Davos 2023 Summary Part 5: War

Davos 2023 Summary Part 5: War

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/23/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these areas to move humanity towards enslavement and death.

War was also on the lips of Brende. Any responsible party would demand that Ukraine and Russia sit around a negotiation table with other leaders to keep them on track to see what they can do about ending hostilities. The same is true for all of the rest of the kinetic wars in the world. Not for the WEF. Brende said of the war in Ukraine:

“As the panel also touched on the war in Ukraine, also, umm, is one of the big, big challenges of our time. And we also paid attention to the war during this week and leaders discussed how to scale-up the labor market integration of Ukrainian refugees based on new lessons from the forum’s Refugee Employment and Employability Initiative. And the forum continues to support the dialogue between private sector leaders and Ukraine’s political leadership to support reconstruction efforts. And Krystalina [?], you were also at the CEO’s for Ukraine Initiative meeting, again, it was 70 CEO’s in the room with the first lady and ministers really looking at how we can support also to avoid a total humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Ukraine.”

So, there is no peace being discussed. What is being discussed is what to do with those fleeing from Ukraine, their new Marshall plan, and avoiding humanitarian crisis. Peace, of course, would fix all of that. Even though there have been peace overtures made to look good in the press, looking at what those peace plans contain ensure they will never get anyone to the negotiating table. Zelinsky’s ‘peace’ plan is anything but and is basically an ultimatum given to Russia from a position of weakness. Because no efforts are being made to bring about peace, now the world has to accommodate Zelinsky’s ego-maniacal lost cause propped up by every western power on earth.

The WEF’s Refugee Employment and Employability Initiative page states that their goal is to learn how best to get refugees back to work in foreign lands. It amounts to a virtue signal because none of the involved parties (called stakeholders) have even thought about an actual peace negotiation taking place. From signing on to quotas in employment for Ukrainian refugees (completely illegal), to making it easier for Ukrainian-speaking people to find employment, all kinds of objectives are targeted to make sure Ukrainian refugees are taken care of. Speaking the languages of the host nations is apparently not all that important to these groups as that activity is not really being targeted, meaning the refugees will be at the mercy of global government groups because they won’t be able to understand what the hell is going on. The single best way to get Ukrainians (or any other refugee) employed in a foreign nation is for the refugee to learn the language.

Perhaps the most disgusting aspect of the Ukrainian refugee crisis came out of Germany’s leader, Olaf Scholz. According to the WEF, “Bucking the trend of population decline in many developed countries and pessimistic predictions of a shrinking German population, Scholz noted that his country now boasts more residents and employed individuals than at any other time in its history.” Germany has long been in the business of importing people because the government has successfully discouraged their own citizens from having children. In order to prop up their social benefits, the population must continue to rise and employment must go up. Thus, to avoid the collapse of the welfare system, millions have arrived in Germany from around the world and I’m sure the German people will take less offense at the presence of Ukrainians rather than the disastrous experimentation the nation has destroyed itself with involving North Africans and their cultural proclivities of rape, murder, and refusing to work.

As for the new Marshall Plan envisioned (because the West hasn’t spent enough money on Ukraine frivolously), Brende opined about the ‘positive’ developments on reconstruction. Scholz himself identified the new Marshall Plan as a good opportunity for business. Mind you, it is Scholz’s nation which has given the third highest total in ‘aid’ to Ukraine to ensure the former Soviet satellite is absolutely ruined so the businesses involved in rebuilding it can make handsome profits. Build back better is taking a quite literal form. Living in a fantasy land, Scholz also added this gem to the absolute delusional nature of anything having to do with Ukraine:

“In Berlin at the end of October 2022, we worked with international experts to draw up a Marshall Plan for the long-term reconstruction of Ukraine,” he said. “Private sector capital will play a key role here. I know that many companies in Germany and beyond are very aware of the opportunities that the Ukrainian economic miracle could offer them, particularly as the country moves toward the European Union after the end of the war.”

Scholz and the band of thieves he associates with, including the global government, are seeking to not only seize Russian assets to pay for the Marshall plan, but also to charge them installments of war reparation payments. On top of this the west is expected to dump billions of dollars into this kleptocracy to make sure that it is European Union compliant. Basically, the war is being prolonged to ensure that all of this reconstruction will create a global government utopia which even Dubai nor Singapore can match. On December 26, 2022, Radio Free Europe published a piece summing this concept up and the piece included:

“That kind of package [a new Marshall Plan] could give Ukraine an injection of much-needed Western technology, catapulting it forward, explained Jakob Kirkegaard, one of the authors of the Marshall Fund report: Designing Ukraine's Recovery In The Spirit Of The Marshall Plan.

““Larger infrastructure, especially energy and transport infrastructure being rebuilt will be 'built back better' with an eye to EU standards and abandoning the often Soviet designs, representing the modernization of Ukraine's infrastructure that will eventually make it competitive also inside the EU,” Kirkegaard told RFE/RL in e-mailed remarks.”

