Biden Has No Use For Congress

Biden Has No Use For Congress

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/9/2023

Congress has a defined list of topics they are supposed to handle. They are all listed in Article I Section 8 in the United States Constitution. Despite their duties, Congress has delegated as many of their responsibilities as possible to the executive branch. When was the last time Congress declared a war? 1942. There have been 8 constitutional declarations of war made by Congress yet the United States has been involved in far more than 8 wars. 5 of those declarations were made during WWI (2 declarations) and WWII (3 times Congress voted to declare war). Since that time, the president has taken the United States to war, illegally, at least 25 times. The same holds true for many aspects of what Congress actually does.

Apart from the United States being constantly at war, entangled in foreign conflicts, another task the body has proven to be derelict in is found in Article II Section 2 Paragraph one, clause one of the US Constitution. It reads, “He [the president] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” Presidents have for several decades decided that they do not need to abide by the US Constitution about treaties. The United States Senate website notes, “In recent decades, presidents have frequently entered the United States into international agreements without the advice and consent of the Senate. These are called "executive agreements." Though not brought before the Senate for approval, executive agreements are still binding on the parties under international law.” The Senate is to blame for this as much as the president is. The effects have been disastrous for the sovereignty of the United States.

Treaties handled this way – where they are incorporated into US law without being submitted to the senate to be ratified or rejected – is absolutely repugnant to the survival of the United States. Examples include The Paris Agreement, the International Health Regulations of 2005, The Small Arms Trade Treaty, Agenda 21, and even a 1992 agreement between the United States and China regarding intellectual property. The United States is not supposed to have a king. Congress is supposed to be representing the will of the several states legislatures. While the Seventeenth Amendment is completely unconstitutional, Senators are still supposed to represent the will of the people of their state. How are they able to represent anyone when treaties are not even submitted to them for ratification and the president just signs and implements them independent of the will of the people entirely? They cannot. And the president becomes increasingly more king-like than the elected leader of a constitutional republic.

This precedent is about to absolutely destroy our lives. Joe Biden has decided to double down on the idea that he, like Obama who is enjoying his third term in the shadows of the Biden regime, can rule by decree. Politico reported on Obama’s tyrannical idea in 2014, ““I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone,” he said at his first Cabinet meeting of the year. Outlining the strategy, Obama said he plans to use his pen to sign executive actions and his phone to convene outside groups in support of his agenda if Congress proves unable or unwilling to act on his priorities.” Instead of representing the United States, Obama, now Biden, declared war on the will of the people in the republic and on the US Constitution itself with this tactic.

There is a pandemic treaty in the pipeline. The WHO has been working on this sovereignty-destroying, legalized-medically-induced-murder, economically-ruinous document for over a year. A draft of this document, negotiated in part by Anthony Fauci, was released and is being debated for signing. Any nation which signs onto this treaty will not be able to amend it, make reservations, nor direct their own response to anything the WHO declares to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) – in other words, a pandemic. It is not only a declaration of an outright war on national economies, individual health, and the Nuremberg code, it is also very expensive. This 32 page document is nothing but global tyranny through ‘healthcare’ as determined by the WHO. Guns, housing, and the man-made climate change hoax are all ‘healthcare’ according to the WHO. Tedros will tell all of us how to handle these issues – forever – so I have to ask, who voted for Tedros (who voted for Biden for that matter)?

Knowing this about the treaty (I do suggest you read through it), consider Joe Biden’s stance. As reported by the New York Post and appearing on MSN, “The treaty is so outrageous that it would never get approved by two-thirds of the Senate, as the US Constitution requires. But the administration is indicating it may try an end run around that requirement, deeming it an international agreement instead. Per King Biden.” The Heritage Foundation’s coverage of the pandemic treaty is just as brutal as the Post’s and they highlight the necessity to have this submitted to Congress for approval or rejection while at the same time noting the way Obama implemented the Paris Agreement without Congressional submission.

It’s not just the president signing treaties designed to decimate the United States which Congress no longer needs to have a say about, it’s also a privately owned foreign central bank which believes they need no approval from Congress to act. We call that the Federal Reserve System which has served to economically destroy the United States’ labor markets, monetary markets, and economy in general to the point where we are facing a depression with the added, very real, possibility of the collapse of the US dollar. It was stupid for the US to adopt the third iteration of a central bank. It was stupid to allow the federal government to directly tax the labor of the citizens of the United States (which is unconstitutional), and it was ridiculously stupid to adopt Keynesian economic policies. All of this was done and now we are facing another calamity.

