2 Minutes of Hate From 3 Decades of Fear

2 Minutes of Hate From 3 Decades of Fear

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/14/2023

In 1984 (the book, not the year) George Orwell wrote:

“The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one’s teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck. The Hate had started.

“As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. The little sandy-haired woman gave a squeak of mingled fear and disgust. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago, nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with Big Brother himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death, and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared. The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure…”

Orwell elaborated on just how much the people hated this Goldstein. Others, alleged to be in cahoots with Goldstein, were arrested for espionage. The ‘people’ watching this were screaming at the telescreen denouncing Goldstein. And, while Orwell wrote 1984 as a work of fiction, he was really illuminating the wretched future his peers had planned for us – a future we have now arrived at.

The key to this 2 minutes of hate is as Orwell wrote, “And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.” Thus the two minutes of hate has turned into 3 decades of fear – the easiest route to stir the emotion of hate.

30 years ago it was 1993. The World Trade Center was bombed for the first time. The government told us that it was a Moslem terrorist, Ramzi Yousef, with connections to al-Qaeda, who drove a truck bomb into the lower levels of the Trade Towers and detonated it. The US Department of State wrote, “This event was the first indication for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) that terrorism was evolving from a regional phenomenon outside of the United States to a transnational phenomenon.” They lied then and they are lying now but what they were doing is setting the stage for future tragic events. The US public’s hackles were raised towards Islam.

Also in 1993 was the tragedy committed in Waco, Texas by the FBI and ATF. They breached a compound and killed scores of people inside, including children. They completely covered up their criminal acts and every single one of the perpetrators of the crime walked free and are still free today. The US government had openly declared war on all of those who operated differently – that is the lesson I took from it as a sophomore in high school as I watched the flames leap through the complex on the nightly news over and over again. Better watch out for those white supremacist gun owners the government told us to fret over.

Waco, of course was not the first such incident in this vein. Vickie Weaver was murdered the year prior in an incident involving the same FBI and AFT. The Bonus Army, too, shows that these events were more modern examples of a rogue government set out to destroy it’s people – it occurred in 1932. Even before that, the duplicitous way the federal government, especially the one under Andrew Jackson, dealt with Indians should have been illustrative for all of us.

In 1995 the federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed killing many including children. That bombing was blamed on two men. Both were white, middle aged, had military service in their background. These two men did not act alone, and no truck bomb caused the amount of damage the building sustained. We were told to distrust our neighbors because they could be lone wolves – especially the ones with firearms and a mistrust of the US government.

Another lone wolf – this one targeting the 1996 Atlanta Olympics – was dubbed a lone wolf as well. He was also found to be responsible for a number of bombings occurring at baby-murder factories. We were encouraged to be more suspicious of the homeless, of white males, and of lone wolves. We were also told to be suspicious of those who supported liberty, the US Constitution, and gun rights.

In 1999 we were told to start hating the weird kids in school because two lunatics committed suicide after killing 13 and wounding 20 more. We were told that for our own security our children would have to pass through metal detectors and carry see-through backpacks. Anyone wearing a trench coat was immediately identified as suspicious. What was odd are all of the reports claiming that up to five individuals were murdering people in the school and that the only two being blamed were the only two who committed suicide.

We were also looking forward to Y2K. For anyone who has never heard of Y2K, the entire world was told that because there were only two digits of computer space allocated for the year, the ‘00’ reading would shut down all computers, the internet, ATM’s, banking, the streetlights, and launch ICBM’s. That didn’t happen but we were commanded to fear for it.

In 2001 someone either steered or flew jets into buildings 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center, the pentagon, and another supposedly intended for Washington DC was shot down or crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. We call this 9/11 and it was demanded that we hate Moslems, that we go along with the government versions of the story, and that if we do not we, ourselves, are pariahs because “You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.” The same pile of garbage who uttered those words, George W. Bush, was also the same one who claimed that shopping was patriotic, was reading a book upside down when the planes struck their targets, and signed the wretched USA PATRIOT Act into law.

