God Wins

God Wins

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/10/2023

Humanity has all kinds of problems. Most of these problems have been brought about because certain humans have decided their ‘inventions’ are better than what God created. At the same time, many of these idiot savants have demanded that God is not real, Satan is not real, morals should be replaced with ethics, and rational thought is all that counts in life. The results of all of this is the ongoing destruction of humanity. These people are so deep into believing their own bloviated and boastful lies that they fail to understand the truth – God wins.

To clarify, morals are derived from the Torah and were lived flawlessly by one man and only one man – Yeshua. Following Yeshua (Jesus) means following the Torah because He lived on this earth as the living Torah. He lived the 613 laws perfectly. Those 613 laws were condensed into the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Yeshua summed the entire Torah up in two rules in Matthew 22:33-40: 33 When the crowds heard how he taught, they were astounded; 34 but when the P’rushim learned that he had silenced the Tz’dukim, they got together, 35 and one of them who was a Torah expert asked a sh’eilah to trap him: 36 “Rabbi, which of the mitzvot in the Torah is the most important?” 37 He told him, “‘You are to love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ 38 This is the greatest and most important mitzvah. 39 And a second is similar to it, ‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All of the Torah and the Prophets are dependent on these two mitzvot.”

From 613 to 10 to two. The ten summarize the 613 and the two summarize the 613. If you want to follow Yeshua, follow the 613 and remind yourself of them with the summaries in the 2 and the 10. The 613 laws were established by God, through Moses. The laws of the Torah can be broken into themes which broadly cover how to worship God correctly, how to treat one another depending on the relationship, and a civil and criminal justice system. The people the Torah was first given to were thoroughly unaware of any of this because they had been living in Egypt, under Pharaoh's rules and customs, for 400 years. Pharaoh’s Egypt was in no way compatible with God’s morals.

Pharaoh, and just about every other civilization, empire, and nation on earth – throughout all of history – have lived by ethics. Those ethics are of the world and set by the leaders of the world. They reject(ed) the morality of the Torah. Even after being introduced to these morals set down by God, leaders like Pharaoh refused to acknowledge God’s existence, adhere to the laws, and went on making up ethical calculations to justify their positions. Mankind as a whole has not changed whatsoever in this regard. Pharaoh is no different than Joe Biden, Emmanual Macron, Bill Gates, or Klaus Schwab when looking at their relationship with God – they are hardhearted and find ways to harden their hearts towards God every day of their existence. These people reject God and have now come to actually believe they will defeat God.

Where did they get this idea from? That idea could have only came from the Adversary, Satan, himself. What convinced Havah (Eve) to eat the forbidden fruit, Nimrod to try to construct the Tower of Bavel, and Richard Dawkins to worship science itself for it’s reasoning capacity when he stated in 2012, “So when I meet somebody who claims to be religious, my first impulse is: “I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you until you tell me do you really believe — for example, if they say they are Catholic — do you really believe that when a priest blesses a wafer it turns into the body of Christ? Are you seriously telling me you believe that? Are you seriously saying that wine turns into blood?” Mock them! Ridicule them! In public! Don’t fall for the convention that we’re all too polite to talk about religion. Religion is not off the table. Religion is not off limits.”? The Adversary, the King of Lies, Satan did.

Today, we deal with a reason, a logic if you will, which has been deified. That man-made deity is worshiped in the religion of scientism. Obviously, this violates the laws in the Torah, the Ten Commandments, and the commandments of Yeshua. The single commandment which remained throughout all of the versions of the law, whether you are a Christian or a Jew of any variety is love God. People like Richard Dawkins are absolutely Satanic while they hide behind their claims of atheism and mock and ridicule those of us seeking to walk with God. To sum it up, Dawkins gave permission to millions of people who think they don’t need God, many of whom have also been lured by the lies of the Satanically-inspired men and women claiming all sorts of things through science. Instead of trying to understand the world we live in, science, by and large, have decided they can ‘fix’ all of the aspects of the world God messed up and that is highly problematic.

That science, too, was warned against long, long ago. Pharmakeia is a Greek word that is usually translated into something associated with sorcery and witchcraft. But it is also used to denote drug abuse in multiple locations in the New Testament. It is associated with immorality and turning one’s back on God 100% of the time. Drug use, intoxication or being under the influence of strong spirits appears in several locations in the Old Testament as well and seems to have an occult connection. Intoxication let to Lot’s daughters sleeping with their father in Genesis 19:33-36. This is one example of the Bible warning humans to avoid these types of substances.