The calamity is no less destructive to the United States (and the world) than the WHO’s pandemic treaty. And that calamity is spelled CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency, aka US CBDC or digital dollar). It doesn;t seem like it would be that big of a deal until you realize that this ‘currency’ will include biometric and geospacial data, carbon credits, a social credit score, monitor purchases in real time, use AI to do the decision making determining whether or not a purchase or sale is authorized, and destroy any other form of legal trade and currency. Gold will be illegal. Silver will be illegal. Trading a pound of coffee for a new blanket will be illegal. Going to a store 20 minutes away from one’s home will end in arrest. Water, power, public transportation, food, housing, healthcare, employment, education, and access to any other service or good will be determined by the digital dollar and the technology underlying it. It is about a level of control that makes Kim Jung Un blush for not doing it first. Totalitarians love the idea of CBDC.

There are several types of money clients in the United States. For the purposes of this article, Investopedia offers a definition of one of these types of money clients – the wholesale clients, “Wholesale money refers to the large sums of money lent by financial institutions in the money markets. This wholesale banking encompasses the market for tradable securities, such as Treasury bills, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, foreign or brokered deposits, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange, repo agreements, federal funds, and short-lived mortgage and asset-backed securities.” In other words, all of the behind the scenes stuff that happens between banks, central banks, governments, and large corporations is included.

Wholesale money is basically orders of magnitude larger than what occurs with retail money. Retail is what happens when anyone who is a consumer purchases something. CBDC’s are intended for retail use but the desired destruction of the US dollar has not quite happened, yet. As the FED continues to manipulate interest rates and the dollar buys less and less while the US government borrows and spends like a drunkard in a distillery, the US dollar will become less and less attractive. Eventually all of the luster of the US dollar will be lost, the US will be in financial ruin, and a CBDC will be proclaimed as the best way to fix the dollar’s demise and the viability of the US economy in general. The US Treasury has created a standing working group to address the concerns and evaluate the potential for issuing a digital dollar in conjunction with the FED, National Security Council, and others according to CoinGape.

In the meantime, the FED, is looking directly at putting a US CBDC system in place at the wholesale level. They started doing this years ago but actually ran a proof of concept project which they announced in November of 2022. The project was to last for 12 weeks and it should be concluded now. The report of the New York Innovation Center, a part of the New York FED, has yet to be released. CBDC schemes are not intended to only tyrannize individuals, but to tyrannize banks, businesses, and governments as well. These entities cannot drive cars or take baths; however, they are capable of making loans, offering goods and services, and levying taxes, respectively. A CBDC system will create ESG (Environment, Social, Government) based restrictions on their activities. ESG is a completely Marxist method of accounting, yes, but it is also the basis for controlling non-human entities like banks and businesses. If they want to stay in business they will comply with whatever the current ESG rules are. Those ESG rules will be set by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) increasingly and force even the various central banks into compliance with one global financial order. I know there are people out there thinking there is no way this will happen, but it is already happening.

But while the FED has paid lip service at least to the need for Congressional authorization to start issuing retail CBDC’s they have decided they don’t necessarily need a nod from Congress for the issuance of wholesale CBDC’s. According to Bezinga, “Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell proposed that the implementation of wholesale central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could potentially bypass the need for congressional approval.” The article continues by paraphrasing Powell’s claims, “While Powell has previously stated that the issuance of retail CBDCs would require authorization from Congress, he explained that wholesale CBDCs may fall into a gray area.”

I’d say that Powell be arrested for even suggesting this scenario is viable. Of course, Powell should have been arrested multiple times over the course of his career and we are all suffering from his actions still, today. The man is a complete Marxist and is dedicated to the financial and economic destruction of every person in the United States and he has been throughout his disastrous career. Janet Yellen is another monster with the same intentions for the United States as Powell. From 2014 to 2018 she was the head of the FED. In 2021 she was made Secretary of the Treasury. Between 2018 and 2021 Yellen worked for the Brookings Institute – a globalist think tank affiliated with the WEF which has not found a globalist institution it does not champion yet. Yellen, too, is nothing but a highly positioned actor committing treason against the United States for her fealty to global governance. It is no wonder that CBDC is being so hotly pursued by the United States currently – Powell, Yellen, and the Biden regime all hate every single person in the country.