In 2002 the United States unconstitutionally entered into a war against Afghanistan. This war lasted until Joe Biden’s dismal withdraw of US forces in 2021. In 2003, the US entered into another unconstitutional war in Iraq by bald-faced lying to the American public about so-called weapons of mass destruction (which still have not been found). The US ended the war in Iraq in 2011.

Because of the rogue government in the United States and the existence of the USA PATRIOT Act, the US citizenry was seen as an enemy of the US government. We no longer had privacy while communicating, checking books out of the library, and startling less ability to make financial transactions without raising the fed’s eyebrows. Around the same time, The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a yearly appropriations bill began to include language affirming the ‘right’ of the US government to suspend all domestic communications, movement, and economic production to provide for the ‘safety’ of the US citizen. Under this ruse, people swallowed the government lies and turned a blind eye to the fact that, under such an emergency scenario described in the NDAA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would have complete dictatorial control over the entirety of the United States with no sunset provision. Even more terrifying is that there was no reson for FEMA to ever cede control of the nation back to the people.

For me, as a 23 year old, 9/11 was the beginning of my awakening that everything was not as it seems. It wasn’t as it seems because the government took every opportunity to let no crisis go to waste. More, the US government has grown increasingly hostile towards the people of the nation as well as towards the rights it is there to uphold. This is their two minutes of hate for us – a daily demand from our government that we must hate what they tell us to hate.

In 2005 the media told us to hate FEMA for all of the wrong reasons. FEMA is not designed to be an emergency relief agency. It’s sole purpose for existing is to provide for continuity of government in the event circumstances arise which portend the imminent collapse of the US government. Yet we were told to hate FEMA because of their handling of Hurricane Katrina. Multiple rapes and assaults occurred in the sports arena tens of thousands were quartered in (basically imprisoned). The national guard went door to door confiscating firearms. But never mind that, we were told to hate FEMA because of the poor quality trailers FEMA provided for those displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The news outlets never suggested we be angry about the EPA refusing to allow the Corps of Army Engineers to reinforce Lake Pontchartrain because the EPA needed to protect a useless ‘endangered’ species. The ecoterrorists at the EPA caused over 100,000 be displaced and murdered 1,833 people because the walls holding Lake Pontchartrain burst, flooded New Orleans, and the city has never been the same since.

In 2008 Barrack Obama promised hope and change and but even worse garbage to the American people. He doubled down on the NDAA’s, managed to socialize healthcare, and shut down as many coal plants as he could. And he gave a trillion or so dollars away to the bankers. They robbed us, then they were bailed out by the taxpayers of the United States. We were so generous as to even bail out foreign banks too. Lots of people were forced out of their homes but these bankers, who made terrible investment decisions, were made even fatter than they were before. Obama even briefly nationalized the automotive industry in the middle of this. During the Obama years the demand that we hate things began really picking up steam in order to mask the cruelty this monster wanted to inflict on all of us. He did everything he could to stoke racial division, get men and women to hate one another, and put everyone into a Marxist class system based on ethnicity. He did this rather successfully during his eight years in office.

Then we were awarded a reprieve from our government despising us. Donald Trump was elected and we did make America great again. But it only really lasted three years. In 2020 the 2 minutes of hate was brutally applied to all of the world. Donald Trump ceded control of the nation to a compile idiopathic murderer – Anthony Fauci and his sidekick Deborah Birx. It’s a pandemic and we are here to keep you safe was their ploy – just give up a little bit of your liberty.

We were lied to about the origins of the pandemic. We were lied to about the treatment options available. We were lied to about the effectiveness and side effects of Fauci’s moneymaking Remdesivir. The deaths and cases attributed to the pandemic were fraudulent. Those who were sick were sent into nursing homes to sicken the elderly while grandparents died in their prisons, unable to be visited by their grandchildren. Hate the unmasked, hate those who won’t social distance, hate those complaining about being forced to imprison themselves.

Then the vaccine came out and the vaccinated decided to hate the unvaccinated. They are still hating the unvaccinated because we aren’t dying suddenly. Mandates demanding that vaccines take place in order to go to work, watch a sporting event, or attend a concert were, and in some places still are, enforced. National governments are starting to mandate vaccine compliancy in order for people to receive stipends and continue working. We are not only being lied to, people are buying into the lies. And the lies are being bought because of fear. And that fear has created hate.

