The World Cup and…. Giants?

The World Cup and…. Giants?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/6/2022

I like the idea of sports. Sports involve having fun, are goal oriented, help build character, help build teamwork skills, and getting some exercise. That is all great. The reason I have given up on sports is because too many people have turned to them as a form of tribalism. Some people even worship their teams. There is a big difference between being a fan and idolizing a sports team or a sports player (or a music artist, politician, or religious figure for that matter). The National Football League’s playoffs and, especially, the Super Bowl, drives me absolutely nuts every year. Annually, the whole country seems unable to focus on anything else but who they think is going to win the Super Bowl. Thankfully, the FIFA World Cup only occur once every four years, but when they are held, the whole world seems to sit in a stupor, rooting for their team.

In other words, I don’t care one bit about who wins the Super Bowl, or the World Series, or the National Championship. I really don’t care about the game of soccer, the World Cup, nor which nation is the champion of the sport of 10,000 crybabies. Unfortunately, millions of people do not share my avoidance of these circuses. Thus, they are completely clueless that Rand Paul has promised to send Fauci to prison for the rest of his life for his multiple criminal actions – including millions of deaths. They don’t really see the significance of Russian airfields housing nuclear bombers several hundred miles inside of Russia being hit with missiles from Ukraine. They don’t see the child sex trafficking undoubtedly taking place (even in Qatar – go run a search on World Cup sex trafficking) right under their noses as they watch their stupid team play their stupid soccer game. They don’t know about the G20 approving vaccine passports and giving the WHO ultimate discretion over the health decisions of every person on earth. They don’t have a working understanding of what a central bank digital currency is nor what the social credit score will mean for them. They might as well be living in Rome about 1500 years ago – the bread and the circuses will continue to enthrall them while the world burns around them.

One such family in particular caught my eye. They are described in a Daily Mail piece from today titled, “The Brazilian family who can count all of their country's World Cup wins on one hand… even if they succeed a SIXTH time in Qatar! Football-loving relatives all have TWELVE fingers.” It was the 12 fingers that grabbed my attention. According to the Daily Mail, the da Silva family are big fans of the Brazilian soccer team competing in the World Cup and are hoping that they win the whole thing. They didn’t seem to be all that concerned about the deteriorating political events in their country and the attendant massive protests with the military about to step in and fix the situation, but, to be fair, that’s not what the Daily Mail piece is about. The da Silva’s are very hopeful that they can display their deformed hands to represent the number of time Brazil has won the World Cup.

The article says of the da Silvas:

“The da Silvas made headlines during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, with two members going to Germany in 2015 to take part in a study looking into how their brains decided to give them a sixth finger, according to local media.

“Silvia Santos da Silva, the granddaughter of one of the family's first members to have six fingers – the late Francisco de Assis Carvalho da Silva – said: 'They wanted to know about it so they could make better prostheses.'

“The study published in the journal Nature and said hands with six fingers are controlled by more muscles and nerves than hands with five fingers.

“Francisco de Assis Carvalho da Silva, nicknamed 'Six', was a lawyer and musician who became famous due to his extra finger. He reportedly founded the Clube do Choro, a traditional music venue in Brasilia.

“Silvia said most of her family live in Brasilia, adding it started with her maternal grandmother, who passed the trait down to the next generations.

She said: 'When a baby is born, we immediately ask if it's going to have five or six fingers, because six is ​​right for us.

“'People, initially, don't ask so many questions because they think we're ashamed of having six fingers. But, after they get to know us, they realise that this for us is more natural than anything.'”

There are 15 members of this family who have a sixth finger. In one of the photos included with the article, a man is holding up his six-fingered hands and his six-toed feet. He’s smiling. I’m looking at the picture and reading the article asking myself what in the hell is going on in Brazil? Whatever it is – it’s not good. It seems that there are many people with six fingers on their hands in the country. So, the giants are expressing their genes – not the Giants of New York nor the San Francisco baseball team – the ancient heroes, the men of renown. The giants, or Nephilim, are literally returning to the earth it seems. That is why this story caught my eye.

