From seed to STEM to GRAIN – Everything is Depopulation

From seed to STEM to GRAIN – Everything is Depopulation

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/29/2023

There is a list of technologies now being touted as Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. Salesforce, a huge proponent of Klaus Schwab’s vision of creating a post-human reality, names the technologies and describes the Fourth Industrial Revolution as, “a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies.” In order to make sure that these technologies are developed as quickly as possible, hundreds of millions of school children and young adults have been subjected to learning about STEM(M) – science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and (medicine) – as they apply to GRAIN (aka GRIN) – genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. All of these technologies have the capability to erase human function by themselves. Together they promise a future which makes a cross between the worlds depicted in Soylent Green and Children of Men seem pleasant.

Before I guide you a short way down this rabbit hole, I need to point out that hundreds of millions of lives have already been stolen from the unborn through the child murder and sacrifice industry under the title abortion. Wars have prematurely shortened the life spans of hundreds of millions of men, women, and children. COVID-19 and the sterilizing, maiming, and murdering, genetic-code-altering, gene therapies unleashed upon the world have harmed tens of millions with the death toll and adverse events expected to continue rising. Our food is poisoned, our water tainted, and our air laced with chemicals through purposeful spraying of chemtrails (stratospheric aerosolized injections, SAI) and other solar radiation management techniques (SRM). Even our weather has been modified to create havoc. Fear is demanded by the psychopaths on our television screens while the banks have decided that taxing our labor is no longer enough enslavement for the masses and that the fruits of our labor (our paychecks) need to be direct deposited and subjected to bail-ins at the bank’s discretion. Humanity is less healthy, less social, and less able to reproduce as a result of all of these attack fronts (and I didn’t even name them all). In order to depopulate a species, reproduction must be curtailed in the first place and the death rate must be increased.

Now to STEM(M). Studying and applying science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and (medicine) isn’t necessarily bad in and of itself. Like all technologies, the applications can be used for either good or bad. Firearms are a famous example of this – if some screwball is running around shooting people (a bad guy) the cops get called or a citizen with their own firearm (a good guy) takes out the bad guy. It’s not the firearm which is good or bad, it’s the person using the firearm who decides how to use that firearm. The same is true of all of these technologies. The problem really lies in two facts; there has never been a technology developed which has not found a weaponized application; and men are evil, especially the men with depopulation of the human race on their agenda.

Studying STEM(M) is meant to produce the technologies and applications sought under the umbrella of of GRAIN – genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and nanotechnology. All of these technologies already have planned uses and every single use is intended to relegate some portion of humanity obsolete. Genetics are intended to alter the human genome (COVID-19 ‘vaccines’), create chimeras (SARS-CoV-2), ‘cure’ aging, and ultimately ‘cure’ death. Robotics seeks to replace all sorts of human activity such as transportation services, warehouse workers, manufacturing workers, and military personnel. Human intelligence is to be supplanted by AI in all sorts of fields including writing, data analysis, and pattern recognition and has already been applied to a large number of industries including automotive, logistics, stock brokerages, and language services. Nanotechnology is in our food, cosmetics, and water systems and is being promoted by ‘medicine’ to surveil and fix our bodies continuously relegating even our immune systems to obsolescence.

Imagine, now the combination of all of the GRAIN technologies – a genetically altered ‘human’ with robotic implants and attachments imbued with ‘medical’ nanobots with everything coordinated by another implant connected to an AI which has parity with or has surpassed the singularity (the point in time which an AI system is able to think faster than all of collective humanity with more storage space than all of collective humanity). Ray Kurzweil has predicted that artificial intelligence will have passed the Turing test (AI being indistinguishable from human intelligence) by the late 2020’s in The Singularity is Near (page 25). This book, more than anything else, woke me up to the fact that there are people in the world who have power and all of their screws loose. While I read the book, even as an agnostic, I recognized there was no way God would allow that. As a result I embarked on reading the Bible for myself, seeking further Biblical teaching, living by the Bible, and believing completely in God and the salvation Yeshua offers. I believe it was God who led me to read this Kurzweil book. The Bible changed me dramatically but that change would have never happened had I not had my eyes opened to how despicably evil the men and women are who have decided to set a course for humanity, without even consulting us, to destroy us through these technologies.