Another warning came in a book not widely canonized by official religions – the Book of Enoch. Unless you happen to be looking for this book specifically you will not bump into it. The Book of Enoch is, well, something else. In it; however, are listed the names of demons who were evicted from Heaven. Those names are associated with the evil they taught men to do. One evil is to worship God with pen and paper (Enoch 69:10). Another is how to murder babies in the womb (Enoch 69:12). War was taught to mankind (Enoch 8:1). I will not name Lucifer’s accomplices; however, in Enoch 8:2 these demons taught men, “enchantments, and root-cuttings, […] the resolving of enchantments, […] astrology, […] the constellations, […] the knowledge of the clouds, […] the signs of the earth, […] the signs of the sun, and […] the course of the moon.” This is all science and it all came from the Adversary’s sphere of influence over lawless men.

Who created the modern pharmaceutical industry? There are various answers depending on the field one wishes to give credit to; however, in the US it was John D. Rockefeller who spearheaded the widespread adoption of pharmaceuticals because they could be made with his oil. He ended traditional medicine in America. Christians expound of the virtues of Rockefeller and his pious devotion to his family, charitable contributions, and Bible readings, which are all good despite the evil the man wrought upon the world. He should have spent a lot more time reading important, very basic, tenets of how to worship God; however, for on the SEVENTH day, God rested. Yet Christians persist in their delusion that the Sabbath God laid down in Genesis 2:2-3 is actually the first day – the day of the sun. Apologies to those offended. Don’t take it up with me; however, take it up with the church claiming the day of the sun to be set apart in contradiction to God’s law.

So far, pharmaceuticals and a theological transgression have been identified. Once a person believes one lie, it is easier to get them to commit the next. The current ambassadors of Satan – the Bill Gates’ and Yuval Noah Harari’s – know this and they know what lies most people believe. After all, these lies are what modern cultures are built upon. They are the way of the world.

Those ways of the world, today, include holding rational thinking in the place of God. That lie has led billions to destruction through a progression of science mankind should have never attempted to even try to discover. Watson and Crick are credited with making this discovery in 1953 and as soon as they did, brand new fields of demonic science were established. The discovery of DNA being a double helix in 1953 led to the creation of synthetic DNA by 1957, the chemical creation of synthetic DNA in the 1960’s, 1970’s, and 1980’s, and self-replicating chimeras by 2010. Mankind has unlocked an ability best left in God’s hands yet through the technology, mankind has instead proclaimed God is dead and proceeded with synthetic inventions almost completely unabated. The only thing holding them back is man-made ethics.

The same is true in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, ESG, medicine, healthcare, 5G communications, surveillance, geoengineering, frequency weapons, genetically modified food, etc…. All of these inventions and many, many more are being used to destroy humanity, the earth, the atmosphere, the plant-life, the animal-life, and any human future any of us hold out hope for in this realm. Humanity has been physically poisoned by the introduction of these inventions. We have been emotionally hijacked and whipped into panics, frenzies, and hysteria's on purpose by those using these inventions. We are fed streams of informatics intended to induce bouts of trauma-based-psychological fear regarding nuclear holocaust, man-made pathogens, and natural phenomena. This fear is induced on purpose in order to promote that adopting of demonically-inspired science which has destroyed our DNA, our soils, our weather, and our peace. This, too, is science, the science of psychology.

Fear is an especially powerful motivator. God used to be what inspired fear in mankind, and rightly so, for, as merciful as the Father is, so too is His wrath. Korath is a great example of the wrath of God (Numbers 16 – 18). The entire Gospel (the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) is a great example of God’s mercy. The story of Lot in Genesis 19:1-29 is an example of both. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back upon the condemned city she was fleeing yet Lot was spared. Lot followed the instructions which God had given while his wife tested God and paid the consequence. This world is full of fear because many of us have rejected God and that is exactly what the ‘leaders’ of this world want. It is through this that they are able to induce the fear they desire in us and get us to be compliant in facilitating our own deaths. It is through this mechanism that the world will be controlled completely by a one world government led by a singular dictator who controls everything about our lives. It is the science of fear which will get us to accept the sciences intended to kill us not only from the earth but erase our names from the Book of Life. The culprit is the Adversary. These ‘leaders’ or ours are mimicking the same idea the Adversary planted in the mind of Lot’s wife right before she, too, was turned into salt – look back – test God. Our utter destruction looms should we continue to persist in the ways of the world.

