How the Atlantic Views the World and the People In It.

How the Atlantic Views the World and the People In It.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/8/2022

It’s been a couple weeks since The Atlantic published Emily Oster’s decision for the murderers fit to be hung due to Nuremberg Code violations be granted amnesty. I still want to see trials and public hangings. The day before the midterm elections The Atlantic struck again with a dive into how Joe Joe the Circus Monkey Biden’s regime is doing. Russell Berman, author of What Joe Biden Has (and Hasn’t) Accomplished, and linked Biden’s ‘accomplishments’ to the likelihood of democrats being voted for today to continue destroying everything in the United States.

Biden’s ‘accomplishments’ include spending $1.9 trillion on COVID relief, spending $1 trillion on ‘infrastructure,’ destroying economic vitality with the Inflation ‘Reduction’ Act, gun ‘safety measures making it easier for the ATF and FBI to prosecute illegal ‘trafficking,’ funding for red flag gun laws, the CHIPS Act, Ukraine funding, and the Violence Against Women Act. Berman also suggests that Biden’s executive orders about student loans and marijuana possession are positives.

Berman also notes what Biden has not accomplished so far. Those legislative nightmares include voting reform, and the Build Back Better agenda being watered down. Berman blames these two failures on Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. He blames all democrats for not trying hard enough for a $15-an-hour minimum wage, pail family and medical leave, free community college, universal pre-K, ‘affordable’ housing initiatives, Medicare being expanded, and tax credits under the American ‘Rescue’ Plan. He also blames democrats for not banning ‘assault’ weapons and not putting public insurance back into Obamacare.

Then Berman gives a report card. The ‘good’ that Biden has done includes The American ‘Rescue’ Plan, ‘green’ energy spending, ‘infrastructure’ spending, Ketanji Jackson’s Supreme Court confirmation, marijuana sentencing reform, ,odest gun reform, lowering prescription drug prices, higher taxes, reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, ‘fixing’ the Post Office, and student loan forgiveness. The ‘bad’ that Biden hasn’t accomplished includes banning ‘assault’ weapons, codifying Roe v Wade, expanding ‘affordable’ housing initiatives, free community college, Medicare-like public option, paid family leave, raising the minimum wage, reversing Trump’s tax cuts, universal pre-K, and voting rights and election reform.

Berman, and everyone at the Atlantic, especially it’s lifetime membership to Epstein Island with the all-inclusive blood drinking package owner, Laurene Powell Jobs (Steve Job’s widow), failed to grasp the results of all of these massive spending bills. Before anyone goes to vote we should fill up on fuel, food, and pay our energy bills. No democrat would get voted for, and rightly so. We should all be reminding ourselves that things are way too expensive compared to our incomes and Joe Biden is the reason for that.

Joe Biden has printed, in less than two years, over half of the entire money supply of the United States. Inflation isn’t a republican word used to describe the economy, nor is it only used by economists and academics. Inflation is experienced by anyone trying to use money to buy anything. A dollar in 1913 was not only redeemable for gold, it had a great deal of purchasing power, and in a time of ‘scarcity’ nonetheless. That dollar today is, in addition to being no longer redeemable for gold and not even tied to any real asset, worth less than a single cent would have been in 1913 before Woodrow Wilson (an openly racist democrat) unconstitutionally, purposefully, and unconscionably destroyed the US economy. Biden printing over half of the money is absolutely why inflation is skyrocketing and will not come back down….

It could come back down if the US was permitted to just start crushing it economically. We aren’t allowed to do that. Instead there is a looming diesel shortage. The Post Office Biden is credited by Berman for fixing cannot get mail to mailboxes because of the shortage. Biden’s response is, and always will be, to liquidate any strategic reserves. Biden has done this with gasoline as well trying to tamp down consumer prices ever so slightly. In doing so Biden is placing our ability to militarily defend ourselves in an increasingly hostile world at risk. Biden has even stooped so low, literally, as to beg OPEC to not cut oil production. Biden could reverse course on the domestic oil production capacity he curtailed as well as the pipelines he shut down, but he would never do that. He would never do that because Biden is a Marxist playing the newest Marxist game: ‘Green-Laws,’ ESG, SDGs, and programmable digital currencies. Welcome to Hell.

