Can’t Prove Evolution, Can’t Find God (Or Can We?)

Can’t Prove Evolution, Can’t Find God (Or Can We?)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/8/2023

24 Now T’oma (the name means “twin”), one of the Twelve, was not with them when Yeshua came. 25 When the other talmidim told him, “We have seen the Lord,” he replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger into the place where the nails were and put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe it.”

26 A week later his talmidim were once more in the room, and this time T’oma was with them. Although the doors were locked, Yeshua came, stood among them and said, “Shalom aleikhem!” 27 Then he said to T’oma, “Put your finger here, look at my hands, take your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be lacking in trust, but have trust!” 28 T’oma answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Yeshua said to him, “Have you trusted because you have seen me? How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway!”

30 In the presence of the talmidim Yeshua performed many other miracles which have not been recorded in this book. 31 But these which have been recorded are here so that you may trust that Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by this trust you may have life because of who he is.

- John 20

Many believe even having never seen Yeshua. I am one of them – I have never seen Him, but I have seen His miracles. I have received answers to my prayers. I have learned of His ways and know that I fall short. It doesn’t stop me from trying again the next day because I know he loves me. I know He and His Father, God, want me to speak the truth, be obedient, and live righteously according to the Bible. I know that Jesus was the Torah in the flesh. I know that all men are under the Covenant recorded by Moses. I know that God sent His Son, the living Torah, to this miserable earth to die for my sins, your sins, and everyone else’s sins. Although I have never seen Him, I believe in Him and His promise and His teachings because they are teachings out of the Torah and from the prophets.

Evolutionary theory rejects all of this. It supposes that mankind ended up on the earth due to some interstellar object landing upon it. Over time, life just happened due to chance events where different chemical compositions spontaneously arranged themselves just right to create everything which has ever been on earth. Under the proposition, God is ruled out of existing because spirituality does not fall within what mankind has determined to be rational thinking. Since rational thinking is entirely dependent upon what can be observed and measured, all spirituality is, by definition, disqualified and discarded entirely.

This gives rise to atheism (which does not actually exist – the term is illigitimate) and the need for a new set of morals (ethics) which has been relegated into a new religion called Humanism. Humanism has given rise to the most disgusting experiments in societal arrangements ever known to mankind yet, millions of ‘rational’ Humanists in ‘free’ nations still clamor for the experiment to be conducted in their nation. This belies that point; however, that evolution is just a theory meaning those adhering to it have developed a belief in it. Belief is not rational thought. Yet, while the Humanist wants to demand that those of us believing in Yeshua and God are somehow incapable of rational thought, they, themselves are constantly seeking to ‘prove’ their evolutionary beliefs by using their notion of rational thought. The problems with that are many, but when Charles Darwin theorized natural selection in 1838 and published The Origin of Species in 1859 the belief in evolution took hold and has not released its false claims to truthfulness since.

By claiming that evolution is a fact by changing the nature of the definition of fact, scientists around the world have clung to evolutionary theory for almost 200 years and have continued to demand that it is a fact. In reality, evolution is merely a belief and a theory seeking proof. The fruits of the theory, and thus of Charles Darwin and those who believe in his theory, is the sowing of confusion, the justifying of extermination campaigns and brutal authoritarian and totalitarian governments, and convincing people they are nothing but a really advanced form of mutated pond scum.

To support their theory evolutionist have resorted to just demanding everyone agree with their belief system. Those who don’t are treated as heretics of science. Any reason for even trying to debate evolution believers is automatically met with an attitude of intolerance by the evolution gang – so much so that even Britannica online reads, “Evolutionists no longer are concerned with obtaining evidence to support the fact of evolution but rather are concerned with what sorts of knowledge can be obtained from different sources of evidence. The following sections identify the most productive of these sources and illustrate the types of information they have provided.”

The encyclopedic entry goes on to note the fossil record, structural similarities in biological life, embryonic development, biogeography, and molecular biology. All of these are meant to support the idea of evolutionary belief. This is evolutionary theory’s version of rediscovering the Ark of the Covenant, the wreckage of Noah’s Ark, the burning bush, Yeshua’s tomb and burial shroud, and the remains of those swallowed after the Red Sea parted. Those ‘religious’ things have been found. Evolutionary theories version of these facts have yet to be discovered.

Evolutionary theory cannot reconcile with actual facts. The 1938 discovery of what evolutionists though to have been extinct for 65 million years is such an example. The encyclopedia entry fails to mention it whatsoever. The fish is referred to as a living fossil (meaning it was never extinct in the first place) and is called the coelacanth (see-la-kanth). Another, much larger, event occurred called the Cambrian explosion. Evolutionists have absolutely no answer for this because it flies in the face of their theory. Occurring between 530 to 541 million years ago, according to evolutionists, featured the rise of hard-bodied features in many species. I believe the timeline evolutionists have set is completely inaccurate and that God created these hard-bodied beings. Evolutionary theory believers cannot come up with a reason for this but persist in demanding that beliefs similar to mine are irrational, non-scientific, and to be scoffed at and dismissed entirely.

The never-ending attempts evolutionists use to try to find reasons to bolster their belief and maybe, accidentally, obtain ‘proof’ for their belief produces all kinds of ‘news.’ A recent example of this, occurred in December 2022. Medical News Today (MNT) published an article about the recent ‘findings’ of Greek researcher, Nikolaos Vakirils, and Irish researcher Aoife McLysaght. They, like many others, based their endeavors on the belief that evolution should be taken as fact. The article reads in part:

A pair of scientists — Nikolaos Vakirlis, the new study’s first author and a junior researcher at the Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center in Greece, along with Aoife McLysaght, a senior author from Trinity College Dublin in Ireland — have been studying these “orphan” de novo genes for years.

