Davos 2023 Summary Part 6: Regionalization, Espionage, and the Metaverse

Davos 2023 Summary Part 6: Regionalization, Espionage, and the Metaverse

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/25/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these areas to move humanity towards enslavement and death.

Having already highlighted economics and work (part 1), climate change and resilience (part 2), religion and cost-of-living (part 3), health and technology (part 4), and war (part 5) it would seem that Borge has nothing more to pat himself on the back for. But there was more. He still had to overtly promote activities contributing directly to instituting global government. Brende said, “We also accelerated efforts to strengthen regional collaboration. The forum convened global business leaders for a third meeting of the forum’s Friends of African Continental Free-Trade Area and agreed to develop an action plan for strengthening implementation of this agreement. If successfully implemented it can create 30 to 40 million new jobs in the coming years in Africa.”

There is a 38 page report which accompanied the Davos meeting titled AfCFTA: A New Era for Global Business and Investment in Africa. The opening line of the document, in the Forward, lays out their entire plan. “Officially launched in 2021, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) creates a single market projected to grow to 1.7 billion people and $6.7 trillion in consumer and business spending by 2030.” Well that sounds like a great experiment for Africa to avoid. Instead the nations of Africa have began to sign onto the WEF’s demonic regional plan for Africa.

I don’t know if these African leaders really understand exactly what they are signing onto. They won’t have any sovereignty at all at the end of it – there will be WEF appointed rulers dictating policy to the ‘leaders’ who once lead sovereign nations. Basically, the WEF’s plan lays out a trade for African nations – give us your sovereignty and we will boost your automotive, agriculture and agricultural processing, pharmaceutical, and transport and logistics industries.

Mimicking Islam, this is another WEF plan based on 5 pillars – The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (Pillar 1), Enabling Action for Sustainable Investment initiative (Pillar 2), Trade Tech, Digital Economy Agreements Leadership Group, Trade Finance Frontiers, and Digital Economy Agreements Leadership Group (Pillar 3), Inclusive Trade Initiative (Pillar 4), and Green Trade and Investment pathways (Pillar 5). Notice that all of these are United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals compliant meaning they are designed to destroy through because all of the areas covered by the SDGs are weaponized to advance the post-human world the WEF so badly desires.

In support of the 5 pillars, partnerships are being formed at the ‘local’ level. OCP, an African fertilizer manufacturer is getting in good with local farmers. Novartis has decided to represent the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in several African nations because the locals have taken to attacking Foundation employees. Novartis has also created local partnerships with many religious groups in an effort to discredit God within affected churches, spread cancer, and has advocated abortive services to at least 60,000 females. A company called Yara serves African farmers by shoving sustainability down their throats. DP World is seeking to monopolize all trade ports within Africa. The African Finance Corporation is doing what it can to monopolize the transportation corridors of Africa. The United Bank of Africa is seeking a monopoly in various banking activities on the continent.

To sum up this document, the WEF is going to promote non-competitive business practices because these organizations are completely on board with global government. After establishing completely fascist relationships, these businesses will begin systematically eliminating anyone not absolutely following government edicts. I hope the leaders in Africa who have not yet fallen for this genocidal free-trade promises never decide to join and those who already have joined recognize the folly of their ways and leave the global government institution.

After Borge alluded to the complete destruction of the entire African continent, he continued by talking about the WEF’s Young Global Shapers program. “I’m so heartened our community of Young Leaders has been working together to forge solutions also this week. And, uh, more locally it is also great to see that we will have a Global Shapers hub now in Davos. So the Global Shapers hub of Young Global Shapers were, was formed, and I think some of you are here in the room to today, too, so congratulations. Again, people clapped.

The WEF’s Young Global Shapers have been coming up a lot lately. They are groomed to go out into the world and seem to have a penchant for landing in positions of trust and power. Unbeknownst to most, this has been going on for quite some time and represents a foreign espionage network in each of the 150 nations in which the global government’s agents operate. All of these people are foreign spies and all of them should be treated as such – meaning all 10,055 Shapers and 5,336 alumni need to be rounded up and thrown in prison for espionage. All of them are listed on the Global Shaper website.

Washington DC has two hubs. Hub One has 45 people helping to make sure Washington DC will always be an open sewer of corruption, crime, and unconstitutional activities. The second hub in DC has 27 more spies. There are 24 WEF spies in Atlanta, 35 in Chicago, 20 in Denver, 28 in Seattle, 30 in San Francisco, 31 in LA, 30 in Phoenix, 11 in Albuquerque, 16 in Austin, 22 in Miami, and 30 in Philadelphia. This list of 349 spies is not inclusive. If Merrick Garland wants something to do besides making himself look stupid for imprisoning political prisoners, he can order investigations into all of these global government spies.

Because these global government spies are satanically inspired, so are their efforts. The 37 spies in Boston, for example, are involved in 5 projects. Their page describes their particular chapter of espionage:

“The mission of the Global Shapers Community is to build a global community of outstanding young people committed to improving the state of the world. In Boston, we see a special value in bringing young leaders from many different backgrounds and areas of expertise together. As such, the Boston Global Shapers are a group of individuals throughout the public, private, and social sectors focused on community, growth, and impact. We are eager to help each other’s missions, accelerate, and thrive. To this end, the Boston Hub brings people together who can execute in support of one another, through both personal and professional relationships.”

