The Newest CoVID Recommendations

The Newest CoVID Recommendations

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/14/2022

Some of the CoVID restrictions recommended by the CDC have been removed. Social distancing is no longer recommended. Quarantining is only for those who are actually sick. Schoolchildren don’t have to test to stay in school according tot he CDC. The reasons the CDC gives for its reduced restrictions is the ‘vaccine.’

Now, to be fair, I never played the mask up, social distance, quarantine crap to begin with. I never looked forward to any ‘vaccine’ being rolled out to ‘save me’ from the man made coronavirus strain which sickened so many people. My point is I really have no trust in the CDC and don’t give a rat’s butt about their recommendations – I never followed them. If I felt like crap I stayed home, just like I would at any other time in my life. I didn’t need the CDC to tell me to do this or anything else. All of their recommendations about CoVID-19 were ridiculous, unnecessary, and actually harmful to health. The ‘vaccine’ is positively the most harmful of the CDC’s recommendations and they still recommend people take it and all available boosters.

The mainstream media (propagandists) reporting on the revised CDC recommendations vary. WebMD for instance, stayed somewhat neutral. They reported from several sources who agrees with the relaxing of recommendations as well as others who disagree with CDC recommendations. One of the people who commented for the article on the side of relaxing recommendations did so because she felt that teachers should not be trying to be doctors. She’s the ‘expert’ and everyone else should bow to her apparently. Those who don’t support relaxing recommendations thought the FDA does a better job on recommendations, the CDC’s messaging makes things confusing, and that not enough people have taken all of their boosters.

CNN suggested the CDC may be trying to regain trust from the public. Yet they also quoted an absolute lunatic ‘doctor’ who is still crying about the CDC not going far enough in their recommendations in the first place. Of course they dug up some public educator who called for new mandates like vaccinations, tests, and masks. What I gathered from CNN is nothing will actually change – the monsters planning on masking and jabbing our kids yesterday plan on doing it tomorrow as well. The best part of this article is that people not wearing masks are supposed to be tolerant of those wearing the disease ridden cloths over their faces. I can’t help but wonder where the tolerance was for the non-masking population when the ‘mandates’ were in effect.

NBC News notes that according to the numbers they choose to cite 500 people a day are dying from coronavirus and 100,000 cases a day are still being reported. NBC tried to scare people to just keep on following the old CDC recommendations. After that they quoted CDC personnel and just laid out the new guidelines.

ABC News makes sure to point out that 6 month old children can go get vaccinated. They failed to note the lethal potential side effects nor the fact that, statistically, young children are basically immune from serious effects of coronavirus. They also note that masks may be mandated in schools still. When masks are not mandated, those who choose to wear them are not to be harassed. Again, where was this acceptance of those not masking? I, and many others, were shouted at as killing people’s grandmas for over a year. But now that the numbers of masking idiots is quickly becoming a minority, it would be improper for me to ask them why they are killing themselves. This article only focuses on schools.

CBS News (DSFW) reported on the CDC changes as well. They noted that the CDC now has a county by county CoVID tracking system in place which works much the same way the terrorist rainbow used to work. CBS used the map to point out the ‘trouble’ counties. At the tail end the CBS article points to 400 deaths from CoVID-19 per day in an attempt to keep people scared.

Fox News had two articles about the CDC’s updated recommendations. In the first article, Fox News noted that the CDC no longer recommends to differentiate between vaccination statuses. In the second article, Fox noted that between prior infection and ‘vaccination’ 95% of the nation has some immunity to coronavirus.

The Associated Press coverage of the issue reads much like the CNN effort. They use scare tactics, include megalomaniacal ‘expert’ quotes, and gives credit to the ineffective ‘vaccines’ for providing immunity.

There are two things all of these stories have in common. All of them demand that vaccines be credited as the savior of humanity from CoVID-19. Another similarity in these articles is the illumination of how much those in charge rely on a bunch of mentally defective ‘experts’ who masquerade as doctors to dictate to them what they can and cannot do.

It really is sad to me that there are still people choosing to wear a mask – they don’t work! They actually make people sick. Social distancing was a joke to begin with and it is far past time for the CDC to have realized that. People are ‘vaccinating’ their young children for absolutely no reason other than to roll the dice to see if a horrific side effect ‘pops’ up in their child. Never mind that the vaccines don’t work either; not for kids and not for adults.

The statistics show a vivid picture of the murderous effects of forcing remdesivir down someones throat and then ventilating them. The statistics also show that the number of CoVID cases is completely made up. The number of ‘vaccine’ deaths and injuries is not reported by mainstream news – they swallow the idea that people are still dying from CoVID-19 in the hundreds daily and then demand that no one ask any questions. Mainstream media isn’t asking any questions, so I guess, in their demented logic, no one else should be able to either.

Not only am I asking the question – I’m demanding answers to them. Real answers from honest people will quickly reveal that this is all about depopulation. The day after the CDC changed its recommendations, news outlets started reporting about polio outbreaks in New York City. And they still are reporting about monkeypox. The monkeypox news is about how the WHO needs to change the name and not use regions to describe different strains. They are doing this because of racial implications associated with the term monkey, making the WHO a racist institution. The WHO has also opted to use Roman numerals to indicate different strains to not marginalize the regions the different strains originate from. What should we rename monkeypox? In my opinion we should rename it stophavinggayorgiesoryoullgetthispox.

I didn’t cover the recommendations. If you want to read them for yourself to see just how stupid the CDC is still being about CoVID-19 you can see them on the CDC website or go read the NBC News piece.

What I’d like you to take away from this article is a question. These types of restrictions are going to come back. The pretext doesn’t necessarily have to come from a virus the next time. Civil war, nuclear war, world war, mass silencing of dissent, terrorism, martial law declared for ‘climate crises,’ and other causes could return us to the world of 2020. Are you going to ask questions and make decisions based on the answers you are able to discern (hopefully by asking God for guidance) or are you going to blindly obey any ‘expert’s’ decree for how you live your life until they decide otherwise?

God Bless You.


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