Vakirlis told MNT that they started out by looking at short sequences of DNA in the human genome.

““These are elements of the genome that are not considered to be proper genes and were until relatively recently mostly left out of ‘mainstream’ genomics studies,” he explained. “However, a recent study had shown that some of them seem to have important cellular roles.”

“From there, Vakirlis and McLysaght sought to pinpoint when these sequences first evolved along the human lineage, along with the mechanisms that allowed them to emerge.

“They were able to find a total of 155 de novo originated microproteins. Since de novo gene emergence is now an accepted evolutionary phenomenon, these microproteins could emerge into genes.

“Vakirlis said that about a third of these 155 de novo originated microproteins were already known to be functional. However, two of them were strictly specific to humans and others also overlap with known mutations that cause disease.

““What we found is significant because it adds to our understanding of the human genome, including details of human-specific genetics, albeit small,” said Vakirlis. “Our findings also suggest that many more young but important microproteins could be hiding in human cells that can only be uncovered by careful experiments.””

To try to make sense out of that, the term de novo refers to something new. This, itself, is a redefinition of the term de novo, which is defined as “anew; afresh; again; from the beginning.” So which definition is it because it gives rise to confusion. The National Cancer Institute defines de novo mutations as “A genetic alteration that is present for the first time in one family member as a result of a variant (or mutation) in a germ cell (egg or sperm) of one of the parents, or a variant that arises in the fertilized egg itself during early embryogenesis. Also called de novo variant, new mutation, and new variant.” In other words it is a transcription error with the potential to create new proteins in the human body.

The important questions are where did the mutations come from – what caused them in the first place – and are they actually new, as the mutated definition of de novo suggests or are they merely reappearing again as the actual definition states? The chemical, biological, electromagnetic, and pharmaceutical assault on the human body seem to offer the causes for novus (new) and de novo microproteins being found. I cannot confirm this as fact without conducting my own scientific study. The neat part about this is that evolutionists are caught in their hypocrisy over belief systems and they tied a noose around their necks with the hypocrisy at hand. Evolutionists have found all sorts of methods to destroy, mutate, and recombine DNA through all sorts of methods and now that they have done so they are now claiming that evolution is the reason.

I don’t need to see God to know He exists. I can look at the tree outside my window, the snow which layers the earth in the winter, the grass regaining it’s lushness and green color in the spring, the sun and the moon, the stars, and the streams which course the earth and know God made all of that. God made DNA which is what all life is made of. The fruits of God’s work are truly awe-inspiring and makes God more than qualified for our praise. The truth of God is literally in front of all of our faces. To deny that fact is to deny reality itself as is readily evident in the degeneracy seen throughout the world today. The degeneracy seen was given a great deal of acceleration by Darwin and his flock.

The fruits of evolutionary theory have contorted mankind’s purpose and responsibilities – seeking God and serving Him. Because scientists have determined that God does not exist, Satan (the deity they serve) does not exist, and that human beings are no better or worse than a fly, a cockroach, pond scum, or a parasite, they have given themselves permission to do all sorts of heinous things in the name of science. Those heinous things include the assault mentioned above. They also include turning human beings into science and medical experiments and debt slaves. Justifications served up by evolutionary theory believers have endorsed governmental systems to fulfill the human need for objective reality (a void created intentionally by evolutionists in the first place) in the form of a state dictator. Climate change mitigation efforts are entirely based on evolutionary theory. Bioengineering, geoengineering, certain fields of physics, medical research, nanotechnological ‘progress’, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, smart infrastructure, the Internet of Things and Internet of People, and many other ‘scientific advances’ are informed by this evolutionary belief.

SARS-CoV-2 and the cure-all promised by the evolutionists – mRNA gene therapies they redefined as ‘vaccines’ to limit their liability for the damages and deaths they knew would follow – should have shown everyone on earth exactly where these evolutionists stand in relation to other people. They closed all of the churches they could. They deemed huge numbers of people as essential and even more as non-essential. They told us to cover the faces God made and to follow prison rules in public. They threatened people with suspensions, job losses, fines, and even arrested those who would not comply. They subjected us to checkpoints. Papers please became the world’s police forces motto. A simple trip to the grocery store would kill our whole family they promised us. Get your vaccines and proof of vaccination is still a war being waged against God’s design by evolutionists. Follow the science – evolutionists’ golden rule – is only applicable to following their narrative. The massive amount and variety of science and evidence proving evolutionists cure-all is worse than the malady is actively suppressed. Many evolutionists have called for the arrest, licenses, censure, and censorship of researchers who have drawn conclusions outside of their narrative. Individual, non-scientists, who are following the real science and making decisions to not mask, not social distance, not shutter their businesses, and not ‘vaccinate’ have been targeted by evolutionists with demands to re-educate them. Huge ‘quarantine’ camps have been built around the world, some nations have opted to begin using them, such as China, Canada, and Australia.

Evolutionists know they will never prove their theory which is why they just boldly demand obeisance. While evolutionists impudently seek an accidental ‘proof’ of their concept through their pursuit of ‘advancing’ scientific knowledge they prove recalcitrant to the truth of God and the fruits of His labors which surrounds them. Instead they push forward to destroy humanity through their demands that belief in God is irrational and that their ‘science’ will save humanity. It won’t. Obedience to God, seeking the face of God, and loving Yeshua will save humanity. I don’t need to see God to see His fruits. Because I can see the fruits of mankind’s evolutionary theory, I can reject the entire idea absolutely. The evolutionists are committing grave offenses against God, I pray that they recognize their folly and repent of their evil. Men and women of faith need to have a serious conversation with the evolutionists and the self-styled gods operating under it’s umbrella to tell them the primary truth, step one, God is completely real.

Bless God and God bless.


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