Falling for the Illusions

Falling for the Illusion of Prosperity and Safety

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/20/2022

We live in an increasingly screwed up world. The reason why is simple, really. Mankind, as a whole has turned their backs on God. We have a renegade global cabal dictating the policies of the world and talking non-stop about resets, and climate change, and pandemic preparedness responses. We have an imminent financial collapse in the near future which will shake the world to its core. There are wars, and rumors of war. There are a great many earthquakes. Honestly, it seems like time has sped up to me. There are plagues, and famines, and drought….

Sounds like what was spoken about in the Bible to me. Sounds to me just like the birth pangs Yeshua spoke about. That is a question you will have to answer on your own. If we are not living in the midst of the birth pangs, then we need to step up, as human beings, and tell these evil bastards, NO, because their ‘utopia’ is not part of God’s vision for us and our future is being stripped from us. If they are the birth pangs, then time is very short to get to know God and the time to make that decision grows shorter by the minute and we still, as human beings created in the image of God, need to stand up and tell these evil bastards, NO.

God promises a great delusion to come upon mankind – one so convincing and believable that even the Elect are tempted to fall for it. In my opinion the media, government, globalists, and plenty of people who put too much faith in science are leaking out this great delusion so that when it is revealed in full, nearly everyone will fall for it. The demonically-inspired entities which rule this earth are merely whetting our appetites.

Of course, I am talking about demons again manifesting themselves upon the earth in physical form. Most people just call them ‘aliens.’ I believe they are actually demons and demonically created beings in close allegiance with demons. These demons are the fallen angels of the Bible, aka, the sons of God. The last time they walked upon the earth in a physical form they perverted the human race spiritually and genetically to the point that God destroyed the earth with a flood, sparing only eight people, Abraham and his wife and his three sons and their wives.

How are people going to be deluded so easily by these ‘aliens?’ When global economic collapses occur, trading goods slows down, if not stops altogether. Resources such as food, water, energy, and many taken-for-granted goods (like toilet paper) won’t be readily available. Money will become increasingly worthless (like toilet paper). Starvation will increase, scavenging for food will become a normal way of life, and there will be resource wars.

The war that I am talking about will truly be global. But it will also be local. Crime will increase dramatically until there are factions among the populations of the nations. Meanwhile bombers will be flying all over the place reigning death from the skies. The military’s of the world will be using robots and drones to kill the flesh and blood who are responsible for the maintenance of the AI-driven machines and the hackers trying to take the other sides communications systems down to deprive the machines of their AI capabilities.

And then a big UFO will show up and one of those ‘alien’ gray’s wearing a purple robe will descend from the Nazi-bell craft, offering peace to mankind. The gray will say something along the lines of, ‘we have been watching humans for quite some time and think that your species has great potential to achieve membership in some kind of intergalactic federation. But if you continue down your destructive path you will annihilate yourselves. Here, let us bring peace and prosperity back to the earth.’ People will be so astonished at this, especially in the midst of war, famine, drought, and plague that they would be willing to do just about anything to have their lives be ‘normal’ again, without the war(s), with food at home, rain falling from the heavens, and their diseases cured. Not just for themselves, but for their little ones especially. But the majority of the world will fall for it and go along with the ‘aliens’ promises.

Maybe this ‘alien’ is the Antichrist; however, I think they will come and tell our earthly leaders to ‘fix’ things. Our leaders will end their needless wars, their fear-demics, their weather modification efforts to hold up the rain, and the food shortages. An uneasy peace will be upon the land for a short time. And the ‘aliens’ will hop back on their craft bidding humanity farewell, for now. Before they leave, they will place a human leader in charge of humanity. This ‘alien’-appointed leader will be the Antichrist, in my opinion. And only this leader will have the ability to speak with these humanity-guarding ‘aliens.’

The events which follow are all in the Bible, if you care to understand what is coming our way. As I mentioned earlier; however, the way the evil bastards running our planet see it, they need to whet humanity’s collective whistles about the aliens. And that is what they have been doing for some time now.

USNews has a subject list which includes all of the articles they have published. Extraterrestrials is one of them and since 2012 there have been 14 articles, 9 of which have been in 2018 or later. The latest installment came in July 13, 2021. The U.S. Is Not Alone in Wondering If We Are Alone notes that large percentages of people around the world believe in UFO’s and alien life. UFO’s do not necessarily denote intelligent ‘alien’ life.

I believe in what is called a UFO; however, there are no ‘aliens’ who drive the things. Humans drive the things. The Nazi’s figured out how to make what we call UFO’s they called them haunebus. The US government knows how to make these things and so do many other nations of the world, particularly the Russian’s, Chinese, French, United Kingdom, and, of course, Germany. People fly these things. The engines basically use gravity to propel themselves at crazy angles at very high rates of speed. Since everything I have just written is automatically categorized as conspiracy theory, despite pictures, videos, and even schematics to the contrary. The only conspiracy is the one where the government’s of the world deny the existence of UFO’s completely, until very recently.

The Pentagon has created the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG). Vox reported about some UFO disclosure events in 2021. On July 14, 2022, FOX News reported the US House of Representatives passed an amendment to HR 7900 in a block amendment which appears at 156 in the Congressional Record. The amendment makes those within the government who make public disclosures regarding UFO’s not able to be held accountable for the disclosure.

The idea of aliens has not only been pervasive in movies and TV shows like Star Wars, Alf, Prometheus, and Star Trek, but it keeps popping up in the news too. MSN, Newsweek, Daily Mail, Adam Frank appearing in Newsweek, Washington Examiner, NYPost, the Sun, and Axios, among others, have all published articles about UFO’s within the last month. Tucker Carlson has talked about UFO’s several times on his popular show. CNN also created a video about UFO’s. MSNBC has also reported on UFO’s.

All of the media and legislative attention being given to UFO’s and the possibilities of the existence of ‘alien’ life forms which operate them, will become more routine and take up more airtime and print space. Don’t believe the lie.

The only way to not believe the lie is for a firm belief in God Almighty. Otherwise you, too, may be turned over to the great delusion. It will be next to impossible to reject the offers of food, water, peace, rainfall, and health the ‘aliens’ will be offering. Almost everyone will go for it. Don’t be one of them.


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