Chait, Back to Hell

Jonathan Chait and the Intelligencer Can Crawl Back Into the Pits of Hell

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/10/2022

Republicans Respond to January 6 Hearings by Defending Trump No remorse, no accountability.

That is the name of the rabidly murderous article Jonathan Chait published in the Intelligencer on 6/10/2022, the day after the equally murderous Jan 6 made-for-TV-special cobbled together by Neo-Bolsheviks in the US House of Representatives.

I will reprint this entire article and make this retard wish he would have checked his facts. I am absolutely calling you a retard, Jonathan Chait, because either you are retarded, or you are completely evil, and I’d rather people believe you to be retarded, not evil, despite my leanings towards the latter.

The opening paragraph of the lie Chait attempts to weave reads:

“The opening session of the January 6 hearings was narrowly tailored to the tastes of the theoretically persuadable Trump supporter. The argument laid out by the committee did not question the long-standing conservative obsession with pervasive voter fraud that underpinned Donald Trump’s refusal to accept the results. Chairman Bennie Thompson even conceded his right to launch a series of absurd legal challenges to the results. Instead it focused narrowly on the element of Trump’s autogolpe that is most difficult for the right to swallow: his last-gasp bid to use a violent mob to pressure Mike Pence and Congress to overturn the results.”

Autogolpe, a word I’ve never encountered until now, refers to “a military coup initiated or abetted by a country's elected leader, especially in order to establish absolute control of the state.” Now that the vocabulary has been defined, every sentence in the opening paragraph is a lie.

There was pervasive voter fraud – watch 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Sousa. 2000 Mules is only a portion of the proof of the 2020 vote being manipulated. Most of America, even Biden voters, couldn’t figure out how Biden won an election where his rallys gathered 10’s while Trump’s gathered 10’s of thousands. 2000 Mules provides an answer.

Trump never pushed for violence towards anyone. Chait, nor anyone else, has presented any evidence, let alone proof, of Trump calling for violence.

The protesters were there to demand the integrity of the vote and those demands were overshadowed by a false flag perpetrated by democrat operatives. There are still questions about the integrity of the vote, and those questions are continuously downplayed and overlooked because of the ‘violence’ perpetrated by Trump supporters on January 6.

“The committee’s implicit request was that conservative Republicans who may have voted for Trump at least denounce the most heinous final stage of his coup, when the president was refusing to call in any defense of the besieged Capitol and telling his aides that Mike Pence deserved to be lynched. Their response arrived in real time: They do not believe Trump or his minions should be held accountable.”

In a classic Hitlerian-like type of double-speak, Chait makes the claim that those who voted for Trump denounce his ‘coup’ attempt. Trump did not commit a coup, that America-hating dementia patient Joe Biden and the party behind his did.

Those who missed the call for additional security were the mayor of Washington DC and Nancy Pelosi who diverted officers away from the Capitol and refused to allow additional officers to provide security.

Some of the protesters at January 6 reportedly chanted ‘hang Mike Pence’ which has been attributed, by Chait, to Trump himself. Trump himself, urged Pence to investigate the votes by auditing the votes. Pence did not, and for that, Pence is a traitor and he deserves to be tried for his treason.

It was not the Trump supporters who did anything wrong – it was the agents of the FBI. It was the likes of the Q followers. It was the likes of that human pile of garbage Ray Epps. If one-million-plus people wanted to enter the capitol, they would have, but they did not. The entire event was a false flag, Chait knows it, but writes his garbage in order to appease his masters – the Biden administration – and the democrat party operatives running this show.

“Fox News, of course, gave the hearings a giant middle finger. It shunted the hearings onto Fox Business and its streaming service, instead using its platform to give Tucker Carlson a commercial-free hour to spew various conspiracy theories. Carlson repeated his debunked false-flag charges, questioned the results of the election, and respectfully hosted flamboyant racist Darren Beattie, who had spent January 6 directing various Black people on Twitter to take a knee to Trump and learn their ‘proper role in our society.’”

