T-Minus 24 Hours Followed by Days of Waiting For the Big Fix

T-Minus 24 Hours Followed by Days of Waiting For the Big Fix

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/7/2022

Finally, we can all have the political fliers showing up in our mailboxes stop coming. We all get to vote on Tuesday so there will be no more need for campaigns to mail them. The idea that pro-abortion candidates, open-border advocates, and supporters of government-run everything (socialism) is going to gain a foothold in the neck of the woods I am in is farcical for the time being. That does not mean that there are not some very interesting races out there. It also doesn’t mean that democrats aren’t going to cheat their butts in order to secure victories. But it should mean the end of hearing about how a vote for a republican is a vote to kill children, which is what democrats are running on now at this late hour, after failing to galvanize mainstream support with January 6 proceedings, that inflation isn’t that big of a deal, that gas prices are really not that high, pooh-pooing the impending diesel outage, and Paul Pelosi’s gay lover hitting him in the head with a hammer.

South Dakota has very few national representatives. We only have one House Representative. The incumbent, republican Dusty Johnson, should cruise to victory over a race in which the democrat dropped out and his only opposition is the Libertarian candidate, Collin Duprel. The governor seat is also being contested. The race is between republican incumbent Kristi Noem and democrat Jamie Smith. In the most recent poll, now over two weeks old, Noem held a 19* point lead over Smith. A US Senate seat is also being vied for by democrat Brian Bengs and republican incumbent John Thune. I am no John Thune fan, but he lead the most recent poll by 25 points. In other words the margins are far too large to screw around with South Dakota’s results much.

There are other races; however, which are much tighter. In Maine’s Second District the democrat incumbent Jared Golden is leading by a single point over his republican challenger, Bruce Poliquin as of yesterday. In New Hampshire the democrat incumbent, Chris Pappas, is leading by a point after trailing to his republican challenger, Karoline Leavitt, who was ahead in polls by 6 a week ago. Tony Evers, the democrat governor of Wisconsin is polling two point points below the republican challenger, Tim Michaels. The governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs (democrat) is losing a tight race to Kari Lake who leads by 3 according to the most recent polling data. The wicked witch of the north, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, is only leading by 2 to 3 points in her race against Tudor Dixon.

Personally, my favorite race this year is the one where a stroke victim (likely from taking the vaccine) using computer assistance to understand and to speak and who will likely give his seat to his illegal immigrant wife is running against a vaccine mandate doctor and losing. Democrat John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz are vying to fill the seat Pat Toomey is vacating in the Senate. These two candidates are an absolute train wreck, which is why it is my favorite; however, neither candidate deserves a seat as dog catcher, let alone as a Senator. I’ve argued in the past that the 17th Amendment needs to be repealed and this is a prime example of the necessity of repealing it. Oz leads this race by 2 points.

Fetterman literally cannot speak. He cannot think. He cannot read words off of a teleprompter. This was on full display at his one and only debate with Oz. At the debate Fetterman advocated for child sacrifice by stating he wants to codify Roe v Wade into law. On November 6; however, Fetterman was celebrating the demise of Roe v Wade. What? His opposition, meanwhile, can think, speak, and read words. In early 2021 Mehmet Oz was thanking the vaccine makers for letting us get back to normal and encouraging people to take their death jabs. Now all of a sudden he has decided to try to get the unvaccinated to vote for him. This guy is just another murderer seeking his amnesty through a Senate election instead of demanding it in a globalist newspaper. This race is a train wreck all the way around – one guy is a turd sandwich and the other is a used feminine hygeine product – it is a South Park election. But it is a close train wreck of a race. Will there be a week of counting required to fix this race just right for the preferred candidate to ‘win?’ my prediction is yes.