With CBDC’s under their control, WE will be under their complete control. They will show us how much they hate us by the massive numbers of us they murder. And they claim they don’t need Congressional input whatsoever in order to place non-human entities under the system. Joe Joe the circus clown Biden is showing his absolute hatred of American citizens regarding his desire to have a CBDC implemented as quickly as possible as well. He signed an executive order regarding a framework for it in March 2022 which resulted in a document titled Technical Evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency System in September 2022. Since it is merely technical, why would Congress need to get involved? Why would Joe Biden need to worry about messy representatives when the CFTC, CFPB, DOC, DOD, DOE, DHS, DOJ, DOL, DOS, DOT, Treasury, EPA, EOP, FDIC, FRB, FTC, GSA, NSF, ODNI, SEC, and USAID already worked on it? In November 2022 the patriarch of the Biden crime syndicate gave a speech at the G20 indicating, again, his commitment to a US CBDC.

44 members of Congress have cosponsored a Ron Johnson (WI) bill titled No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. Also known as S 444, this bill is parked in the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee where it has been read twice. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is chaired by Bob Menendez (his DC office phone number is 202-202-4744) and the ranking member is Idaho Senator, James E. Risch (his DC office phone number is 202-224-2752). On February 21, 2023 Tom Emmer introduced a bill in the House, HR 1122, with a paragraph for a title, To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes. The text is not available. It is now in the hands of Patrick McHenry (NC – district 10), chair of the House Financial Services Committee who can be reached at 202-225-2576. The Committee’s ranking member is Maxine Waters (CA – district 43) who can be reached at 202-225-2201. Call all of them and politely ask for the respective bills to be addressed in committee to allow for floor votes on them.

It’s not that Congress isn’t needed, the opposite is true. We need Congress to actually fulfill it’s roll in our government. We need them to take Joe Biden’s crown off of his decrepit head and the scepter from his hand. We need to melt his throne, turn it into ingots, and restock our treasury. He thinks that he is our king and we are vassals to his every edict and he acts like it too. Reality indicates otherwise. It is being forced to face reality that Joe Biden fears. I cannot think of a single person who wants an unelected murderer (Tedros) to dictate their healthcare to them. I cannot think of a single person who even slightly values their freedom and individual rights who would willingly accept a CBDC. It seems that Joe Biden and the FED not needing Congress is really them stating ‘we are coming to kill you – try and stop us’ as if they needed to keep telling us that is their intention.

And it’s not hyperbole to think that either one of these events occurring will not create mountains of dead US citizens. That is the intent. But it gets even better when the WHO and the CBDC are considered together. What biometric information will be contained on the CBDC? Vaccine status, caloric intake versus allotment, water usage and hydration levels, and nutrient levels for starters. If you hold one shred of hope that this doesn’t portend a satanically inspired end of humanity, I don’t know what to tell you.

There are three passages in the Bible particularly relevant to this conversation. The first is at Revelation 9:4-6: They [the locusts] were instructed not to harm the grass on the earth, any green plant or any tree, but only the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. The locusts were not allowed to kill them, only to inflict pain on them for five months; and the pain they caused was like the pain of a scorpion sting. In those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. Those who have this seal are described in Revelation 7. The taking of the beast’s mark precludes being able to gain this seal.

The second appears in Revelation 13:16-17 and goes Also it forces everyone — great and small, rich and poor, free and slave — to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead preventing anyone from buying or selling unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. The ‘it’ in the passage is the beast and his system is meant to discriminate between those worshiping God almighty and those who have sold their soul to Satan through the beast’s mark in order to access beast’s system.

As long as it is day, we must keep doing the work of the One who sent me; the night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4 is the last of these passages. This night quickly approaches, in my estimation, but it also comes, again in my estimation, when the beast’s end draws close. This is described in Matthew 24:29 where there is complete darkness upon the earth during the day and during the night.

Right now it is day. Right now we can turn to God and repent and ask for the direction needed to stop these evil bastards from forcing everyone into a globally governed healthcare tyranny. We can still pray to God that a BIS controlled global system of CBDC, initiated by each central bank, be thwarted. If this is not the time of the rise of the beast – woe to those living through those times! – it means we must return to God, seek His protection, and worship Him as he told us to. It means we must seek out the guidance of the Holy Spirit which God sends to us. It means we must love God’s Son with all of our hearts and praise His sacrifice that we main gain entry into Heaven because of His actions. It requires us to no longer be silent, no longer be cowards, and to serve God and do His will. If this is the days that Yeshua warned us of; however, we need to do the exact same things with the realization that fewer and fewer people are going to be able to even make up their minds, let alone their hearts, about the matter. They will not be able to worship God after the mark is upon them or, more likely, in them. Take this to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


God Wins


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