Little Jonathan Chait wants to chastise Fox News in general, which is little better than CNN or MSNBC. Instead they focused on Tucker Carlson who is just about the only personality worth watching on Fox News because he is the only one who is able to speak to the truth on the channel. So, Chait, as is typical of brain dead leftists, decided to claim Carlson was making conspiracy claims without offering any proof. The issues Chait claimed were Carlson’s conspiracy theories involved false-flag allegations which have not been debunked, the 2020 election’s integrity which has been proven to have no integrity, and Darren Beattie’s alleged racist intent.

The references this retard, Jonathan, cites about Darren Beattie’s racism never mention Donald Trump. They all mention the MAGA agenda – Make America Great Again. The four quotes from Darren J. Beattie’s tweets read:

“Tim Scott needs to learn his place and take a KNEE to MAGA.”

“BLM needs to take a knee to MAGA they must learn their place. “

“Ibram Kendi needs to learn his place and take a knee to MAGA Learn his proper role in our society.”

“Kay Cole of Heritage Foundation needs to learn her natural place and take a KNEE to MAGA.”

Darren J Beattie was absolutely correct is his assessments. All of these people needed to take a knee to the MAGA agenda. None of them embraced America in the first place, nor sought to make it great after the years of abuse it took from the likes of George Bush, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and Barrack Hussein Obama, as well as others. Darren J. Bettie made no racist comment, these individuals, regardless of their skin pigmentation, needed to, and still need to, understand what their role in our Constitutional Republic actually is. Of course I will get labeled a racist for this idea, too. But it’s not racist, as the same could be said about (and is said about) Lindsey Graham, Adam Kinzinger, and Nancy Pelosi. It has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with ideas. Those ideas are what has and will allow America to persevere the trying and perilous times we are in.

“Most of the party messaging apparatus simply dismissed the hearings as dull. The Federalist termed them a ‘show trial,’ using an elaborate comparison to the Stalin-era proceedings in which officials were tortured into supplying ludicrously false confessions.”

The Federalist summed this whole staged event up very well. The political prisoners the democrat party are holding ARE being tortured to concoct a story the US Government wants to hear. God bless the vast majority of them for holding fast to the TRUTH. That ‘most of the party apparatus dismissed the hearings as dull’ signals to those in the Republican party that there is no more party to adhere to at all, at worst, or that those in the party do not have our backs, at best. The analysis given by Chait is not a unifying message. It is one which hopes to create splinter parties borne of the ashes of the Republican party, some of which will actually be racist, despotic, totalitarian, a mix of several, or even all three. That is the democrat game plan – conquer and divide. Be aware of their plan and respond accordingly.

“The anti-anti-Trump right supplied somewhat more revealing reactions. Anti-anti-Trumpists represent the Republican Party’s power center. They consider Trump a poor communicator and strategist and a liability for the party, and they want him to go away while leaving in place the coalition he built to be used by more effective leaders. The role of the anti-anti-Trump right is to give Trump supporters a rationale without making a direct defense of his actions. Faced with using this method to wave away his least defensible behavior, they engaged in their most comic exertions.”

The least defensible behavior Trump engaged in was inspired by idiots, doctors, monsters, eugenicists, transhumanists, public health officials and people identical to Jonathan Chait – Warp Speed. The roll-out of Warp Speed contributed, and is still contributing, to massive numbers of dead, maimed, sterilized, and sick people. That’s Trump’s profound flaw.