Russia entered Ukraine almost a year ago. There is a very real threat of global nuclear war raising fears. The US president (who came to power through a coup) has identified anyone who is white, a gun owner, a believer in Jesus Christ, a male, unvaccinated, believing the border crises represents an invasion, pro-life, a so-called climate denier, a Constitutionalist, or heterosexual as a threat to the United States government. Anyone checking any of those boxes is viewed by the US government as a domestic violent extremist. This raises fear of civil war waged by the federal government upon US citizens. There are energy and food crises raising fears based on potential and realized scarcity. China (possibly other nations) has decided to fly balloons all over US airspace and we are being told to fear UFO’s but don’t mention Project Blue Beam. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals have been adopted as the law of the land in the United States causing massive domestic economic and social problems. The town of Palestine, Ohio no longer functionally exists due to a train derailment and subsequent fire causing extremely hazardous materials to spread all over the place. There is a media blackout of this particular event because it cannot be blamed on the target the US government demands we hate.

It’s all Putin’s fault. Our two minutes of hate for the last year has been Vladimir Putin. But its also white males. It’s also those decrying baby murder. It’s also straight people. It’s also those who follow the Bible. It’s also those who don’t believe in some fairy tale version of Christ and affirm the Torah’s teachings about homosexuality being an abomination. It’s those against geoengineering, making chimeras out of ourselves, and practicing our rights to gun ownership and possession and free speech. I will continue to direct my hate at the entities upon the earth which are destroying everything – those working lawlessness and iniquity – the opposite of what I am told by those same entities to hate.

I didn’t mention thousands of other things we have been told to be scared of. If it were summed up we have been told to hate our nations, hate our neighbors, hate our families, and hate our selves. This hatred has been directed from the highest auspices of power all the way down to the lowest levels of power. Right now, nowhere is this most evident than in demands to force people to take shots and force people to support Ukraine. In the near future Project Blue Beam will be officially conducted and we will be told to revere the ‘aliens’ which are here to ‘save’ humanity if only all of the citizens are armed, vaccinated, and take a global biometric ID complete with a social credit score and a digital payment system… Are people really this freaking stupid or are they just unaware of what is really going on around them? I believe they cannot see through the lies, fall for them, fear the right things, and develop the ‘proper’ hatreds, it’s impossible to be this stupid on such a massive scale. Just like I will never mRNA myself willingly I will never bow down to whatever gets off the space ship – it’s the Antichrist, by the way.

All of this is psychological manipulation. Marketing departments use the same tactics to get us to buy their products. Governments use these tactics to try to convince us about how we should react to their version of the ‘truth.’ It’s all based on trust. 69.2% of the US citizenry fell for the US government’s lies about the ‘vaccine’ by taking at least the initial dose(s). 15.8% have gotten all of their boosters. 81.1% received at least one initial dose of this transgenic mutilation agent. People are strating to wake up but it may be too late. People are starting to question the ‘experts’ in charge of these vaccines. The government and ‘experts’ though stick to their narrative and are seeking to criminalize questions, accusations, and criticisms. Just as Orwell concluded his description of the 2 minutes of hate, “WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH,” those who still believe in these shots, the US government, and the global tyrants who have been peddling this fear for decades – trauma-based psychological warfare – are saying exactly this, just like their masters desire.

The governments of the world are not going to stop this war unless we force them to. The only way to force them to stop the war is if too many of us tell them in a unified voice that we are not going to suffer under this nonsense anymore. Since the governments will not listen, we need massive non-compliance directed at anything against the Constitution. Moreover, with walking with God, even the Constitution will fail such a movement. God; however, is real. Jesus lived on earth and lives still. We can receive discernment through the Holy Spirit. The Constitution is, after all, a document on parchment with ink upon it. The Bible is the Word of the Living God who can act in favor of a repentant nation. Are we repenting? Or are we saying variations of “WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH?” We can break out of the psychological stranglehold with God – we will only be dragged further into the abyss by the evil actors on the world stage by rejecting God. It’s time to choose; God or man; righteousness or trusting in the evil of the world and the men and women acting upon the demands of evil. It’s your call…

Bless God and God bless.


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