Caging a Swamp Rat

Caging a Swamp Rat

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/7/2023

After 15 tries Kevin McCarthy finally got his wish. He is going to be Speaker of the House. He’s not a hero – he is still the same guy that declined to run for Speaker of the House due to allegations of an affair. He is the guy that decided not to give anyone on the Republican ticket any support in races where additional resources would have had a great effect. McCarthy has shown, time and again, that he is hostile to the idea of making America great again. In essence, he is a swamp rat – the last thing US citizens need – but he is a swamp rat in a cage.

McCarthy had to make deals with the 21 republicans who refused to vote for him on Tuesday. After round 13 left McCarthy short with six republicans voting for Jim Jordan, a recess was called until later in the evening. When the House reconvened, round 14 failed and a short recess was called to collect those who had walked out of the chamber during the vote. The six remaining holdouts, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Andy Biggs, Eli Crane, Bob Good, and Matt Rosendale decided to vote present, lowering the threshold McCarthy need to secure Speaker of the House.

The votes were so heated by the end of round 14 that one of McCarthy’s fellow swamp rats, Mike Rogers, attempted to physically attack Gaetz, the ‘leader’ of the Never Kevin’s. Rogers was physically restrained so that he would not be able to attack Gaetx; however, I think he should have been able to not only attack him but also get his ass beat by Gaetz in self-defense, arrested by Capitol Police, charged with felony assault, and forced to resign from office.

It exemplified the whole problem – American citizens want Washington to uphold their end of the social contract and they have not been doing that for a long time. That’s precisely the reason that McCarthy had to start wheeling and dealing to drum up votes – we are sick and tired of the swamp – we want America to be great and we are willing to work towards that end but our representatives have displayed no initiative to hold up their end of that idea. On top of that if it wasn’t for McCarthy denying viable MAGA candidates for office GOP-raised funds in the first place then McCarthy would not have had to worry about running for Speaker – he’d have been closer to 40 votes short. Someone else would have ran for the spot and this whole scenario would have likely been avoided. And we wouldn’t have a caged swamp rat with an R after his name acting as Speaker.

As for being caged, McCarthy had to make deals and placed him in bars and rightly so. No more will it be routine to have 48 hours to read through 3,000 page spending bills. If any individual republican has an issue with McCarthy’s leadership, that individual can recall him. Several House members who had voted in the Never Kevin camp reversed their votes to support McCarthy after he began dealing House Rules Committee participation to some of them. And there is this idea of being fiscally conservative especially since the debt ceiling is supposed to be increased later this year. It is reported that McCarthy will demand that, for anything with increased funding, something else must offset the rise, or the debt ceiling will not grow. That could effect a whole host of things such as the government being open at all and the United States’ credit rating.

Kevin McCarthy built his own cage, but he is still a swamp rat. He doesn’t care that American citizens are suffering. He cares about raising money from the republican donor class so that he can mete it out as he sees fit. He apparently sees it fit to only support republican candidates who will join him in his swamp rat pack. The rat pack doesn’t serve anyone but their donors and that is a huge problem which is only compounded by the fact that democrats only serve their donor class as well. Enter representatives like Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert who have decided to enter the House to represent the people who put them there instead of the donor class. Mass chaos ensued.

Unfortunately the voting rounds are over. I hope McCarthy lasts less than a month in the Speaker’s role, time will tell. While the votes were ongoing and there was, as yet, no Speaker though, no legislation could be considered, no additional spending could be added to the taxpayer’s burden, Ukraine didn’t get more money, and the federal legislature was, in effect, shut down. I see this as hugely positive. Democrats 100% disagree with me. One of the most amusing things on earth is to see democrat rags like The Atlantic and Vox get their way but get it because of republican actions.

The Atlantic reported that McCarthy had ascended to Speaker of the House by basically nuietering himself of the power associated with the position. “To end the crisis, he cut a deal that essentially traded away a sizable chunk of power from the position, placing the new speaker at the mercy of the very hardliners who had thwarted him.” The Atlantic, which absolutely hates the US Constitution and the governance it is meant to produce, lamented that the Speaker of the House under McCarthy had lost much of it’s power. “All he had to do was sacrifice power, and no small part of his dignity, to get it.” The Atlantic isn’t concerned about McCarthy nor his party, they are concerned about these 21 holdouts, especially the 6 who persisted to the end, who managed to claw back some of the power which was accumulated in the Speaker’s hands. To The Atlantic this is anathema because it shows a group of people saying no to the power structure they favor and not only getting away with it but winning.

