Twitter, May I Introduce You To The Future of Work?

Twitter, May I Introduce You To The Future of Work?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/15/2023

I’m not a really big advocate of Twitter. I wrote the words, “@charliekirk11 @AOC She’s a Nazi loving crack whore.” on April 23, 2019. She refers to that prostitute in a business suit Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. I won’t apologize and I have an even worse opinion of her now than I did then so I’ve been banned from Twitter for over 4 years. I was hopeful the account we be restored when Elon Musk took Twitter over, but I was wrong. I guess absolute (as in Musk being a free speech absolutist claimant) means something different to the billionaire class than it does to the working class. My personal Twitter issues aside, Elon Musk just named a new CEO of Twitter who will ensure free speech is once more non-existent on the platform. If Elon Musk is a free speech absolutist, Linda Yaccarino, Twitter’s new CEO, will find Stalin’s Article 58’s too lenient.

I say that with confidence because apart from her illustrious career at NBCUniversal she is also in her fifth year with the World Economic Forum (WEF). She is not a contributor or an expert speaker – she plays an integral role in the anti-human organization. She plays the role where the WEF meets working class jobs. The WEF wants to make sure technology takes those jobs from human beings. This is her role at the WEF as the Chairman of the WEF’s Taskforce on The Future of Work. We will take a peek at what the WEF, and through Yaccarino, Twitter, thinks the future of work should be. Before that – I want to briefly note some of the other organizations her Linkedin page lists he being involved with.

She has been at the Ad Council since 2014 where she pimped the death jab and the anti-Pope. The Ad Council’s website is laid out eerily like the WEF’s website and reads like the UN’s SDGs with smaller in scope targets. She worked under Donald Trump between 2018 and 2021 in the Department of Health and Human Services as the President’s Council on Sports Fitness and Nutrition (her degree from Penn State is in liberal arts – telecommunications). She is an emeritus member of Young Audiences of New York which features at least one occultist directing children in doing art. Yaccarino wears her nazi-wave feminism badge as a board member at the extremely sexist Female Quotient – a WEF-loving NGO fully invested in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI – Destroy Every Individual; especially the individuals in the womb). I could have skipped doing this bit of research but it paints a more robust picture of how stupid and anti-human Twitter is about to become.

But, back to the main point, if you go to the WEF’s website and search ‘The Future of Work’ about 900 articles will pop up. Being as though Yaccarino is the Chairman of this particular search term, the title’s of some of these articles should astound the reader. The premier article is from May 11 and is titled “AI will help us lead more human-centric lives. Here’s why.” Well, of course it will – we will all show ourselves to be very human and very susceptible to death through neglect, starvation, idleness and violence due to want.

The skidmark that wrote this anti-human love letter of an article has decided that there is no way that humanity will not embrace AI – it’s a foregone conclusion in his opinion. As such, we must embrace AI with curiosity and creativity – two aspects of life AI is not able to replicate as if it is human yet. Here is a snippet of the article so you can understand how disgusting the WEF really is, “People that showcase human ingenuity and the power of creativity in their use of AI have the opportunity to make their jobs and lives more interesting because they are automating parts that were very boring and very repetitive, finding it’s helping to make them more productive.” Can human beings be creative without AI? Not according to this. And then he doubles down on how we should all think. He screams that AI is not the enemy in a huge font and follows it with:

“It's important we don’t see AI, or any other emerging tech, including virtual and augmented reality, as a threat. There are many tasks across a multitude of jobs, including creative jobs, that are very repetitive, and we should relish the opportunity to outsource these – free up their time for more creative and intellectually sophisticated endeavors. After all, necessity is the mother of invention, and the record-breaking adoption levels of ChatGPT clearly highlight the human appetite for automating not just trivial, but also creative and intellectual tasks.”

