Biden and the FED Take on the Venture Capitalists In Bid to Dictate the Implementation of the Great Reset

Biden and the FED Take on the Venture Capitalists In Bid to Dictate the Implementation of the Great Reset

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/11/2023

I’ve seen lots of people, already, trying to talk their Communist dictator installed by election coup up by talking down about Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House. Biden only has one bank that failed they say as they laugh. Trump had 15. This is a problem because the knuckle dragging fools won’t dig any deeper. Our financial system very well may be drug to depths even lower than we were drug during GWB and Obama’s Great Recession.

During Trump’s time there were 15 banks which went belly up. All of them found receivers in the private sector. The total of their assets was a touch over $19 billion. Because buyers were found, not a lot of three-ring circus media surrounded their collapses. The one bank that has failed thus far due to Bidenomics and the asinine policies of the FED had assets of $209 billion. Of Silicon Valley Bank’s deposits of $175 billion, 89% were uninsured. That is $155.75 billion dollars which – poof – is gone. Get the Biden ‘I did that’ stickers back out because he did this too.

The problem with this bank is that in invested in long-term securities which paid out a fixed-rate. As the interest rates, set by the FED, were pushed up to ‘combat price instability and inflation’ the value of those investments on Silicon Valley Bank’s books and the price on the open market continued to widen. Biden isn’t responsible for the FED raising the rates directly. Biden only made sure that prices and inflation were going to go berserk by shutting down as many businesses as he could, making necessities like energy and everything relying on energy (which is everything it turns out) more expensive, and spending trillions of dollars on useless endeavors like the war in Ukraine, WHO funding, and the Paris Agreement. The FED, naturally, reacted to these changes and now the president and the FED have managed to destroy a bank and most of the deposits at that bank.

In 2008, the same thing happened in the housing market. The value on paper was far different that the value in real life and banks were on the short side of this, tried to raise money to stem the breach, and failed in the hundreds. In 2008 and 2009 the situation was made even worse because of the way the investments were spread, like tumors or time bombs, throughout the US and some foreign financial systems. The trigger in 2008 was mortgage defaults. The trigger in 2023 seems to be exploding interest rates and costs associated with conducting business. I’m not some financial nor some economic wizard but I don’t think I am too far from the mark here, I just think that Joe Biden wanted to watch some banks fail and people get economically devastated.

During the plandemic, one of the champions turned out to be venture capital. In return for a share of equity, people like George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Mark Cuban, along with investment banks and other financial institutions, invested lots of money into businesses they saw potential for growth in. This is where the funding is coming from to force the WEF’s Great Reset down our throats. Because Silicon Valley Bank is heavily involved in venture capital markets this poses a massive problem to the future of the Great Reset. Silicon Valley Bank’s website, which is still operational boasts, “We bank nearly half of all US venture-backed startups, and 44% of the US venture-backed technology and healthcare companies that went public in 2022 are SVB clients.” And right there is why this bank’s failure is a big deal.

It turns out that this would be great for humanity in general if it wasn’t being caused by the FED and Biden regimes. Banks that are funding the businesses demanding ESG compliance, healthcare tyranny, biomedical surveillance systems, ‘green’ tech, AI, and the gambit of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will be are now, officially in trouble. I will shed absolutely no tears over this bank shutting down. To me it seems as if the FED and Biden regimes are fighting with the so-called independents in the venture capital field to determine who will get to take the credit (the blame in my view) for ushering in the Great Reset. It’s an economic civil war and the first battle seems to have gone to the Joe Biden regime and its ally the FED, at least for now.

About a month ago Jim Cramer was telling people to buy up Silicon Valley Bank stock. Jim Cramer is a washed up loser who has a real despotic side to him. Cramer is one of those guys that if he told me to do something I would go out of my way to make sure that I did the opposite. Since Cramer’s advice, the stock has fallen over 66% indicating that maybe Cramer and MSNBC knew something was up with the bank. It didn’t prevent MSNBC from reporting about how great a job Joe Biden is doing with the economy but the evil republicans are holding him back from doing even greater things. MSNBC’s parent company. NBC, through NBCNews, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to demand we believe that Bidenomics is doing great things for us either. NBC is a propaganda organization which doesn’t do anything but put government sponsored and paid for propaganda into public circulation.