Vox didn’t produce much better coverage. Vox’s main concern was whether or not the useless at best, and destructive at worst, federal government would remain open. They waxed, “the real questions are still about if and how House Republicans manage to climb down and make a deal with Democrats on keeping the government open and preventing a default on the country’s debt.” Vox shares the same idea about how government should operate with The Atlantic. Because they do, and because Vox cannot wrap their head around the idea of a nation of free and independent individuals let alone a whole collection of those types of people lovingly called MAGA (Vox favors the term terrorists), republicans are expected to crawl into bed with the same democrats who have destroyed all of the institutions of this nation the best they could for centuries. Those efforts have only become increasingly brazen, bizarre, and criminal in the last 2 years since the entire federal government decided to legitimize fraudulent elections.

CNN is also very concerned with the specter of the government shutting down over the debt ceiling. Likewise they are concerned wth the loss of power at the Speaker’s position. They wrote, “The conservative cabal of 20 or so representatives – most of them election-denying Trump loyalists – withheld their votes for McCarthy over repeated rounds of voting, extracting major concessions from the Republican representative that whittled away at the institutional power of the speakership.” Oh no, CNN, what will we do without the federal government? Oh no, CNN, what will we do with representatives who are there to represent the citizens of the United States? But they also touched on Donald Trump who is running for the 2024 republican presidential nomination with absolutely no fan fare.

Hysterically, and quite ominously, CNN also found it appropriate to compare Nikki Haley and Ron DdeSantis to Donald Trump. Nikki Haley is a complete slime ball with nothing but globalist narratives to spout. Ron DeSantis still has something about him that just doesn’t sit right with me. And I’m not a big fan of Donald Trump’s Warp Speed, his continued support of the COVID-19 vaccines, nor his endorsement of the caged swamp rat Kevin McCarthy. I would still vote for a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis (I have nothing for Nikki Haley not even a vote) before I voted for even a tolerable democrat like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But DeSantis and Trump are in no ways the same. CNN tried to cast Haley and DeSantis as Trump without the baggage while completely forgetting that the baggage was placed on Trump by CNN and others making up news stories about him.

What really frightens the likes of CNN and all of the other swamp rat-loving rags calling themselves mainstream news outlets as well as those in the government is the idea that MAGA has become unattached from Trump. Anyone can use MAGA principles as a platform. And now that people are, such as Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, the progressives cannot handle it. This is the reason Joe Biden, black and red background and all, demanded MAGA individuals be viewed as terrorists. This is why the six Never Kevin’s have spent a week being called terrorists. This is the reason that the Biden regime unceasingly describes the nation of Russia in terms reserved for terrorist states. We don’t want the Biden regime or any other leader which identifies global interests as their own – we want our freedom and rights preserved and protected. That’s the social contract. Anyone who even thinks of crossing the progressive line to uphold that social contract is a terrorist threat to a global government adopted by the likes of Joe Biden’s regime and the AOC’s in the US government. Kevin McCarthy is just another RINO at the end of the day – a RINO which is there to serve global governance and piss on the backs of the American people while he demands that we believe it is raining.

Steve Quayle has stated over and over, “there is no political solution to a spiritual problem.” If we really want a great America to return obviously we are going to need political leadership who are 100% in on the idea. But more importantly than the men and women representing us is our own actions. If we want to make America great again we all need to understand why America was ever great in the first place – our people. Our people were God-fearing, Jesus believing people who shared principles about society which, while differences were present, allowed us to share enough values to construct a great America in the first place. That is no longer true today. If we want to really make America great we need to go back to God as a nation. We need to understand what the Bible is about, repent, pray, and be obedient. Without setting a firm base in the tenets of the Bible – including the fear of God, and the love of Jesus – America will never be great again.

So, while we have a swamp rat in a cage, we also have a mammoth task at hand. That task is to get our politicians to repent, truly, and to use the Bible as the guiding principle for making decisions. This will quickly root out those who are there only to create additional inroads for global government infiltration and obedience to it. We need God to fix the problems in the United States and we cannot expect God to fix anything if we, ourselves, refuse to seek Him in the first place. If we want to MAGA we need to seek YHWH first.

Bless God and God bless.


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