Last week Joe Biden gave a speech. This speech, detailing the fight for a democracy we don’t live under, thankfully, was just as bad, if not worse, than his previous speech where he summoned every bit of his inner Hitler while describing over half of the nation’s people as terrorists to his democracy. What he promised is an illicit vote based on illicit ballots being legitimized along political lines. He said:

“Once again we’re seeing record turnout all over the country. And that’s good. We want Americans to vote. We want every American’s voice to be heard. Now we have to move the process forward. We know that more and more ballots are cast in early voting or by mail in America. We know that many states don’t start counting those ballots till after the polls close on Nov. 8.

“That means in some cases we won’t know the winner of the election for a few days — until a few days after the election. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. It’s always been important for citizens in the democracy to be informed and engaged. Now it’s important for a citizen to be patient as well. That’s how this is supposed to work.”

Early voting invites corruption and needs to be gotten rid of. Likewise, mail-in ballots are inherently rife for fraud especially when they are mailed to the voter unsolicited. As an example, my father’s household voted exclusively by mail-in ballots in 2020. My father demanded the whole family vote the way he wanted them to. I love him to death and miss him immensely but this pissed me off and I told him so. I can only imagine the numbers of similar incidents which took place in American households across the nation. That constitutes voter intimidation which is a federal crime in certain elections and a state crime in other elections. The penalties include fines and may be misdemeanors or felonies depending upon the activity and the jurisdiction. Where is the study on mail-in ballot voter intimidation by a household member? Those studies don’t exist because democrats don’t fund things that will hurt their cause which, in this case, involves committing massive voter fraud schemes.

Any race which is close enough will end up, after a week of ‘counting additional ballots,’ going to the democrapiest democrat running in the race. To counter this we need poll watchers who do not intervene in suspicious activities but report the activities to the police department and/or the sheriff’s office. We need people with integrity to act as poll workers. There are many who recognized these needs after the coup of 2020 so there is an increased focus upon, and commitments to performing in, these capacities.

Also, polls are not always accurate. Any poll has flaws – namely that it only represents a sample size of the populations it seeks to survey. A good survey will balance out responses in equal numbers across all differences. For instance a poll asking ‘do you plan on voting for the democrat in (pick one) race’ being only asked to republicans or only asked to democrats isn’t going to tell anyone a whole lot. Some polls are conducted this way. Some polls end up being skewed so much towards democrats or republicans as to serve no purpose. That goes with any survey and could very well go for the surveys used in this article (I don’t know, I did no methodological research). Rest assured, what the polls say is a lot like what the sports analysts do before the games they cover – guess what is going to happen. The surveys are a bit more scientific, but they are still prone to being incorrect. Even though it looks good on paper, the teams play the games and we vote it out because at the end of the day, as long as the scoreboards are correctly maintained and the scoring is legitimate, all that matters are the results.

So, we need to vote and we need to vote in massive numbers. Landslides cannot be usurped, only close races. In South Dakota there are 597,148 voters according to the South Dakota Secretary of State – very nearly 50% of them registered as republicans while 25.3% are registered as democrats and 24.2% have no party affiliation or independent registrations. Statewide election rigging is kind of off the table. Even in the largest city in South Dakota, Sioux Falls, where there are roughly 123,000 registered voters, 40.6% are registered republican, 30.8% are democrat, and 28% are not registered with either party, it would still be very difficult to rig the election because of the disparity between registered voters. Math works against democrats in this state. That is not true in other locations.

Elections are important; however, politicians are not going to fix the problems we have in our society. Our problems come from a sickness of the heart. That sickness is caused by a lack of a relationship with God and a lack of understanding Biblical morality. No politician is going to bring that back – only we, as individuals, are going to bring that back. The only way to gain the knowledge of the Bible is to read the Bible, hint, hint. As Steve Quayle says often – “We cannot fix a spiritual problem with a political solution.” He is absolutely correct. Vote your heart’s desire on election day but, as with everything else, ask yourself what God would like you to do first (that means pray to God over these elections). Open your heart to the light of God and make all of the darkness around you flee.

Bless God and God bless

* all polling data was obtained from Real Clear Politics.

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