Lockdown 2.0, It’s Only a Matter of Time

Lockdown 2.0, It’s Only a Matter of Time

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/3/2022

On July 1, 2022 US News published an article telling 33% of Americans should be wearing masks and an additional 36% should consider following suit according to the Center for Disease Control. The reason for this is because of ‘new variants’ of omicron. In typical fashion, the article, relying on bogus data, continues on by justifying the CDC’s fraudulent demands because of statistical ‘evidence’ of new cases. They finish the article off with the newly concocted – NEVER tested – FDA ‘approved’ changes to COVID-19 booster shots. They are murdering us.

ABC News published an article on July 2, 2022 about France bringing masks back. The French, in their utter stupidity, have suggested that people resume wearing masks voluntarily. Not a single interview included in this article has anyone who unequivocally and categorically saying no. The article repeatedly lauds the French for their current tactic of COVID-19 mitigation efforts and makes sure to explain multiple times the current suggestions do not include restriction which will effect the economy.

ABC did include in their article how much this whole thing has been, and still is, about control:

“French government spokesperson Olivia Gregoire has said there are no plans to reintroduce national regulations that limit or set conditions for gathering indoors and other activities.

“‘The French people are sick of restrictions,’ she said Wednesday on channel BFMTV. ‘We are confident that people will behave responsibly.’”

Olivia is earning her paycheck by bold-faced lying about plans to reimpose lockdowns. She is also literally stating that the French subjects have been so abused by their government that they will just fall into line at the governments suggestion.

Okay, so masks aren’t lockdowns. My point is to show the amount of sheer stupidity which has gripped the general masses. When the lockdowns do return, and they will, these same, compliant, people will ruin any chance to get out from under them. Three will be too many compliant idiots who go along to end the lockdown. And it may not even be due to COVID-19 the next time.

They could use some other disease. Monkeypox, a disease being spread through the disgusting celebrations of sexual deviancy in the streets across the entire Western world, is currently being spread through homosexual activity. COVID-19 mitigation efforts will not work to prevent the spread, yet no one wants to stop the huge homo celebrations which are spreading this. In the US, there are 95 cases in California, 90 in New York, 53 in Illinois, and 51 in Florida, making up about 63% of cases in the United States according to the CDC. I doubt humanity’s murderers would even attempt to use this to enforce lockdowns, but they are pretty audacious, so we will just have to wait and see.

The World Health Organization has a huge list of ‘health’ topics which they monitor. Ageism, for instance, will soon become a crime if the WHO is able to control worldwide ‘pandemic’ responses. The recent overturning of Roe v Wade could be meddled in by the WHO:

“WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Making health for all a reality, and moving towards the progressive realization of human rights, requires that all individuals have access to quality health care, including comprehensive abortion care services – which includes information, management of abortion, and post-abortion care. Lack of access to safe, timely, affordable and respectful abortion care poses a risk to not only the physical, but also the mental and social, well-being of women and girls.”

Sorry, WHO, murdering babies, about half of which are female themselves, is not healthcare. It is murder. I quoted the WHO here to show the depravity the organization operates under. Reread the first sentence in the quote again. Then understand that these bastards will gain control over pandemic responses for the entire globe sooner or later. Then consider what else the WHO claims a relationship to because of their idiotic view of health.

They claim a purview over alcohol, cancer, climate change, digital health, environmental health, GMO foods, health equity, health finance, health taxes, heatwaves, human rights, infodemic, intellectual property and trade, international health regulations, noncommunicable diseases, One Health, primary health care, self-care intervention for health, sustainable development, and universal health care, among many others.

They are Communists, have no regard for individuals, and are literally owned by megalomaniacal blood-drinking psychopaths. At any point in time, once the WHO is able to unilaterally declare pandemics, demand all nations public-health facilities respond in lockstep to follow their guidelines, and punish any nation which attempts to dismiss those suggestions, they could use gun violence to target the United States. They could use the United States’ lack of universal healthcare, not using One Health, or declaring a global climate emergency.

Climate lockdown is what is coming next. If they are not initiated like Bordeaux, France did theirs – announcing that no one can go outside because it is too hot – it will be done in more lasting ways which don’t announce lockdowns, yet still have the same effect.

Shutting off drilling for oil, shutting down gas and oil pipelines, nullifying permits to drill will all destroy energy markets and make it too expensive to do anything.

Planned ‘accidents’ at food production facilities combined with FDA shutdowns of food production facilities, combined with high energy costs will raise food prices so high that people won’t be able to buy food anymore.

The promise of rolling blackouts looms over our heads. Animals dropping dead for no explainable reason is highly suspicious. The promise of eating bugs for protein and owning nothing and liking it also looms over our heads. Jobs which pay a wage in which a person can actually survive are becoming more and more scarce, especially if one refuses the death jabs which the FDA won’t shut down, despite hundreds of thousands being maimed or murdered by them (the ‘official’ number in the US alone is over 30,000 deaths). All of this has the same effect as lockdowns do.

When people actually start running out of things to eat, watch out, leaving your house to find food will wind you and your family up in a FEMA camp – very much like the coronavirus quarantine camps which have sprung up across the world. Those plans have not disappeared, most of the governments of the world could not withstand the public rage which would have occurred should they have attempted to effect their quarantine plan overtly. So they are doing it covertly. This is especially true in the United States, where we have an armed citizenry, and would massively resist forced resettlement operations. So, the plan shifted to forcing us to comply by economic decline while the ‘leaders’ in the United States target our communications by continuously expanding definitions of speech able to be prosecuted by ‘authorities’, ability to transport ourselves and others based on our own decisions, and our ability to possess firearms.

Finally, there is a midterm election coming up in the United States. If the globalist puppet Biden thinks he is going to do anything once the House is about 70% republican and the Senate is about 65% republican, he should go take another nap, because his intentions will only happen in his dreams. Instead, the puppet masters controlling Biden have the full intention to repeat the way they cheated on Insurrection Day – November 3, 2020. They will need some context to try to scare people to stay home, fill out a ballot, and mail it in without any kind of verification of legitimacy. Some states have cleaned this up somewhat. Other states, like Pennsylvania, have done nothing to mitigate this.

We will be outright locked down once more. The pretext for the soon-to-come outright lock downs will come from any one, or a combination, of sources. In the end we will be told that they will be for our own good – whether it is to avoid a disease, because of martial law spurred by nuclear war or global financial collapse, or to mitigate carbon dioxide production, mark my words, the lock downs will return in an overt manner. The voluntary return of masks, with or without a suggestion from an ‘authority’ is the indicator our globalist wardens will use to suggest when the right time is to push forward with their overt plans.

It’s in the Bible. Pick it up and learn.


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