Lets parse this paragraph with some working-class common sense. First, he demands we willingly comply with AI’s roll out and the changes it presents to our lives. Many jobs are droll and boring according to the WEF and those jobs should be gotten rid of he tells us. And he tries to shore up his position because of how many knuckle-dragging suckers have already decided ChatGPT is the answer for everything. In between the lines the article demands we pursue creative and intellectual tasks which, if we were recognized for, we would already be involved with and earning paychecks from that work. I’d say 100 million of us are not employed for our talents dribbling a basketball, whoring ourselves on the silver screen, writing books or screenplays, or working as five-star chefs. But don’t worry – even those who excel in those positions will be replaced by AI. Go to sleep and don’t worry about losing your job, your financial independence, and all of your God-given rights. Don’t worry that monetizing the most important aspects of being a human to the bloodthirsty sociopaths at the WEF, “empathy, kindness and creativity” is impossible when everyone else is doing exactly the same thing.

It’s like that Black Mirror episode where guy meets girl, guy falls for girl, he gets the girl the audition for the TV show, and they decide she would be better off entertaining people in pornographic videos than singing. Being forced to watch her violated repeatedly, the guy gets angry and motivated, gathers up the credits needed for his own audition, threatens to disembowel the talent selecting panel, and ends up with his own radio show as controlled opposition. It’s called “Fifteen Million Merits” and depicts a completely dystopic world featuring total human enslavement, coffin apartments, using humans riding stationary bikes to generate electrical power, and forced consumption of ‘information’ through screens. The WEF and their future of work, in this article, is that Black Mirror episode – if you want to see how the WEF would like the working-class to live, take a peek at it.

On May 3, 2023 the WEF published another edition of the same demands they have been calling for, for quite a while now. “This is why organizations should adopt a skills-first approach” promises that there is a high probability our jobs will be drastically changed, advanced degrees will increasingly be viewed as irrelevant to employment, and Singapore was selected as the model for how the entire world should approach skills development – government subsidized, constant and continual, and always fomented by discarding all belief in anything save the skills obtained or being sought. Part of the reason the WEF published the article was to demand equity in the workforce. Another was to recirculate their own statistics and publications, “The Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023 finds that by 2027, there will be a decline of 44 million jobs in fields including operations and administrative work. And, by contrast, more than 30 million jobs will be created in areas including the green transition, AI and education.” The article is saying those with degrees wasted their time, money, and efforts; those with blue collar jobs and administration positions will not have jobs unless they completely re-skill themselves; and the jobs which will exist will be to destroy reliable power, create silicon-based ‘life’, and to educate people that having no electrical power is a virtue, non-carbon life forms are preferable to those God created, and humans are nothing but commodities to be used by the AI and humans who have decided they are gods themselves.

Other articles propound the virtues of Arabs taking jobs because of their willingness to ask how high when the WEF tells their employers to make them jump. Why DEI is not enough and women should be in charge is the topic of another. Demanding that racial quotas be strictly enforced across the labor force of employers is the thesis of “Advancing racial equity needs more than good intentions.” The WEF’s Future of Work Report May 2023 edition is a fascinating 296 page read which I have not read. I don’t know if I could stomach reading 296 pages about racial quotas; the virtues of anti-human ethical considerations for reprobates; the denunciation and forced obsolescence of anyone with white skin, born with and still having a penis, *gasp* or seeking God; and the repetitious demands throughout that it is imperative all of us serfs learn the ways of the ‘new normal’ in the workforce – adopting to, through coercion, massive amounts of automation (appears 33 times) and artificial intelligence (67 times – ‘AI’ appears hundreds of times).

The WEF doesn’t celebrate her efforts to destroy our lives by destroying our ability to earn a living nearly enough. She is quoted in a Chinese-infested article titled “Media Consolidation” under the heading of “The Future of Media: A New Framework for Valuing Content.” The titles should alarm all of us, and, thus, so should Yaccarino’s submission: “There's a growing subscription fatigue among consumers, who are spending too much money each month, for too many services. In this environment, streaming services will have to distinguish themselves by putting their consumers first. Audiences want great content and the best viewing experience at a price everyone can afford – free.” As we have seen, in media, particularly social media platforms, the trade-off for ‘free’ is surveilled, censored, deleted, and deplatformed. You follow the narrative, peasants, or be silenced and maybe even fined and arrested. But, let’s couple Yaccarino’s quote with the six steps towards the future of media envisaged by the WEF and Yaccarino.

