The More I Learn About the USSR the More I Understand the USA Today

The More I Learn About the USSR the More I Understand the USA Today

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/9/2022

I’ve seen some things during my life that didn’t add up. 9/11 didn’t add up. The Great Recession didn’t add up. Gas prices hitting an average of $5 a gallon in the summer of 2022 didn’t add up. The Iraq War didn’t add up. The Afghanistan War didn’t add up. US history is rife with inconsistencies as well – the JFK assassination, China being open up for US trade, NAFTA, the Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident’, the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, a hot Civil War, the 2020 election, the Covid-19 vaccine, and now, the 2022 midterm elections. It does not make sense in terms of the US Constitution and the values which US citizens hold. The United States, indeed the entire globe, makes complete sense if viewed through the lens of if Lenin’s, Stalin’s, Khrushchev’s, and Brezhnev's Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.

Lenin gained power through the violence the Bolshevik’s unleashed upon Russia in 1917. There were multiple factions with which Lenin’s newfound government went to war with. At the end of the debauchery Lenin had established his murderous rule upon Russia and looked to the frontiers of Russia to expand his global vision. He died before he could accomplish expanding the USSR’s reach which, to Soviet sensibilities was to include the entire world.

In the United States of America, the Bolsheviks are the Sinophiles, UN sponsors, and globalists of all stripes. These groups, working to destroy the US internally, finally found their Lenin in Joseph R. Biden. Much as in Lenin’s time, Biden was thrust into power through the taking of power in a coup in the middle of a global calamity. A lot of US citizens noticed this illegitimate power grab and voiced their concerns about it. So far, Biden has not managed to murder too many people with questions; however, a great deal of time, money, and effort has been exerted by the rouge administration to silence and bankrupt anyone with too many questions on too large of a platform. The reason for this difference is that, just as Soviet rulers did, first they have to demonize the dissenters – then they start murdering people in the camps.

Stalin expanded the USSR by quite a bit through something called the satellization process. This process was successful most often when the USSR had military assets in areas rife with communist agitation. Where the communist agitation did not exist, the USSR sent people to make it exist. Many nations fell to Soviet control in this manner. Many satellization attempts did not succeed but had lasting impacts upon the nations in which they were attempted – some of those impacts are still being felt today.

The United States of 2022 is not the USSR in the fact that the USSR was the center – the mothership if you will – of the entire scheme. The United States of America has been inundated with spies of a global nature and who hate the idea of the United States and demand it be destroyed piece by piece. McCarthy got a little too carried away back in the 1950’s but his intent was completely on point – there was a great deal of subversive activities taking place in the US at the time and we should have done something about it. We didn’t. Now we are in the satellization process of the Great Reset and it’s authors, the world government.

At one time in my life I thought a one-world government was a great idea. The whole world could be just like the United States – we could speak freely, carry weapons, seek our own way financially, and have the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness as our guide. Then I started reading about other governments, including what a world government would necessitate and changed my mind. Forced starvation campaigns, state sponsored mass murders, no freedom to move, speak, or possess effective means for self defense. People were forced to work against their will, murdered through labor, and put in prison in the first place with no due process. Political parties were routinely outlawed and it’s members executed. Money was tightly controlled. Liberty did not exist outside of the United States in which I grew up in, and even then liberty had been sharply curtailed. I changed my mind quickly after realizing the United States’ model would not be copied, a blend of the USSR and Chinese models of international communism would be copied.

Joe Biden has not been able to truly nationalize anything, yet. Things need to get a touch worse before he starts nationalizing industries in the United States. The first ones he will nationalize, in the near future in my opinion, will be energy followed quickly by agriculture and food production and distribution. Once those two are controlled by the US government, all other industries of significance will follow suit and in the process every vestige of any right we once thought we had will be summarily stripped from us. Dissenters will be executed in the court of public opinion before they are executed in reeducation camps at first. Once the public opinion execution cows the rest of the subjects of the US into silence, there will just be physical executions of people, some of whom will be ranking political members, the government charges with suspicious activities. The government ordering the executions will be the global one. The government actually dropping the guillotine blades will be the order takers who hijacked the US government.