This is exactly what Borge Brende is referencing when he expounds on the revelations about rebuilding a Ukraine he demanded be obliterated in the first place. The fascist business partners of the WEF and the global government (they really are one in the same) are slated to be given unimaginable sums of money they dis nothing to earn in order to rebuild a purposefully destroyed Ukraine. The Ukrainian war is nothing but a Keynesian economics and welfare dream combined with the literal destruction of human life and infrastructure which has been purposefully instigated by the West. Russia stepped right into the trap and now they are the boogeyman which all blame can be placed on to absolve the West of their criminal activities while expounding on Russia’s criminal activities.

Brende’s accolades for Olena Zelensky’s ‘work’ in averting a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine was reported on by the Ukrainian government. This worthless pile of crap of a woman is featured in the article as focusing on efforts such as rebuilding a hospital, getting orphaned children adopted, and creating state-created foster homes for orphaned children. The remainder of the article highlights her demands for Western assistance in Ukraine’s insistence to prolong the war and increase the suffering of the Ukrainian people. If someone needs to point a finger at why there are so many orphaned children, one not need look outside of the borders of Ukraine. The problem is the Zelensky’s. Olena knows the only way to fix the humanitarian crisis is to negotiate a peace yet in her speech she is thanking various warmongering European government’s for their efforts to prolong the useless war the Zelensky’s are losing. These people are completely demonic scumbags.

But Brende wasn’t done talking about how the WEF has used wars to get closer to achieving its post-human world. “And we worked and logged progress in different conflicts around of areas in the world. In the Middle East, we continued our work for reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians, ah, you know this, ah, this initiative that we are worked on for many years. And private sector Palestinian and Israeli leaders today, came together this morning and endorsed a communique reinforcing their commitment to supporting the Palestinian economy. And we brought leaders together to strengthen the dialogue in the Western Balkans and to address the political crisis in Myanmar.”

The WEF refuses to accommodate certain cultural and religious perspectives regarding the infestation of Palestinians in Israel. Namely they refuse to acknowledge that there are those in Israel who wish to eject all Palestinians from Israel and that there are those in Palestine who seek to murder every single Jew in Israel. Thus, they only acknowledge a completely ridiculous two-state solution which is befitting of neither the Palestinians nor the Israeli’s. Thus, the communique reads, in part:

“In this complex landscape, business leaders play a crucial role in doubling down on supporting the Palestinian economy as an important building block to advancing dialogue and to maintaining a pathway to the two-state solution. As such, deeply concerned Israeli and Palestinian business leaders from their communities reinforce their commitments to spur economic growth, raise employment opportunities and attract foreign investment in the Palestinian economy. They intend to do so by working together to reduce alarming social and economic disparities and to support the Palestinian economy in the face of a grim political scenario and escalation that could threaten the prospect for a two-state solution. This will contribute to increased social and economic stability in the face of political challenges and a fast-developing regional context.”

In other words, in order to create a two-state solution in which Israel cedes huge portions of it’s nation to a people which has proven itself to be extremely hostile and violent towards the state of Israel and it’s people, the aggressor ‘state’ (Palestine) is to be given opportunities to perpetrate terror in even more areas. In my opinion, the Knesset should vote to have every single signatory of this communique exiled from Israel. In the WEF’s opinion, however, Palestinians need to be put on a fast track to achieving the WEF’s goals of destroying the Israeli state through prioritizing Palestine’s digital economy, social entrepreneurship, access to banking, and increasing their labor force participation rates. In reality there is only one state – the state of Israel – and there is a large population of a terrorist-represented people which no one in the region will accommodate which is why they are in Israel in the first place. The WEF, always trying to make their fantasy land a reality, refuse to acknowledge this and, through decades of propaganda, have created a situation in which even Israeli business people believe the deception a two-state solution represents. Without a Jewish state there can be no Day of Judgment and the WEF, terrified of this judgment, have sought, along with many others, to avoid this judgment by destroying religion in general and the nation of Israel in particular. This is just one more step in that direction.

The peace agreement stupidly arrived at to create Bosnia-Herzegovina is falling apart. It is a fallacy to think that an Islamic majority could ever rule a secular nation because Islam is a barbaric form of government hiding behind a religion. Nonetheless, the peace of 1995 which was arrived at sought to achieve something impossible and now the fallacies the agreement was based on are flowering. There are three ethnic groups in the nation – Bosnian’s in the region are Islamic, Serbs are overwhelmingly orthodox Christian, and the Croats are predominantly Catholic.

In 2007, the Serbian government was cleared of having committed a genocide; however the court also found that a genocide by Serbian forces was perpetrated on Bosniaks. Yes, it is an atrocity. Yes, it was provoked. No, there will be no justice regarding the way that these Muslims ended up 6,000 kilometers from Mecca in the first place by murdering, raping, and pillaging their way into the region. The region is a multicultural disaster and it has been a multicultural display of why multiculturalism doesn’t and will never work. This is exactly the type of situation the WEF hopes to create in Israel as well.

