How to Herd Cats?

How to Herd Cats?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/30/2022

Western societies, particularly the United States, are in a state of freefall. This has been caused by division through different issues, most notably, abortion, gun rights, gender confusion, immigration, and race. One side of these arguments walk pretty much in lockstep. The other side of these arguments have a wide variety of potential solutions.

Abortion is a human right, the ‘left’ claims and, thus, must be enshrined in law at the federal level. The ‘right’ says that it is baby murder and that the rights of the unborn are just as important as the rights of the mother, thus the laws reflect the idea in the states which are conservative on the issue. The slippery slopes which led to the demands for abortion on demand in the first place, cases of incest and rape, are permitted in some conservative states. In others there are provisions to protect the life of the mother. In others there are no exceptions. Some states are seeking to criminalize the actions of doctors, companies. and lawyers who assist and/or abet women getting abortions in other states, others have not done this.

The ‘liberal’ states, meanwhile, have actually started advertising their abortion-‘sanctuary’ status. There are some states, such as California, which has proposed legislation to allow infanticide, affecting, possibly, children up to a year old, depending on the definition California adopts for the term ‘perinatal.’ So there are some differences; however, abortions are permitted, and even encouraged in liberal states.

Gun laws vary widely between and within both liberal and conservative states. Many conservative states have adopted Constitutional carry laws, meaning when you buy a firearm, you can carry it in a lot of circumstances. In places like New York, they are trying to make it impossible to be armed in public, sometimes even when you are in your own home. The Supreme Court has struck down some of these restrictive measures; however, the state and city governments which have adopted a ‘common sense’ stance on gun ownership continue to look for ways to restrict gun ownership. The ‘leftists’ in the House of Representatives passed a bill restricting ‘military-style’ weapons from the American people.

The topic boils down to the ‘left,’ which wants no one to own a personal firearm for anything, and the ‘right’ who wants everyone to have some form of self-defense and sees firearm possession as a deterrent to crime in general as well as a check on government tyranny. What it really boils down to is responsibility – the ‘left’ doesn’t want the responsibility for themselves, so they outsource their safety to other people with guns (private security and/or police). The ‘left’ wants that for everyone. The ‘right’ on the other hand is willing to take responsibility for themselves and those around them.

Those on the ‘left’ are demanding rights for transgendered individuals along with the ability to speak to elementary school children about the topic. The ‘right’ sees transgenderism as an aberration and, generally, wants sex-education of any sort taken out of elementary schools. It is all about inclusion at the expense of freedom to assemble and freedom to associate. The ‘left’ is using this marginalized group to destroy the idea of assembly and association while the ‘right’ maintains they don’t have to be inclusive based on gender orientation.

Immigration is just fine as long as the immigrants want to be productive, more or less assimilated, individuals within the society’s they are coming to. Illegal immigration, on the other hand, affords no need for those arriving to assimilate nor to be productive. The ‘left’ sees illegal aliens as future voters for their party, and the ‘right’ (not all of them) sees them as cheap labor. The left gives billions of dollars to the illegal aliens through schooling, food and rent vouchers, gift cards, and other welfare benefits. Decision makers on the ‘right’ don’t stop those initiatives because of the cheap labor they represent and quietly support the incentives. Many of the supporters of conservative leaders continuously demand illegal immigration be stopped while liberals, in lockstep, see illegal immigration as a positive in all cases.

At the bottom of this issue is the question, does the United States have sovereignty? The ‘left’ will not openly admit their answer often in public, a resounding ‘NO!’ The ‘right’ answers a resounding ‘YES!’ and will do so publicly. On the ‘right’ there are many answers, build a wall, send everyone illegally in the country home including the DACA people, disincentivize illegal immigration, completely shut down all immigration are some of the ideas. The Left doesn’t see a problem and wants to carry on with the way immigration is currently being administered.

Race is an easily manipulated topic which the ‘left’ has, and is, using to divide and conquer. Black Lives Matter, for instance, will not tolerate the idea that All Lives Matter because they are black supremacists. Like the Klu Klux Klan, BLM have murdered those disagreeing with their brand of racism. The ‘right’ largely sees the issue of race as something that cannot change and not to be discriminated against. Of course there are white supremacists too and these people are generally aligned with the ‘right.’ When race supremacists get interviewed; however, they align very closely with the ‘left.’