In NBC’s piece though, strong suggestions were made that we, the US taxpayers, need to bail these depositors out. Traitor Eric Swalwell is quoted by the NBCNews piece as having tweeted, “"We must make sure all deposits exceeding the FDIC $250k limit are honored. Banking is about confidence," he said. "If depositors lose confidence on the safety of their deposits over 250k then we are in trouble."” Fellow democrat scumbag and psychopath Ro Khanna tweeted about the matter as well, “"I emphasized the importance of doing whatever is legally permissible & appropriate to support the Bank which is central to the startup & tech economy,"”

Swalwell should understand that deposits over the $250,000 limit don’t deserve to be honored. That may sound harsh; however, I don’t need my looted money spent on business trying to murder me and my family through their WEF compliant initiatives. I don’t need the US government to take my money in the first place, actually. And I certainly do not need the psychopaths in the US government and FED creating conditions to destroy the financial and economic vitality of this nation and then, with taxpayer money, step in and act like saviors.

Politicians who worship Satan and commit treason against the United States of America are not the only ones on this psychotic ‘let’s bail them out’ bandwagon. Mark Cuban and Bill Ackman have demanded that the FED take the failed bank (the FDIC is desperately looking for a buyer) and bail them out. On top of that, the banks assets, before they were seized by the FDIC, were flying out of the bank – withdrawn by venture capitalists, leaving normal people, the one’s who are insured, holding an empty bag.

As Infowars astutely pointed out this is exactly how the Great Recession kicked off. The bailouts were the solution all of us were forced to submit to in 2009. But before the bailouts, there was Lehman Brothers failing followed by hundreds of others. The ‘experts’ and ‘authorities’ watched Lehman disintegrate while saying we have this all taken care of. Obviously they didn’t and we bailed US and foreign banks out of the mess they made of themselves. Everyone from Janet Yellen, to Marxist-Keynesian Paul Krugman echoed similar sentiments. Nothing to see here they are claiming. “The effect of SVB's collapse was immediately felt among other large banks. First Republic Bank, PacWest Bancorp, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Capital Corp all faced significant hits from the fallout,” reported The Washington Examiner.

Those four institutions have assets in the neighborhood of $230 billion. On Friday their stock prices went down 14.84%, 37.91%, 22.87%, 11.27%, respectively. It’s not the 60.41% decrease Silicon Valley Bank took on Thursday, the last day they were traded, but those losses are significant. Those losses also show the potential for the issue to grow. What is even more interesting is that Jerome Powell, the FED economic liaison between the BIS at the US, quadrupled down on his plan to put millions of US citizens out of work in the near future with continued interest rate hikes.

What is a few million jobs, and a couple of banks with assets nearing $500 billion dollars when the FED and their ally the US government can hijack the implementation of the Great Reset and claim they are the saviors of the modern world? It’s nothing to them. They don’t care how many people they hurt to get themselves into the position they want to be in. What they don’t want is for the US citizen (or anyone else) being in a position where they can skirt the systems of control they are ushering in to complete the Great Reset. The government is force, at the end of the day. The FED is only aligning with the US government because of the force they possess. Both the US government and FED recognize that the banks may not be as authoritarian as they need to be in order to install the Great Reset. So they took it over. Comply or die – welcome to the show, where no one is the citizen’s friend and the powers that be are vying to be the group to cause the annihilation of civilization.

The FED, and the US government will not remain ally’s in the war against all other death-cult competitors though. The FED will absolutely strangle the US economy to the point the US government says ‘hey, hold up’. By the time they do that though, the FED will have wiped out the wealth of everyone in the United States. Once the FED’s parasitic mission is complete they will go to war with the US government to get the last bit of remaining wealth out of the country. The amount of money the US government will be paying out in welfare and military expenditures will have brought, or quickly bring about, a Cloward and Piven collapse. The FED will be right there to pick up the pieces economically as well as in areas of governance they have no business being involved with. Their singular direction will be the Great Reset and the post-human world.

I don’t want this to happen though it has a good chance of happening. What I can say is that I will be reading my Bible and praying to God and asking for this and similar scenarios to spare me and for God to watch out for His people. I can’t stop the monsters at the FED from raising interest rates, Mark Cuban thinking that he somehow deserves tax dollars to bail him out, or Joe Biden from lying to the US citizenry. I can pray to God for it to be fixed. I can write about my observations and try to provoke thought in my readers. I can call and write to those responsible for making decisions in these areas. I can choose where I’d like to spend my time and my money. And I will keep doing all of these things, God willing.

Bless God and God bless.


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