The Smithsonian has hundreds if not thousands of remains which are absolutely not human. They are huge compared to humans. Their skulls are not formed as human skulls. They had double rows of teeth. They had six fingers and six toes. The records are there, but they are not viewed by the public because allowing any of us to know the actual facts would break a lot of arguments and shatter a lot of worldviews. Steve Quayle and L.A. Marzulli have each written about this in Giants Volume 2 and On the Trail of the Nephilim, respectively. At a conference I attended a reproduction of a 12-foot giant was in the lobby just to show the massive scale of the creature. At about 5’ 10”, I came up to the image’s waist and the only place I would be able to attack would be it’s knees and hips. That’s important to recognize because giants – in their full manifestations – eat people, so that seems very important to know if one of these creatures ever appears and is looking at you.

I’m not saying the da Silva’s are cannibals, nor am I saying that any of the other ‘sixers’, as described by Silvia above, are cannibals. I am saying that these creatures, created from the mating of fallen angels with human women, are having their DNA expressed once again. Genesis 6 describes what happened the last time these giants were upon the earth in verses 1-8:  

“1 In time, when men began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. 3 Adonai said, “My Spirit will not live in human beings forever, for they too are flesh; therefore their life span is to be 120 years.” 4 The N’filim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the ancient heroes, men of renown. 5 Adonai saw that the people on earth were very wicked, that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only. 6 Adonai regretted that he had made humankind on the earth; it grieved his heart. 7 Adonai said, “I will wipe out humankind, whom I have created, from the whole earth; and not only human beings, but animals, creeping things and birds in the air; for I regret that I ever made them.” 8 But Noach found grace in the sight of Adonai.”

God then gave Noah instructions to build the ark. Then it rained. It is promised, in red letters nonetheless, in Matthew 24:36-39, “36 But when that day and hour will come, no one knows — not the angels in heaven, not the Son, only the Father. 37 For the Son of Man’s coming will be just as it was in the days of Noach. 38 Back then, before the Flood, people went on eating and drinking, taking wives and becoming wives, right up till the day Noach entered the ark; 39 and they didn’t know what was happening until the Flood came and swept them all away. It will be just like that when the Son of Man comes.” Does that mean that giants will return to the land? It may or it may not but one thing is certain from these tracts – the people decided to pay no heed to the living God.

The fallen angels, those who followed Lucifer out of heaven after Lucifer’s failed coup attempt on the Throne of God, mated with women and corrupted human beings – all of humanity save 8 souls actually. That the traits of the Nephilim are returning to the earth in humans, is not surprising, given the times. Equally unsurprising, but still completely disgusting, is the idea that humans eating humans is just fine. Television and media are trying to normalize cannibalism, the UN endorses the use of human biological materials in all kinds of food products, and many laws have recently been enacted in ‘progressive’ areas allowing for corpses to be used for fertilizer and other agricultural products.

To tie all of this together, recall that two members of the da Silva family went to Germany to have their genetics studied to assist in ‘prosthetic development.’ No. That’s not why they were there. They were there to have their DNA tested against the DNA of the hidden remains of giants. The people that brought the da Silva’s there want to create what Hitler called the Übermenchen – the super race. Want to know why these ‘scientists’ are so excited about studying those with 6 fingers – they want to bring the Nephilim back to life. I can only imagine what demonic activities these ‘scientists’ have decided to enroll these Brazilians in without their knowledge.

It is said that Rome fell when the circuses stopped and the bread stopped being made. The world is having it’s bread production disrupted. The World Cup is a global circus. Giant traits reappearing around the world in DNA expressions in mankind portends an evil has befallen all of humanity. We can all be Noah and find grace in the eyes of the Lord. We need to read the Bible, repent, and stop paying attention to all of the circuses going on around us and start attending to the fires raging around us. We need to ask ourselves why are all these fires raging and growing as they are in the first place. Because people aren’t looking to God for guidance – their eyes are glued on the fantastical and illusory world of the circuses of the world. It’s time to wake up, turn our faces towards God, and pray for His mercy instead of His wrath to flow forth.

Bless God and God bless.


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