This issue again revolves around the freedom of association. It goes further than association; however, and gets into a societal context where convincing people they are victims, having those ‘victims’ adopt a victim mentality, and allowing that victim mentality to excuse the ‘victim’s’ criminal actions (arson, rape, murder, assault, robbery…). The ‘left’ does not rule out employing violence to meet their social, political, and ideological goals. The ‘right’ generally thinks that these changes should come through self-reflection, ballot boxes, and referendums, not violence. Violence is only for self-defense.

The ‘left’ have created a situation of lawlessness. Adherents of the ‘left’ are to, at all times, follow the narrative presented by the ‘left.’ Disobedience means excommunication from the cult. There are some people on the right who try to establish the same cult mentality like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, both of whom are widely detested among conservatives.

The ‘left’ have created millions of people included in their hive mind. The ‘left’s’ hive mind is preserved through carrots and sticks – free money, networks of support, and overlooking criminal activities coupled with the threat of getting their money tree chopped down, exclusion from their networks, and being prosecuted for their crimes.

Of course the ‘right’ participates in this as well; however, on the ‘right’ there is a minority ascribing to the ‘right’s’ version of the hive mind. Instead; many on the ‘right’ are cats. It’s nearly impossible to herd cats. But, it must be done if there is any hope of preserving the United States.

Obviously, most conservatives understand what gun ownership represents and is the one topic which will unite all the cats. If (when, in my opinion) the (leftist) government comes after firearms, demanding we turn them all in, it will unite all of the conservative cats (as well as some liberals and independents) around the preservation of the right to keep and bear arms. I’d like to see that scenario avoided, so how do we unite prior to gun confiscation uniting us?

Conservatives can only agree that abortion should be avoided, not how to do it. Conservatives have taken a multitude of social stances against transgenderism becoming mainstream, but have not effectively fought back against legislative nor executive orders affirming transgenders as ‘normal.’ Conservatives have 30 different ways to solve illegal immigration issues, yet the stream of people steadily grows. Conservatives don’t generally care about what race people are, they look at the person’s character instead. Liberals, in lockstep, continue spinning out false narratives and creating ever more irretractable problems (increased lawlessness) while conservatives debate the way to solve the issues that liberals created yesterday.

So what topic, besides gun confiscation, can conservatives rally around? How do we herd cats. Jobs and economics get 10,000 different answers if 10,000 conservatives are asked. Religion isn’t going to do it – there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations in addition to the Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu, Scientology, Satanic, Humanist, New Age, and other belief systems. The military is not going to unite us. Taxes are not going to unite us. Even the Constitution itself will not unite us.

In my opinion all of these things should unite us, and in even bigger numbers than support of Donald Trump and the populist movement did. Men die, ideologies do not. The ‘left’ understands this which is why they have rigid ideological guidelines they have converted into their platform. The ‘right’ likes to figure it out through their own thought and their own belief. Thus, conservative unity is just like herding cats.

If conservatives cannot produce an effective ideological platform at a minimal level which includes Biblical understanding, that the Constitution means what it says, that laws are not enforced by men but by legitimate, constitutional laws as written and applicable to all, and that living in paradise upon this earth is impossible, but we can make the tough times as bearable as possible. Reducing taxes, shrinking government, and gun rights is a good start to a unifying platform, but it needs to be brought to a more basic level to attract all of the cats wandering around.

If we cannot find a way to herd cats, any conservative movement will be, at best, fractured. Being as though conservatives face a united liberal lynch mob, there is no chance to remedy the problems already faced in the United States. If the stakes were not so high, then it wouldn’t be so important to figure out how to herd cats, sans a Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. The left will not blink while they marginalize straight while males, gun owners, and people who believe in God and/or Jesus. They will not blink as they pervert the constitution and destroy the Bill of Rights (there isn’t much left which hasn’t been perverted or destroyed, honestly).

If we cannot herd cats, we will not prevail in any endeavor until Christ returns. If that is what God has planned, then so be it, but it doesn’t mean to just sit on our conservative hands waiting to be marginalized and culled.


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