That’s our future. That future start right now unless some major challenges are successfully levied against the midterm election results. The other alternative is even worse – a general civil war in the United States. This domestic war would have little in common with the 1860’s version. This 2020’s iteration would not have a Mason Dixon line. It would feature neighbors killing neighbors and brothers killing brothers, while outside factions also started taking over chunks of the nation making allies with one side or another in complete and total anarchy. Imagine a war in which your group is against 30 domestic groups as well as the US military and several foreign military’s simultaneously and at any moment some non-aligned lone wolf could decide they hate your group the most and launch a suicide truck bomb attack against your location. These factions will be formed through myriad coalitions based on race, ethnicity, political ideology, and religion. To avoid this scenario, this is why there are multiple legitimate calls for us to come together (Biden’s calls for unity are not legitimate because there is no toleration of dissent whatsoever – the effect is further fracturing social cohesiveness).

In my opinion I think fomenting civil war is the next step the usurping and interloping regime in the White House plans on staging through false flags. The ‘violent’ conservatives of the USA have not produced enough violence to achieve the war Biden is hoping for so, like the USSR did in multiple foreign nations, he will just create it. Biden is not the leader of the USA, he is an occupying force representing Chinese, United Nations, and globalist interests and those will be his marching orders. During this civil war and the run up to it, Biden will continue to wage a general war on the citizens of the United States by continuing to raise our taxes, spend money on useless endeavors not supported by the people such as funding Ukraine’s utterly useless and murderous participation in repelling Russia’s reactions to Ukrainian, US, EU, and NATO provocations, and depriving the US of energy resources, food production, and freedom from illegal, warrant-less government surveillance. These efforts will continue on in general with or without a general civil war occurring but the scrutiny of these actions will be severely curtailed in the middle of such a conflagration.

But first, before any of that nastiness starts popping up, the demonic democrat party – fully in the service of globalists and corporate campaign funders – need to cement their midterm claims of victory. The globalist media is already spinning the narrative of why there was no ‘red’ wave. There is no talk in these articles about any of the irregularities and computer ‘glitches’ which occurred only in predominately ‘red’ areas. There is no discussion about fraud. No. The New York Times decided that being able to murder babies, not inflation (which it downplayed as an issue at all, was the biggest issue on people’s minds. The Holocaust denying, USSR-approving, Lincoln-hating, Iraqi-murdering toilet paper of record also decided that Trump endorsing candidates, combined with democrats ‘showing up’, and the weeks still needed in some locations to ‘count’ votes led to the lack of a red wave. They went to great lengths to justify the globalist narrative. The truth is harsh – they are really saying “We know that you know we stole the elections we wanted to because we have no integrity and neither do your elections America – F You.

The globalist media echo chamber circle-jerk didn’t leave The Times on their own to report the globalist narrative either. Like good little neo-Bolsheviks they came out in unison demanding compliance to the One World Government narrative. ABC News, NBC News, Politico, CNN, Associated Press, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Atlantic, Newsweek, the BBC, and even Fox News all reported similar stories. Why? Because these are some of the biggest liars and vendors of treason against the United States of America – just as their globalist overlords demand.

I have no doubts that this election, as in 2020, was stolen by neo-Bolsheviks with the intent of turning the US into a full-fledged member of the world government. Even if I play along with the globalist’s desired results, all of the mainstream media is pointing at Trump saying “See Trump – we told you that you were unhinged and that Making America Great Again isn’t popular! Your candidates lost! We won.” To be fair, the republicans who Trump backed ran on the idea of America first – the republicans Trump did not back, for the most part, are lying scumbag globalists who are, or – like John Fetterman – will commit treason against this nation by further colluding and aligning themselves with global interests.