This doesn’t raise alarms. This is merely a tactic. Included on the homepage of the Global Shapers page, way at the bottom, are the most recent articles coming out of these murderers in training. “This is the secret to management in a fragmented world” (it’s turn human beings into automatons through their definition of ‘well-being’), “11 ways cities can adopt an ESG approach to development and management” (digital-twins, the metaverse, blockchain, and all of the environmental garbage are the 11 ways, so, basically, destroy everyone’s way of life), and “Global Shapers: How youth and least developed countries helped shape climate outcomes at COP27” (they demanded money and carbon markets because their countries are economic morasses) are the top three listed at the bottom of the page. All of these ideas are designed to destroy people, destroy their lives, destroy social cohesion, and destroy sovereign states. Of course the WEF loves those ideas so they can swoop in like the demonic vultures they are and offer ‘solutions’ to those in the ruins they created. Their spies help create the echo chamber needed for these demonic entities at the WEF to appear to have support for their plans – something they do not actually have. Thus, if the WEF’s espionage networks are eliminated they will lose a big piece of their propaganda arm.

With regionalization and espionage networks out of the way, Borge carried on, “Finally, I know it’s been a long list, but you’re very proud of it. You also show that this has been a working meeting where we have rolled up our sleeves. Finally, the forum, in partnership with Accenture and Microsoft, unveiled a working prototype of the Global Collaborative Collaboration Village, a purpose-driven metaverse where organizations can convene to action on the world’s most pressing challenges.”

No one should be proud of their efforts to destroy the entire world and every man, woman, and child upon it. Borge Brende must be a complete satanist to even contemplate these ideas, let alone feel pride over them. The attendees he spoke to fit the same bill. But he mentioned the post-human world directly too, something the WEF may be the most proud of.

Klaus Schwab wrote an article on The Global Collaborative Village which was published by the Chinese-owned, anti-human publication Forbes on January 17, 2023. Not dropping F-bombs here is difficult because Klaus Schwab is such an absolute piece of dirt. In the article he states that we are all about to be forced to participate in a digital gulag called the metaverse. He sees the metaverse as the solution to so-called misinformation (more on this in tomorrow’s article) and told us who will be setting the rules for the gulag, “Business executives, government officials and civil society leaders must come together to define and build an economically viable, interoperable, safe, equitable and inclusive metaverse.” Ah, in other words – not you and I. The reason for the metaverse, as Schwab defines, is purely to reinforce his narrative (which is why it is a gulag):

“The capabilities of the metaverse create the conditions to make extraordinary progress in global interaction and collaboration. That’s why we established the Global Collaboration Village, the first global, purpose-driven metaverse platform. Created to enhance more sustained public-private cooperation and spur action to drive impact at scale, this global village will not replace the need to meet face-to-face but will instead supplement and extend our ability to connect regardless of where we are physically located around the world.”

Notice the public-private proclamation. Public-private merely means fascist without having to say the ‘f’ word out loud. Klaus has so far told us that the WEF and its partners in the creation of the metaverse are designing a real life Clockwork Orange ‘rehabilitation’ device based on propaganda, coerced narrative adherence, which was built by fascists. Then Schwab, at the end of the article, expands the fascist relationships the WEF coverts. He concluded:

“The Annual Meeting 2023 will be an important milestone as we launch our prototype of the Global Collaboration Village in partnership with Accenture and Microsoft, and supported by a consortium of leading global corporations, governments, international organizations, academic institutions and NGOs.

“As technology continues to evolve, we must come together to shape and grow this global village and realize the dream of instantaneous, inclusive and impactful cooperation.”

Schwab’s calls for cooperation in this article are eerily similar to the end of Borge’s speech. “So, as I said I’m so proud that we close this meeting on such a positive note with so much energy. I hope it fuels our actions and ambitions in the year ahead. Because in an uncertain and challenging time, one thing is clear, we can shape a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable future but the only way to do so is together.”

I don’t want anything to do with the WEF except to see every single person and entity involved put in prison, bankrupt, or both. I will never cooperate knowingly with the WEF nor any of their partners. I will do everything I am capable of doing to avoid having to spend one cent on anything any of the WEF’s friends produce, such as Microsoft products. I will not cooperate. I will not collaborate. I will work with every bit of my strength to destroy the WEF, everyone who does partner or cooperate with them, and all of their plans, schemes, and ideas until the day they murder me.

There is no hyperbole involved in my claim that they will murder me. These are all of the same people who are still encouraging people to go out and take their shots. They murdered my father with their ModeRNA garbage. They have murdered tens of millions of human beings thus far in similar fashion. And, as I will write about tomorrow, they already have operational plans to murder billions more through catastrophic cyberattacks, bank bail-ins, and new ‘pandemics’ with ‘cures’ similar to the murderous ‘cures’ they have endorsed over the last 3 years. These people want us dead and they want us to give up our birthright before they murder us.

I suggest you get right with God. We are winning by waking up way faster than the WEF expected us to but there are still plenty of people asleep. Because they know they are losing, the WEF is going to attack humanity over and over again until they either get their way and murder everyone or we put them all in prison for the rest of their demonic lives. The events coming upon the earth are not going to be pleasant, will harm everyone, and cause the deaths of hundreds of millions if not billions of people. Having faith and trust in God is really going to be the only way to successfully defeat the Satanists at the WEF, their friends, and their designs for a post-human world. Don’t be scared, be righteously angry and let God give you the strength to withstand the enemy’s assaults and speak truth in the midst of the battles. Whatever you do, immediately stop funding those using your money to murder all of us.

Bless God and God bless.


Davos 2023 Summary Part 7: What Borge Brende Didn’t Say


Davos 2023 Summary Part 5: War