of Flying Bee Inc. is quoted, ““What this team is accomplishing will be the long term future of beekeeping. It's the change and the direction that the industry has badly needed for some time and has patiently waited for.””

Let’s not figure out what is happening to bees. Let’s just put a band-aid on what is clearly a massive problem and call it good. Let’s not figure out anything about the causes of any malady. Let’s just create genetic abomination after genetic abomination until the earth really does look like the movie Annihilation. While it is supposed to depict a science fiction dystopia it’s almost as if the mad scientists decided – “hey this a great idea, let’s do that!” The characters enter the area a meteor crashes and all of the life within the bubble is, unbeknownst to the scientists, able to swap DNA. You are what you eat, they say, so when the bloodthirsty cow eats one of the female scientists, the cow is able to make sounds in the eaten woman’s voice with a command of a limited vocabulary.

Humanity should have stood at the frontier of the building blocks God used to assemble the earth and the life on it and thought nope – this path should not be explored. Instead they rationalized their plans away with worthless platitudes codified by their apologists, biomedical ethicists. They dragged the world along with them as they commercialized their science experiments. The irreparable harm these people have done to the earth, the flora, and the fauna – as well as to human beings – is unfathomable to human sensibilities. Maybe Nuerolink and Bio-N-Tech will team up to give human beings the increased intelligence needed to fully understand all of the problems mankind has created for itself by opening up the genetic Pandora’s box – human chimeras aren’t enough, we’ll need to be augmented, implanted, digitized, and turned into cyborgs too. When all of the abominations are taken together the answer will be exactly the same as being put off by any single one.

The answer is that God will be judging the abominations men have created. He will judge the creators of those abominations as well. God created us in His image. Man creates chimeras and synthetic lifeforms in the image of their own devices, namely bioethics, meaning that if they can do it they probably should. Part of the reason these mad scientists create these abominations in the first place is because they believe that they can defeat God in the end. They plan on defeating the Messiah upon his return to earth. Before the mad scientists actually achieve their apparent goal of Annihilation, God will send his Son back to earth to spare the righteous and condemn the reprobates. That is the way I read it in my Bible. I suggest we all get right with God before these mad scientists kill everyone. In the meantime, even though our voices may be small and our reach puny, we need to pray to God that our voices are amplified so that even these mad scientists get the message explicitly. The message is they are on the wrong side of an ancient spiritual war that they will not win, repent and turn towards God and away from these chimeric abominations.

13 A carpenter takes his measurements,

sketches the shape with a stylus,
planes the wood, checks it with calipers,
and carves it into the shape of a man;
and, since it is honored like a man,
of course it has to live in a house.
14 He goes to chop down cedars;
he takes an evergreen and an oak;
he especially tends one tree in the forest,
plants a pine for the rain to nourish.
15 In time, when it’s ready for use as fuel,
he takes some of it to keep himself warm
and burns some more to bake bread.
Then he makes a god and worships it,
carves it into an idol and falls down before it.
16 So half of it he burns in the fire;
with that half he roasts meat and eats his fill;
he warms himself; says, “It feels so good,
getting warm while watching the flames!”
17 With the rest of the log he fashions a god,
a carved image, then falls down before it;
he worships it and prays to it.
“Save me,” he says, “for you are my god!”

18 Such people know nothing, understand nothing.
Their eyes are sealed shut, so that they can’t see;
their hearts too, so they can’t understand.
19 Not one thinks to himself or has the knowledge
or the discernment to say,
“I burned half of it in the fire,
baked bread on its coals, roasted meat and ate it.
Should I now make the rest an abomination?
Should I prostrate myself to a tree trunk?”
20 He is relying on ashes!
A deceived heart has led him astray;
so that now he won’t save himself, just won’t say,
“This thing in my hand is a fraud!”

- Isaiah 44:13-20

Bless God and God bless.


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