But depopulation is only able to be carried out if there is more and more reduction in birth rates. One way to do this is through modernization. Modernization is fundamentally based on labor conducted by wage-earners. As wage earners have, over the last decade or two, increasingly had their jobs moved overseas or were replaced by robots the wage earners generally took cuts in their pay. At the same time modern feminists have pushed hard for female equality in the labor market (it’s called a market because human beings are a commodity). The confluence of those two trends on top of the never ending destruction of the value of our currency (inflation) has resulted in household economic situations where women have no choice but to go to work in many instances. It has become increasingly rare in ‘modernized’ economies to have a functional household keeping it’s economic head above water with only one wage earner. With the woman in the workforce, birthrates fall; with feminists demanding equality they have also demanded that women do not need men and should pursue a career of their own which does not promote childbirth at the replacement rate, 2.1 children per couple.

A host of other issues arise at this point such as reproductive children, transsexualism, homosexuality, and sterilization, but the issue really at hand is the welfare states which exist in these same ‘modernized’ economies. In order for programs like Social Security to exist there must be a constantly growing number of people in the workforce. When that slips, the entire ponzi scheme is threatened and new workers need to be found. Either those new workers were born in the nation or they are imported here. The United States, failing to recognize the disastrous outcomes European nations such as France, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom have had with their experiments in replacement migration and accepting economic refugees, has decided to met tens of millions of these illegal aliens into our own country. The idea is to put them to work to prop up our welfare system.

When they want to get ahead, they have to have their wives go to work as well. So the demographic decline continues once they arrive in their ‘modernized’ society. In the background of all of this is baby murder in the form of abortion being promoted in the nations with high birthrates while all sorts of attempts at ‘modernization’ are implemented in those same nations. It all amounts to a global depopulation. The idea that the United States has a fertility rate of 1.6 demands that workers be brought in from someplace like Niger (6.9) or Somalia (6.4) or Guatemala (2.5). In the year 2000 the fertility rate was at 2.7 globally and in 2020 it had decreased to 2.3. The depopulationsits of the globe love the idea but want to force the number down even more – thus the emphasis on Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and efforts at achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are designed to make every human being on earth more miserable, hungrier, thirstier, poorer, and more dependent upon a government which may or may not be benevolent and capable of meeting the needs of it’s people (that’s called slavery in modern parlance).

Without a purpose in life suicide rates rise. Isolation, loneliness, and drug and alcohol abuse increases suicide rates as well. An article from February 2022 in Open Access Government describes the “deaths of despair” the automation of jobs formerly held by human beings has caused. The article, of course, doesn’t call for slowing down or stopping automation in favor of human beings because deaths of despair can be avoided with counseling, pharmacological drugs, and healthcare. But it does include this eye-opening paragraph, “Automation caused a substantial increase in suicides among middle-aged men and drug overdose deaths among men of all ages and women aged 20 to 29 – and during the study period – could be linked to 12% of the increase in drug overdose mortality among all working-age adults.” Why? It’s because automation destroys entire communities as more and more people lose their jobs. It’s because the jobs being lost to robots are primarily manufacturing jobs which allow non-college educated adults, with bills to pay and mouths to feed, to meet their obligations. The pay and benefits disappearing after working for 10, 15, 20 years at a manufacturing job is not going to be able to be replaced easily – the result is a standard of living decrease which some, especially in the age ranges mentioned above, refuse to deal with and choose to end their lives instead. Younger people, seeing this, develop very negative outlooks for their futures which carries over into their lifestyle choices and especially their own work habits. All of these trends negatively impact not only healthy relationships but also making babies and raising them responsibly in a traditional two parent home.

STEM(M) is taught as early as kindergarten these days. After at least 12 years of being told in school that science and technology will save the human race and the God isn’t real, what outlook do our more ambitious, more positively aligned children have? One of mastering these fields to save humanity from the ‘flaws’ God created in mankind. Of course, those flaws are the result of sin and sin cannot be fixed with STEM(M). Actually STEM(M) can only produce more layers of sin, new ways to engage in sin, and easier access to committing sin. Parents who have raised children whom believe in God, despite their schooling, usually want to go to college. As soon as they get to college they are inundated with examples of alternative lifestyles, abused substances, and even subjected to classes which demand they acknowledge the professor’s view that there is no God – only STEM(M) – which will save anyone from anything. If they don’t they fail. And when they fail either academically or, should they get through college, professionally there is no fallback job. The manufacturing jobs which would allow them to pay their loans back are gone. So then they are faced with a choice – give up on God entirely or never mention belief in God while working at a completely evil organization (like Moderna for example) or take a lower paying job and basically be poor for the rest of their lives but with a relationship with God. Those are hard choices. But the way that our children have and will decide which choice to make will have dramatic impacts on society as a whole. We will either sink into the dustbin of history because of the complete crumbling of any adherence to moral behavior or we will restore the moral fabric of our society because we returned to God. Those lessons in the Bible apply to all peoples.