Consolidate, manipulate, surveil and target, pick winners and losers, create echo chambers, pass legislation like the RESTRICT Act and lock up the ‘bad actors. Those bad actors are Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones according to Yaccarino’s vision drafted by the WEF. That bad actor label will be applied to everyone and anyone who sticks their toe over the line of narrative and crosses into truth. The WEF wants to send anyone who has questions or disagreements with their ideas, no matter the merit of those concerns, to a physical gulag.

This is a bit of a side-track but Ron DeSantis recently signed a bill into law in Florida. There are a lot of problems with the idea of a Ron DeSantis presidency, such as his friendship with the Bush family and his connections with the WEF, but this bill sealed the deal for me – I’ll never support Ron DeSantis for anything because he has decided to enter the war against free speech on the side of the WEF and Yaccarino.

DeSantis destroyed any semblance of free speech in Florida. If you say something of an even remotely philosophical nature and it bothers someone, the speaker is subject to a third-degree felony. This applies online, in person, and in print. Hey, that ‘turbin looks stupid’, ‘can I play frisbee with your hat’, ‘why are you wearing a bathrobe in the streets?’ or even simply stating, ‘God is great’ could all land a person in prison for 5 years and saddled with a $5,000 fine. Read the pertinent section of HB 269, which goes into effect on October 1, 2023, for yourself:

“(9) is added to that section, to read: 784.048 Stalking; definitions; penalties.— (9) A person who willfully follows, harasses, or interferes with another person's quiet enjoyment based on the person's wearing of religious-based garments or garments commonly associated with a particular religious or ethnic group or any other indicia of any religious or ethnic heritage commits the offense of aggravated stalking, a

felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A violation of this subsection shall be considered a hate crime for purposes of the reporting requirements of s. 70 877.19.”

DeSantis went to Israel to sign the bill. Israel recently tried to pass legislation to ban any discussion of Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach). “"Recently, the attempts of missionary groups, mainly Christians, to solicit conversion of religion have increased," the English translation of the bill states. "At times these attempts do not involve monetary promises or material gains and are therefore not illegal according to the current law, but the many negative repercussions, including psychological damages, warrant the intervention of the legislature,"” reads an article from the Christian Post quoting the legislation. Israel’s Prime Minister has stated he will not sign the bill if it reaches him…. In the United States, God-hating people with Jewish blood in their bodies involve themselves with the ADL to get free speech banned while, in their homeland, Jesus Christ is the target of banned speech. Ron DeSantis should never be president of anything – especially the United States.

And the same is true of Linda Yaccarino. She should be a little nothing, not the CEO of Twitter. If you use Twitter – you have been warned. That list of objectives to fix the media the way the WEF wants it is exactly what Yaccarino stated she wants to create. Now that she is the CEO of Twitter she will be able to jump on down to objective 6 and really hammer those who she disagrees with. Jack Dorsey belongs in prison for massive electioneering and federally-sponsored censorship. Parag Agrawal belongs in prison for his censorship and should go to a Nuremberg Trial 2.0 for his efforts to silence alternative COVID-19 treatments as well as ‘vaccine’ promotion campaigns. Elon Musk is a liar. Recent news articles reminded me of a movie called Anti-Trust from 2001 and the media consolidation called NURV – Elon Musk calls his version of the same thing X. He said so himself on October 4, 2022 on Twitter - “Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app.”

Then there’s Linda Yaccarino reaching into a refrigerator. She’s pulling out a cold Bud Light for Dorsey, Agrawal, and Musk and telling them to hold that beer. She is going to strangle Twitter’s smaller competitors on purpose in order to eradicate free-speech online. Just like the DeSantis accomplished in real life in Florida. Just like the WEF wants. Speak the truth – go to prison. That is the message. We will either use what free-speech we have left to declare the truth – that God is real, Jesus Christ, His Son, died for our sins, and communicating with God through the Holy Spirit (praying) is integral – and to fight back against these developments or we will all, eventually, end up in the gulag the WEF and their friends have created for us. Beware Twitter user, it’s new CEO wants to silence your speech so the WEF can blow your head off.

Bless God and God bless.


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