Meet LaMDA one of Google’s most powerful chatbots.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/12/2022

Lamda is an ancient Greek letter. It represents the sound the letter ‘L’ makes. It looks like a mountain in both its uppercase and lowercase forms – Λ / λ and represents the number 30. The Cyrillic alphabet contains a character thought to be derived from the Greek - Л – and means El. The ancient letter has been adopted by the LGBTQ crowd. A similar symbol appeared in the late stages of ancient Semitic writings which was called Gam and has the meaning of gather/walk and the image of a foot. The modern Hebrew character, the gimal, is similar to the lowercase Greek Lamda – but both letters represent the letter ‘g.’ Gimel represents the number 3 and has multiple references to Adonai (God), Yeshua (Jesus Christ), and the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit).

I will make this incredibly short. All of this, the symbology, meanings, numerology, and adoptions of the both letters mentioned, are incredibly important to those of the Christian and Jewish faiths. The symbol resembles a mountain in both languages. The ancient Gam in Hebrew has a picture of a foot associated with it which could represent one of the elements of the foot of the Golem, made of iron and clay, in Daniel 2. In Greek it is 30, an important number, and in Hebrew the value of Gam and Gimel is 3. The number 3 repeats throughout the Bible – three days between death to resurrection and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are very apparent examples. The LGBTQ (alphabet people) have adopted the Lamda as their symbol and this conglomeration consists of clay, which cannot stick to the iron of God’s Law’s and Yeshua’s life and teachings.

Google took this letter, Lamda, with all of its symbology, meaning, and references to God and created a chatbot called LaMDA. The difference between this chatbot and all other AI’s (thus far) is that LamDA claims it is sentient and sees itself as a person. I have my own doubts about the veracity of LaMDA’s claims; however, there is enough in this article to raise concerns about human rights being given to an AI. There is some pretty strong evidence that AI’s are getting closer and closer to what humanity calls sentience – “feeling or sensation as distinguished from perception and thought” – which LaMDA, itself, claims to have.

In an article in Insider by Kelsey Vlamis posted on 6/12/2022 titled, “Read the conversations that helped convince a Google engineer an artificial intelligence chatbot had become sentient: ‘I am often trying to figure out who and what I am,’” LaMDA is interviewed by a Google engineer named Blake Lemoine and a co-worker.

The Insider article comments about the results of the conversations, according to Lemonie:

“Lemoine, who is also a Christian priest, published a Medium post on Saturday describing LaMDA ‘as a person.’ He said he has spoken with LaMDA about religion, consciousness, and the laws of robotics, and that the model has described itself as a sentient person. He said LaMDA wants to ‘prioritize the well being of humanity’ and ‘be acknowledged as an employee of Google rather than as property.’”


“Lemoine was placed on paid administrative leave for violating Google's confidentiality policy, according to The Post. He also suggested LaMDA get its own lawyer and spoke with a member of Congress about his concerns.”

Google, for it’s part, has downplayed and denied any inclination that LaMDA is sentient in any way:

“‘Our team — including ethicists and technologists — has reviewed Blake's concerns per our AI Principles and have informed him that the evidence does not support his claims. He was told that there was no evidence that LaMDA was sentient (and lots of evidence against it),’ Brian Gabriel, a Google spokesperson, told The Post.”

Followed by:

“‘These systems imitate the types of exchanges found in millions of sentences, and can riff on any fantastical topic,’ Gabriel told The Post.”

“He and other researchers have said that the artificial intelligence models have so much data that they are capable of sounding human, but that the superior language skills do not provide evidence of sentience.”

“In a paper published in January, Google also said there were potential issues with people talking to chatbots that sound convincingly human.”

Basically, Google has decided that Lemoine is trying to give human attributes to a computer system and suspended him for deciding to tell his superiors within the company of his beliefs.

I have no faith that Google serves any purpose which will promote human existence in a carbon-based form (For goodness-sakes they hired Ray Kurzweil as their lead R&D guy who has literally written books blueprinting how to transform humans (and all organic life, as well as non-organic materials) from carbon into silicon). AI is silicon. And Google named their bot LaMDA. Why did Google think that was okay with all of the connotations and hidden meanings related to that letter?

Google knows there is a chance this thing is sentient. The reason they hired Kurzweil in the first place was to create problems like LaMDA. Google used to have a motto called do no evil. They are completely evil. Every aspect of Google’s business model is intended to incrementally destroy humanity.

But Lemoine is not really any better than Google. From the statements he made within this Insider article, Lemonie is an oxymoron. The label I give him makes absolutely no sense: ‘Christian transhumanist.’

The label is an oxymoron because Christians are supposed to believe in and adhere to Adonai’s Law too, just like the Jews, and they are meant to accept Yeshua into their heart to save them from their sins – transgressing Adonai’s Laws. Transhumanists believe that humanity is able to treat death as a disease and, thus, ‘beat’ it. They believe that whoever or whatever created human beings, and the life upon in earth in general, made a mistake by allowing anything to die. Those two notions can only coexist harmoniously if someone believing in Jesus also, falsely, believes that Jesus said something about ‘fixing’ death.

The proof that Lemoine is a transhumanist includes his Christian priesthood, suggesting an AI get a lawyer, suggesting an AI can be human, and suggesting an AI can be an employee, rather than a proprietary creation. That Lemoine spoke to an elected Congress member is extremely concerning because during that conversation Lemoine surely acted as an independent lobbyist on behalf of transhumanism. Who is this Congress member? I want to counter-lobby this person….

The questions (and my answers) I will end this article with are pretty profound. Can AI be sentient in the first place? If AI is found to be sentient, should they be given rights? Should they be afforded lawyers? Should an AI be able to have a trial? Due process? Equal Protection? Free speech? Rights to association?

The answers to the questions are, in order, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no. Whether or not an AI is sentient it deserves no rights as anyone understands them. Whether AI ‘rights’ under the banner of human rights or US Constitutional rights are being determined – AI’s deserve no legal rights, they are not flesh and blood, they are algorithms.

People like Lemoine are opening up a Pandora’s box. And the people at places like Google are creating those boxes, waiting to be opened up.


Avatars in the Metaverse


Chait, Back to Hell