Globalists want a world war. They want programmable digital currencies. They want universal biometric ID. They want quarantine and ‘vaccine’ mandates. They want everyone homeless, starving, and destitute. They want compliance. Most of all they want control of every human on earth through surveillance and dependency. Democrat voters, the same people claiming they are better educated and smarter than any republican voter out there, are the ones who voted for all of these things as well as some illusory right to murder babies, commit infanticide, and murder the elderly. They didn’t vote on their failed concept of democracy and if they did they are some of the most ignorant blocks of wood on earth. They can’t handle the fact that it was their democrat party which has, for ten out of fourteen years, absolutely destroyed this nation. And they call anyone who disagrees with their destruction violent. No, democrat, you and your party are the violent, murderous, Godless morons who are marching this nation right off the cliff. Then you threaten half of an already pissed off nation with civil war? Stay in your basements and drink your murder victims blood you thieving scumbags – I have no use for you, decent society has no use for you, and your ‘elected’ democrat officials will forget about you until they demand you vote for them again. If they do remember you, that’s going to be a problem for you, democrat, because they will label you appropriately and dispose of you the same as you hope MAGA is disposed of. In the meantime they will continue destroying this country. So, congratulations, you voted for Satan and you are going to actively engage in election fraud cover-up narratives for Satan – you will reap your rewards.

Just like elections in Stalin’s USSR which had no use for voters but much use for the ballots they turned in, Biden and the democrat party are doing the same thing today. Either the United States will find judicial relief to ensure election integrity or by 2024 there may has well be no vote at all. Stalin had this queer saying - “The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” Stalin had this really weird way of garnering over 99% of the hundreds of millions of votes cast which makes the 82% of votes cast for John Fetterman sort of suspect. Stalin could at least talk and think. Fetterman cannot do either without assistance. Is Philadelphia really that divorced from the principles of electing leaders to serve the US Constitution? Apparently that is what all of our globalist master want us to accept and just move on without any questions arising in our minds at all.

If these midterm elections accomplished anything, it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the United States has a sickness in its heart. Either that sickness will be dissuaded from committing it’s hateful acts against humanity through the love of Jesus and fear of God or evil will increase. As Steve Quayle notes often – “You cannot fix a spiritual problem with a political solution.” That is especially true in this country. Churches have stopped preaching about the fear of God altogehter and many have stopped mentioning Jesus Christ as well. Many pastors and other church leaders are not trying to nourish their congregations spiritual aspirations and urging them to live their lives in ways which are prohibited by the Bible and condoned by the Satanic influences upon this earth. They relegate the Bible to the world and not the world to the Bible. These same claimants to the Word of God and Gospels of Jesus Christ are the same ‘leaders’ who have been contracted by the federal government of the United States to demand their congregations follow only Romans 13. These Clergy Response Teams are the mask mandaters, the church leaders who stopped services, and the murderers who demanded vaccine records to attend services. Why, because they follow the government’s decrees. When the government comes to these ‘leaders’ they will march their congregations right onto a bus or a train to be delivered to execution centers. The Clergy Response Team members know this and will participate in the slaughter of their flocks anyway. Do you think Biden or his globalist overlords would hesitate to unleash this murder-squad upon the God-fearing when the time feel right? What did the USSR do – that’s right they co-opted the religious institutions they could and murdered everyone else.

This is why I am always suggesting for each of us to read our Bibles and to understand what they actually say. We can make a spiritual problem much worse by murdering the believers in truth through satanically inspired and aligned ‘religious institutions.’ We can make a spiritual problem much worse by having a mutilated Catholicism (for instance) fused with the Chinese government or Islam (Chrislam it is called – a bastardization of the Word of God and the Gospels of Christ). Or we could make the spiritual problem fade and live uprightly and holy in the eyes of the God and as close to perfectly – as Jesus Christ did – as we can by READING THE BIBLE FOR OURSELVES…. It’s an investment no one will regret. I suggest do it sooner rather than later – the Clergy Response Teams will be asking us to step up onto our murder transports soon….

Bless God for He is Holy and He, alone is good, and God bless.


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