The anti-anti-Trump idiots are in complete limbo and represent a party of their own, riding on a short-bus, straight to the gates of Hell with passengers of various democrat party affiliation and Jonathan Chait himself. If the likes of Liz Cheney think Trump supporters will vote for her, I hope her hopes are shattered. If Mike Pence ran for dog catcher in my town I would vote against him. Anything with the last name of McCain, or any of the names mentioned prior, running on any ticket for any office – I will vote against them forever, even if their opponents name was Zedong, Hitler, Lenin, or Chavez, but it’s very possible in those cases I write in a name; probably my own. Any of the people mentioned in this paragraph would be equivalent to having to vote for Ted Bundy or Ted Kaczynski – either way the nation would die along with all of those in it. I am equating the monsters calling themselves politicians, named above, with serial killers, because that is exactly what they are.

"Kevin Williamson at National Review what-abouted away the problem by insisting Democrats had committed all the same crimes. ‘Democrats spent the summer of 2020 legitimizing ‘mostly peaceful’ riots, arson, and murder during the George Floyd riots,’ he wrote, neglecting to cite any examples of Democrats endorsing violent riots, and also neglecting to mention the many examples of Democrats explicitly denouncing them. ‘The main organizing idea of Democratic politics from 2016 to 2020,’ Williamson continued, “was that the 2016 election was somehow stolen from Hillary Rodham Clinton, who insisted that Donald Trump was an ‘illegitimate’ president.’”

I remember watching Minneapolis burn down. I lived in the area at the time the riots occurred. At 7 am the following day, the black smoke of the ‘peaceful’ riots could be seen over 20 miles away in Shakopee, MN – I know this because I saw it. democrats committed all the same crimes the Jan. 6 ‘insurrectionists’ did with the added aspect of intentionally, and the added crimes of assault, arson, and murder. There really is not comparison between Jan. 6 and the 2020 riots. The idea that Chait is trying to admonish the legitimate Jan. 6 protest and exonerate the travesty of the 2020 riots is laughable. What Chait is driving towards, again, is division.

“Williamson again offered zero examples to support this claim, and ignored the enormous evidence to the contrary — from Clinton conceding the morning after the election to Barack Obama meeting with Trump and assisting in the transition. The lack of evidence reveals more than the extraordinary claim itself. For the National Review audience, these untruths are self-evident.”

Clinton never really stopped demanding the 2016 election be seen as illegitimate. So, while the mass murdering heroine of Arkancides submitted, she really didn’t. Killary turned towards her adoring fans in the media and persistently attempted to undermine the Trump Administration. She accomplished this well.

Barack Hussein Obama never really wanted to give up the Presidency – he wanted to rule for as long as he could. He left Trump a letter, the only documented thing that exists, albeit from CNN, of the Obama Administration to the Trump Adminstration transition:

“Dear Mr. President -

“Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.

“This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don't know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.

“First, we've both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It's up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that's willing to work hard.

“Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It's up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that's expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.

“Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions -- like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties -- that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it's up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.

“And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They'll get you through the inevitable rough patches.

“Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.

“Good luck and Godspeed,


‘BO’ here, the Kenyan homosexual, did absolutely everything he conceivably could to destroy America during his eight years in office. Obama was blessed by Satan, Trump was blessed by – the jury is still out. American leadership is for AMERICAN citizens. That Obama called America the sustaining factor of the international order is disgusting, but telling as to where Obama’s allegiances lie. Obama routinely violated the rule of law (drone murders), separation of powers (AMA and gay marriage), equal protection (Colorado going after cake bakers disproves this one), and civil liberties (murdering people with drones, again). His letter was nothing to Trump except an invitation for Trump to invite a foreigner, once more, into the White House, for ‘advice.’

Immediately after Obama’s departure from the presidency, he moved to an estate in Washington DC, not back to Chicago, IL where he is from. And, now, Obama has likely regained control of the White House through his deranged surrogate, Joe Biden. Neither Clinton nor Obama did anything to assist Trump’s Presidency – evinced especially by leaving their USA-hating, destructive, and duplicitous stay behind networks in place to sabotage Trump’s term. If Chait doesn’t want to do the research into this issue that is fine; however, he is not being truthful here either.

Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel fixated on the committee’s refusal to seat Republicans who were themselves the subjects of the investigation as accomplices. She likened it to a trial without a defense attorney:”

What follows in Jonathan’s article is a twitter exchange:

“Strassel: Actually, not obvious. That's the point. In a normal committee, and in our adversarial system, there'd be minority counsel at those depositions who pushed back, who assured what was presented contained context/the full story. I'm just pointing out the problem.

“Stephen Hayes: The obvious answer: They don't need to. They can trust the sworn testimony of top Trump administration officials and realtime audio and video of the attacks.

“Strassel: It's the equivalent of saying a jury doesn't need to hear anything from a defense attorney, so long as they have the sworn testimony of the arresting officer. Most people wouldn't feel very comfortable with that, even if the officer made for a credible witness.”

Strassel has been identified. While she is a blue check mark on Twitter, so is this Hayes character. He has started his own media outlet, The Dispatch, which is merely another idiotic voice screaming to be obeyed among all of the others doing the same thing, demanding compliance to the ‘official’ narrative. This heap of human garbage has written multiple articles pushing the House of Representatives’ version of the events which occurred on January 6. Stephen Hayes is listed as a journalist; however, he is not. Stephen Hayes is a money laundering liar who receives dirty money to write dirty stories based on the narrative he is directed to write about, and to embellish that narrative’s fantasies, which the entire hoax relies upon.

“Of course, the hearings were not a trial. They were hearings. The 9/11 hearings did not include any representatives of Al Qaeda. Strassel would no doubt reject the notion that there is any comparison between 9/11 and 1/6, but this is just the point. Her premise is that the insurrection should not be treated as an attack on the system but as a dispute between two parties within it.”

I’m sure that Chait has never paid any attention to what the First Amendment says. We the People of the United States of America have the right to seek redress of grievances and to peacefully assemble. That is what January 6 was all about. Peaceful assembly was what all of the organizers, including Donald Trump (who organized nothing) were striving for in order to demand an audit of the 2020 election. That audit never occurred, but it still should even though it cannot actually be remedied at the present time.

What happened at January 6 was peaceful until certain ‘assets’ led by FBI agents decided to start being violent. Had the million plus crowd been there for violence, there would have been no more capitol police force, no more capitol building, no more legislatures, and the United States would have suffered a violent coup which would have been a problem. The violent aspects during January 6 were orchestrated and perpetrated by elements within our own government. Chait cannot accept those facts, so he makes up his own based upon the narratives created by the same entities committing the false flag in the first place.

“Perhaps the most fascinating response came from National Review’s Dan McLaughlin. ‘At the end of the day,’ he wrote, ‘either you want Donald Trump to be the main character in American politics, or you want to marginalize him and promote a post-Trump politics. Those of us on the right who want the latter must crawl over the determined resistance of virtually every Democrat.’”

Those that McLaughlin is addressing may as well run as democrat candidates. These types of anti-Trump ‘republicans’ have no use for a strong, successful, ‘great’ America. They are not rejecting Trump so much as they are rejecting his ideas – basically Making America Great Again. Those who are anti-Trump are really anti-sovereignty globalists who desire a one world everything where they have no more need to make decisions for themselves. They will never admit any of that to anyone because they do not see where their decisions today will lead to in the next several years.

“Here we see many of the beliefs that have propelled the anti-anti-Trumpists through the current era. The anti-anti-Trump right sees itself as the sensible middle ground between the equivalent extremes of promoting Trump and holding him accountable. They might like Trump to go away, but any accountability mechanism is going to shatter his coalition. They wish to keep it together, which (alas) includes the racists, the fascists, and its swelling paramilitary wing.”