The most recent problem is that the Bosniak-led coalition government of Bosnia-Herzegovina introduced a law criminalizing not accepting their narrative that a genocide of Muslims occurred. In response to the introduction of the law and the witch hunt the Muslim-led ‘secular’ nation has conducted since the genocide, the Bosnian Serb leader, Milorad Dodik has taken steps to dissolve the Serb’s participation in the government. There is no talk of allowing Dodik’s region to leave this stupid conglomeration of incompatibilities – instead the West has sanctioned Dodik.

I have to ask, prior to the massacre of 8,000 Muslims, how many Christians were butchered and raped over the years by those very same Muslims? 10,000? 50,000? 100,000? A million? These questions, of course, constitute hate speech yet I still ask them because the genocide is being absolutely taken out of context in order to promote a fallacy that Islam is peaceful and tolerant – a narrative I deplore and is backed up with nothing factual. Evidence actually points to the Islamic ‘religion’ encouraging lying to, raping, murdering, and otherwise oppressing all non-Moslems at all times and always – the opposite of the picture being painted by the international community, the WEF, and the global government. The reason for this is the shared interest in fascist dictatorships between the global government and Islamic ‘faith.’ The ‘progress’ Brende sees in the looming Balkan crisis is a reinforcement of the fascism sponsored by the WEF-sponsored Islamist elements in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In Myanmar the problems are also attributed to ethnic strife. Myanmar, a Buddhist nation, is charged with discrimination against the Rohingya, a Muslim minority. The Myanmar government has long refused to recognize the citizenship status of this Muslim identity thus the Rohingya are another people without a nation. Of course, this nation-less people are, like the Palestinians and Bosniaks, a people who are leftovers of bygone empires who refuse to assimilate. Muslims always want to take over the areas in which they are in and if they do not get their way they start perpetrating terror attacks, murders, rapes, arsons, and all sorts of other crimes to weaken their enemy into capitulation to their demands. In 2018, Janes.org reported that there were 124 terrorist attacks and in 2019 there were 246 terrorist attacks. Amnesty International credited armed Rohingyan members (ARSA) with committing at least two massacres of Hindus in Myanmar in 2017. The WEF doesn’t really have problems with the terror campaigns, they have a problem with the response to the terror campaigns.

Citing election fraud, Myanmar’s military successfully preformed what western media outlets have called a coup. No matter what they call it, the military has been in control of the nation since February 1, 2021. They have brutally cracked down on armed resistance to their coup. So, basically, Myanmar is in a civil war, much as the in the Balkans, State of Israel, and the Ukrainians. The Guardian reported that the West is actually supporting what has been armed terrorist groups existing in the nation for a long time. They wrote, “Many resorted to taking up arms to oppose the military, forming people’s defence forces. In some cases anti-coup groups are supported by established ethnic armed organisations that have fought against the military for decades.”

The military may very well be justified of stripping the elected leader of Myanmar of her presidency. The Guardian offered, “Voting was cancelled for an estimated 1.5 million voters in areas dominated by ethnic minority communities, apparently due to security concerns. In addition, about 1.1 million Rohingya – who remain in camps in both Myanmar and Bangladesh, where many fled following a brutal army crackdown in 2017 – continue to be denied citizenship and are disenfranchised.” Despite claiming earlier in their article that Western nations saw no problems with the election (because their person won), the quote states otherwise. 2.7% of the population being denied the vote is a problem (I did not count the Rohingya in this calculation because their disenfranchisement has been more or less permanent).

The political crisis Brende is referring in Myanmar is actually a civil war being waged between ethnic minorities and the Buddhist majority. Min Aung Hlaing, the military leader of Myanmar, has been condemned for responding to Rohingya’s violence with his own, state-backed violence. But, because the Muslim minority is the one’s being ‘repressed’ by the military junta, the WEF is all over it to further their own agenda of a post-human world. The vehicle to get Myanmar to go to the WEF’s post-human utopia is the Rohingya.

The WEF supports the side of any conflict that will cause more loss of life, more destruction, and a prolongation of hostilities. In Ukraine they support efforts to draw the world into a global nuclear war and expanded destruction of the people and infrastructure of Ukraine. In Israel they support anyone who seeks to undermine Israel, the more destructive the better. In the Baltics the WEF demands adherence to the fallacy that multiculturalism is a successful experiment. In Myanmar they have chosen to exalt terrorist groups over any government. Never does the WEF seek or even call for peace. They are complete warmongers. Using war, they seek to destroy the established institutions of sovereign states to rebuild them in compliance with global governance. All of Brende’s mentions are examples of this primary goal – destroy, prolong, rebuild with others money and their designs.

Peace will only be achieved on this earth when the Messiah returns. That is something we should all keep in mind. Until then, peace is merely the alternative to conflict. There is a lot of conflict on the face of the earth and most of it is being conducted because of influences external to the arenas themselves, such as the WEF. We should be pushing and promoting peace as Bible believers. And while we increasingly realize that demands for peace are going to be unheard and unheeded because of the agendas these wars will fulfill for global government, we should unceasingly demand peace anyway. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


Davos 2023 Summary Part 6: Regionalization, Espionage, and the Metaverse


Davos 2023 Summary Part 4: Health and Technology