Ending Abortion

How To Stop These Baby-Murdering Scumbags?

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/19/2022

Thousands of people have filled the streets to demand the ‘right’ to murder their children. Politicians have paid homage to these monsters. The idea of having Joe Biden demand federal medical providers conduct baby murders has been floated around the White House and was stressed in a letter to Biden by the unholy likes of Elizabeth Warren and Patty Murray. Warren, Murray, and others stated in the letter that “anti-abortion violence is on the rise,” as well as:

“‘The dramatic escalation of attacks on abortion access—spearheaded by right-wing justices, lawmakers, and activists—demands comprehensive and creative strategies from every corner of the federal government,’ the senators wrote.

“Among their recommendations were federally subsidized ‘medication abortions,’ vouchers for women traveling in order to procure an abortion, and even the provision of abortions on federal property in states that have outlawed the procedure.”

Meanwhile, a Constitutional-leaning justice had himself and his family targeted for murder by an unhinged leftist. There have been multiple pro-life, pro-pregnancy centers vandalized, set on fire, and even firebombed. The Warren-Murray side of this argument is excessively violent, and, if those who have committed these types of acts have not been arrested, I demand the sentences of any one in prison for bombing Planned Parenthood’s, like Eric, Rudolph, be freed from their imprisonment. The same goes for every single person who violently attacked Washington DC in 2020 compared to the political arrests of those who non-violently participated in January 6, 2021.

For some people, there are still too many children being born (aka not murdered in the womb) who will reproduce. One answer to quell the idea of children growing up and having families of their own is clearly seen in Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14075. If these demonic piles of garbage cannot convince our not-aborted children to chop off their balls or have their ovaries removed, another method is to get kids hooked into the virtual world – TV, social media, and VR – and place them into an ‘educational environment’ which features Critical Theory and the promotion of transgenderism, homosexuality, and gender dysphoria. They will feel so isolated they will not ever meet a mate. Even if they do meet a mate, they will be hesitant, if not combatant, about marriage, rearing children, or the financial strains of having a family. Another way is to sterilize or murder children through vaccination campaigns.

The FDA has decided to allow the scant efficacy and safety data of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination trials to gain approval for people ages 6 months to 5 years old. The CDC followed suit the following day. In an article by Mike Stobbe, the pretended benefits of the COVID-19 shot are hyped up and the potential side effects, including death, are never mentioned. The only positive thing about Stobbe’s article occurred where he wrote, “Less than a third of children ages 5 to 11 have done so since vaccination opened up to them last November.” That means over 66% of the parents of 5 to 11 year-olds have some kind of common sense and have not recognized a need to sterilize, maim, or murder their child(ren).

There are three prevalent concerns coming out of the already-approved age groups for these ‘vaccines.’ Myocarditis in teens is only rising. SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) has become a brand new issue occurring to adults who have vaccinated. And VAIDS (Vaccine-Induced Immunodeficiency Syndrome) which, as the full name states, has created immunologically challenged individuals who are susceptible to death from lack of an immune system because of the vaccine they subjected themselves to. When people end up dying from these demonic death jabs a lot of them are being found with growths inside of blood vessels which serve the same purpose as a blood clot, yet look like worms, have the elasticity of a rubber band, and grow even after removed from the deceased’s body.

While I can only pray that zero percent of the parents of 6 month-5 year-olds force their children to take this death jab, I’m sure that many of these monsters will drag their children in to receive it. These ‘parents’ are murdering their child’s future progeny at best and murdering their own progeny outright at best. If there really are 18 million children aged 6 months to 5 years, it represents (at the prevalence of the parents of children 5-11 taking their children in to be sterilized, maimed, and murdered – less than 33%) about 6 million children under 5 years old who will become immunolocially comprimised, maimed, or dead within the next several years.

These baby murdering freaks need to be stopped.

How do we stop them?

Stand in front of the death-jab centers and ask those entering with their children to receive the murder-juice to reconsider their choices. Use facts. The people entering these centers are not aligned with God. They are aligned with a depopulation agenda, but mentioning that will scare them off. Ask them if they want grandchildren. Ask these people if they want to bury their children at 12 years old if you are really brave. Explain it to them, but get ready to endure that, despite your best argument, most of these soon-to-be-former parents will still walk in and shoot their very young kids full of mRNA poison.

Stand in front of abortion clinics and hand out pregnancy center literature. Divert as many as you can to not murder their child. While speaking to these women, do not shame them, they have already understood the shaming and they are still trying to get an abortion. Do not describe their ‘procedure’ as murder. Let them know there are options, and abortion is not the best one. Adoption is a great option. Before you decide to go out there, make sure you understand the laws of your state. In some places, the best you will be able to do is bullhorn a bus, in other places, standing on the sidewalk would be permissible. If you get arrested while doing this, how many will you miss? So, do it legally, or at least as so that you can continue speaking truth – that abortion is wrong.

Call legislators, even in New York and California, at all levels, and demand the vaccine and abortions be revoked in those states. Write letters. Make a scene about the issues if they will not listen. Get time to speak in the legislatures, at both the federal and state levels. Call up your county sheriff and ask them how they plan on handling either of these issues, you may be surprised.

If we are permitted to even vote in person in 2022, go vote for whoever it is that is running that will squelch abortions, seek to imprison child grooming gangs (including Biden and his administration), and demand that this mRNA vaccination insanity end.

The point is to do something, NON VIOLENTLY, and get these baby-murdering scumbags to wake up. Whether it is standing in front of baby-murdering centers (abortion clinics or death-jab sites) and trying to reason with men and women over the wisdom of their decisions, or by writing letters and making calls to legislators – do SOMETHING.

Read your Bible is what I would suggest while you are not standing in front of baby-murdering facilities.

May God Bless you and keep you. May God make His face shine on you and show you His favor. May God lift up His face toward you and give you peace. Amen.

If you do nothing else, pray. And while you pray rebuke these evil, unclean spirits within the entities seeking to commit child murder (child sacrifice), and ask that any of these unknowing children be spared from the effects of mRNA technology being inserted into their fleshly body. Ask God for these children to overcome the forecepts and chemicals seeking them out to dismember or chemically destroy them. Ask that all children be introduced to God, the Bible, and Jesus and that their inclinations and curiosity turn towards the Law of God, to seek it, to follow it, and that their hearts be turned towards Jesus to accept the salvation granted by His Father.

Again, God Bless. May your endeavors be peaceful and fruitful.


Abortion At Home


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