I saw a million US citizens of all walks of life who love this country and asked for fairness and justice. Instead I saw a bunch of anarchists and Trump-supporting impostors directing people to break the law. Cahit thinks that any Trump supporter must fall into one of the categories he lists. With that kind of polarization, Chait very well get what he is seeking, a civil war. He apparently has no recollection of Antifa and BLM terrorizing people in the streets throughout 2020. Everyone was told to stay home, stop working, lose your business, while these two groups ran around committing arson, violent assaults, and murder. Chait apparently sees no issues arising from the facts that many of the perpetrators of these crimes were released from jail within hours or days after committing their offense(s). Chait has forgotten that Kamala Harris dedicated some of her time, while campaigning, to raise money for bail to get these violent criminals out of prison.

I’m pretty fed up with Chait and anyone else who has decided to continuously attempt to further divide our nation to get us infighting by using language like racist, fascist, and paramilitary. It must pay well; however, because his paychecks come from people who hate freedom and hate the United States in general. The kind of loaded language Chait used in this paragraph shows that he thinks any republican voter is an ism of some form or another. And while this two-faced idiot pops off at the mouth, he failed to realize that Nazi Germany used the exact same dehumanizing propaganda in their efforts to round up and exterminate Jews, Gypsies, and the feeble by the millions. Wouldn't that make Chait the fascist here – I believe it would.

“McLaughlin’s personal choice to inherit leadership of this coalition, Ron DeSantis, has insinuated January 6 was an inside job and still has refused to say whether Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. You can see why it is so imperative to him that the subject go away.”

I’d have to say that January 6 was an inside job, just like 9/11. I’d also have to say I don’t know if Biden won the election; however, I am highly certain that it is very improbable that Biden won. The recourse, at this time, will not allow President Trump to be seated. The recourse is to figure out how this fraud was perpetrated, who perpetrated it, hold the perpetrators accountable, and prevent it from ever occurring again. Chait wants nothing to do with that idea though. Chait hates accountability and doesn’t care how Biden ‘won.’ All he cares about is the pejorative labels he can place upon any conservative, Christian, or republican voter in order to try to further marginalize and dehumanize those groups. Chait is the product of a life which has no objective truth within it. When combined with the lure of money for writing whatever lies he’s told to write, a completely irrational, partisan, and fallacy-riddled ‘thinking’ process, and a willingess to overlook or outright dismiss anything not fitting into his narrative Chait makes it very easy for someone like me to call someone like him a retard. Although, at this point I think he may be more evil than just slow.

“Trump, for his part, is unchastened. ‘January 6 was not simply a protest,’ he exclaimed last night, ‘it represented the greatest movement in the history of our country to Make America Great Again.’ January 6 was not the death of his movement but its beginning, and the party is going along with him.”

Who doesn’t want the country to be strong, economically vibrant, and internationally respected? Jonathan Chait comes to mind. Joy Behar, Oprah Winfrey, Wolf Blitzer, Jim Kramer, Anderson Cooper, Rachael Maddow, the Young Turks, and many others also come to mind. If these people don’t like the policies of the Trump administration then they should have debated the policies instead of labeling anyone supporting Trump as a neo-Nazi deserving to be assaulted or murdered for their ‘wrong’ ideas. Until these people stop doing that, I will persist in my calling these types of people retards and idiots, scumbags, idiots, and evil entities.

I want to see America be Great Again. I want to be prosperous. I want my neighbors to be prosperous. I want to make my own decisions of how best I can survive in this world. These monstrous entities do not see any issues with committing crimes and lying to get their way. All January 6 represented was a show of people stating they all felt the same way as I do – they want a strong prosperous America, too.

That Chait wants the United States to be made weak, dependent, and engage in a civil war is apparent from the words he wrote. Well, and I am not alone here, we are sick of it and will do everything within our power avoid the civil war Chait is calling for by continuing to peacefully assemble, write, disagree, and resist the authoritarian dictates these types of people are trying to force upon the United States populace. The one thing people like Chait hate most is someone like me saying ‘No.’ Learn how to say no. Saying no is the first, and most powerful, step to wipe the smug, murderous grins off of the faces of people like Chait.




Ali Alexander