Science has brought the ways of the world to where it is at now. If we follow this science and accept this science and the religious tenets proclaiming that our lives on this earth will be forever prolonged, we, indeed, will die both from this world and be rejected by Yeshua Himself. This, too me, is the most terrifying idea in the entire Bible – Matthew 7:21-23, which reads, 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants. 22 On that Day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we expel demons in your name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in your name?’ 23 Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.” In Psalm 6:9(8) King David lamented, 9(8) Get away from me, all you workers of evil!

For Adonai has heard the sound of my weeping. Science has become nothing more than a representation of lawlessness – the corruption of flesh, baby murder, human sacrifice, fornication, bestiality. Science IS lawlessness and the most lawless are the scientists who seek to ‘fix’ what God has created when it was not broken in the first place. What these scientists have broken, they now claim to be able to ‘fix’ and all it will end up costing us is our eternal soul which is all their lawlessness – their distance from the Torah – will ever produce. The Adversary smiles at the idea and encourages them. Satan’s ambassadors demand those following God be mocked, and ridiculed knowing full well that this, too, will result in irrational fears among the deceived and reprobate scientism adherents. The fears of the reprobate will parlay into the imprisonment, torture, and murder of those professing the truth of God. But ...

… In the end, God wins. Those walking with God until the very last win. The prize is eternal life. I already explained how to walk with God – it is in the Torah. Our salvation comes from the blood of Yeshua and belief in Him – believing that the Torah was, indeed made flesh, came down from heaven on God’s command, did God’s will perfectly, and was sacrificed for our sins. Our prayers are carried to God and God’s answers are carried to us through the Holy Spirit – the Ruach HaKodesh – because this is God’s power. We see His power every time it rains or snows, every time we have ever seen a rainbow, and every time we get an answer to a situation we give to God to handle. We witness His power every time we read our Bible’s which is an incredibly important activity. Likewise, it is incredibly important to pray and ask for discernment and understanding of the Bible – the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Things here on earth go from bad to worse in a very short time according to the prophecies of both the Old and New Testaments. If we are in the days Yeshua spoke of in Matthew 24 which tie into 16 Old Testament passages in the Books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Daniel, then these lawless ‘leaders’ of ours are doing a fine job of scaring us out of our minds to get us to believe the lie they are telling and we all have a limited time to make a choice – choose God or choose the world.

Specifically this is to any Christian who tolerated this article thus far. First, thank you. Second, if you follow this hyperlink, it will take you to the 613 laws mentioned earlier. Specifically, go to the one listed at number 23. It states that we are to recite the Shema when we get up in the morning and before we lie down for bed. The Hebrew transliteration it reads:

Shema yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai echad. [barukh shem kevod malkhuto le'olam va'ed.] ve'ahavta et Adonai eloheykha bekhol-levavkha u'vekhol nafshekha u'vekhol me'odekha. ve'hayu hadevarim ha'eileh asher anokhi metzavekha haiyom al-levavekha. veshinantam levanekha vedibarta bam beshivtekha beveitekha u'velekhtekha vaderekh u'vshakhbekha u'vkumekha. u'kshartam le'ot al-yadekha vehayu letotafot bein einekha. u'khtavtam al-mezuzot beitekha u'visharekha.

Here is how that sounds in case you are unfamiliar with it (it is the last link on the page). The English translation reads:

HEAR, O ISRAEL: Adonai our God, Adonai is one. You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

What did Yeshua say in His own words in Matthew 22:37? The same thing the prayer all believers are supposed to be reciting twice daily says. This is the most important thing for believers to do, Yeshua stated, the most important law of the Torah‘You are to love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ Reject the world and be like Yeshua – the Torah in the flesh; set apart; holy. Yeshua Himself told us to do it. Do not let the world pervert this message nor prevent you from understanding. Shalom.

Bless God and God bless.


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