To push the depopulation agenda even further, scientists have banded together to demand that research funding in STEM(M) disregard the biological differences which exist between men and women. Mothers in Science is a group of women have have outright declared war on any woman having and raising a child. More specifically, they released a set of guidelines demanding that STEM(M) mothers be given all kinds of lee-way so these mothers will not tend to their children. They see it as their duty to make sure that mothers have all of the ability of men to study and work in STEM(M) fields. This is kind of a lose-lose to me. It gladdens me to know that there are women who seek to have a family. But at the same time it nauseates me to know that these women, now mothers, are going to be encouraged to continue in STEM(M) activities with a goal of creating a post-human world. While they are studying and working they will not be raising their children. The Mothers in Science plan actually promotes having the state and/or institution raise children through subsidized childcare as well as establishing gender quotas in STEM(M) activities. On the positive side, STEM(M) would move more slowly towards it’s end goal of eradicating God-created human beings from the earth. Even that; however, is offset by the incredible amount of increased costs the plan would cause. At the end of the day, the plan turns motherhood into a newly protected-class in the STEM(M) and GRIN fields, encourages mothers and those thinking about motherhood to carry on with their post-human-world- creating endeavors, and creates weapons out of mothers involved with STEM(M). None of this will solve the problem of ‘modernized’ nations not having children at the replacement rate and will actually continue to work against it by promoting women to choose careers over child rearing. The plan endorses Plato’s Republik as a model society.

All of this is to get humanity to GRIN at DEATH. Dedication to Eradicating All True Humanity. I don’t know how anyone can hold a sincere belief in God and the salvation of Yeshua while at the same time creating AI’s which are designed to eliminate human beings from positions requiring thinking, like writing, insurance agents, and telemarketing jobs. God doesn’t come into play with geneticists because they all too often are atheists to begin with and end up believing that their work has made them gods in their own right. Roboticists could hold a sincere belief in God until they realize that all of the parts they are making are being made to eliminate the need for human body parts, one part at a time. Eventually there will be no need for a human body at all because the mind is all that makes us human beings according to many of these people. Forgetting that human beings are made up of mind, body, and soul, the rationally-trained roboticists have decided to, as a whole, reject the God of the Bible in favor of getting digitized human intellect, with the assistance of AI of course, to operate these machines. Nanotechnologists seek to make everything smaller so it can be implanted or otherwise incorporated into a human being at the sub-cellular level. The intent is to mutilate human DNA with AI-infused and communicative nanotechnology.

The Bible very clearly states how children are to be raised. Are we doing that as a society? No. I am as guilty of that transgression as anyone else. Despite past shortcomings in this area I do speak to my children about the importance of God, how real He is, and how He wants us to live our lives. Hopefully you have a better record of doing this than I do. STEM(M) results in GRAIN which results in DEATH and all of that is against God’s will and against God’s Word. The results of mutilating humankind’s DNA, crossbreeding species, creating ‘new’ soulless intelligence's, creating new bloodless bodies, and putting nanotechnology in everything including human beings is described very early in the Bible at Genesis 6. There is a stark choice all of us have either made or will be facing very shortly. I don’t think that this choice is going to be able to be reconsidered in the very near future either. Not making the choice will be making the choice. The choice I’m writing of is pointedly worded in James 4:4You unfaithful wives! Don’t you know that loving the world is hating God? Whoever chooses to be the world’s friend makes himself God’s enemy! We need to recognize that Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, GRAIN, and STEM(M) are the way of the world (controlled by Satan) and that these developments will not be going anywhere until God destroys them by sending Yeshua back to earth. God is the alternative choice we can make. Choose wisely.

Bless God and God bless.


Living Infinitely?