Everything that Biden has done on Berman’s list of ‘accomplishments’ have served to destroy America financially. Those which do not cost that much money take away our Constitutional rights and embolden ruthless federal agents to further violate our rights. This is most prominent in the gun legislation which Biden and The Atlantic tout as an accomplishment. The whole idea of the Constitution is violated by Biden’s regime enacting such measures. All current gun laws are repugnant to the US Constitution. But these types don’t care about those pieces of parchment, actually they hate it, and the hate the people who still ‘cling’ to it even more.

Voting democrats into office in these midterms will serve to give Biden’s coup more time to accomplish certain important things which will utterly destroy the nation. Election and voting reform will forever ensure a one-party system in the United States. Gun bans will ensure citizens of the United States are treated with even more disdain by the federal government. If one thinks the federal government sees us as two numbers – a Social Security tracking number and a net worth number – wait until the digital currency gets rolled out with real time IRS access to our assets, net worth, spending patterns, and purchase histories all linked to a biometric identification number. Biden, and the midterm candidates will all decide this for us. I wouldn’t allow Biden to pick ice cream flavors for me, personally, so I really don’t want him nor anyone who agrees with him deciding whether or not the US will require my acquiescence and submital to a biometric ID and the US version of the social credit score.

But let no one forget what Biden also tried to do which Berman completely ignores. Biden attempted to illegally force all employees in an organization of 50 or more people to accept being murdered by medical intervention against their will. Then he labeled us antivaxxers and is still claiming that we are a threat and need to just take our vaccine like good slaves. Never mind that in 2021 all cause deaths were up by 40%, 5 year-olds having heart attacks is being normalized, and thousands of otherwise healthy people are on video dropping dead. Biden and The Atlantic see this as the main benefit of taking the mRNA shot in the first place – less useless eaters. The Biden regime is now insisting that school children be mandated to take this murder jab to attend school. These people are cold-blooded murderers through and through.

The Biden regime has also set up Disinformation Board which, after being publicly denounced by everyone, he claims to have nixed. It is still in existence; however, just in a far more secretive and non-publicly disclosed location of the overly-large and abusive federal government. Obviously the Disinformation Board was in existence prior to its announcement because Facebook, Twitter, and others were ordered to shut down any account and any post suggesting that mRNA vaccines are unsafe, Covid-19 was created in a lab, Fauci is not science and deserves to be tried for crimes against humanity, Hunter Biden needs to be tried for the contents of his laptop, Critical Race Theory and gender identity exploration being taught to elementary school classes needs to cease immediately, or that the 2020 presidential election had irregularities. All of that is illegal and Biden was behind the whole thing. Berman, by not acknowledging this Fourth Amendment disaster, is giving his approval to Biden by not even bothering to mention that the US has turned into a surveillance state as draconian as China, the former USSR, and North Korea. And so is The Atlantic by publishing this love note and wish list to Biden.

The Atlantic views the people in this world as useless eaters. There are too many of us and we need to be eradicated. The globalists who they write in favor of see humanity the same way. Is it any surprise that The Atlantic demands we all line up for multiple rounds of Covid-19 ‘vaccinations’, resign ourselves to global climate initiatives because, as The Atlantic and the globalist love to tell humanity in general, climate change is our fault, or that sexualizing elementary school children by forcing them to endure drag queen story time isn’t pedophilia? The Atlantic engages in these narratives, the same narratives designed, adopted, and implemented across a wide array of business, media, governmental, educational, and academic institutions, because they hate you and want you dead or dying, financially destitute, with no chance for the current generation being born to procreate. They are Planned Parenthood for the living.

How do battel against the war they are waging against humanity? We recognize what we have lost and that this war is actually occurring. We recognize that in order to turn the tables we must not only use our voices to decry their ruthless attempts at destroying humanity in all aspects, but that we use our few remaining dollars and time to take action against them. If that means creating a breakaway economy seperate and distinct from the garbage they are pushing for, then so be it. We can still have nice things not prone to being ruined by these demonic forces. Which brings me to the most important aspect – this is a spiritual war and The Atlantic, like the Biden regime, is fighting for the forces of Satan. Satan defeats humans all the time, God emboldens humans to fight in truth and righteousness. It is time to recognize the spiritual war we are engaged in, get close to God, and allow Him to work through us. The challenge is daunting; however, the stakes are quite high – an eradication of physical humanity coupled with complete lawlessness upon an earth where men beg to die and cannot, or a walk in paradise with God? The Bible holds the TRUTH. I encourage everyone to read it, and to spread the Word of God to all around you. Beware, that activity itself comes with heavy costs and sometimes severe consequences. The reward is eternal salvation.

Bless God and God bless.


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