Crawling Out of Dark Parts of Hell
What Dark Part of Hell Did These Dog Craps Crawl Out Of?
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/29/2022
I started the Center for the Preservation of Humanity because I want humanity to wake up to the real world and to turn to God. And, frankly, some people are so lost that there is no help for them. Honestly, something must have crawled straight out of Hell and just taken these ‘people’ over, turning them into piles of crap.
Sometimes I just scroll through the news stories on my browser. I am very disturbed by some of the headlines I read. The first disturbing headline I read today was something about Will Smith and Chris Rock and both of them are completely irrelevant to the point of being dangerous.
Slate published an article titled We’re Going to See Abortion Fugitives. Here’s How to Protect Them. No one should protect murders of unborn babies. If women are worried about being arrested when they return to states that respect life, then just pick up and move to the state you decided to murder your baby in. Slate; however, suggests varying abortion laws will result in another civil war, compares chattel slavery to baby murder, and makes an attempt to excuse those who murder their babies, and those who abet them, immune from extradition between the states. All of their arguments are couched in ‘human rights’ which is a boldfaced lie. This is all blamed on a conservative Supreme Court and conservative states. Weird that baby murdering piles of useless crap want to blame those who actually uphold the legitimate rights of ALL humans as being the ones in the wrong. No, Slate, you and your baby murdering gang do NOT have the moral high ground, you are piles of dog crap lying in the streets forcing us to clean up yet another mess you’ve made.
WebMD decided it is imperative for people to to know How to Find a Transgender-Friendly Therapist. The first line of this steaming pile reads, “Your gender identity isn’t a mental illness.” Well, I guess since WebMD is telling me it’s not, then I guess its not a mental illness to want to mutilate your genitals on purpose. The way society treats these former people could damage their mental health, though so, being able to find a therapist to work out their issues is important enough to need a medically reviewed article. Basically, the advice is go online and seek someone with the same gender dysphoria – I’m sure that will help them adjust to the way society sees them. Other suggestions are to get referrals from the LGBTQ+ community, ask therapists questions, keep searching until that special dysphoric therapist is found, find a cost-effective therapist, and a bunch of hot-lines to call. Wonderful, the dog crap comes in rainbow colors. published Strange 'alien' holes discovered on the ocean floor. There are little tiny holes on the floor of the sea. What made them? The title suggests aliens must have made them. The truth is no one knows how they got there. But these types of people will bend over backwards to get people to deny God and place their hopes and beliefs in aliens coming to save us. I think there was a dude named Marshall Applewhite who had this Heaven’s Gate cult a few decades ago that, if I recall, did not end well (everyone committed suicide because the aliens behind the Hale-Bopp comet were going to ‘save’ them). Maybe is trying to recreate that on an international scale, representing an interstellar pile of dog crap.
‘The entire protein universe’: AI predicts shape of nearly every known protein was published in Nature. Apparently, having an artificial intelligence with the ability to predict hundreds of millions of proteins and the way they are folded is paramount. AlphaFold is that artificial intelligence. It made 200 million predictions about the shapes of proteins, using up 23 terabytes of data storage. Researchers are very excited to start using the database of protein folds created by AlphaFold. They are also excited to make it cloud based and to expand upon it. Human beings relying on artificial intelligence to create drugs to use in human beings doesn’t sound like a very good idea to me. We don’t understand the process the artificial intelligence uses to arrive at its answers. We are not completely aware of how these proteins are supposed to be folded. And we don’t fully understand how these pharmaceuticals interact in our bodies. Lets have something we don’t understand, make predictions about something else we don’t understand, to make something else we don’t understand, have the FDA slap a ‘safe’ label on it, and gobble it all up. It sounds like another pile of dog crap, this time dressed up in a lab coat with wires sticking out of it.
The last article I read on my browser’s news feed really turned my stomach. NPR’s More people are opting to get sterilized – and some are being turned away is absolutely nauseating. In this article, NPR actually celebrates ‘sterilization parties’ for women who decided they won’t allow for human propagation through their wombs, opting instead to have their reproductive organs removed entirely. Since they can’t murder their children in an abortion clinic, they are deciding to destroy their reproductive capability entirely and permanently and throwing a party for themselves for doing it. How sick is that?
NPR concerns itself with there being barriers for women to not being able to find services to destroy their childbearing potential. Many doctors won’t perform the surgery on women under 30 because of mental issues which arise later in life. Women under 30 are finding therapists to attest to doctors that these young women have thought out their decision to sterilize themselves. Cost and insurance coverage are also barriers to elective sterilization. Some sterilization procedures are occurring because of fears about the Supreme Court leaving contraception, like abortion, up to the states. All of the people in this article, including the writer, and the publication itself, are piles of dog crap choosing to be non-playable characters in the game of life.
The only explanation for any of these articles is that there is evil making itself increasingly known upon the earth. I literally think that these piles of dog crap were once human beings but were infested by demonic spirits. Not understanding how sick they actually are from their possession and their love of the ways of this world, they continuously find ways to double down in a spiritual war against common sense, decency, integrity, and, most of all God Himself, but fail to realize that’s what they are actually doing. My God, I ask that their eyes be opened to their ways and realize the evil they are ushering into this world so that they can stop doing them.